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[Pelbagai] [Sleep Paralysis] Kelumpuhan Tidur

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Post time 18-12-2018 06:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mynameis00 replied at 18-12-2018 04:56 PM
Sy ni mmg jenis degil dan tak penakut. Tulah masalah sy sbb malas nak layan benda ni. Skrg ni bila ...

Chuols cecuba la jmpa org yg arif kot dia boleh tengokkn.Dia mcm ni chuols.mmg kite akn rsa mls nk g brubat klo bnda tu ada kt kite.mmg xkn lari rsa tu.Meols dlu pnh gk join my mom g brubat tp mmg rsa mls tgok muka ustaz tu rsa mcm xsuka pn ada.

Tp tah lah bila dia start ubatkn meols xrsa apa2 pn.Tp my mom la beria suh check kot la ade yg mnumpang sbb kes arwah tokwan tu.Awl2 arwah mninggal la meols duk sorg2 kt umah sewa n tibah terbau mcm kapur barus.Mmg kuat btol2 kt tepi idung jah.Trus mremang so meols ckp kuat2 jgn gnggu meols.ambik ms jgk la nk ilang.

N pnh ms stay ngn housemate sheols cite ade satu ari blik umh tgh mlm lps kje tgok meols tido kt bilik sedangkn ms tu meols mmg xde kt umah.So meols anggap tu slh tengok la.Balik kg pnh cite kt my fmily n few sibling pn rupanya kena bnda ni kitorg xtau apa mgkin bkaitan arwah or tak.Tp xde yg kene tindih2 lagi.Tp entah bnda ni nk pcaye mcm xbtol,xcaye mcm btol ms awl2 tokwan meols mninggal dlu.



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Post time 18-12-2018 06:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Beautifulliar. replied at 18-12-2018 06:04 PM
Chuols cecuba la jmpa org yg arif kot dia boleh tengokkn.Dia mcm ni chuols.mmg kite akn rsa mls  ...

Terima kasih atas nasihat tu. Betul jgk kata awak, sbb benda tu yg buat kita jd malas nak berubat. Tiba2 rasa insaf dan ada kesedaran pulak. InshaAllah sy akan cuba cari tempat utk berubat. Sbb sy sedih jgk. Patutnya kita happy dpt jumpa ibu kita dlm mimpi, tp sy pulak jd takut. Bila mimpi ibu je kena tindih. Ms awal2 ibu meninggal mmg sy frust and down sgt. Sy mcm x boleh terima kenyataan ibu pergi tanpa sempat sy jumpa dia buat kali terakhir.

Btw, ibu awak dah ok ke bila pergi berubat? Perlu jumpa kerap ke dgn perawat2 ni? Sy klu boleh xnak kecoh2 kat semua org. Biar sy dan suami je yg tau hal ni. Sy pun tak tau nak refer siapa klu nak cari perawat islam yg betul2 bagus belah2 kl selangor ni.



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Post time 18-12-2018 06:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Beautifulliar. replied at 18-12-2018 06:04 PM
Chuols cecuba la jmpa org yg arif kot dia boleh tengokkn.Dia mcm ni chuols.mmg kite akn rsa mls  ...

Sekarang ni awak dah okay ke? Ada lagi gangguan tak?

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Post time 18-12-2018 07:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mynameis00 replied at 18-12-2018 06:31 PM
Terima kasih atas nasihat tu. Betul jgk kata awak, sbb benda tu yg buat kita jd malas nak berubat. ...

Dlu sokmo gk mmpi arwah kite sembang2 dlm mimpi skrg ade lg cume sesekali.bila dh trsedar dr tido tu meols sdekahkn fatihah.Klo blik kg meols mmg xmis pegi kbur arwah pehtu mngis sorg2.

Tkesan jgk la sbb pnh jg arwah ms sakit n dlm reramai sibling arwah cuma cam n ingt nm meols.N meols tgok sndri btapa pyh arwah ms tu selagi bnda tu ada dlm bdn.Dgr surah pon rsa pns.

Tu yg bwk g brubat tp ms nk clean btol2 tu lebih sorg prawat la yg buatkn.Sbb org tua dlu2 mmg byk mmakai n amalkn ilmu slh.tu pn kite tnya desak byk kali br mgaku.bila tau je nk jmp prawat,mcm2 buat alsn.sbb jin setan ni mmg suka lengahkn kite.

Mak meols xde ape sheols rjin suh prwat kt umh scan sheols.Tp pelik la kdg2 she cite ade klibat itu ini tgh mlm pdhl meols rs tu lemah smgt n tlalu pkirkn.

