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Author: dauswq

CARI 2012 K-Drama Awards [Peringkat Awal Saringan sehingga 11:59pm 13/1/2013]

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2012 09:33 AM | Show all posts
hyie posted on 31-12-2012 09:26 AM
kan kan? reply 1997 best sangat dgn lawak mental x bleh blah..aku baru maraton sampai ep3..

nmpknye ak kena ngintai jap tgk citer tu...

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Post time 31-12-2012 09:36 AM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 31-12-2012 09:16 AM
mcm tu kau kena bkk thread tu kot semata2 nak masukkan dlm pencalonan...

btw, baru jek eme ...

oh, idok ler aku nk bukak rumah tu semata2 utk dicalonkan dlm anugerah ni. nak2 drama dh hbs, harus la bakal jadik rumah yg sendu xde saper meroyan. hahahaha

psl emel task tu, aku dah reply ^^


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Post time 31-12-2012 09:39 AM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 31-12-2012 09:33 AM
nmpknye ak kena ngintai jap tgk citer tu...

sila la tgk, aku pun gigih marathon citer ni sampai kan tido lmbt sbb rata2 semua pun ckp citer ni best. nak2 mmg boleh related kan dlm kehidupan seharian aku as a fangirl!!!


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Post time 31-12-2012 09:47 AM | Show all posts
1. Drama of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-drama)
1. Arang & The Magistrate
2. The Moon That Embraces The Sun
3. Answer Me 1997
4. May Queen
5. Miss Panda & Hedgehog

2. Best Screenplay / ScriptWriting (CARI 2012 Best Screenplay)
1. Arang & The Magistrate
2. Answer Me 1997
3. The Moon That Embraces The Sun
4. Nice Guy
5. King of Drama

3. Critically Acclaimed Actor of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Actor)
1. Lee Junki (Arang & The Magistrate)
2. Kim Jaewon (May Queen)
3. Song Joongki (Nice Guy)
4. Kim Soohyun (TMTETS)
5. Shin Hyunjoon (Dummy Mommy)

4. The Most Popular Actor of The Year (CARI 2012 The Most Popular K-Drama Actor)
1. Lee Junki (Arang & The Magistrate)
2. Song Joongki (Nice Guy)
3. Kim Soohyun (TMTETS)
4. Lee Donghae (Miss Panda & Hedgehog)
5. Park Yoochun (Rooftop Prince/I Miss You)

5. Critically Acclaimed Actress of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Actress)
1. Ha Heera (Dummy Mommy)
2. Shin Minah (Arang & The Magistrate)
3. Han Gain (TMTETS)
4. Jung Eunji (Answer Me 1997)
5. Moon Chaewon (Nice Guy)

6. The Most Popular Actress of The Year (CARI 2012 The Most Popular K-Drama Actress)
1. Jung Eunji (Answer Me 1997)
2. Shin Minah (Arang & The Magistrate)
3. Han Jimin (Rooftop Prince)
4. Moon Chaewon (Nice Guy)
5. Moon Geunyoung (Cheongdamdong Alice)

7. Best Supporting Actor/Actress of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Supporting Actor/Actress)
1. Yoo Seungho (I Miss You)
2. Choi Siwon (King of Drama)
3. Yeo Jingu (TMTETS/I Miss You)
4. Kim Yoojung (TMTETS/May Queen)
5. Park Jibin ( May Queen)

8. Best OST/Soundtracks (CARI 2012 Best K-drama Soundtracks)
1. Arang & The Magistrate OST
2. The Moon That Embraces The Sun OST
3. Answer Me 1997 OST
4. To The Beautiful You OST
5. King of Drama OST

9. K-Dramalovers' Choice: The Most Memorable Scene  (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Scene)
1. Scene Sato (Lee Junki) mengukur badan Arang (Shin Minah) untuk buat hanbok baru.
2. Scene first kiss antara Yoonjae (Seo Inguk) & Shiwon (Eunji) kat sinki sekolah tu ^^

10. K-Dramalovers' Choice: Couple of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Couple)
1. Lee Junki & Shin Minah (Arang & The Magistrate)
2. Seo Inguk & Jung Eunji (Answer Me 1997)
3. Lee Donghae & Choi Jinhyuk (Miss Panda & Hedgehog) *Bromance*
4. Lee Hyunwoo & Sulli (To The Beautiful You) *sorry minho*
5. Choi Siwon & Jung Ryeowon (King of Drama) *even dorg bukan couple, tp suka tgk chemistry dorg* ^^

nota kaki:
1. untuk The Most Memorable Scene tu, balik rumah kang la kalo teringat, aku buat screen caps... nak buat gif, maleh la kot. hahaha

Last edited by nzhass79 on 14-1-2013 08:58 AM



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Post time 31-12-2012 09:49 AM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 31-12-2012 09:33 AM
nmpknye ak kena ngintai jap tgk citer tu...

kau tak tengok lagi ke? best tau! Ko kena tengok episod 00 dulu, baru ko akan faham...dia ada explain rahsia2 disebalik citer tu...

