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Author: Truth.8 relevan at present time??

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Post time 9-3-2015 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 9-3-2015 02:53 PM
Truth.8 replied at 8-3-2015 11:06 PM
By sam:
Sure will exposed the lies createdcertain muslims like you, zakir naik, deedat and few others to misleads Christiansinto believing islam..
LOL , I am waiting for your challenge. Like I stated , you would not like it when I start quoting the bible about 'takkiya' which has been made into a doctrine by Paul. What are you waiting for?

Here we go again, you never evenread what I am going to post yet you making an assumption…this how muslims likelies to win the debate…poor soul
Did you not claim God spoke to you? Your post#117 in bitpart
Why I want to do that? because God spoke to me via HIS words on Friday  related to that subject  ...will explain in that topic...
What assumption did I make?

Apart from George Bush , another person is David Koresh. However I reallly like this one , Pastor Kerney Thomas with his miracle of a hankerchief (and God spoke also)

This is actually in the bible , mark16:17 (NIV)
17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;

It was a speech by Muslim top Judge…u not better than him togive see, even a  judge amuslims disagreed on hudud…like I said, hudud is not suitable at present outdated ..

Another question you should ask, in your post above, why “Sudandan Utara Nigeria hanya dilaksanakan beberapa tahun selepas diperkenalkan,kemudian dihentikan”??
Is because they realize it no use and outdated? Why needstop? Clearly something went wrong?
A former judge is not a scholar. He did not provide any evidence of his claim. If you say its outdated , why is it outdated? You are ok with the death penalty for drug pushers and corruption.

Why they stop , no reasons given so far. There could be a million and one reasons.

Even is crime ranking, in arab, but actitives ofterrorist  is over there but in secretly …thatis the fact.
LOL , activities of terrorism in secret? How you know? Waaaah!! Appears that you are 'better' than the CIA or MI5. Did God tell you such things?

What is nonsense? Where? It come from top Judge….are youbetter than him??
Aiyoo tambi , do you understand what you read? The said comment comes from Ravinder Singh (the author of the article). He is assuming , like you that after Hajj season , Mekkah and Madinah becomes a ghost city. Both of you don't know that the permanent population of Mekkah and Madinah is in excess of 3.5 million.

Yet thetop Judge made a point.
You failed
LOL , where is the failure. Care to point it out?

What? Goodreason ? it all in this topic. Is outdated, not ..
So far, countries that have implemented hudud such asPakistan, Nigeria and Sudan, are still far behind in comparison with countriesthat did not implement it, like Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark and Japan”.

Meaning isnot suitable at present time with modern law…it wont work…just like the  country you  mentioned it stop implementing hudud…so it waste of time …it make thecountry back wards…
LOL , the issue now is that the only country with resemblence of Hudud is Saudi Arabia. The crime rate there is a lot better then some of the countries mentioned. You keep on saying it would not work. Why would it not work? Certainly no relation to cannot 'basuh berak' ...... ha ha because 2 hands chopped of due to stealing bread.

Me avoiding? If I am avoiding , would never reply to your nonsense …just wait andsee the takkiya issue will created to counter attacked u and the rest of themuslims using such tactic to lies..
Avoiding reply means that you do not reply to the point on hand. Never reply means not replying. The point here is that you claim that the bible is the truth. Mark16:18 (NIV) states
they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all;
Lets see you proving that the bible is the truth. I buy the weed killer and you drink it. Your bible states that nothing would happen to you. Simple and straight forward. Why are you so scared? Unless ....... gaaaaasp .......... the bible is not the truth.

When you state minimal fairness , isn't such what Hudud stand for? It does not mean chopping off both hands for stealing bread - therefore cannot 'basuh berak'. You cannot provide a valid reason because you don't know what is Hudud except chopping both hands for stealing  bread and cannot 'basuh berak' ..... ha ha

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Post time 9-3-2015 03:05 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 8-3-2015 11:22 PM
Watch the youtube and decide does this comes from God ? The Bible have said many times, God is love...when a crime done, there is a ample of times to repent while in prison....but the following babaric act surly not from Supreme commandments ...

As Christian we can be fear to God ...why?

