me pon dpt da pass...gne yg celcom top up rm50 tu senang...ade care2 nk buat tu kat page sebelum2 ni..cbe la tgk..atau pon msk ade buat slogan kat website mtv..ade orng da tepek gak da link tu sebelum ni...
@isabel pon da down da ni dengar citer kate 2pm x dtng...isk..dah la br lps ambik voucher nye td kat sunway..hmm...sabo je le..
tp dngr citer nnti ade estranged,all american reject ngan kasbian(btol ke me eja name nyer ni??haha)..kalu x silap la..
oppa2 2pm...dtng la!!waa....
tu la.....
mysis ader gak confirmation yet pasal 2pm nk dtg msia tuh.....
nama pon xde dlm web
pastu iols trus cancelkan plan nk turun g SL tuh.....
any hupdates plz share yea.........
The first episode of MNet's new show titled "Wild Bunny" featuring the boys of 2PM aired earlier today. Here was the original synopsis of the show from 2oneday:
"Chansung is to have a love line with one of the high school girlson the sitcom while Junsu will play the role of someone who talks toobjects. Junho is to appear also as someone who is passionate fordancing and has celebrity posters all over his room.
Taec is to play a model who just came from America to Korea for somebusiness. He apparently liked to party it up in America and I found hisscript on naver. The first scene starts off with him in the airport andhe's wearing a suit. The weather gets to him and he starts speakingKonglish and takes off his suit jacket. He lands himself in a cafe andstarts acting all smart with his English, asking the waitress if theiringredients are organic and stuff. When the waitress comes back withhis order, he tilts his sunglasses down and winks at her.Unfortunately, she thinks he's creepy. But seeing her name as Eun Heeand not a waitress, I think she's bound to come back up during thesitcom.
The girls that are appearing on the sitcom are the girl from Idol ArmyEpisode 3 (the high school girls who had a show with Junjin as theirdad)."
However this has all changed, one of the members from 2PM said thattheir acting failed so much that they had to change the whole premiseof the show into a simple reality program with various missions put in.The first episode featured a mission of the boys trying to sneak out oftheir apartment without telling the manager. They manage to steal themanagers wallet and car keys, and head to various places (noraebang /karaoke). Here are some cuts from the episode below, once the fullepisode is subbed and uploaded, we'll update this post.
Dancing to 2NE1's "Fire" in the car: (cr - yanaftwtwo)
2PM are Wild Bunnies The girls that are appearing on the sitcom are the girl from IdolArmyEpisode 3 (the high school girls who had a show with Junjin astheirdad)."
sukebintang Post at 22-7-2009 00:36
bdak2 skolah ni ade..bestnye..suke tgk dieorg..:pompom:..
lawak la dioerg ni..masing2 dah terputus wayar otak...
abg jay
sampai ati dieorg tinggalkan bdak2 lain..
sian kat manager dieorg..pening kpale die nak jage bdak2 tu..
tak tahan nengok jaebum bile time nari FIRE tu..dade die tu..
wooyoung tu geram tgk pipi nak cubit2 mmg tak leh tahan tol tgk org pipi berisi ni..
wakaka...dowang bertiga nih mmg rapat...sian hat len2 esp khun...mmg tak patut pn dowang wat gitu kt mbr len...blh lak split gitu... jay mmg sengal tul bab nari fire... yg best siap ader sound effect biler chansung pukul dak2 len...dowangnyer dorkiness nih tingat plak kt shinhwa...lebey kureng arr dowang...haha...
yg tak menahan tuh nengok jae rebes van...nama jek ader lesen tp jarang drive kot...samer la ngan junsu...pesal tak suh taec drive??? ntah2 lg terok... wooyoung muker slamber rox...wat hal sindrik jek...hehe...junho tak byk expose ek? ke lom lg nk tunjuk belang dia...mmg tak sabo nak nengok epi dowang masyuk club...cepat la wei...