Bonus & Kenaikan Gaji Anda...kat mana nak simpan?
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nah...for your reading pleasure...
Are you feeling trapped in your finances and want to break free from the mundane lifestyle ofthe average income group?
The keyto embark on your financial success is to have a prudent money management system that allows you to systematically allocate your money via the five “magical accounts”.THE five accounts are:
·55% - Essentials Account: This is your survival account and includes everything that you need to live on. For example, rent, mortgage, utilities, food, transportation.
·15% - Emergency Account: This is your umbrella for unforeseen events that may result in a temporary or permanent disability to work. The rule of thumb is to spare at least three months’ worth of living expenses. To enhance this account, include insurance in your emergency account as it creates immediate value at an affordable cost.
· 10% - Golden Goose Account: This is your investment portfolio account with a time horizon of no shorter than four years. The goal is build a portfolio income and grow your net worth.Hence it should be able to hedge against your living cost inflation (your personal inflation rate). NEVER touch this account until you are ready to consume the benefits because this is your golden goose account.
· 10% - Education Account: This is your personal development account. It allows you to spend on furthering your studies, books, seminars and/or discovering new places. Investing in yourself makes you a more valuable and interesting person.
· 10% - Fun Account: This is your play money. So, go ahead, have fun and spend it! If you are able to keep instilling a saving discipline, reward yourself from this account. Indulge yourself because money management doesn’t have to be depressing. Alternatively, this account can be for charity, birthdays or gifts.
If you do not start managing your money today, you may not have any money to manage in the future.
Start laying a foundation to improve your financial life by having these five magical accounts. Find a financial buddy to walk with you through this journey and help you become accountable for your financial life.
Last edited by tina^^ on 22-7-2013 12:06 PM
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SailorMercury posted on 20-7-2013 01:01 PM 
U beli short term share ke?
I mean sebulan jual dah dpt return or u tunggu tahun2 baru jual amd ...
kalau nak cepat main touch n go, tak peram lelama....main warrant. sbb warrant nie murah and ada time limit. tapi kena tau bila nak masuk, bila nak kuar. low risk, low margin. so, its volume game.
kalau ada good opportunity, as & when tue...beli ajek shares yg undervalue (tp ada prospect la) ie...aku still ada simpan 40 lot saham drb dulu beli 1.20 (lower p/e & p/NTA skang dah 2.70 (penah high sampai 3.50) also IPO IHH haritue 2.60 skang dah 4.01...tue sumer utuh lagik....also ada beli dividend stock...mcm TM riding on its higher dividend yield to name a few...
KGT 225 jer... baju raya sepasang or ccn sebentuk lps la gak wpon nipis melayang... bonus tarak..so impian dan angan2..simpan utk hujung thn pulak... |
siputsedut posted on 23-4-2013 01:22 PM 
bonus taun ni berjaya digunakan utk beli our first house dan gelang emas utk anak dara ...
pssstttt beli area mana?
siputsedut posted on 30-7-2013 11:19 AM 
dekat salak tinggi...kensel kajang or semenyih tu
LIKE.weols baru je kensel umah kat nilai impian.sedih sgt.
kenaikan gaji dan bonus tahun ni jatuh pada hari raya puasa. so semua duit dah tukar jadi langsir, meja sofa dan sebagainya. tapi baru raya ni je tukar. rasa2 dah 6 tahun kot x tukar2  |
tina^^ posted on 22-7-2013 12:05 PM 
nah...for your reading pleasure...
Are you feeling trapped in your finances and want to break fre ...
good info
bonus tahun nie bakal di habiskan for travel.....makan2, shopping2, jalan2..... |
bonus 2013 akan dapat october nanti... tgh pikir nak buat apa...  |
lambat lg nk bonus...bln 12 nnt
apapn 1/3 utk ptptn, 1/3 joli, 1/3 msuk TH |
Simpan dkt Tabung Haji atau ASB
belum lg nmpk byg increment, salary adj or bonus |
sila beri tunjuk ajar......
Simpan kat tabung haji. Tak boleh vote lagi  |
Sape sape ada buat loan asb 200k tu, berbaloi kah? Plan buat cenggitu tapi org sekeliling takde buat pulak. Nak buat tapi ada je komitmen  |
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Category: Belia & Informasi