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Author: tsukushi

Romantic Princess ~ Wu Chun, Calvin Chen & Angela Zhang ~ PART 1

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2007 03:35 PM | Show all posts
manga spoiler

crd: faith17@AF

A = wu zun (real actor name)/ nan feng jin (RP name)/ you ji (manganame... sounds like "soy chicken" in chinese wat a #$^#$%^ name!! jinsounds tons nicer)
B = calvin/ nan feng cai
C = george/ nan feng lin
D= dunno/ dunno, this is the guy that hates girls, with the ex-flamecalled "Angela"... never knew his real name, can't remember his RPname... ;p
X = angela/ xiao mai/ mai zi

after the waltz prac...
george's character comes looking for themand they hide in some secluded place behind the curtain... *romanticmoment* and just when george leaves, angela wants to go out, but chunstops her saying george will be back again... true enough, george comesback to check again, and chun smiles, and angela swoons over hissmile... *ahhhh*...

then yeah the "friends" come just to rubshoulders with the grandpa... supposed to play tennis but they comewearing evening gowns... then angela disillusioned, then starts tounderstand why zhun is always alone in school, perhaps he has been avictim of being used as well... then XM and Jin have a chat...

after the chat, jin repeats that he will not go through with theengagement... angela struggles between telling him the truth behind thefake engagement and her deal with cai (if the engagement is off, shehas to pay Cai $$ which she doesn't have)...

yet knowing jinwants to run away from home, she approaches cai to call off the deal sojin not so troubled (awww so sweet... but then she got into thistrouble herself so too bad...) then cai is like... have you fallen forjin? then she uses her watch which her father gave her as a collateralto cai to cancel the deal then jin walks in, reminding her about thedance... or does she want to replace him with cai?

then theygo choosing dress... then wait for chauffeur... then jin says he onlyplans to leave home when they graduate which is 4 years later... thenxm teases him that he needs to get used to "normal life" and brings himaround... in between she's wondering about cai's question if she hasreally fallen for jin and sneaks a few peaks at him... they banter about his future plans and he tells her he wants to dosales... and he shares about how he wants to push himself blah blah,she understands his character more, finds herself inspired by thisdifferent side of him and how she can't take her eyes off him... andrealises she likes him!!

in the first introduction party, A runs away from home... then to actas bait to lure emp's men away from A, X runs away from home too, andends up in the house emp bought for her parents cos she has no whereelse to go... A misses X and calls her number, only to get C who is inher room lamenting over her disappearance... so A learns from C that Xhas run away and figures that she must be in the parent's house so hegoes there to find her... then they share a romantic moment, where Atells X he didn't run away from home, just that he was in a dilemma...if he married her, he'll have to be the heir, but if he didn't marriedher, he'd have to see her marry someone else, which he doesn't want...then X realise that A likes her also, and they share romantic moment...till stupid emp people find them...

then in between got thislame part, where X tries to find another gf for A so that emp willcancel the engagement, which was a lame suggestion by D... then itfailed of course, then D suggest that X get engaged with someone elsethen A can be free to live his life... then C very excited and ask X topick him... then X asks B to get engaged with her... C really for comicrelief man... so funny...

in the engagement party... damnconfusing lah... X gets engaged with... D!!! apparently D ties C up,and has fallen in love with X cos touched by how she try so hard tofind someone for A... cos apparently him not liking girls is an excuseto distance himself from girls who only like him for money... then mustkiss as part of the engagement process, D leans in, X leans back, andthe moment is stopped by... a shout from... C (haha too bad not A... Xalso wished it was A...)... then in the midst of all the confusion, Aappears... turns out B told A just to hide and watch... then A saysthat as he watched, he realised he can't leave X alone... awww...

thenafter everything, B gives X the cheque for the money and tell her thatshe has done her job and he is satisfied with the result... then X ishuh? then B tell her he just wanted to move A into action... soapparently B is a good person with good intentions... then he arrangesfor A and X to secretly meet, and just as they kiss, emp's people findthem... then suddenly gifts come, congratulating X's engagement to D...then D says that he released a note that he and X got engaged... thenemp says stop the release... then part 2 ends...

starting ofpart 3, X and A are together, but they must date secretly to preventemp from finding out that they are together and force them to beengaged... till they figure out how they can be together and yet nothave to make A be the heir...

A and X are together... then comes in Mai Li (manga name... perhaps theGenie that somebody previously mentioned?)... so apparently they made amistake, X is not the granddaughter... but M is... and M has set hersights on A!! in order not to be apart from A, X requests to stay, butearns her keep as the maid... then some scenes where M try to talk toA, but A shows clearly that he likes X and asks her to trust him... butM tells X she is very confident can snatch A from her... then Xrealises M is a fake (apparently she doesn't have the mole after all)!tell grandpa, but doesn't believe her...

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Post time 5-10-2007 03:38 PM | Show all posts
1st posting aku kat umah nih....

sorang member aku cakap.. (pertama kali tgk) 2 2 ni ngam sesangat...
aku pun bersetuju...
takleh posting panjang sangat.. ader meeting.. nanti aku sambung balik

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Post time 5-10-2007 03:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1510 tsukushi's post

la angela berangan rupanya ye....menjadi isteri mithali.....hehe

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2007 03:50 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1512 babyface76's post

comei sesangat ....nmpk bahagia tul

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2007 03:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1511 nzhass79's post

welkam2...sape le gamaknya kwn tu...mmg ngam pun

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Post time 5-10-2007 04:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1510 tsukushi's post

baca manga spoiler tu cam best je...chun ngan angela bercinta sorok2...tapi rupa2nya angela tu bukan cucu betul kepada emp ye...

