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Author: paler kembang


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Post time 15-9-2011 10:28 PM | Show all posts
wah..mcm best pula JB ni...nyesal tak JB awal.. masalah nya ip saya masi ver. ingat nak update 4.3.5  bru JB..? so mcm mana apa syor otai2 kat sini..

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Post time 15-9-2011 11:14 PM | Show all posts
La.. kat page5 ios4.3.5 blum ble Jb.. so mcm mana ar.. nak update ios ke brapa ni yg mudah utk Jb yg x ada masalah.. huhuhu..ip saya masi 4.1.. sedih gak ni byk yg x updat
otai2..tlong skit..

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Post time 16-9-2011 10:02 AM | Show all posts
Reply 142# captainkop

Try tutorial ni, guna ios 4.3.3

Good Luck

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Post time 16-9-2011 10:34 AM | Show all posts
Ramai jugak pengguna melayu yg guna ipad dan pandai jailbreak sendirik... Bagus bagus...

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Post time 16-9-2011 02:31 PM | Show all posts
Reply 143# bacteria82

Tq ada musykil lg ni..
Skrg guna ios 4.1 so klo nak Jb perlu update ios4.3.3 dlu ka.? Or just Jb ikut mcm dekat blog Bac tu dan akn automatic udapte ke 4.3.3
Nyway thnks byk info dlm blog Bac tu..

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Post time 16-9-2011 03:17 PM | Show all posts
iphone 4 plan ape bgos? aku skrg pkai line maxis, pastu subline plak.
ade org kta digi klu aku stay maxis je rugi ke?
n dlm maxis plan ape bgos..
sorry sy mmg noob bab2 ni

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Post time 16-9-2011 03:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply 145# captainkop

Terus je ikut cara blog tu.. Step Snowbreeze mmg dia update sekali

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 Author| Post time 16-9-2011 05:22 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by paler kembang at 17-9-2011 08:51

Reply 146# meea_dameea

    Pakej i98 celcom paling save dalam dunia...

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Post time 16-9-2011 09:01 PM | Show all posts
Reply 143# bacteria82

salam.. otai2
mcm mana ar nak dpt Ipsw tu..buka snowbreeze n dah dwonload ipsw tu then extract bila click browse tp x dpt la..step 1 puh tak lepas lg ni.. atau cara aku yg silap ni.. tolong eh...

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Post time 16-9-2011 09:32 PM | Show all posts
Reply 149# captainkop

Dalam entry tu kan ada ipsw.. Click je yg mana satu model ko.. Aku letakkan link kat nama model iphone.. Try bawa cursor ke nama model kat keperluan no 4

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Post time 17-9-2011 10:11 PM | Show all posts
Nak minta tolong ni ada sapa yg tahu mcm mana nak reset rstrictions pascod..??
Dah try 11 kali da ni..da restore tp still x ble..

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Post time 18-9-2011 07:52 AM | Show all posts
Redsnow akan menghadapi major update tidak lama lagi yang akan memudahkan lagi pengguna khususnya pengguna baru

We have got some good news for iPhone users, Today MuscleNerd announced on his Twitter account that Redsn0w will have a new major update with a new feature, so MuscleNerd shared some picture of the major update of Redsn0w, and of course it hasn't release yet...

And of course, this new update of Redsn0w will be released in the coming days, but with this new version of Redsn0w you will be able to jailbreak, boot tethered, enter and out of DFU mode....etc

This update is huge. As the picture above shows, you are given a couple new options such as getting out of Recovery Mode, saving & using SHSH Blobs, and a new preferences button. In my opinion, the app is now much easier to use for people who are new to jailbreaking.

So keep yourself update with the latest news...


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Post time 18-9-2011 08:22 AM | Show all posts
Maklumat terkini Cydia

Jay Freeman, a.k.a. “saurik,” took the stage at MyGreatFest, the world’s first jailbreak convention, to talk about his hugely successful jailbreak store known as Cydia. As the father of Cydia and the most prominent figure in the jailbreaking community, Freeman shared insight into the history and future of Cydia and jailbreaking.

We’ve collected some highlights and quotes from Freeman’s talk at MyGreatFest…

First off, it’s interesting to note that Freeman started coding in the 2nd grade. Since then, he has created a jailbreak store used by millions of jailbreakers around the world.