                                                                        Why does a loving God tell us to fear Him?                                                                                                                                                              How does the command to fear God, repeated throughout the Bible, mesh with His description as a loving God?
The author of Ecclesiastes writes, "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man's all" (Ecclesiastes:12:13). Such a statement at first glance seems to conflict with other verses in the Bible, such as the one where the apostle John writes, "God is love" (1 John:4:8). But the apparent contradiction disappears when we come to a fuller understanding of the kind of fear the Bible is talking about.
God loves us, and that love is behind the laws and commands He has set in place for us. One of the first things we learn when we begin to understand God is that He hates sin, and that those who choose to practice it in defiance of His law will die (Ezekiel:18:4).
That's something to be afraid of. And so, when we first start obeying God, it could be out of fear of the alternative—death. But the more we keep God's law, the more we come to understand God's love for us. We begin to see that God's laws were not just an arbitrary set of high-stakes rules He set in place just because He could. We discover that He gave us His good laws because He knows that following them will give us the best life possible. Yare' , the Hebrew word translated "fear" in Ecclesiastes:12:13, does not just mean "to be afraid." It carries the additional meanings of to stand in awe of, to reverence, honor and respect.
God does not want us to be in continual terror of Him, though that may be where we start in our relationship with Him. Proper, mature fear of God means having a healthy reverence and respect for the most powerful Being in the universe and the laws He has set in place for our own benefit. We fear God and keep His commandments because  He is love. What can we do but stand in awe of that?
For more insight, please read our booklet Who Is God?

I say again , in Saudi Arabia , if you rape someone , they will chop off your head as it is under 'Hirabah'.

However in the bible for the crime of rape it , the rapist need to pay 50 shekels and marry the victim. The woman who was raped wants to marry her rapist? Lu ada otak ka? Bible deut22:29 (NIV)
he shall pay her father fifty shekels[c] of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

Where is the love here?

A person can repent to God but such does not absolve his sin towards the woman he raped. Such person has sinned in 2 fronts ; (1) God (2) community.

BTW , there is no such thing as a loving God in the bible. The biblical God love is conditional. Joh3:16 (NIV)
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Don't give me the BS that the biblilcal God love is unconditional.

Aiyoo tambi!! When are you going to prove the truthfulness of the bible by taking up the challenge of mark16:18? Why you so scared? Bible is not the truth issit?


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 Author| Post time 9-3-2015 06:09 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 9-3-2015 06:11 PM
sam1528 replied at 9-3-2015 02:51 PM
LOL , I am waiting for your challenge. Like I stated , you would not like it when I start quoting th ...

By sam:
Did you not claim God spoke toyou? Your post#117 in bitpart

By truth.8
Yes God spoke to me via HIS words which is the Bible….not in cave which encounter by your socalled seal of prophet not knowing the entity of  that spirit ..running shivering and need to blanket…finally a pagan believer declared him as prophet..

By sam:
Apart from George Bush , anotherperson is David Koresh. However I reallly like this one , Pastor Kerney Thomaswith his miracle of a hankerchief (and God spoke also)

By truth.8
At least he did not bring coconut , carpet  and teropong like your friend bomoh vip usesquran verses by using such items…hahhahaha

by sam:

By truth.8
…and thebomoh Malaya become laughing stock of the world by using the quran verses tofind the missing plane..hahahah
By sam:
This is actually in the bible , mark16:17 (NIV)
    17 And these signs will accompany those whobelieve: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;

By truth.8
It only apply to those believed in Jesus not muslims..

    By sam:

A former judge is not a scholar.He did not provide any evidence of his claim. If you say its outdated , why isit outdated? You are ok with the death penalty for drug pushers and corruption.

By truth.8
How do you know the former judge  did not  study islam?? what evidence do you have toproof he is not a Islamic scholar?? Some western country, do not practice deathpenalty…so if here is death penalty on drug pusher…it need to restudy switch tolife imprisonment that’s my view…

By sam:
Why they stop , no reasons givenso far. There could be a million and one reasons.

