JE ('07~'10) - Hey!Say!JUMP, Johnny's Jrs [HSJ new single: p.99]
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1420# Kittie
ia?wah~~~nak tgk gak SC 2...sy sllu jer dpt SC dr Newshfan.livejournal.com, tp kat sn x bny ttg Question....
so ble dah search kat Google, habuk pon tarak...
tp psl Newshpan ler sy minat ngan beberapa Jhonney's Jimoshou nyer artist...(terminat plak.....)
owh mcm 2 rpnye....so sy kna ambek bnyk mse ler klu nak khatam sume thread yg ade kat Cri ni kan? hehehehehe |
1420# Kittie
ia?wah~~~nak tgk gak SC 2...sy sllu jer dpt SC dr Newshfan.livejournal.com, tp kat sn x bny ttg Question....
so ble dah search kat Google, habuk pon tarak...
tp psl Newshpan ler sy ...
CloudySora Post at 23-8-2009 11:03 
kat page2 sebelum nih kat thread nih ade video2 & mp3 Question?
newshfan tak byk sgt sub vid Question? tp adela gak... |
1422# Kittie
okhay thankx bebanyk Kittie, I'll try search first k....
TQVM...(^~^) |
Post Last Edit by Kittie at 23-8-2009 11:15
[English subbed]
Hyakushiki #102 Shinkansen Special 2008.12.31 Soba
Sensei: Inohara Yoshihiko
Students: Sanada Yuma & Okamoto Keito (main), Fujigaya Taisuke, Yamashita Shoon, Totsuka Shota, Takada Sho
Guest Students: Kitayama Hiromitsu, Tamamori Yuta, Senga Kento, Miyata Toshiya
Hyakushiki #102 Shinkansen Special 2008.12.31 Purser
Guest Students: Kitayama Hiromitsu, Tamamori Yuta (main)
http://shimai-fs.livejournal.com/8216.html |
1422# Kittie
okhay thankx bebanyk Kittie, I'll try search first k....
CloudySora Post at 23-8-2009 11:12 
kite salu layan video derang raw jer, tak tunggu sgt sub... klu ade, adela... klu takde pun takpe... |
i love yone too.. |
td beli magazine..ader gamba yuma...tp chinese magz la..
kene mintak tolong sungkit translate kan.. |
Post Last Edit by Kittie at 23-8-2009 11:15
[English subbed]
Hyakushiki #102 Shinkansen Special 2008.12.31 Soba
Sensei: Inohara Yoshihiko
Students: Sanada Yuma & Okamoto Keito (mai ...
Kittie Post at 23-8-2009 11:13 
Akak...thankx bab g taw....sye pon minat Kis-My-Ft2 ni....kakoi+kawaii...hehehehe |
1425# Kittie
sy suke yg ad sub bab sy ble bljr jpon smbil berseronok...hehehehe  |
ooo... at least leh baca kanji cina tuh...
tgh windu kat yody, tb2 nmpk avvy uols... mintak2 terselamatla masa depan yody nih... n mase dpn gakki, yori n akun semer...
dhla yody nih jenis 'my ...
mintak2 takde apa2 la kat Yody n Aku n Yori nih...Gakki takpe lagi, pasal first group dia FiVe bukan Question...n then ada Subaru yg mmg Rikki cakap kalau takde 'kashira' (head) diorg ni yg selalu bagi support n protection diorg pun dah takde dah sekarang nih...Rikki mmg berterima kasih sgt kat Subaru pasal tak putus asa hal FiVe n Subaru, dan selalu percaya yg satu hari nanti diorg akan keje sama2 lagi...so mmg Gakki selamat sikit dr orang lain... |
mintak2 takde apa2 la kat Yody n Aku n Yori nih...Gakki takpe lagi, pasal first group dia FiVe bukan Question...n then ada Subaru yg mmg Rikki cakap kalau takde 'kashira' (head) diorg ni yg selalu ...
whitedove Post at 23-8-2009 15:33 
klu jadik ape2 kat yody, konfem gakki pun sakit jiwa... kembar siam... mase die kena letak kat FiVe awal2 hari tuh pun emosi tak stabil smpai jimusho terpaksa letak gak die dlm Question?, sib baik jimusho mmg dh ade cadangan masa tuh nk tubuh Question?, so takla lame sgt depresi gakki mase tuh. klupun satu hari nnti yody ker, gakki ker terpaksa quit, just biarla derang quit dgn cara baik, so derang still leh jadik 'adik beradik' in RL... takleh byg klu dua kwn baik nih terpisah or terasa hati or tersalah faham sbb bende2 jimusho... cukupla tragedi n kisah hidup bittersweet takkibaru tuh...
