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Author: rulers_405


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Post time 10-2-2011 09:14 PM | Show all posts
kalau rujuk sisipan Utusan tahun 2009 pattern dia macam ni

Isnin               1pm-7pm
Selasa             7am-1pm
Selasa            7pm-7am     Rabu pagi

Cuti Rabu & Khamis

Rujukan : Utusan Rabu 30 September 2009

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Post time 11-2-2011 01:02 AM | Show all posts
Munir thnks 4 d info, tp xclear la...
Isnin               1pm-7pm
Selasa             7am-1pm
Selasa            7pm-7am     Rabu pagi
Cuti Rabu & Khamis
Jumaat           1pm-7pm
sabtu             7am-1pm
sabtu             7pm-7am   Ahad pagi
Cuti AHad & Isnin...mcm tu ka? :cf:
bukannya apa...keja ni kan kena prepare mental n fizikal..klu tgk shift pattern nie..2nd day keja bleh tahan gak dia punya stress tu...

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Post time 11-2-2011 01:16 AM | Show all posts
dari yang saya faham macam tu lah

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Post time 11-2-2011 01:39 AM | Show all posts
hehehe..cepatnya hg reply, xtidoq lg ka @  tgh pasang panel solar gurau ja..jgn marah no... aku nie nk mntak tlg skit la kwn² kat porum nie klu bleh bg la mana² lama sesawang yg bleh aku wat rujukan, bleh wat info nk pi itvw nti...kl ada nota² tu passing² la skit kat aku..hehehe.

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Post time 11-2-2011 02:33 AM | Show all posts
kijo malam. NNt aku usahakan cari pautan berkaitan.

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Post time 11-2-2011 06:16 AM | Show all posts
Reply 144# thoyahunk

thoyahunk~kalau hang p kat Forum Flylah dari thread 1~20+ semua citer pasal interview. Take a look. Mungkin different sebab depa officer tapi who know. Rata2 kata yang hard datang dari SPA Panel.

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Post time 11-2-2011 07:53 AM | Show all posts
kalau rujuk sisipan Utusan tahun 2009 pattern dia macam ni

Isnin               1pm-7pm
Selasa    ...
Munir Post at 10-2-2011 21:14

    kalo shif pattern dia camni susahla bg sy yg tgh blajar part time every weekend ni...
agak2 kalo bejaya interview ni bulan bila intake dia?

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Post time 11-2-2011 08:15 AM | Show all posts
leh onhold dulu kot tang belajar tu. Lagipun training nnt camna nak p belajar. Cuba compare dengan thread Officer bila depa intake.

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Post time 11-2-2011 09:15 AM | Show all posts
kalo onhold bila lak nak sambung blk...adoiii... insyaAllah lg 2thn grad.
xmo pikir lg lah.nk pikir intview dulu.dh dpt nant baru pikir balik...hehe kalo dpt la

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Post time 11-2-2011 08:32 PM | Show all posts
i'm going to ipoh airport~so sad.wrong timing.they have visitor.but dun worry dis upcoming monday,i'll get mr jamaluddin & mr omar..

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Post time 11-2-2011 08:45 PM | Show all posts
Hani~WOW & Good Job lah

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Post time 11-2-2011 08:54 PM | Show all posts
owh hani..
g bt visit ek..
ok laa tuh..gud effort.
mtk prmission kt diorg ke?
or else u ada knai org dlam tower tuh??

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2011 09:32 PM | Show all posts
hani, nk ikut leh ke?...hehhehe

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Post time 11-2-2011 10:20 PM | Show all posts
gamble je.pak cik guard soh sign kt buku,pastu masuk je.then kerani kt c2 ckp,de visitor.they quiet bz monday or wednesday coz tuesday is public holiday.lgpn skg ni sy penganggur (after 4 years as a technician) letih la keje kilang.12jam pulak tu.dulu time interview diaorg dh pesan siap2~Sape2 yg lulus oral,dtg balik sini~here i come.harap2 rezeki kita semua ada kt DCA.Insya Allah~maher zain version

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2011 11:19 PM | Show all posts
weh.. sila p link ni..

tgk la camna hebatnya responsibility seorang atc..
aku dok cari full version citer oo...
p/s :agak2 related x ngan intw nnt?...klu x layan la sekadar rehatkan minda..

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Post time 12-2-2011 01:11 AM | Show all posts
Zazzzssssss layanzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Post time 12-2-2011 02:55 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by taru at 12-2-2011 03:05

salam geng,
pengalaman interview a41 2tahon lpas...
panel dca ckp dia ambek calon yg berkemampuan cakap omputih...
most probably sbab keje ni mmg kene ckp omputih.
& plus keje ni ade ujian omputih(english language proficiency test) setiap beberapa tahun sekali... klu tk lpas level 4, tkleh keje... klu tkleh kje, rugi la gomen, gaji nk kne byr...

so sape yg boleh berbahasa inggeris dgn baek mmg ade advantage tuk diambil...
sape yg rase lemah sket tu elok la pulun praktis speaking english utk pronounciation yg clear and bace sokabar omputih tuk tambah vocabulary...
grammar tu korang hantam saje... asal diorang paham dh ok...