By truth.8
For you is million reason butfor me it clearly show is total failure on hudud implementation because do notwork at present time otherwise they would continue the hudud..besides it poorcountry…such poor country, nobody interested in investing in such country ifhudud were to implemented…

By sam:
LOL , activities of terrorism insecret? How you know? Waaaah!! Appears that you are 'better' than the CIA orMI5. Did God tell you such things?

By truth.:
How come OIC kept silent on allthe terrorist act? Why?

By sam:
Aiyoo tambi , do you understand what you read? The saidcomment comes from Ravinder Singh (the author of the article). He is assuming ,like you that after Hajj season , Mekkah and Madinah becomes a ghost city. Bothof you don't know that the permanent population of Mekkah and Madinah is inexcess of 3.5 million.

By truth.8
He wrote because he have experience it…who would want toinvest over there ? besides the hajj and pilgrimages ..

By sam:
LOL , where is the failure. Careto point it out?

By truth:

All over  in thistopic

By sam:
LOL , the issue now is that the only country withresemblence of Hudud is Saudi Arabia. The crime rate there is a lot better thensome of the countries mentioned. You keep on saying it would not work. Whywould it not work? Certainly no relation to cannot 'basuh berak' ...... ha habecause 2 hands chopped of due to stealing bread.

By truth.8
It all pointed out the fact..youread it, ok

By sam
Avoiding reply means that you donot reply to the point on hand. Never reply means not replying. The point here isthat you claim that the bible is the truth. Mark16:18 (NIV) states     they will pick up snakes with their hands;and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all;

By truth.8
In Bible there lot parable that Jesus spoke…some how youfailed to understand the parable but trying act clever…

By sam:
When you state minimal fairness, isn't such what Hudud stand for? It does not mean chopping off both hands forstealing bread - therefore cannot 'basuh berak'. You cannot provide a validreason because you don't know what is Hudud except chopping both hands forstealing  bread and cannot 'basuh berak'..... ha ha

By truth
If not chopping of hand …than why talk about hudud…is yourallah says that chop off hand why now twist?


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 Author| Post time 9-3-2015 06:16 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 9-3-2015 07:37 PM
sam1528 replied at 9-3-2015 03:05 PM
I say again , in Saudi Arabia , if you rape someone , they will chop off your head as it is under  ...

Jesus came and stop all those stoning which kind hudud things ...
He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
John 8:7
so, Jesus did not want us to follow the hudud things...because we not hollier to judge others by such babaric acts..

Now, my killer question aka soalan maut to Muslims:

Are you muslims without sin among you, would implement hudud such as choping off hands, stonining for adultery and etc?? Me waiting from our muslims friends who  think are holier to implement the hudud...

John 8:1-11. Jesus was teaching in the temple when the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery, and they asked Him if she should be stoned as required by the Law of Moses. However, they cared nothing about this woman; they were using her to trap Jesus. In their minds, if He told them to set the woman free, they could claim He did not hold to the Law of Moses. If He told them to stone her they could claim He was not the Savior, and if He said nothing they could claim He lacked wisdom. Jesus did not answer immediately but stooped and wrote something on the ground, and they kept pressing Him. Finally the Lord said, in essence, “Go ahead and stone her because that is what the Law requires. But the Law also requires that the first stone be thrown by a person that is sinless in connection with this charge” (John 8:6-7).

There is no doubt that this woman was guilty of a capital offense and that the Law required that she be stoned, but the Law also required that the guilty man be stoned as well (Deuteronomy 22:22), that witnesses be produced, and that a witness begin the execution. But the Jewish leaders came with venom against Jesus and were thwarted by their own single-minded hate. They did not produce the guilty man and they were unwilling or unable to produce the required witnesses. We do not know what Jesus wrote, but after He wrote a second time the Jews left one by one, from the oldest to the youngest, without saying another word. Jesus then set the woman free with a warning to her to sin no more.

From this passage we learn that we do not accuse others unless we first thoroughly search our own hearts and minds to make certain that we are pure in every possible aspect (Matthew 7:3). Also, if we must admonish someone, we should do so as instructed in Scripture; we always look to God’s glory and never cause unnecessary division or harm (Matthew 18:15), but we do work to keep the church pure. Moreover, Jesus was the only sinless person in the temple scene, and instead of condemning the woman He looked ahead to His work on the cross and offered her life. Likewise we should use every possible opportunity to forgive and to reach out with the gospel and the love of Christ, always remembering that we, too, are sinners in need of the Savior (Romans 3:23).