Although Freeman noted that he hasn’t been explicitly approached by Apple, he did describe receiving a “veiled job offer” once from an Apple employee. He believes that Apple would rather pretend that he doesn’t exist, and he doesn’t plan on leaving the jailbreak community anytime soon.

The State of Jailbreaking and Cydia

Freeman said during his talk that between 6-12% of all iDevices are jailbroken at any given time. He explained that the percentage fluctuates depending on when Apple releases a new version of iOS. When a new iOS firmware gets released, he said that the number drops down to about 6%. This makes sense if you think about most people wanting to upgrade and try the new features that Apple implements in a new iOS version.

Freeman does not work on jailbreaks himself, although he did note that he tinkers with some side projects for fun. His main job is the upkeep of Cydia. He leaves the actual jailbreaking to groups like the Chronic Dev Team. He is, however, a member of the famous Dev Team, alongside other prominent figures like MuscleNerd. He described the Dev Team as a “very private IRC channel where guys hang out.”

When asked about how many apps were actually in Cydia, Freeman responded with “about 4.” Freeman sees Cydia as a place for things that don’t belong in the App Store, like tweaks and low-level extensions. Freeman took the time to explain what the word “Cydia” actually meant, but you can refer to our explanation for more information on that topic.

Freeman said that Cydia can be a place for the distribution of rejected App Store apps. He remained ambiguous, as he clearly wants to keep Cydia as a hub of tweaks and hacks that would never make it into the App Store in the first place. Cydia does welcome rejected App Store apps with open arms.

On multitasking in Cydia, Freeman made it clear that he is working on a solution. He is trying to find a way to make Cydia not run as root so that multitasking will work. When asked about the feature, he said, “I’ve got some ideas.”

What about Cydia for Mac? There were rumblings in the community awhile back about Freeman essentially jailbreaking the Mac. After the initial buzz, nothing has been heard for months about the project. Freeman shed some light on Cydia for Mac today at MyGreatFest.

Freeman said that, when he first brought up the idea of a Cydia for Mac, many people couldn’t understand why you would need to jailbreak the Mac in the first place. When Apple introduced OS X Lion, Freeman saw that Apple was continuing to make OS X more ‘sandboxed’ and closed. Due to the complexities in Lion, Freeman said that Cydia for Mac will be released “when it works.”

Freeman is against piracy. Only 1/70 people actually pay for Cydia tweaks, and it seriously cripples the community from growing and becoming stronger. However, Freeman did say that, “If you have a free and open system, piracy is going to occur.” When you jailbreak, you are given the ability to do whatever you want with your device — including pirate. Freeman said, “Once you open Pandora’s box, you can’t close part of it.”

Cydia is an open source project, so Freeman can’t edit or moderate the content that is distributed. Cydia could have a signature system like the App Store for authenticating legitimate users, but multiple jailbreak tools from multiple groups (Dev Team, Chronic Dev Team, etc.) make that impossible.

Instead, Freeman tries to convert pirates. He made the argument that, instead of someone spending hours upon hours trying to crack complicated DRM code, those hacking skills could be put to good use for the community. He noted that several prominent pirates have changed sides and are now working to make Cydia a better and more innovative place.

Freeman talked for a long time about how Cydia was a collaborative project that took many years to develop. He talked about interesting little tidbits, like the evolution of the Cydia icon and the people that helped create Cydia at the beginning of it all. His talk helped to remind us that jailbreaking is very much a community effort, and that the people behind the computer screens are what make jailbreaking so special.

Sumber: ... eaking-mygreatfest/

Wow, Cydia akan ke Mac OS X.. Menarik

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2011 10:16 AM | Show all posts
Aku hanya pakai iphone dan ipad.. Belum lagi laptop mac, baru duk kaji selidik.. Berbaloi ka kalau pakai...

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Post time 18-9-2011 05:49 PM | Show all posts
Post 151 mcm mna ar.??
Terima kasih...

