me sekarang tak boleh tenguk movielah pulak..
screen kecik aje belang hijau..
kalau tenguk kat Itunes, ok pulak....
kenapa yek... |
korg tau x kat mana nak cari device utk record suara kat ipod? |
calmille.. bole ke record sore.. xtau pulak.
ari tu baru beli ipod ke tv cable. kat lowyat RM19.90 ade lelain aksesori kat situ..tak perasan lak utk record sore..
d/l muvee byk2 pastu main kat tv.. tgk ramai2.. |
brand apa paling bagus utk ipod ney..
budjet dlm 800++
any1 tlg bagi tips sket.... |
nak tanye kalu ipod immitation ok dak?tahan lame x...ape beza ipod nano ni dgn mp4...i ingt nak beli mp4 tm 105 jew...nape yek ipod nano mahal sgt..ape beza kualiti ipod nano ngan mp4 digi sound ek..yg i nk beli ni mp4 digiSound ade radio |
Originally posted by rileks at 27-6-2007 01:13 AM 
calmille.. bole ke record sore.. xtau pulak.
ari tu baru beli ipod ke tv cable. kat lowyat RM19.90 ade lelain aksesori kat situ..tak perasan lak utk record sore..
d/l muvee byk2 pastu main ka ...
boleh, 79 dollar harganya..
kalau msia tak taulah.. |
hi all.. it's been a while....
any info on ipod touch in malaysia tak??
[ Last edited by white01whale at 17-9-2007 07:51 PM ] |
Reply #147 white01whale's post
last 2 weeks (before raya) akak pi usha kedai apple kat klcc.. budak salesperson tu tunjuk la ipod touch.. baru sampai katanya..
more details kena pi tgk kat kedai tu la.. dia nye promo pamplet tu akak tertinggal kat ofis.. |
iPod baru nampak 'rubber-ish'  |
Originally posted by faraway at 28-5-2007 09:09 AM 
me sekarang tak boleh tenguk movielah pulak..
screen kecik aje belang hijau..
kalau tenguk kat Itunes, ok pulak....
kenapa yek...
i think itunes 7 mmg problem laaa
i can't even upload my movie and tv shows dalam ipod
tensen betul.... |
Originally posted by lady_nF at 1-11-2007 01:18 AM 
i think itunes 7 mmg problem laaa
i can't even upload my movie and tv shows dalam ipod
tensen betul....
me dah setle masalah tu, me reset balik sekarang ok dah. |
Reply #150 lady_nF's post
Really tapi I tak ade problem... |
Reply #151 faraway's post
satu lagik mp3 modulator yg jual kat kedai2 tuh boleh guna untuk ipod kaaa
ada tak alat2 untuk connectkan ipod kat radio kereta
my car system takde kaset, so takleh beli yg kaset yg sambung ngan ipod tuh
any other way
below RM100 maybe |
Originally posted by lady_nF at 15-11-2007 09:25 AM 
satu lagik mp3 modulator yg jual kat kedai2 tuh boleh guna untuk ipod kaaa
ada tak alat2 untuk connectkan ipod kat radio kereta
my car system takde kaset, so takleh beli yg kaset yg sambung ng ...
Something like this?

The all-in-one Digital FM Transmitter/Auto Charger plays andchargesyour iPod using your car's FM radio and DC power source. Itoffersconvenient pushbutton operation and a digital display. AndpatentedAerielle wireless technology ensures superior audio fidelity.
Compatible with iPod models with dock connector.
- Simultaneously charges your iPod using your car's DC power source (cigarette outlet)
- Transmits iPod tunes through any available FM radio frequency
- Simple up/down button speeds frequency selection and three programmable buttons lock in station presets
- Patented Aerielle wireless technology enhances noise reduction and stereo separation
- Safety fuse protects iPod from power spikes
Reply #156 RayStorm's post
Actually, I have not seen it. |
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