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Post time 9-3-2015 09:26 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 9-3-2015 09:27 PM
Truth.8 replied at 9-3-2015 06:09 PM
Yes God spoke to me via HIS words which is the Bible….not in cave which encounter by your socalled seal of prophet not knowing the entity of  that spirit ..running shivering and need to blanket…finally a pagan believer declared him as prophet..
Aiyoyo tambi , mau temberang ka? In your post#117 you claimed God spoke to you on friday , bitpart
because God spoke to me via HIS words on Friday  related to that subject  ...will explain in that topic...
When pointed out , you now change it to the following in your post#123
Yes God spoke to me via HIS words which is the Bible
LOL , always trying to twist and turn when you have been called out trying to 'temberang'. Dey tambi , 'HIS words' can mean anything apart from the bible. It can also mean that you sort of hear voices in your head and concluded God spoke to you.

BTW , how can you even call the bible God's words as
(1) the NT written by men (mostly unknowns) who did not even met Jesus and coupled with the fact Jesus don't even know of the New Testament
(2) your refusal to meet the challenge of mark16:18

Ooooh I see , now Prophet Muhammad(saw) did not know the entity of the spirit? Yes for sure. The identity of the so called spirit being Archangel Jibreel was actually confirmed by Waraka Naufal , a Christian. Sahih Bukhari 1:1:3
Khadija then accompanied him to her cousin Waraqa bin Naufal bin Asad bin 'Abdul 'Uzza, who, during the PreIslamic Period became a Christian and used to write the writing with Hebrew letters. He would write from the Gospel in Hebrew as much as Allah wished him to write. He was an old man and had lost his eyesight. Khadija said to Waraqa, "Listen to the story of your nephew, O my cousin!" Waraqa asked, "O my nephew! What have you seen?" Allah's Apostle described whatever he had seen. Waraqa said, "This is the same one who keeps the secrets (angel Gabriel) whom Allah had sent to Moses. I wish I were young and could live up to the time when your people would turn you out." Allah's Apostle asked, "Will they drive me out?" Waraqa replied in the affirmative and said, "Anyone (man) who came with something similar to what you have brought was treated with hostility; and if I should remain alive till the day when you will be turned out then I would support you strongly." But after a few days Waraqa died and the Divine Inspiration was also paused for a while.
You know what is funny? The first acknowledgement of Prophet Muhammad(saw) being a prophet actually came from a Christian. LOL , it was Christianity that actually confirmed the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad(saw). You , after 1500 years deny such. Tsk - tsk ..... you don't look good .... ha ha

At least he did not bring coconut , carpet  and teropong like your friend bomoh vip usesquran verses by using such items…hahhahaha
Aieee!! How come suddenly the bomoh become my friend? I too am laughing at him as what he did was unislamic. In fact the Malaysian Government was cautioned by Saudi Arabia of believing in the absurd. However what do you think of Pastor Kerney who goes - GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! EH-KO-BAHSHA-TA-LOLO-BO-KO-SHA!!

…and thebomoh Malaya become laughing stock of the world by using the quran verses tofind the missing plane..hahahah
This is new. Do tell me , just how do you use Quranic verses to look for a missing plane. Ha ha , tak menjadi lah tambi ....... most if not all of us muslim are ridiculing the poor bomoh. You might want to look for another issue to hit us muslims.

It only apply to those believed in Jesus not muslims..
Pastor Kerney is doing exactly what is stated in the bible in mark16:14 (NIV) that they would be able to speak in foreign tongues , that is why - EH-KO-BAHSHA-TA-LOLO-BO-KO-SHA!! Do you also shout - GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! EH-KO-BAHSHA-TA-LOLO-BO-KO-SHA!!

If it apply to those who believe in Jesus , per your claim , why issit you are so scared to take up the challenge of mark16:18?

