discussion kitorang kena tajuk:
based on documentary titiled Air Crash Investigation kt ASTRO (ch 553 NATGEO), mostly accidents happened because of negligence. Discuss......
nceb bek members in group ade knowledge. |
Post Last Edit by star_struck at 12-7-2012 02:05
As salam.
Tadi saye dah type panjang2 tp entah mcm mana xpublish plak. Pape pon ape yg sye boleh share adlh...
1. Baca tentang tragedy aircraft crash kat Tg. Kupang (1977) >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_653 . I got this text for my comprehension evaluation. Nasib baik ade member pac bagi baca sikit sbelum my turn so, adelah gak input sbb sye duk bace psl Uberlingen mid-air collision je mlm sbelum pac tuh huhu. Ade soalan yg jwpannye xde dlm text yg diberi tp sbb i dh bce sikit sblum tu so tak blur sgt. Tinggal nak goreng je. Hehe.
2. Saya dpt tajuk discussion same mcm ctort. Tapi group before us dpt tajuk 'impact of increase in fuel prices' (mcm tu la lbih kurang tjuknye. i tak sure the whole title). Huhu.
And...i rase the whole purpose of this pac ni, diorang nk tgok kejelasan sebutan bhs inggeris and kefasihan bhs inggeris kita dlm komunikasi (as well as nk evaluate sikap kempimpinan and teamwork bla bla). So, berlatih la baca text english dgn bersungguh2. Biar bersembur asal sebutan jelas and betul. Huhu. I think, tu je kot stakat ni. Sungguh berdebar nk tggu result pac. Sye tengok sume ATC ni mostly lelaki. Rse tak confident pun ado. Tapi, haruslah buat2 confident mse evaluation tuh. Huhu. Xpelah, yg penting usaha. Ade rezki, adelah jln nye ye dak?? Kekeke.
For all the A29-to-be, be prepared and aja aja fightingg!! ;) |
Reply 1526# star_struck
u PAC kt ner? |
susah2nya soklan korang sumer dapat
my group discussion punya title: what do you think about airport facilities?
time pairing comprehension dapat pasal cargo security. tp soklan yang ditanya:
1) what the text is all about? (ini jek merujuk pade text)
2) do u think our airports are safe?
3) is there anything that can be a weapon on airplane?
4) same question about liquid limitation
my partner got 3 questions and i got 2
memula masuk soklan dorang tanya:
1) brief about urself
2) why do you want to be atc/ goverment servant --> ku kurang prepare sbb ingatkan masa interview baru nak tanya, huhu |
Reply 1527# ctort
I pac dekat Airport Melaka. 7hb. u? |
Reply 1528# katak_kiut
one of my pac frens ade yg dpt fasal cargo ni. dia ditanya mcm mana nak masukkan keranda dlm flight lagi! waaa!! nsib baik i tak dpt yg tu. kalo tak, mmg masak! huhu. |
Reply 1529# star_struck
penang, 8/7 |
Wayne, u're one of the senior ATC right, nice to hear ur experience if u love to share with usfizzi1807 Post at 11-7-2012 17:05
I'm not senior, newbies in the aviation world.. my experience??? no prob for sharing, but visit to KL ATCC will give u better idea.. . |
Reply nommy
Oic....arni ingat girl. But few girls told about this forum also. Ye lah...sume mem ...
arni_hudsan85 Post at 11-7-2012 00:39
erm...saya plak duk line 2nd last....tp lau tjmpe pasni leh igt kot muke...sebab lama sgt tunggu turn....boleh igt sorg2 rasenya candidate hari tu... |
Salam semua...sy msh baru kat web cr ni...neway ada soalan nak tya...200 vacancy tu utk controller je or tmasuk a29 skali?? |
erm...saya plak duk line 2nd last....tp lau tjmpe pasni leh igt kot muke...sebab lama sgt tung ...
nommy Post at 12-7-2012 19:42
Insyaallah....confirm klu jumpa pasni akan tegur....hehe. |
Reply 1530# star_struck
wahhhh, kalu dpt soklan tuh sure ku sangapppp weh nak menjawab
huhu |
ye la.AtC ramai lelaki..hukhuk..adekah DCA prefer lelaki dr perempuan (sbb lelaki xkan cuti bersalin)... |
Salam kengkawan~~
agak2 bile ek result kuar? |
ye la.AtC ramai lelaki..hukhuk..adekah DCA prefer lelaki dr perempuan (sbb lelaki xkan cuti bersalin ...
ctort Post at 13-7-2012 13:55
Mase taklimat PAC hari tu, pegawai tu cakap takde diskriminasi walaupun perempuan nanti ramai yg cuti bersalin...so don't worry...tp, kalo nak masuk MAVA nanti xboleh pregnant/bersalin...kalo dah kawen, delay2 lah dulu...pegawai tu yg cakap...hehehhe... |
Mase taklimat PAC hari tu, pegawai tu cakap takde diskriminasi walaupun perempuan nanti ramai yg ...
nommy Post at 13-7-2012 16:40
hehe..kena pndai bab probability |
Reply 1536# katak_kiut
for sure nye sangap! wakaka. Cuak gile~ huhuk |
Reply 1539# nommy
yeke nommy. kalo mcm tu baguslah. huhu. walaupun tak yakin i boleh lepas pac ari tu, tp legalah sikit bila tahu there'll be no gender discrimination. |
salam & hi all,
I am a new comer here. I had already follow this threat since being calling for 2nd stage ATCO in batu berendam melacca on 8 July 2012.
During my time the passage topic is about Airport security & Aircraft security.
Panel by Mr Choong & Mr Baharin.
Question all by Mr Choong.
a) Do you thing our Airport is safe? Why?
b) How do you want to increase the safety in Airport?
c) Do you think we should increase the safety in the Airport?Why?
d) During aircraft boarding. It is safe for passenger?
e) What is the item that can be use as a weapon inside the airplane?How it is can be used to threat the passenger?where is the location of the item?
All the question more to critical thinking and opinion.
Group discussion. We are all together 6 person. 5 pax without Aviation knowledge and 1 guy with superb ATCO knowledge because he is an AATCO (To be promoted to become ATCO)...Very nice guy..He bring us to climb Malacca Air Traffic Tower..Had a very good experience to meet him..
Our topic discussion is simple i think...
WHY SHOULD YOU BEING CHOOSE TO BE AN ATCO IN MALAYSIA...The question sound to be like that...hik3
We had a good discussion...so and so..
presentation.....Only one question being ask by panel..This is because of one of the main point is To Serve the country...
The panel ask me..
Why you choose point To serve the country?
...With spontan and selamba i answer...
Now i am working with Japanese company so i think it seem like i am serving to the Japan country...What the answer i had given to them...They only laugh...The presentation end there..Total time about...2 minute ONLY...I think no hope for me...hahaha
Anyway....All candidates whose had gone through the PAC (2nd Stage)...i wish you Good Luck....Semoga Di panggil ke interview session...
Domo Arigato Gozaimas....
Gambate Kudasai!!!!
Dozo Yoroshiku... |
salam & hi all,
I am a new comer here. I had already follow this threat since being calling for 2 ..
miejiee Post at 14-7-2012 08:35
me too.. i think, my presentation only took 1min..hukhuk..i oso did not understand why i was rushing during the presentation.oh..how I regret for not explain in details in compose state. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi