Flight to avoid a young tiger yellow scream loudly again in GOLF MIKE GET READY PROMO TOUR launch album GET. READY to be on the market that just a few days there. Add this teaser, more peaceful, every time. This is the first time that two youth open local pick up Chinese take-sing songs for the first time 'Tong Ban Tong Xue' (classmate) to deliver to young to sing that at a first hearing. Send this song after song charts Chinese's top radio MY. FM in Malaysia.
The first day's feet to touch the sheer Incorporated box malls, The Garden. Joint press conference to launch the album on stage before the media to set the heavy work. Before the young will be cold heart, two young and beautiful, Christina Family be competing food items from the name of ASTRO. TV separate driver run double as tourist food rules ฟู๊ the central cores, SS2 ทำเอา two young legs and run กัน near All sweaty. Before results become golf's young team with Christina to be won. Mike ทำเอา young to really quite
Section on the second line of attack to show mini concert at Sg. Wang Plaza malls bow amid hundreds of fans standing weather watch two young referee to start a sit dance music contest their own team until the final 3 teams. Go back to the winning team of 5 young legs Dance.
Then queue up golf and Mike take the time to break fast music and dance portal. Slow songs like let's get down, inspiration, many thanks also to draw a little scream of the young voice echo the same store Enough great songs to queue China "Tong Ban Tong Xue" up to two such young, but not fluently, has inspired sing as loud young two young ทำเอา to tears seep quite First stage to open up for other young signature sound detectors on stage to shake hands scream two young
Last Day to Move to Penang Plaza malls opened this early stage shows the burning sun, the young can sing loudly scream like yesterday. But this two-day youth forum to ask other young cents a name to take young players on the shirt, ending the page look a hot neighborhood. Pass before the return of young, two young Thai get touchy. Golf - Mike reveals that:
..... Fun and memorable to fans there. This exciting than the first because every time we have to sing the Chinese fans keep hearing that. Difficult because the same language with us less familiar with the color fight much But to this we are glad that this music radio charts at the top of that, we will let people เค้า but we support two very well ครับ. It would like to thank everyone who leaves us two very heartening เลยครับ.
Get Ready 2 Album - include GM first chinese song 'Tong Ban Tong Xue'
rambut baru.....(stat minat dh ni..)
yg ensem lagi tuh golf ke mike?
weh sori off topic tp nk kasi tau yg poster love 18 lakonan Chin tuh kluar lam majalah epop keluaran 15 mei..sy tgk dr kwn punye mjlh..katanya tgh pggambaran love18 part 2..
saya nk bli mjlh tuh..tp dh abis stok kt kdai terdekat..
dorang very niceee!
tapi masa nyanyi lagu chinese tu... dorang byk lupa lirik... fans yg tolong nyanyi
but it was forgivable laa... coz that was their 1st tyme sang dat song kan...
n chinese is not their first language... walopon dorang ade chinese blood...
ingat dorang punye interview... nyanyi in new language is not easy as speaking...
but now they learn mandarin very hard... tp at least lagu classmate tuu...
sebutan dorang... agak accurate
haha... dh start minat? bagus2... tmbah fans2 gm
yg lg hansem tu...MIKE... si adik... dia lg tinggi dr abg
i saw dat mag kt kedai... cover gmbar min ho BOF cam tgh pegang gmbar golf mike...
tgk gmbar pelakon love.18 pon ade.. tp kecik la... ade poster ek... tak belek sgt pon.. tauke dok jeling2 tak rasa nk beli pon coz i cannot read mandarin
GM skang tgh promote ost Love Beyond Frontier (LBF) 1-2 album...
cian mike ...dat day dia x c-hat... live performance dia agak kureng ckit... but still good
masa interview asek dok gosok idung jer... pastu goyang2 idung ... sungguh2 lak tue
Live-Kor Piang Jai Rao Mee Gan (As long as our heart have each other)
Interview live @ Ch V
ooh.. diorg ada sebut pasal promotion kt M'sia .... chinese song dorang tue
ellow lia98
me minat kat golf and mike nie last year
sbb baru tau pasal diorg tue pun off course dari pak johny
tread lepas2 me bace lia98 nie kenal diorg
huhu mesti best kan diorg nie
skrg nie tau diorg promosi kat malaysia nyanyi lagu chinese song kan
asal la tak nyanyi malay song ke hehe paham skit
tringin gak nak g jumpe diorg ngan lia98 bleh tak
n lagi satu skrg nie diorang da mcm slow skit kan tak byk citer pasal diorg
n tgk kat soompi pun ckit je update news diorg nie
me ske mike sbb mysterious huhu
golf pun ske gak sbb dia nie ckp byk kan2
n me kat cnie tak leh bukak iklan diorg ngan suju tue
bleh tak bagi link ke nak donload tq
pnjg yer me post
1st time make it long skit hehe:pompom:
tue la... GM slow ckit skang... dorang bz tgh prepare utk The Closer concert dis Oct...
p'lia pon x tau nk update pe skang... tmbah ngan bz lg hehe...
kalo u ada update... tlg post cni erk..
huhu mike mysterious.. haha... tp skang rasa dia makin open... dh pandai wat lawak dah
commercial tue... nnti p'lia bg link... xleh bg link skang.... kt opis xleh bukak