pada dak2 laki tuh, pakai la smart gilos...
jadi la mat skema utk sehari tu je...
panel dr spa mmg sgt concern psal attire...
soklan dr panel spa ni pelbagai...
ekonomi ke, politik ke, sosial ke, personal background ke tk dpt nk budget soklan ape yg die nk tembak korang... tgk mood die time tu agak nye...
cume yg penting kalu korang kene provoke kaw2 punye, buat cool je...
keje ni nk org yg sentiasa tenang sepanjang mase...
tk kire la aircraft berlanggar ke, jatuh ke, meletup ke, suara controller kene maintain calm & steady...
pda yg snang gelabah, cepat marah, cepat tension, cepat mengalah, this job wont fit you...

aviation knowledge nih tk yah dlm2 sgt pun tkpe...
cukup tahu surface je, pastu tmbah sket hal2 semasa berkenaan aviation cam recent aircraft crash ke, international airport in malaysia ke largest passenger aircraft ke dll...
diaorg pun paham korang bukan graduate in aviation pun...
cukup sekadar dpt tunjukkan pda diorg yg korang ni mnat bidang aviation nih...
tp klu korang byk mase, ikut suke la nak hahal annex, mats, aip dll...
pada pendapt aku tk perlu...

so rumusan nye...
1. english
2. attire
3. calm & steady

gud luck to all...


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Post time 12-2-2011 05:58 AM | Show all posts
makacih bebyk taru...

tiba2 jd xcited nk pi itvw nie..

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Post time 12-2-2011 08:40 AM | Show all posts
Taru THANK YOU so much. It really helps.

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Post time 12-2-2011 09:32 AM | Show all posts
Guys some example of question taken from FAA - ATC Interview Guide

FAA - ATC Interview Guide
Below you will find the official StuckMic FAA ATC Interview Guide. These interview prep questions have been gleamed from the StuckMic community, for the community as we all help each other through the hiring process. If you have gone through the interview already and would like to add something you were asked so that those who follow you can learn from your wisdom, please feel free. The questions below are in no particular order and may or may not be asked by the FAA during your interview. Best of luck to everyone!!

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. Give a brief description of you and your life.

3. How did you prepare for your interview?

4. Have you ever been to an FAA Facility before?

5. Give an example of working under a stressful situation.

6. What is the most stressful situation you have ever been in?

7. What are your coping mechanisms?

8. Give an example of working with a team.

9. Do you remember a time in your life at work or in school where you were working as a team with a group of people and you were under a stressful situation that your team handled well and succeeded?

    * What was the situation?
    * How did this situation affect you personally and how did it affect the group?
    * How did the group reach a positive outcome and what did you contribute?
    * What do your group member say as to what you could have done better?

10. Do you remember a time in your life at work or in school where you were working as a team with a group of people and you were under a stressful situation in which your team did not succeed?

    * What was the situation?
    * How did this situation affect you personally and how did it affect the group?
    * What do your group member say as to what you could have done better?

11. Do you remember a time in your life at work or in school where you were working as a team with a group of people and you were given a deadline as to when it should be done that your team met?

    * What was the situation?
    * How did this situation affect you personally and how did it affect the group?
    * How did you reach a positive outcome and what did you contribute?
    * What could you have done better as to have finished quicker?
    * What do your group member say as to what you could have done better?

12. Do you remember a time in your life at work or in school where you were working as a team with a group of people and you were given a deadline as to when it should be done in which your team did not meet?

    * What was the situation?
    * How did this situation affect you personally and how did it affect the group?
    * What do your group member say as to what you could have done better?

13. Do you remember a time at work or in school where you personally (not with a group) and were under a stressful situation that you handled well and succeeded?

    * What was the situation?
    * How did this situation affect you personally?
    * How did you reach a positive outcome?

14. Do you remember a time in your life at work or in school where you personally (not with a group) were under a stressful situation and you did not succeed?

    * What was the situation?
    * How did this situation affect you personally?

15. Do you remember a time at work or in school where you personally (not with a group) and were given a deadline as to when it should be done that you met?

    * What was the situation?
    * How did this situation affect you personally?
    * How did you reach a positive outcome?
    * What could you have done better as to have finished quicker?

16. Do you remember a time in your life at work or in school where you personally (not with a group) were given a deadline as to when it should be done in which you did not meet?

    * What was the situation?
    * How did this situation affect you personally?
    * What could you have done better as to have finished quicker?

17. What qualities do you have that make you a good team member?

18. Give situation or experience where you worked in team and had a hard time getting to your goal in a short time.

19. Have you ever been in a position where you were trusted, like handling money at work for example?

    * How did you earn their trust?
    * Why Should I trust you?

20. Do you have any air traffic control experience? (outside of CTI school)

21. Why do you want to be an air traffic controller?

22. What qualities or attributes do you have that would make you a good air traffic controller?

23. What qualities do you believe you must possess to effectively do this job?

24. What are the most important things you are looking for in a career?

25. What makes you different from other candidates?

26. Where do you see your career in air traffic control going?

27. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

28. Why are you interested in air traffic control?

29. What are your feelings on shift work?

30. What else would you like us to know about yourself?

31. Do you have any questions for me?

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