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Post time 31-12-2012 09:52 AM | Show all posts
bola, basikal, joran, raket

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Post time 31-12-2012 10:01 AM | Show all posts
teky posted on 31-12-2012 09:52 AM
bola, basikal, joran, raket

teky meroyan...


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Post time 31-12-2012 12:12 PM | Show all posts
@dauswq  @nzhass79   @rukiaichigo

thread "my husband got family" atau "unexpected you" mmg tak nah buka
kalau under tajuk lain tak pasti laaa

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Post time 31-12-2012 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Nak join jugak walaupun tak aktif dalam thread nih..tapi tetap aktif tgk drama K

1. Drama of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-drama)
1. The Moon That Embraces The Sun
2. Rooftop Prince
3. The King 2 Hearts
4. Love Rain
5. Queen In Hyun's man

2. Best Screenplay / ScriptWriting (CARI 2012 Best Screenplay)
1. The Moon That Embraces The Sun
2. Rooftop Prince
3. King 2 Hearts
4. Love Rain
5. I do I do

3. Critically Acclaimed Actor of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Actor)
1. Kim Soohyun (TMTETS)
2. Park Yoo Chun - Rooftop Prince
3. Lee Seung Gi (K2H)
4.  Jang Geun Suk (Love Rain)
5. Lee Junki (Arang & The Magistrate)

4. The Most Popular Actor of The Year (CARI 2012 The Most Popular K-Drama Actor)
1. Park Yoo Chun - Rooftop Prince
2. Jang Geun Suk - Love Rain
3. Kim Soohyun (TMTETS)
4. Lee Min Ho - Faith
5. Lee Seung Gi - King 2Hearts

5. Critically Acclaimed Actress of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Actress)
1. Han Gain (TMTETS)
2. Ha Ji Won - King 2Hearts
3. Kim Sun Ah - I Do, I Do  
4. Im Yoona (love rain)
5. Yoo In Na (Queen in hyun's man)

6. The Most Popular Actress of The Year (CARI 2012 The Most Popular K-Drama Actress)
1. Han Gain (TMTETS)
2. Ha Ji Won - King 2Hearts
3. Im Yoona (love rain)
4. Kim Sun Ah - I Do, I Do  
5. Lee Min Jung - Big

7. Best Supporting Actor/Actress of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Supporting Actor/Actress)
1. Jung In Woo - Moon Embraces The Sun
2.  Lee Min-Ho (Rooftop Prince)
3. Jung Suk-Won (Rooftop Prince)
4. Jo Jung-suk (K2H)
5. Yoo Seung Ho (i miss you)

8. Best OST/Soundtracks (CARI 2012 Best K-drama Soundtracks)
1. Rooftop Prince OST
2. The Moon That Embraces The Sun OST
3. Shut up flower boy band OST
4. Love Rain OST
5. Arang & The Magistrate OST

9. K-Dramalovers' Choice: The Most Memorable Scene  (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Scene)
1. scene hot spring dalam love rain..i wish it was me with geun suk

2. the most hillarious and memorable scene dalam Rooftop Prince

10. K-Dramalovers' Choice: Couple of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Couple)
1. im yoona & Jang Geun Suk (Love Rain)
2. Park Yoo Chun & Ha Ji Min (Rooftop Prince)
3. Park Yoo Chun & Yoon Eun Hye (Miss You)
4. Lee Seung Gi & Ha Ji Won (K2H)
5. Ji Hyun Woo & Yoo In Na (Queen In hyun's man) ...diorang memang kapel kat luar kan..

Last edited by nzhass79 on 14-1-2013 08:58 AM



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Post time 31-12-2012 12:31 PM | Show all posts
parasitology posted on 28-12-2012 06:26 PM
buat la sekali kategori worst main characters....
aku nak calon kan watak hero dan heroin gentlem ...

hehehe..aku mcm nk sokong juga...aku rasa cite gentleman dignity tu dia punya sub actor yg berlakon bagus yg hero and heroin tu menyemak je..


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Post time 31-12-2012 12:32 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 30-12-2012 01:05 AM
salam mafilee,
tuk kategori soundtracks kita ambil kesuruhan album, bknnye single..
mungkin mafi ...

ok dah edit boss...