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Post time 5-10-2007 04:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1512 tsukushi's post

iyalah pasangan yg bahagia...heheh
kalaulah ada gif pasal part nie sure seronot aku dapat nengok..hehe

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2007 04:24 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1514 babyface76's post

baru tak nk spoil....tak baca sgt pun...mst drama lg best dr manganya

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Post time 5-10-2007 04:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1502 tsukushi's post

a'a memg segak chun masa tu....teringat plak iklan dashing...yg masa aku zaman kanak2 dulu....

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Post time 5-10-2007 07:59 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1516 tsukushi's post

tsu dah baca ke manga citer ni...rasa pun citer lagi best kot....

[ Last edited by  errasazza at 5-10-2007 08:07 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2007 09:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1518 errasazza's post

mana ada eng trans...heheh tu pun cuba ngelak bc spoiler manga tu...

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2007 09:28 PM | Show all posts
Chun update pix RP

Carry her

Dont hide laa

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2007 09:33 PM | Show all posts

Dont sleep!!!

Recording session

Fat Chun!

Chun as salesman

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Post time 5-10-2007 09:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1520 tsukushi's post

rupanya kalu offscreen angela ni pemalu...agaknya...

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Post time 5-10-2007 09:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1521 tsukushi's post

dah byk gambo ya dlm folder romantics princess tu...ada gambo makanan...gak nampaknya...

siannya calvin masa ni...kepenatan kot...

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2007 10:02 PM | Show all posts
manga spoiler
part 2

M is actually emp's good friend'sgranddaughter... emp actually got M toforce X to confess that shelikes A so that he can make the both of themget engaged... then when Xfound out, she pretend to play along, andtold emp and M that shewishes M and A all the best, and that she'sgoing back to her house...unfortunately, (surprise surprise...) Aoverhears it and mistakes thatX is really breaking up with him... thensomehow he thinks that it'scos of B that X is breaking up with him...then he suggests taking M tothis holiday villa, and X is like oh she volunteers herself asthe accompanying maid... and A says thatmight as well get B to gosince B probably has something to do with X'schange of heart... Xtries to explain but to no avail, then begs B tohelp her explain to Aand (surprise surprise...) A sees them just as Xis holding B to pleawith him and thinks that they are getting on justfine...

atthe villa, (surprise surprise...) C and D are thereas well... and Msays that she changed her mind about A... at first shewas just goingalong with emp's plans, but now she's interested in A..soat the villa, X returns to her room... and finds her luggagemissing,she asks the guys, and A says that he put her luggage in B'sroom... sohe will share a room with M... C and D object violentlysaying X and Mshould be in same room since they are both gals... but Asays since Mand he are engaged no worries...

so at night, Band X are onthe same bed, but they are sleeping as far apart aspossible, X can'ttake it, thinking about A and M... she tries to goout the door, butsees C and D sleeping outside, ready to run in toprotect her should Bdo anything to her... she goes back in and triesto climb out thewindow, inadvertently stepping on B and jumps out...when she leaves theroom, B opens his eyes and sighs a sigh of reliefthat she's finallygone...

as X is roaming around outside, shehears a noise andsees a figure peering into the room where she and Bwere sleeping... Bhears the noise as well and peers out from the room,asking who'sthat... and it's M... then A comes and like hey M let's goback to theroom, dun disturb B and X... then B is like didn't you seeX? then theyare like where's X? then X shouts, i'm here, from behindthe tree...then having seen A asking M to go back to the room, shefinally confessthat she's loved A all along and minds A going back tothe room withM... then *piak!* X is hit by M... everyone is stunned...M's turn tooutburst: then why you and B seem as if you have somethinggoing onbetween the both of you... then X claims in innocence, butthere'snothing... then M declares her love for B... actually 10 yearsago shemet the four of them, but she was very ugly... and even then(at 8 yearsold?!?!) B was very popular amongst ladies, so shetransformed herselfin the 10 years to become pretty just to get B'sattention...

afterall the outbursts, A and X are in a roomalone... and A confesses thathe knew that M is a fake, just wanted to"watch" good show, like wat Bdid to A with X earlier... cos M say likehim, but her eyes never leftB... so he started to dig, and found outthe truth... then *piak* Akenna thrown pillow from X... lovers tifflah... then romantic moment asthey make-up... suddenly *flash!* phototaken of them by emp's people...

thenX goes to confront emp...then emp say die die want A as heir... so mustmarry her... (so X isreal granddaughter after all...)

then she and A brainstorm... want to find replacement... gets an idea...

thenshegoes to find M... and they both want M to end with B, but fordifferentreasons (which they dun tell each other... X reason is sothey can takeover A and her as heir... M reason is so B can marry intoher family andbe heir to her family business with her...).

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2007 10:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1523 errasazza's post

bakpe tk nmpk pix ye.....Chun mmg suka ambik pic Calvin....mst penat seharian shooting

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2007 10:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1522 errasazza's post

malu2 kucing...bygkan dorang kenal dan hooting dlm 40 hr ada chemistry on screen

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Post time 5-10-2007 10:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1525 tsukushi's post

nampak je...tak tahu la plak...myb ada problem kot pict...tak nampak....tu arr...calvin sampai terlelap tu...sambil duduk...myb kepenatan yg teramat...kalu aku dah kat situ mau je srh dio tido atas bahu aku..

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Post time 5-10-2007 10:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1526 tsukushi's post

malu2 tapi mahu...angela ni kelako gak...

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