Chuols cube la riki2 mn prwat yg trdekat.mtk tlong scan dlu kot btol ade lgpon chuols dh blarutan 10thun kne n lately dh mkin kerap.Jgn la dibiarkn.Tp ati2 je la skrg byk pnunggang agama bkn btol prwat pon.N prwat yg btol xkn mintak byr2,melainkn xkisah kita bg berapa je atas niat bersedekah n tme kasih sbb tlong kite.



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Post time 18-12-2018 07:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mynameis00 replied at 18-12-2018 06:32 PM
Sekarang ni awak dah okay ke? Ada lagi gangguan tak?

Alhmdulillah xde so far.Lgpn meols rasa antu setan tu g kacau org yg alim je haha meols ni xalim pon.lgpon meols jnis mls gk nk lyn selagi xtnjukkn muka.cume klo sorg2 kt umah tibe2 meremang gk so meols tau tu mesti ade la something meols buat2 tido sbb klo pikir lg tkut lehtu terlelap la sndri.Tp utk sleep paralyzed n kene tindih2 lg ni mmg xde dh.

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Post time 18-12-2018 08:17 PM | Show all posts

Astral projection

This article is about the paranormal concept. For the psychedelic trance musical band, see Astral Projection (band). For physical travel to other stars, see Interstellar travel.

"The Separation of the Spirit Body" from The Secret of the Golden Flower, a Chinese handbook on alchemy and meditation

Astral projection (or astral travel) is a term used in esotericism to describe a willful out-of-body experience (OBE)[1][2] that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the universe.[3][4][5]

The idea of astral travel is ancient and occurs in multiple cultures. The modern terminology of 'astral projection' was coined and promoted by 19th century Theosophists.[3] It is sometimes reported in association with dreams, and forms of meditation.[6] Some individuals have reported perceptions similar to descriptions of astral projection that were induced through various hallucinogenic and hypnotic means (including self-hypnosis). There is no scientific evidence that there is a consciousness or soul which is separate from normal neural activity or that one can consciously leave the body and make observations,[7] and astral projection has been characterized as a pseudoscience.[8][9][10][11][12][13][14]


"Astral" and "etheric"       

The expression "astral projection" came to be used in two different ways. For the Golden Dawn[39] and some Theosophists[40] it retained the classical and medieval philosophers' meaning of journeying to other worlds, heavens, hells, the astrological spheres and other imaginal[41] landscapes, but outside these circles the term was increasingly applied to non-physical travel around the physical world.[42]

Though this usage continues to be widespread, the term, "etheric travel", used by some later Theosophists, offers a useful distinction. Some experients say they visit different times and/or places:[43] "etheric", then, is used to represent the sense of being "out of the body" in the physical world, whereas "astral" may connote some alteration in time-perception. Robert Monroe describes the former type of projection as "Locale I" or the "Here-Now", involving people and places that actually exist:[44] Robert Bruce calls it the "Real Time Zone" (RTZ) and describes it as the non-physical dimension-level closest to the physical.[45] This etheric body is usually, though not always, invisible but is often perceived by the experient as connected to the physical body during separation by a "silver cord". Some link "falling" dreams with projection.[46]

According to Max Heindel, the etheric "double" serves as a medium between the astral and physical realms. In his system the ether, also called prana, is the "vital force" that empowers the physical forms to change. From his descriptions it can be inferred that, to him, when one views the physical during an out-of-body experience, one is not technically "in" the astral realm at all.[47]

Other experients may describe a domain that has no parallel to any known physical setting. Environments may be populated or unpopulated, artificial, natural or abstract, and the experience may be beatific, horrific or neutral. A common Theosophical belief is that one may access a compendium of mystical knowledge called the Akashic records. In many accounts the experiencer correlates the astral world with the world of dreams. Some even report seeing other dreamers enacting dream scenarios unaware of their wider environment.[48]

The astral environment may also be divided into levels or sub-planes by theorists, but there are many different views in various traditions concerning the overall structure of the astral planes: they may include heavens and hells and other after-death spheres, transcendent environments, or other less-easily characterized states.[44][46][48]



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Post time 18-12-2018 09:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sleep paralysis ni mmg misteri kan... tapi pd iols senang cite, kena tindih je la iols katakan...

Iols few years back mmg selalu kena. Kdg tiap hari, kdg tiap mggu or bulan. Tp first time kena msa zmn sekolah, tidur asrama UTP. Tp msa tu tak tau apa2, so iols cite dgn mak je. Mak iols kata, kena tindih la tu. Sesak nafas, nk ckp tak boleh, kaki & tgn gerak hujung2 jari je. Horror kalau diingatkan.