Ha ha , we muslims believe in Jesus or more aptly Prophet Isa(as). We don't go around speaking in foreign tongues and drinking poison ..... LOL

How do you know the former judge  did not  study islam?? what evidence do you have toproof he is not a Islamic scholar?? Some western country, do not practice deathpenalty…so if here is death penalty on drug pusher…it need to restudy switch tolife imprisonment that’s my view…
Well for starters you look into his academic credentials. Nothing that state that he studied Islam formally and having an 'ijazah' for his studies. Therefore one can conclude he did not study Islam in a formal setting.

Your view based on what? You advocated death for corruption.

For you is million reason butfor me it clearly show is total failure on hudud implementation because do notwork at present time otherwise they would continue the hudud..besides it poorcountry…such poor country, nobody interested in investing in such country ifhudud were to implemented…
For you on what basis? Do you have any evidence to support your claim. You have none so far. Like I stated , there could be a million and one reasons but we do not have any evidence of such. What has investment got to do with Hudud? Care to explain?

How come OIC kept silent on allthe terrorist act? Why?
Huh?? OIC keep silent on terrorist act? First you claim that there is a secret terrorist activity in Saudi Arabia. I supposed you must have talked to your God for such information as the CIA and or MI5 don't even know about. When pointed out , you now change the issue to why OIC keep quiet an all terrorist acts. Are you sure you know what you are talking about. You are going about half drunk.

He wrote because he have experience it…who would want toinvest over there ? besides the hajj and pilgrimages ..
LOL , you mean Ravinder Singh , the author of the article have gone to Mecca and Madinah for his Hajj. Lu otak ada betul ka tambi?

No investment in Saudi Arabia? Then what are companies like Schlumberger , Exxon , Shell , Sinopec doing there? Goyang kaki ka?

Don't you think you should read first on what are the industries there instead of advertising your ignorance.

All over  in thistopic
Don't see any. So far no valid reason except the understanding of chopping both hands due to stealing bread and then cannot 'basuh berak' ..... Ha ha

It all pointed out the fact..youread it, ok
Read it and challenged it , until now no valid reason from you.

In Bible there lot parable that Jesus spoke…some how youfailed to understand the parable but trying act clever…
Whaaaat?? You mean mark16:18 is a parable? Where did you get this understanding from? The Appalachian Churches certainly don't think so. How can it be
they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all;
be a parable? You are stuck ..... aren't you?

If not chopping of hand …than why talk about hudud…is yourallah says that chop off hand why now twist?
LOL , after more than 125 posts , you still don't understand Hudud? Hudud does not mean - chopping off both hands due to stealing bread therefore cannot 'basuh berak' per your claim. Hudud is the maximum penalty advocated by the Quran and it has guidelines for such penalty. Do you understand what is maximum penalty in accordance to several guidelines. Waaah!! You think all court cases have maximum penalty meted out? That is why I stated you are always arguing from the position of ignorance because of your inability to understand issues coupled with your refusal to learn anything.


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Post time 9-3-2015 09:57 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 9-3-2015 06:16 PM

Jesus came and stop all those stoning which kind hudud things ...
He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
John 8:7
so, Jesus did not want us to follow the hudud things...because we not hollier to judge others by such babaric acts..

Now, my killer question aka soalan maut to Muslims:

Are you muslims without sin among you, would implement hudud such as choping off hands, stonining for adultery and etc?? Me waiting from our muslims friends who  think are holier to implement the hudud...

John 8:1-11. Jesus was teaching in the temple when the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery, and they asked Him if she should be stoned as required by the Law of Moses. However, they cared nothing about this woman; they were using her to trap Jesus. In their minds, if He told them to set the woman free, they could claim He did not hold to the Law of Moses. If He told them to stone her they could claim He was not the Savior, and if He said nothing they could claim He lacked wisdom. Jesus did not answer immediately but stooped and wrote something on the ground, and they kept pressing Him. Finally the Lord said, in essence, “Go ahead and stone her because that is what the Law requires. But the Law also requires that the first stone be thrown by a person that is sinless in connection with this charge” (John 8:6-7).

