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Author: twinkystar

A.N.JELL II:YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL [8TV, 11.45pm - 12.45am]

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Post time 19-11-2009 08:11 AM | Show all posts
145# blankie kekekeek frust sib baik ada gak adegan2 cute n romantik tk n mn..kekekek tp sian sungguh gn SW...first time aku rasa nk nangis utk dia....waaaaaaaaaaaa

Kalau korang yg kt ats sume nk sepak HY..aku masa tgk tu nk tembak dia terus.....hampess....sib baik TK marah dia......x le thn arrr....

Tp ml td TK mcm2 expression ada muka dia marah suka senyum...complete le...kekekee

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Post time 19-11-2009 08:13 AM | Show all posts
Tp lepas tgk mak TK semlm aku lg risau..apa dia nk buat lepas tgk TK n MN...huuhuhu

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Post time 19-11-2009 08:22 AM | Show all posts
rasa nk lempang YHY bertubi2..

SW saranghae

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Post time 19-11-2009 08:29 AM | Show all posts
145# blankie  kekekeek frust sib baik ada gak adegan2 cute n romantik tk n mn..kekekek tp sian sungguh gn SW...first time aku rasa nk nangis utk dia....waaaaaaaaaaaa

Kalau korang yg kt ats ...
hadiff05 Post at 19-11-2009 07:11

kak fida ottokae
walopon dah spt spoiler smalam, ternangis gak kat opis nih..
sian SW

rs nk lempang HY lagi

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Post time 19-11-2009 08:36 AM | Show all posts

After TK tells MN that he gives her permission to like him, MN says so it's really ok for me to like you? TK says i'm someone who lives with receiving alot of love from ppl. MN asks so you dont feel bad/annoyed? TK says no. An extra person wont make much difference. MN says so you have alot of fans. TK ponders on the word fan.. fan? yes, you can become a fan. MN says thank you, that even for her to become a fan she is grateful. TK beckons MN to come over to him. MN walks over. TK extends his hand out to MN and welcomes her to his fanclub. LOL He pulls her into his embrace and hugs her. MN is surprised and happy at the same time. TK says that's right, you're a special fan and you should be honoured.

Before they leave, MN says goodbye to the sister. She asks MN if TK is her star. MN says yes and that to her, he is a distant star. As MN and TK leave, the sister says to herself, he came all the way to look for gemma. That she prays no matter what happens to them in the future, they will not lose the light.

In the car, MN is eating an orange (?) that the sister gave her but it's very sour. MN tells TK not to eat it coz it's sour. TK says i like sour stuff so MN hands over a bit to him. TK says cant you see i'm driving, do you know how much concentration it takes to drive at night. So MN feeds him but it's really sour. MN remakrs that TK likes sour things and that she will choose the sourest bits for him. TK then tells MN not to dress as a girl while being with SW. MN says ah you said that it doesnt match right? i wont dress like this again. TK says it's ok in front of me.

MN gets a call from SW. MN and TK stop and meet and SW. MN has been found out by reporter kim that she is a girl. Manager ma tells the reporter that in fact it is MN's twin sister Mi Nyeo and even shows him proof. the reporter asks whether mi nyeo is SW's hidden gf and he says yes. So SW has to bring Mi Nyeo back to do an interview with the reporter and to take photos. MN is very scared and asks whether she seems like a girl. TK says taht in his eyes she is a girl and gives her the pin. TK tells SW to answer all the questions for MN. SW then says, now she is my woman, i'm taking her away now. So SW brings MN to meet the reporter. They enter the room holding hands and MN is very nervous. After the interview is done, Ahn sa jang assures the reporter that he gets the exclusive on the story. Ahn sa jang goes to talk to TK who watches from afar. Ahn sa jang says that SW seems to really like mi nyeo. TK asks oh, is that how it looks like? Ahn sa jang then tells TK how SW was to propose and how he takes care of her etc. Then he tells TK, you should be thinking about your fanclub and taking care of your fans. Fans can easily go to another man. TK mumbles to himself, that's right fans can easily leave.

