[Negeri Sembilan]
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Episod 592 | Resepi Apam Balik Coklat | 2 Minit 1 Resepi by Che Sayang Kitchen
Resepi penuh
- 4 cawan tepung gandum
- 1 sudu kecil baking powder
- 1/2 sudu kecil baking soda
- 1/2 cawan gula
- 2 sudu besar Buttercup
- 1 setengah cawan susu sejat
- 1/2 cawan air
- 1 biji telur
- 1 penutup kecil essen vanilla
- 1 pewarna kuning
- Serbuk VICO
- Jagung cream
- Kacang kisar
#ButtercupMY #VicoMY #RayaBersamaMasakBersama #SapotLokal #VicoXButtercup |
Episod 587 | Resepi Biskut Raya ala Ferrero Rocher | 2 Minit 1 Resepi by Che Sayang
Bahan-bahan (60 biji +-)
- 5 sudu besar majerin atau butter suhu bilik
- 1/2 cawan gula castor
- 2 cawan tepung jagung
- 2 cawan tepung gandum
- 1 biji telur
- Kacang hazelnut (bake 170 celcius, 5 minit)
- Kurma
- Kacang Almond
- Coklat coin (cairkan 150 celcius 2 minit)
Nota: Bake biskut 170 celcius selama 15 minit. Maintain suhu dan masa untuk oven. Preheat oven dulu.
#resepichesayang #chesayangkitchen |
Episod 586 | Resepi Ayam Ungkep | 2 Minit 1 Resepi by Che Sayang Kitchen
- 1/2 kg ayam perap serbuk kunyit & garam
- 5 bawang ros atau 1/2 biji bawang merah
- 2 inci halia & 2 inci kunyit hidup
- 10 tangkai cili padi
- 2 batang serai
- 1 sudu serbuk ketumbar
- 1 sudu jintan manis
- 1 keping asam keping
- Garam & perasa
#resepichesayang #chesayangkitchen |
Episod 585 | Resepi Spicy Crab Fillament Popia | 2 Minit 1 Resepi by Che Sayang Kitchen
- kulit popia
- Crab fillament
- Cheddar cheese
- Samyang Original Hot Sauce
- Mayonis
#resepichesayang #chesayangkitchen |
Episod 584 | Resepi Pasta Cili Kering | 2 Minit 1 Resepi by Che Sayang Kitchen
Thank you @szasaturned for the recipe ????????
Resepi penuh
- pasta di rebus
- 1 genggam cili kering (kurangkan kalau pedas sangat)
- 1/2 biji bawang besar
- 5 ulas bawang putih
- 3 sudu sos tiram
- 2 sudu sos ikan thai
- 3 sudu sos cili
- Italian herbs
- sosej
#resepichesayang #chesayangkitchen |
Episod 583 | Resepi Sup Ayam | 2 Minit 1 Resepi by Che Sayang Kitchen
Resepi penuh
- ayam 1/2 kg
- 2 inci halia titik
- 2 akar ketumbar
- Air
- 1 ke 2 sudu besar rempah sup
- Hirisan bawang putih, bawang merah, halia dan 4 sekawan untuk tumis darat
- Daun ketumbar
- Serbuk blackpepper
- Garam & perasa
- Perahan limau
#resepichesayang #chesayangkitchen |
Episod 580 | Resepi Ayam Sos Tiram & Cheesy K-Pasta | 2 Minit 1 Resepi by Che Sayang Kitchen
Resepi penuh
• peha ayam
• Sos tiram
• Kicap cair / kicap lemak manis
• Minyak bijan
• Tangle Pasta
• 3 sudu whipping cream
• Cheese cheddar
#Samyang #Tangle #TangleBulgogi #TangleKimchi #K-pasta |
Episod 579 | Resepi Brownies Burnt Cheese Cake | 2 Minit 1 Resepi by Che Sayang Kitchen
Resepi penuh (loyang 20cmx10cm)
Bahagian brownies
- 100g dark compund chocolate
- 50g butter
- 1 biji telur gred A
- 50g gula
- 50g tepung gandum
- 15 g serbuk koko
Bahagian cheese cake
- 350g cream cheese
- 250ml whipping cream
- 1/2 cawan gula pasir
- 2 biji telur
- 1 penutup esen vanila
- Sedikit garam
- 1 sudu besar tepung jagung
#resepichesayang #chesayangkitchen #bwy |
Episod 578 | Resepi Daging Goreng Kunyit | 2 Minit 1 Resepi by Che Sayang Kitchen
Resepi penuh
- Daging hiris nipis
- 4 ulas bawang putih
- 1/2 biji bawang holland
- 2 inci halia
- 2 inci kunyit hidup
- 2 sudu sos tiram
- Kicap lemak manis
- Garam & perasa
- Bawang holland & cili padi
#resepichesayang #chesayangkitchen |
Popular Quotes:
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Imagine yourself many years in the future. What would ‘future you’ want you to do today? Make time for that |
Thoughts are not facts. Let them come and go like clouds in the sky |
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Making mistakes is part of learning. Don’t beat yourself up, just focus on taking the next positive step forward |
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Category: Negeri & Negara