There is no doubt that this woman was guilty of a capital offense and that the Law required that she be stoned, but the Law also required that the guilty man be stoned as well (Deuteronomy 22:22), that witnesses be produced, and that a witness begin the execution. But the Jewish leaders came with venom against Jesus and were thwarted by their own single-minded hate. They did not produce the guilty man and they were unwilling or unable to produce the required witnesses. We do not know what Jesus wrote, but after He wrote a second time the Jews left one by one, from the oldest to the youngest, without saying another word. Jesus then set the woman free with a warning to her to sin no more.

From this passage we learn that we do not accuse others unless we first thoroughly search our own hearts and minds to make certain that we are pure in every possible aspect (Matthew 7:3). Also, if we must admonish someone, we should do so as instructed in Scripture; we always look to God’s glory and never cause unnecessary division or harm (Matthew 18:15), but we do work to keep the church pure. Moreover, Jesus was the only sinless person in the temple scene, and instead of condemning the woman He looked ahead to His work on the cross and offered her life. Likewise we should use every possible opportunity to forgive and to reach out with the gospel and the love of Christ, always remembering that we, too, are sinners in need of the Savior (Romans 3:23).

There is a big problem with your argument
(1) That means we cannot have any courts and judges. This is because of your argument of joh8:6-7. According to your 'killer question or argument' , we should not have any courts nor judges because of joh8:6-7. Lawlessness would prevail. Cannot judge people what.
(2) Interestingly if you read the bible with care , in the last chapter of Joh 7 you would find the following (bible NIV)
The earliest manuscripts and many other ancient witnesses do not have John 7:53—8:11. A few manuscripts include these verses, wholly or in part, after John 7:36, John 21:25, Luke 21:38 or Luke 24:53.

Therefore your argument using joh8:1-11 is based on a later day insertion to the bible. Originally joh8:1-11 is not in the bible. Looks like someone decided what the bible God should and should not say.

Why say you?

Jesus was never sinless. He lied about going to Jerusalem. Where did you get the notion that Jesus in the bible was sinless.

In fact according to the bible Jesus cannot even enter the assembly of the LORD because of his geneology in matt1. He was a descendent of Perez , whose mother was Tamar , who disguised herself being a temple prostitute and had Perez out of wedlock , the father being Judah.
deut23:2 (NIV)
No one born of a forbidden marriagenor any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord, not even in the tenth generation.
The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah
1 This is the genealogy[a] of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham:

2 Abraham was the father of Isaac,
Isaac the father of Jacob,
Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers,

3 Judah the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar,
Perez the father of Hezron,
Hezron the father of Ram,

4 Ram the father of Amminadab,
Amminadab the father of Nahshon,
Nahshon the father of Salmon,

5 Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab,
Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth,
Obed the father of Jesse,

6 and Jesse the father of King David.
David was the father of Solomon, whose mother had been Uriah’s wife,

7 Solomon the father of Rehoboam,
Rehoboam the father of Abijah,
Abijah the father of Asa,

8 Asa the father of Jehoshaphat,
Jehoshaphat the father of Jehoram,
Jehoram the father of Uzziah,

9 Uzziah the father of Jotham,
Jotham the father of Ahaz,
Ahaz the father of Hezekiah,

10 Hezekiah the father of Manasseh,
Manasseh the father of Amon,
Amon the father of Josiah,

11 and Josiah the father of Jeconiah[c] and his brothers at the time of the exile to Babylon.

12 After the exile to Babylon:
Jeconiah was the father of Shealtiel,
Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel,

13 Zerubbabel the father of Abihud,
Abihud the father of Eliakim,
Eliakim the father of Azor,

14 Azor the father of Zadok,
Zadok the father of Akim,
Akim the father of Elihud,

15 Elihud the father of Eleazar,
Eleazar the father of Matthan,
Matthan the father of Jacob,

16 and Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, and Mary was the mother of Jesus who is called the Messiah.

Note : If you refer to another of Jesus geneology in Luke 3 , Perez the son of Judah is still present.