Meanwhile, SW is supposedly sending mi nyeo home. Instead MN changes back into guys clothes and as they walk along, SW says they have to make up their story to tell the public. So SW starts 'making up' the story - first of all, SW meets Mi Nyeo at the party where MN was drunk. And here SW introduced himself to Mi nyeo, MN says i remember that day. Then SW says Mi Nyeo was very drunk so i carried her. MN says ah i was drunk that day too. SW says then we slowly got closer after i told Mi Nyeo to call me oppa. SW thinks back on the day he told MN to call him SW hyung. SW tells MN to try calling him oppa so MN calls him SW oppa. MN finds it awkward. Next, SW prepares to confess to Mi nyeo so he prepares in a restaurant to confess. At the restaurant, he stands in front of the mirror and tells mi nyeo that he likes her alot. And MN says then mi nyeo would say that i like you too SW oppa. While they are doing this, they are standing in front of the car, with the lights shining onto the wall, so SW is using their shadows as if it was their reflection in a mirror. SW gets very sad as he thinks of the things he had prepared. MN meanwhile is playing around with the shadows. She makes a comment that through the shadows though, they cannot see each other's facial expressions. SW says taht's because the shadow hides the expressions, which could be sad expressions. MN turns to look at SW and she notices that his expression doesnt look that great. But SW then says to go and MN remakrs taht she was concentrating too much on the shadow and didnt really see his expression. Then they are at a park and SW is pushing MN on the swing. SW says our first date was at an amusement park... MN says ah, that's right you said you like amusement parks the other time. SW then says one thing that reporters will ask is whether we've had our first kiss. MN says then just say we havent. But SW kisses his 2 fingers and then touches MN's lips and says, we did now.


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Post time 19-11-2009 08:37 AM | Show all posts
Back home, TK goes onto A.N.Jell's fan cafe and is thinking to himself how fans can easily change their minds and he's like why did i bring up this thing about fans. He sees on the front page of the fan cafe that a new member called "Pig rabbit" has just joined the cafe. He's surprised that she really joined the cafe. He decides to test her. Meanwhile, MN is looking at the fan cafe and sees that there are alot of members and that it is also very easy to exit the fanclub and become a non member again. Suddenly she gets a msg from the webmaster of the cafe and the msg says that in order to join, she must answer some questions. WAHAHAHA On the other side of the connection is TK, using the webmaster account. First he asks MN how many points out of 10 she would give Hwang tae kyung. MN ponders about it and says 7. TK cannot believe the response, he was expecting a 9 at least. Then he asks, how 'cool' do you think Hwang tae kyung is? MN replies 5. TK starts to go a bit crazy. So he keeps asking her questions and she gives like 4, 7 and even a 2. She was thinking of giving a 3 for an answer but decided that she must be honest, so she said 2. TK is totally worked up taht she gave him a 2. He works out that the average of all her answers is 5 - an indication that she is on the borderline of fandom and can leave easily at any time, esp for a rabbit like person like MN. Then he decides that he will ask her a final question. As he types the question, he's like why am i so nervous? MN receives the question, which is how much do you like hwang tae kyung? TK receives the reply and clicks on the msg and sees that the answer is 100 points. He is so happy and excited that he hugs the pig rabbit doll and says that he cancels his words about how MN will easily turn away from him. MN gets an sms and it is from TK who tells her to go to a fan meeting now. WAHAHAH

So MN goes to the piano room where TK is waiting for her. MN is confused and TK says that a fanmeeting is a special event where he invites ppl who like him and he is to make them happy. MN is very happy and thanks TK for inviting her. TK then welcomes her to the fan meeting and says that he will take requests so Mn is like, oh so you can sing whatever song i want? So she picks Fly me to the moon and they sing it together.

MN's aunt is drinking soju by herself and thinking back to her conversation with MHR. MHR told her that she and MN's father were dating and that they separated because of her mistake. That MN's mother was just a woman in the between, that MN's father and her had continued to love each other. That she was to blame for MN's mother's death so she wanted to make it up to them. MN's aunt says seems like u really did cause her death, what woman would be alright when pregnant and seeing her husband having an affair. MHR said that go jae hyun and MN's mother were not married so it wasnt like an affair or anything. MN's aunt says that her brother was not such a person. She is angry and steps on MHR"S CD>MHR then says she will give her half her money and that she wanted to make it up to the children, taht she could have been the children's mother. She asks the aunt to bring the children to her. The aunt is pondering on the money but is not sure whether she should take MN to MHR.

Aunt ends up taking MN to MHR but doesnt tell her anything. MN meets MHR and is surprised taht this is her father's friend. MHR tells MN nto to say anything to TK for now about her identity while the song is being remade. MHR asks if she can also meet her sister and MN says that for now it will be hard. MHR touches MN's hair then starts feeling that something is wrong. Then she suspects that MN is not the brother and after MN comes out from teh toilet, she asks MN to zip her up. MN does so without even thinking. MHR is convinced that this is mi nyeo and not mi nam because if it was a guy, there was no way a guy would zip her up without even thinking.