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2011 10:59 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by paler kembang at 18-9-2011 23:14
Nak minta tolong ni ada sapa yg tahu mcm mana nak reset rstrictions pascod..??
Dah try 11 kali da n ...
captainkop Post at 17-9-2011 10:11 PM

    Ini kes berat... Masalah yang tak dapat nak diselesaikan melainkan kita menggunakan passcode yang kita sendiri tetapkan...
Cuba restore ipsw melalui shift+restore dan browse ipsw dalam pc (sila download ipsw ios 4.3.3). Dan jangan ambil semula data dari backup sebab ini mengundang masalah kembali!..

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Post time 19-9-2011 07:12 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by bacteria82 at 19-9-2011 07:35
Aku hanya pakai iphone dan ipad.. Belum lagi laptop mac, baru duk kaji selidik.. Berbaloi ka kalau p ...
paler kembang Post at 18-9-2011 10:16

Ni member aku kat Oh Apple MY ada buat entry lengkap berkaitan Mac, maybe dapat membantu (entri dibuat berdasarkan Mac OS X Snow Leopard - kini OS terbaru adalah Lion yg lebih mantap) ... c-tips-dan-nasihat/
Aku personally mmg suka sgt pakai Mac especially family macbook. Ini disebabkan trackpad dia yang sgt mudah dan byk membantu. Trackpad dia mengguna gesture yang memudahkan pengguna. Dgn gesture di trackpad, mouse mmg tidak diperlukan lagi.

So far aku dah pakai MacBook Pro 2010 (core 2 duo) dan MacBook Air 2011 (i5 1.7Ghz). MBP mempunyai kapasiti yg lebih besar dan bateri yg tahan lama. MacBook Air mempunyai resolution yg tinggi dan sgt ringan. SInce aku dah jadi student balik (sambung master degree), aku jual MBP aku dan angkat MacBook Air ni (senang nak bwk ke kelas and ke lab - ringan dan nipis). Memula mmg rasa kekok sket pakai Mac tapi after seminggu, mmg rasa suka sgt. Segala keperluan di windows, ada di mac.

Dari segi software mmg mudah sgt nak dapat. Mac ada Mac App Store, so boleh terus download app or software yg free dan berbayar mcm di iOS. Hm.. Mac pon ada cracked version utk software, boleh download kat torrent and other sharing site. Apa yg menarik software  cracked mac ni, ia boleh diupdate tanpa sebarang masalah. Terus direct update jika ada update terbaru. Kalau game cracked, boleh main online lagi.

Sgt recommended la utk dapatkan Mac ni. Dan bila iCloud & iOS 5 muncul nanti, lagi best. Semua idevice boleh integrate dgn Mac OS X dgn lebih mudah. Snap pic di iPhone, muncul pic di Mac. Best2

Yg ni sedikit review aku berkaitan MacBook Air 2011

Ni harga2 utk MacBook Air ... /macbook_air/select

Dan yg ni harga MacBook Pro

Mungkin MacBook sedikit mahal berbanding laptop biasa tetapi ia mmg berbaloi. Bertukar kepada MacBook yg bahan binaannya aluminium daripada laptop plastik yang lain tu

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Post time 19-9-2011 07:32 AM | Show all posts
Masa MyGreatFest bebaru ni, team chronic-dev (yg release greenpoison) ada umumkan, mereka telah jumpa 5 exploit userland utk iOS 5 yang akan direleasekan bila iPhone 5 & iOS 5 dilancarkan kepada public tidak lama lagi. Exploit userland ini bermakna, pengguna boleh terus jailbreak iDevice mereka secara direct tanpa perlu menggunakan PC a.k.a ala-ala JailBreakMe.

So sesapa yg rasa jailbreak community semakin pupus, ia adalah perasaan yang silap.

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 Author| Post time 19-9-2011 11:03 AM | Show all posts
Terima kasih Bac di atas penjelasan yang panjang lebar, mungkin aku akan pilih MBP. Jika serasi dengan firewire biasa lagi bagus, sebab dalam kerja seharian aku kena transfer data video dv@avi melalui firewire dari camcoder ke laptop.

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Post time 19-9-2011 02:01 PM | Show all posts
Reply 159# paler kembang

Kalau pakai firewire mmg kena pakai MBP sbb MBP ada port tu.. Macbook Air hanya ada port thunderbolt. Kena beli adaptor thunderbolt ke mana2 port yg dikehendaki jika perlu yg dijual berasingan.

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