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Post time 31-12-2012 02:25 PM | Show all posts
chinatsu posted on 31-12-2012 12:16 PM
Nak join jugak walaupun tak aktif dalam thread nih..tapi tetap aktif tgk drama K

kesemua pencalonan diterima...
terima kasih di atas undian anda ^^

b/p daus...

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Post time 31-12-2012 03:10 PM | Show all posts
parasitology posted on 28-12-2012 06:26 PM
buat la sekali kategori worst main characters....
aku nak calon kan watak hero dan heroin gentlem ...

ya lor..sokong sesangat! tak sangka kim ha neul & jang dong gun tak best dalam citer nih..padahal diorang kan dikira pelakon A-list korea..jalan cerita pun sendu jah

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Post time 31-12-2012 03:16 PM | Show all posts
rukiaichigo posted on 31-12-2012 02:25 PM
kesemua pencalonan diterima...
terima kasih di atas undian anda ^^

sama2..harap2 calon saya menang..

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Post time 31-12-2012 03:38 PM | Show all posts
instinct sy kata LOVE RAIN N THE MOON EMBRACING THE SUN akan menang besar.

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2012 03:45 PM | Show all posts
margaruitte posted on 31-12-2012 03:38 PM
instinct sy kata LOVE RAIN N THE MOON EMBRACING THE SUN akan menang besar.

aipps..keputusan masih confidential

neway, jgn lupa untuk calonkan sekali...


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Post time 31-12-2012 05:03 PM | Show all posts
@mafilee  @chinatsu  part hero heroin mmg aku skip...takleh langsung nonton....

kalau buat ala razzie awards tu mmg best...byk kot aku nak calonkan....
seronok sket awards gini...

worst scene
- to the beautiful you (time tu hujan, hero heroin di tepi jalan... ada kereta lalu...tae joon halang jae hee dari kene simbah air tp dia lepaskan payung...)

worst acting
- goo hye sun (yes, captain)
- yoona (love rain)

overrated drama

overrated actor
- song joongki (nice guy) (mesti ramai tak setuju )

worst roles
1. watak hero heroin wild romance
2. watak hero heroin gentlemen's dignity
3. hye sung (kang sora) - dream high 2

wasted talent
- yoo ah in & shin se kyung (fashion king)

worst couple
- yes, captain

worst screenplay
- to the beautiful you

mohon tak kena marah dgn TT...suka-suka jah

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2012 05:11 PM | Show all posts
parasitology posted on 31-12-2012 05:03 PM
@mafilee  @chinatsu  part hero heroin mmg aku skip...takleh langsung nonton....

kalau buat ala ra ...

motip kate joong ki overrated? nangis tau fans joong ki

taun depan nak buat boleh jek...nak perbanyakkan awards la kan..
lagipun pemenangnya bkn dtg nak ambil award pun kan? unless klu betul ade sponsor nak bwk depa dtg amik awards kt Malaysia...

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Post time 31-12-2012 05:50 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 31-12-2012 05:11 PM
motip kate joong ki overrated? nangis tau fans joong ki

overrated untuk cite nice guy jelah....
aku rasa lakonan biasa-biasa jah tp pujian melampau kot....
mlm ni tengoklah...harus dpt award tuh...

dia dlm SKKS mmg best...
dlm deep rooted tree aku rasa lakonan dia paling bagus...walaupun muncul kejap je tp mmg berjaya sgt dia bawak watak king waktu muda tu...mmg padan la dpt PD award untuk watak tu...king waktu tua (han suk kyu) pun mmg hebat lar....kesinambungan watak dari muda ke tua yg berjaya.... mmg overshadow terus hero sebenar si jang hyuk tuh....

oh ye...aku rasa kan nape lak tak boleh calonkan yoo seung ho untuk best actor? dia dikira watak utama jugak...dlm award semalam pun dia tercalon sama dgn yoochun (yg mana aku rasa dia berlakon better dari sbb bias aku redho la yoochun menang)..jang hyuk pun actually lead actor untuk deep rooted tree tp daesang dpt kat han suk kyu...

award kat malaysia pun produser boleh pilih salah satu watak utama yg dirasakan paling menonjol untuk dicalonkan best actor...sbb tu faizal hussien tercalon best actor instead of zahiril adzim untuk bunohan....

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Post time 31-12-2012 06:41 PM | Show all posts
nzhass79 posted on 31-12-2012 08:40 AM
sila tgk cpt2 sbb reply97 bestttt... inhyun ok gak ar... missing you lak aku baru tgk sikit... tgg ...

nak link donlot

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