HY shows up at the guys' house and says that because ppl think she and the guys are close, she needs to take photos to show ppl. She brought the ingredients and asks them to make her spaghetti. They dont want to but HY threatens them again. So Jeremy cuts up onions, SW makes the sauce and TK the pasta. After all is finished, HY is about to eat it. We find out taht each member has put their own ingredient into the pasta (i just caught ath SW put alot of salt in). They anticipate HY putting it into her m outh but at this moment MN returns. THey are all disappointed and HY sees that something is wrong so she asks MN to come eat it first. MN is about to eat it but jeremy comes to stop her and eats it instead. It tastes really bad (AHHH i love jeremy's expression). So they cook again and make friend rice. While they are eating, HY notices SW looking at MN in a different way and takes a photo. SW then tells MN that he will get something from the car and goes outside. Outside, SW opens his boot and sees the flowers and the shoes that he was going to give to her. HY comes out at this moment and SW quickly hides the shoes. HY suspects that SW likes MN and says to SW, so even after all this happened, you dont feel bad/annoyed? How about this? MN likes TK. SW sayss the fact atht i'm talking to you makes me feel bad/annoyed. He locks his boot and goes inside. Inside the guys and MN and chatting happily and HY takes SW's car keys. She sits outside with the flowers and the shoes from SW's car and gets MN to come out. She makes MN to try the shoes on and sees that they fit her exactly. Then she gets MN to hold the flowers and walk in with the shoes. THey walk in and when SW sees MN wearing the shoes and holding the flowers, he is shocked and speechless. HY continues to babble on and TK recalls back to what ahn sa jang said about SW giving shoes to propse to the girl he liked and i think he works out that SW likes MN. TK drags HY out of the house. SW is still speechless and stuck on the spot. Jeremy asks if he is ok. MN tkaes off the shoes and apologises. SW says he was going to throw them out anyway, and tells MN to throw them out. SW walks up the stairs slowly and out to the balcony.
Outside, TK tells HY to go away. HY threatens again and says arent you afraid if i talk about GMN? TK says you wont say coz if you do you wont be able to get out of it either. TK tells her to not come again and goes back inside. MN walks over to SW and says taht SW has comforted her so many times and she wants to comfort him too but doesnt know what to do. SW tells her to just sit next to him. MN asks if he feels better and SW says taht he was just holding everything in before and he felt really bad. MN says that she was like that too but now even she has received permission to like the person she likes and tells SW to not be embarrassed or hold back his feelings. SW comments on how they are both foolish. TK sees them talking to each other, then jeremy rushes over to SW.

MHR goes to see ahn sa jang and ahn sa jang tells her that TK is working on the song at the moment. MHR asks about MN and Ahn sa jang says that TK treats MN very well. In the practice room, TK is working on the song and says that this song makes him feel bad and tells MN to stick to his side. MN says that she cant and she has to go to busan because after the news came out, she had to go to busan to explain everything to SW's paretnts. TK is like what you're goign to busan? He thinks she will come back in the same day but MN says that no, they plan to stay a night and that she was going with manager ma, wang coordi and jeremy and they had plan to play. MN asks if TK is going and TK says that no, because his work was piling up he couldnt. MN said she was looking foward to eating sth in busan (didnt konw what it was) and TK says u can get taht in seoul as well. If you come back together i can take you a yummy place. MN asks have you been to busan, TK says yes... as they are chatting, MHR sees from outside and says to herself that TK seemed to be comfortable with MN and that if he knew of MN's identity he wouldnt even want to talk to her. So she says must not let him know until the song is finished. Then as she is walking away, she suddenly realises that TK might even knowthat MN was a girl...

MN and SW and manager ma go to the airport. Manager ma makes and excuse and says he has to go and leaves the 2 by themselves. Manager smiles happily to himself coz he thinks he's done MN a favour. SW and MN sit on a bench and SW says you know that we cant walk in together right. MN says i will change into girls' clothes and go in after you. SW then says how about we go as a real couple to busan? If we do, then whatever we do from now on that comes out in the news will be true. SW asks would you like to like me? MN says but we both have ppl we each like. SW says that he will work to like her. Mn doesnt know what to say and SW says that he has already started (entered into this relationship with her) and asks that if she says yes, to get on the plane with him to busan, and that he will wait for her.