FiVe nasib baik, still ade Baru... lagipun Tsubasa jaga betul FiVe nih, smpai org takleh tick dh FiVe, Takki pun takleh dera FiVe lebih2, marah Tsu org kaco cows die tuh... FiVe pe2pun ade org support... Question? ade sama derang jer, gi mana2pun berlima, gi mkn berlima, dtg studio berlima, gi shopping berlima, gi j-rock livehouses pun berlima... everyday papapics semer berlima, susah nk dpt sorang2... gakki pun rasa selamat sbb die tahu FiVe akn ok, tuh yg derang salu stick berlima... even masa Playzone pun derang dok berempat sama2 derang jer... klu ade cons, adela budak2 A.B.C-Z tuh dok teman derang gak sbb derang rapat ngan bdk2 ebi jer... ebi pun takpe, sbb ade Takki... ebi tuh Takki's pets, even tak femes mcm kisumai, ebi still konfem salu ade jobs... |
translation: 20090816 TOUGH WEEDS (Kansai Jrs) MC 2
smpi dah terguling2 gelak baca...
daichi: bun-chan, you're waaaay too stuck to my partner *laughs*
hama-chan: just now too you know? it was awful *laughs* he suddenly hugged me and said without a mic, at my ears, "don't let me go~!" *small laugh*
mwahaha Bunichi dah melekat kat Hamada! 
- apparently when they went to the shop, a gay shop attendent totally went for hama-chan XD
- lol hama-chan got sparkly body cream rubbed into his arms and everything XD

- the other day when hama-chan went to bathe at the shouchikuza giant bath, he heard akito talking
- so he thought there was someone else, but he found akito talking alone to a shampoo bottle XD
- alone, in the bath, with the shampoo bottle on the edge of the bath
akito: i know you want to jump, but if you jumped you'd die you know?
akito: yeah i know how you feel ugggh when they push your head
- akito says if he's not allowed to talk he dies, so.
sah Akito mmg giler bercakap, dok sengsorang pun buleh bercakap ngan botol syampu 
translation penuh kat sini: http://enshinge.livejournal.com/293528.html#cutid1 |
Post Last Edit by Kittie at 25-8-2009 06:26
kite sgt suke lagu nih... lagu ni adalah show terakhir yone sbg lead vocalist, dan juga lagu terakhir dia...
sbb suara yone nih susah sgt nk tangkap cara die sebut, kite terpaksa kaco enshinge tuk buat romanisasi ngan terjemahan lagu nih.
kredit tuk romanisasi ngan terjemahan semua untuk enshinge@LJ.
Mou Sukoshi / A Little Bit More
song & lyrics: Yonemura Daijiro
Everyday every night, itsumo kimi wo miteiru
Ore wa tsuki de, sugata ga kieusete mo
Koerareru mono ni shika, kabe wa tatanai to iu
Everyday every night, always watching you
I am the moon, even when I disappear
They say that walls come up for only those who're able to overcome them
Tsuki wa tsuki de, totemo igokochi ga ii sa
Sora no ue kara kimi wo mimamoreru kara
Kimi no tame ni kantan ni te wa kasenai kedo...
Being the moon is quite comfortable
Because I can watch you from above the skies
Though I can't easily lend you a hand...
Ore no kotoba de kimi wa, mou sukoshi dake yatte miru
Jouzu ni ikiru koto janai, sou daro?
My words make you go on a little bit more
Living smooth isn't the only way, right?
Tabun kimi wa mou sukoshi, hashiranakya ikenai yo
Tabun kimi wa mou sukoshi, kimijishin no koto wo shinjinakya
Mou sukoshi mangetsu de itai, kimi no yuuki wo terasu kara
Sonna uta sa...
You should probably try running a little bit more
You should probably believe in yourself a little bit more
I want to stay a fullmoon a little bit more, so that I can shine on your courage
That's what this song is like...
Everyday every night, itsumo kimi wo miteiru
Ore wa tsuki de, sugata ga kieusete mo
Koerareru mono ni shika, kabe wa tatanai to iu
Everyday every night, always watching you
I am the moon, even when I disappear
They say that walls come up for only those who're able to overcome them
Kimi wa yasashii hito ni, yuuki wo moratteru ne
Kimi wa fuan wo tanoshisa ni kaeru sa
You've been given courage by kind people
You'll change the insecurity into laughter
Tabun kimi wa mou sukoshi, hashiranakya ikenai yo
Tabun kimi wa mou sukoshi, kimijishin no koto wo shinjinakya
Tabun kimi wa mou sukoshi, toomawari suru kara
Tabun kimi wa mou sukoshi, kimijishin no koto wo shinjinakya
Mou sukoshi mangetsu de itai, kimi no yuuki wo terasu kara
Sonna uta sa...
You should probably try running a little bit more
You should probably believe in yourself a little bit more
Because you'll probably be taking the long way around
You should probably believe in yourself a little bit more
I want to stay a fullmoon a little bit more, so that I can shine on your courage
That's what this song is like...
sape yg nak rakaman lagu ni, boleh gi sini. nih kite punye, jadi kredit kite punye. |
[English hardsubbed]
"The Shounen Club" (6 June, 2004) Kame & Koki roller skating with Kis-My-Ft
Length: 5 mins 25 secs
Size: 72 MB
Starring: Kame & Koki (KAT-TUN), Kis-My-Ft which includes Massu (NEWS)
ni grup kis-my-ft yg first, yg ade massu, tp mase ni hiro dgn taipi (gaya-kun) dh ade... |
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