Thanks Katak_kiut for marking scheme..
tetibe rasa down sikit..
SyQe Post at 6-7-2012 11:22
SyQe..kenaper down...? |
hahah I am not that good with discussion.. (^o^) |
SyQe, based on tips from katak_kiut, all of the candidates should not only show off for him/herself, but really need co-operations and systematic delegation task. The most important things in group discussion is there must be a group leader and how we support/reject our friend's idea.
Pada pendapat sye le..sye pun dulu MUET, group discussion pon hancus...no preparation...harap2 ler dapat ahli group yg boleh bekerjasama...aamiinn...
Xper SyQe, still ader mase utk mengGoogle tips2 nak menyesuaikan diri dlm group discussion...chayok2! |
Tips for describing picture :
" Quite often the pictures will be of unusual or unexpected events such as damage to an aircraft, a crash/collision or a malfunctioning piece of the aircraft’s equipment. You will need to develop your vocabulary so that you can easily explain these situations without being lost for words. As a pilot or controller you will need vocabulary to describe
1. each part of an aircraft,
2. weather and time of day,
3. the physical layout of an airfield and
4. various types of damage that can occur.
You will also need a good command of verb tenses so that you can describe:
• what is happening now
• what has happened before
• what is likely to happen in the future
You should also learn the language skills needed to explain why these events have occurred. This will involve (among others) modal verbs of possibility/probability, conjunctions and infinitives of purpose.
You should also use prepositions to describe the physical location, or path of movement of the various objects in the picture. "
banyak lagi, boleh go through this web :
http://aviationenglishasia.wordp ... y/english-for-atcs/ |
Sy syor masuk planecrashinfo.com and from there u guys try to describe the pictures. During the talking if there are many things that u cannot describe then u know where is ur weaknesses. |
Assalamualaikum munir, dah review web tu, very good to test our capabilities to describe picture. Thanks ya.. |
Dengan ini saya ingin mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada bakal-bakal ATC2012 yang akan menghadapi satu lagi cabaran sebelum mencapai impian yang di tunggu-tunggu |
Post Last Edit by torsoman at 6-7-2012 17:07
salam seme...aku br join forum ni...esok aku kt dca putrajaya...ni nk share skit contoh2 soklan aku trjumpe td..aku pn xtau konsep soklan sok camne...tp ni bleh la kot nk buat study....try bukak ni....http://www.practiceicaoenglish.com/demo/index.html ...tp syg...ni demo version je...yg lg satu ni ...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M ... re=related ...harap2 camni la konsep die...ok gud luck seme...
InsyaAllah...tuhan bukakan rezeki kita bila kita bukakan peluang kat org len...salam |
Reply 1433# CikBurungAntu
Thank you cikburungantu, hopefully this career choose us too! hihi |
Pegawai Kawalan Trafik Udara (ATC)
Baru lepas test rabun warna. Terpedaya dgn soaln. Hairan knapalah tak nmpk nmbor. Rupanya mmg takde nombor. Huhuhu
(posted by mobile) |
Reply 1435# suwiiittt
bgus erk ko ni suwitt..
update every step erk..keepidap.. |
hurmm..nti jgn lopa shred pasai group discussion and anything which is important. |
Baru lepas test rabun warna. Terpedaya dgn soaln. Hairan knapalah tak nmpk nmbor. Rupanya mmg takde ...
suwiiittt Post at 7-7-2012 11:24
Good luck suwwitt dan semua yang lain. Thanks for sharing with us. |
lastly... akan dibahagi kepada kumpulan.. sy kene 4 orang 1 group... diberi satu topik... aktiviti ni ambil masa 1 jam... discussion+presentation... My group kene What will effect when fuel cost increases???? dia banyak set soalan so kene pilih...
tp apa yang penting CAKAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Pegawai Kawalan Trafik Udara (ATC)
Betul sgt tu sun_moon. No describe pictures. The others same as last batch. And the new section is group discussion. We need to choose a topic to be discussed. The important things is please take part in the discussion and cooperate wit others. There are no right or wrong.and after that, we need to present. For our group,the evaluater want all of us to present. All the best.
I get some info here. Only about 50 vacant need to be filled. And don't know how many reserve.
(posted by mobile) |
Reply 1441# suwiiittt
dkt pusat test u today berapa orang? |
Post Last Edit by pezzak at 7-7-2012 16:57
welkam back ..
correct that this year will be no more pic describing..GOOOOD, but the CON is we have less talking wif DCA..
so mmg kena pulun time discussion tu...follow tips katak kiut tuu..
during intro..after they go through borang profile..i got bonus question why wanna join after already have stable job?...
good to you sun_moon, only 4 person, we in Putrajaya need to Q for talking wif 8 person
and can you imagine how to control a group of 8 person..susah nak carik makan ni..hehe
we are devided into 3 large groups, A (15 pax), B (16 pax) n C( 17 pax)..kalau tak silap
each group will have 2 panels,
the panel will call for accesment with sparring partner
so utk role play, sorang pilot n sorang ATC
after the conversation, they us each of us what are the conversation are about? (mmg susah nk paham sebb semuanya dalam ejaan perkataan)
for comprehension, there are 2 paragraph..so we need to read 1 paragraph oni.. (less talk lg)..then they will ask Qs mcm biasa...
anyway good luck to all again for tomorrow candidates..
feel free to ask Qs..aku tatau camana nk explain lagi.. |
Thanks for sharing the info
Cepat jugak eh habisnya, bukanlah betoi2 5 baru tamat. So, makan sedap tak?? Haha, soklan ilangkan gemuruh esok ;) |
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Category: Belia & Informasi