TK meanwhile at the company sees manager ma, wang coordi and jeremy. He finds out that the manager had intended SW and MN go by themselves. Alone, TK is agitated and is afraid what if MN's 100 points gradually decrease over this time? He goes, no, i must tell her that i want her to keep all 100 points and not minus even one point. He gets up and drives to the airport. He gets to the airport but cant find MN. SW waits for MN but MN doesnt come, so SW leaves. TK thinks that MN has left and says to himself, what if during this time she minuses all 100 points? He decides taht he will go to busan and that it will take him only 5 hrs to drive there. He suddenly sees MN and realises taht she didnt go. He goes over to her and says so you didnt go? He is so happy then he hugs her hard and says that she is the same amount of points to him as he is to her.

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Post time 19-11-2009 08:51 AM | Show all posts

sH0paHolliC Post at 19-11-2009 12:25 AM

tak abis2 dengan moon and stars saga... pasni nyanyi twinkle2 little star plak ye...

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Post time 19-11-2009 09:28 AM | Show all posts
145# blankie  kekekeek frust sib baik ada gak adegan2 cute n romantik tk n mn..kekekek tp sian sungguh gn SW...first time aku rasa nk nangis utk dia....waaaaaaaaaaaa

Kalau korang yg kt ats ...
hadiff05 Post at 19-11-2009 08:11 AM

errr... yang kiss scene tu si kapel sengal dua orang ni pakai baju apa ekk? kot2 tunjuk kat epi 14.. kalau time tu psh pakai baju victorian tu memang sengal tahap gaban laaa.. takde kemungkinan langsung untuk epi2 akan datang dia pakai baju tu.. huhuhu..

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Post time 19-11-2009 09:43 AM | Show all posts
153# blankie tah aku x sure...bdk2 kat soompi pun meroyan psl ni..aku rasa dh edited out....x tau le kalau lepas ni ada lak...keke

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2009 10:16 AM | Show all posts
rasa nk lempang YHY bertubi2..

SW saranghae
smaj Post at 19-11-2009 08:22

tau x pe..SW tu dh la cukup pathethic YHY dok tambah2 lagi..meroyan sat lagi dak tu..

tapi malam neh tunjuk jeremy nangis,, sunshine boy is crying..

'why don't you like me'

J,i freaking like you dear..poor my boy..

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Post time 19-11-2009 10:59 AM | Show all posts
tau x pe..SW tu dh la cukup pathethic YHY dok tambah2 lagi..meroyan sat lagi dak tu..

tapi malam neh tunjuk jeremy nangis,, sunshine boy is crying..

'why don't you like me'
twinkystar Post at 19-11-2009 09:16

epi 14 byk conflict..

ngan jeremy ngaku ske minam.. pehtu ngan prob shinwoo, lagi ngan kes omma tk ngan appa minam~
sure mlm nih banjir bg sape yg tgk o9..
me nangis esok

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Post time 19-11-2009 11:29 AM | Show all posts
me jumpe link sedut Wothout a word TK vers ^^

Hwang Tae Kyung jjang!!

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Post time 19-11-2009 11:33 AM | Show all posts
157# smaj gigih ko...keekek mlm ni nk kena ready mental kekekekek

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Post time 19-11-2009 11:55 AM | Show all posts
baru abis sedut epi 13.. lunch ni nak layan  buat dialog sendiri..

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Post time 19-11-2009 12:23 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2009 12:45 PM | Show all posts
ep 14 mesti TK dh tau psl ayah minam..

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Post time 19-11-2009 01:02 PM | Show all posts
hah...aku nie tak bley layan bah...sampai ep 2 ja sempat sedut nie...
maklum la guna tenet curik....

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Post time 19-11-2009 02:06 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok kan kat umah borak AC?
x perlah.. aku tepek lagik sekali sbb mmg geram nengok CF tuh.. hehehe!!


suker sgt yg nih sbb dorg terlalu comel bersama..

wBiftt ...
JUSTcircle Post at 18-11-2009 16:14

aaaaaaaaaahhh....vid first tu....kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....

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Post time 19-11-2009 02:10 PM | Show all posts
ep 14 mesti TK dh tau psl ayah minam..
twinkystar Post at 19-11-2009 11:45

me pung rasa camtuh..
sbb tuh tk cam marah2 kat minam
tp tkt plak tgk muke garang sw.. jeremy plak kesian

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Post time 19-11-2009 09:39 PM | Show all posts
haku dah terlewat 1/2jam
sblm haku decide nak proceed tgk ep14 ke tak.. pls let me know if this ep is a heart breaking episode or it can be recovered by the end of the episode?
tak sanggup aku angau dok terpk kesinambungan utk ep15 dan 16 seminggu dpn....

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