Iols start kena smula, zmn dduk obersea. Mula2 tak caya lah, tp sbb kwn2 lain pn kena sama, siap ada yg smpai drooling nk minta tolong tak boleh. Msa cite smbil takut, smbil ketawa , sbb hbes basah bantal drooling.

Iols siap kena peluk lagi, mmg smpai takut nak tidur, ala2 cite freddie krugger dtg dlm tidur gittew

Jenuh la berubat sana sni, itu pn sbb ada org nmpak “benda” tu selalu brsama iols. Iols dlu skeptical sngt dgn ni smua. Iols prcaya lagi all sorts of sains on sleep ni, dari segala gngguan makhluk2 halus. Tapi bila dah kena sendiri, iols redho je lah kan.

Masa kena, wudu’ or mengaji pn tak jalan, “benda” tu tetap datang menghimpit. Sampai iols rasa nak jumpa psychiatrist/psychologist, kot2 la mmg ada masalah jiwa kan. Or pi cek kat sleep lab hospital, nak jdikan bahan kajian, konon nya lah

Alhamdulillah... lepas dah berubat islamik, terus takda dah. At times je, terasa takut nak tidur, tapi very rare dah. Tapi if uols ada problem ni, elok lah pi cari solution, sbb ianya takut2 jadi masalah kesihatan pulak sbb mengganggu tidur.



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Post time 18-12-2018 10:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KILL_NANCY replied at 18-12-2018 12:59 PM
misc ...

terima kasih bg suggestion.
saya jenis takut nak jumpa doktor so setakat ni saya cuma buat prevention je. Elakkan perkara yg boleh trigger sleep paralayze nih. Alhamdulillah keadaan masih dpt dikawal.

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Post time 18-12-2018 10:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Beautifulliar. replied at 18-12-2018 01:15 PM
Nancy,bab msuk dlm steamer rs mcm nk lemas xkeh bernapas tu meols rasa tu lebih pd fobia.Ada org m ...

ye la sis. saya rasa maybe sebab fobia juga. mak saya ckp masa saya kecik2 pernah tercungap2 takleh nafas masa naik beca yg open air tu kat penang. mungkin fobia tu bawa sampai je tua agaknya.

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Post time 19-12-2018 12:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Beautifulliar. replied at 18-12-2018 07:41 PM
Dlu sokmo gk mmpi arwah kite sembang2 dlm mimpi skrg ade lg cume sesekali.bila dh trsedar dr ...

Wah! Awak siap bersembang dgn arwah ye. Sy tak pernah bersembang sbb dlm mimpi tu pun ibu diam tak bercakap. Dlm mimpi tu pun ibu masih dlm keadaan sihat. Dia buat keje di dapur mcm memasak ke apa mcm tu lah.

Sy rasa dua kali kena tindih yg plg extreme. Yg lain tu  mmg light2 je. Plg seram bila sy mcm antara mimpi dan  sedar ibu ketuk pintu bilik kuat2 (pdhal ms tu jiran sebelah bertukang sbb renovate rumah. Ye ms tu sy tidur siang) Then, kain batik yg selalu ibu pakai melayang2 atas kepala sy.

Setakat ni kakak saje yg tau hal sy kerap kena tindih. Husband tau mmg sy pernah kena tindih sebelum ni. Tp yg baru2 ni bila kerap sgt kena sy x bgtau dia. Perasaan ni mcm biarlah sy pendam sorg2, biar sy tanggung sorg2. Asalkan jgn ganggu family sy dan x ganggu rutin harian sy.

Walau apa pun sy akan cuba cari kekuatan utk bgtau husband hal ni. Tp yg sebenarnya aduh beratnya hati nak pegi berubat. Rasa mcm alah..benda kecik je. Tp time kena tindih tu rasa mcm takut sgt dan insaf kejap. Sambil maki hamun benda tu sy ckp dlm hati sy akan pastikan utk berubat. Lepas tu dah habis gitu je. Sy pun meneruskan kehidupan sy.



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Post time 19-12-2018 12:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
realist_13 replied at 18-12-2018 09:11 PM
Sleep paralysis ni mmg misteri kan... tapi pd iols senang cite, kena tindih je la iols katakan...

Alhamdulillah dah takde gangguan lg. Boleh share tak awak berubat kat mana?

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Post time 19-12-2018 02:19 AM | Show all posts
Beautifulliar. replied at 18-12-2018 10:00 AM
Chuols ati2.Antu setan mmg suka klo kite tido cekci2.Meols dlu klo tido xhingin nk katup sgala sbb ...

Betul...since then I akan cuba pastikan penat mcmanapun, i akan tidur berselimut kalau i kurang berbaju. Huhu. I jugak akan make sure I tidur rapat2 sikit dgn org sebelah i.e husband ke, anak make sure ada body contact utk elakkan benda ni.
Tapi, ada jugak i mimpi benda seram2...yg I paling igt, I mimpi ada figure mcm perempuan, berdiri depan katil yg i tidur. Tengok I tidur dgn anak2 n husband..pastu dia sepak2 perut I. Time tu, I tgh pregnant with my 3rd. Dia mcm x suka I pregnant gitu. Lepas tu, i terbangun, first thing i buat, i cek anak2..i cek dorang semua ok, breathing, baru i tido balik.



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Post time 19-12-2018 06:55 AM | Show all posts
chesfa replied at 17-12-2018 06:46 PM
Heyyy saya bukan doktor lol. Symptoms sama macam sleep paralysis ni, cuma orang yang alami tak sed ...

mekasih chesfa

sleep apnoea ie (OSA) tu, semua org boleh paham dah rasanya
sleep paralysis ni lain sikit
bukan penyakit sleep paralysis ni
cuma variasi of normal sleep physiology je rasanya

ye lah, tido kan ada rem dan nonrem
rem sleep tu muscles semua rested
jika ngigau dalam rem sleep tu, ha, sakit la sbb badan takleh gerak padahal igauan tu dikejar ular la, terjatuh gaung la dan macam2 lagi
ini memberi kita rasa yg amat unpleasant

sy skali skala kena gak



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Post time 19-12-2018 08:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mynameis00 replied at 19-12-2018 12:38 AM
Wah! Awak siap bersembang dgn arwah ye. Sy tak pernah bersembang sbb dlm mimpi tu pun ibu diam tak ...

Ye bsembang2 dlm tu.kdg2 snyum tp mmg ingt jls la muka dia.Dia pkai bju kgemaran dlm mimpi tu.Tp meols anggp tu mimpi dr setan la wlpon mimpi kul3,4 pg.sbb kdg2 kita tlalu pikir smpai msuk dlm mmpi pn ada.

Mmpi yg betol ni lps 2jam kita lena kdg2 ada mimpi yg bg hint.Lg2 jam 2-3pg tu.Meols pon kdg2 pcaye mmpi sbb byk kali bg hint so bgun tido pg esoknya msti tpikir apa la nk jadi today.Kdg2 mgkin kbetulan tp bila dh salu sgt tkut gk.entahlah.Biasenye meols ssh nk ingt mimpi,tp klo yg menakutkn tu mmg ingt lah satu2.

Chuols jgn lupa mntak org yg arif tengokkn.dr cite2 chuols ni meols speku mmg ade something la yg bkait ngn gngguan.Sbb bnda tu chuols kne n brulang2 smpai skrg.klo dibiarkn nti chuols gk rengsa tganggu tido sangkut health prob plk.All the best



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Post time 19-12-2018 08:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
putriTS replied at 19-12-2018 02:19 AM
Betul...since then I akan cuba pastikan penat mcmanapun, i akan tidur berselimut kalau i kurang be ...

Seramnya mmpi chuols.Jgn heshe timbulkn diri dpn ank2 irl sudah la budak2 sng nmpk

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Post time 19-12-2018 08:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
misc replied at 18-12-2018 10:38 PM
ye la sis. saya rasa maybe sebab fobia juga. mak saya ckp masa saya kecik2 pernah tercungap2 takle ...

Btol la meols speku chuols mmg ada fobia.Sbb pnh gk baca kisah gini.

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2018 11:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 19-12-2018 06:55 AM
mekasih chesfa

sleep apnoea ie (OSA) tu, semua org boleh paham dah rasanya

thanks doc.


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Post time 19-12-2018 01:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mynameis00 replied at 19-12-2018 12:43 AM
Alhamdulillah dah takde gangguan lg. Boleh share tak awak berubat kat mana?

Berubat dgn kwn husband dkat ipoh... tapi tak sure if dia still berubat or tak, sbb mak dia tak sihat. Bila dia berubat, mak dia mesti ada sebelah dia. Mcm pelik kan, tapi iols malas plk nak fikirkan hal tu...



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Post time 19-12-2018 03:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pernah kena. Seksanya tak boleh gerak. Suara tak keluar. Mata tak boleh buka. Cuba sedaya boleh berselawat.  Tercungap-cungap bila berjaya keluar dr tindihan.



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Post time 19-12-2018 08:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KILL_NANCY replied at 17-12-2018 01:19 PM

thanx tt tag meols

thread yang sangat menarik bagi meols untuk berkongsi barang tiga empat cerita

tapi bukan sekarang yew..nanti meols g merempat rumah sedara, duk ramai2 baru meols citer..berani sikit masa tu

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