You have 3 problems now
(1) if you appeal to joh8:1-11 , you can do away with any court of law and judges - might as well have a lawless society
(2) joh8:1-11 is a later day insertion of of the bible - someone decided what the bible God should say and think
(3) Jesus according to his genealogy of matt1 (from the mother as he doesn't have a father) cannot even enter the assembly of the LORD , in deut23:2 ; same goes for the geneology of luke3

Ha ha , you have more problems now.

You should have taken up the weed killer challenge of mark16:18. The very least you are trying to prove the truth of the bible.

LOL , lets see how you respond.

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2015 09:24 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 10-3-2015 10:08 AM

By sam:

There is a big problem with your argument
(1)   That means we cannot have any courts and judges.This is because of your argument of joh8:6-7. According to your 'killerquestion or argument' , we should not have any courts nor judges because ofjoh8:6-7. Lawlessness would prevail. Cannot judge people what.

By truth.8
There big problem in your brain or either you using takiya (cunning lies) on this subject. Firstly it was related to some kind hudud during that time when peoples wanted stone her to death because of the adultery….Jesus came and put a meaning on that issue and everyone left.
Finally, she repented and becameJesus followers. I am using repent here because when someone given   advise or kind counseling for their  negative acts, surly he/she will changed….thiswhat I have said  in my earlier topic ….ifthe women was stone to death, she have no change to repent…so Jesus in Godwisdom use such nice  words  :
Go ahead andstone her because that is what the Law requires. But the Law also requires thatthe first stone be thrown by a person that is sinless in connection with thischarge” (John 8:6-7)
……but  Muhammad you’rethe so called seal of all prophets broke such and upholding such acts which is the hudud…, I always doubt whether such sayings comes God or the suspicious entity spirit in cave who taught him such verses….
By sam;
(2) Interestingly if you read the bible with care , in thelast chapter of Joh 7 you would find the following (bible NIV)
    The earliest manuscripts and many otherancient witnesses do not have John 7:53—8:11. A few manuscripts include theseverses, wholly or in part, after John 7:36, John 21:25, Luke 21:38 or Luke24:53.

By truth.8
Which manuscripts ? do you haveproof for such claimed? You can check in different version of Bible the versesstill there… lies to win this debate…this is common things peoples likeyou used takiya (lies) to bring down the teachings of Jesus…

By sam:
Jesus was never sinless. He liedabout going to Jerusalem. Where did you get the notion that Jesus in the biblewas sinless.

By truth.8
Suddenly you changing the topic to Jerusalem and Jesus neversinless… hello I m  taking about hududand how the women repented after Jesus told do not sin any more after caught inadultery….if in islamic country one will be stone to dead when such person notgiven a chance to repent…that is how barbaric act is….surly it not from Divine  teachings…

for muslims wanted to implement hudud:

Are you muslims without sin among you, would implement hudud such as chopping off hands, stoning for adultery and etc?? .....

Conclusion and final advise from Truth.8

To all human souls there, read how a women was caught in adultery and later she repented…this is true story how our greatest Divine Jesus taught on humans to repent from sinning….. but if she was stone to death, she would not have opportunity to repent…every humans regardless how sinful the person is , one  must provide second chance for this souls  to repent because NOBODY IS PREFECT IN EYES OF SUPREME, WE ARE WEAK SOULS  due to our fallen nature …. In Malaysia the common law, is good enough to punished the person  while in  prison …like I said in this thread, while the convict in prison, he/she will be provide counseling in religious teachings base on individualfaith, training in certain skills and etc…when the convicts leave the  prison, he/she will change to better personbut if the person yet to change, than harsh punishment should be implemented butsurly not HUDUD…besides one should send such person for medical checkup eitherthis person suffering from any kind of mental issue …there are many ways to handle in this civilised world …we no longer living under barbaric or kind ancient law … not relevant at present time…it put fear to peoples and leads the country backward and disaster….

Last night I watch how banda ache have implemented hudud….authority check every corner to see peoples doing good acts…some was dress wrong way such as the tudung was not covered  and etc….they provide advise but one case, a girl dress like guy was arrested and put in truck….

As  for  enuch regardless whether guy or girl who are soft or vice verses, a harsh punishment should not be implemented because Jesus says “For there are eunuchs who were born that way….. Matthew 19:12
Of course there are good enuch and bad just like normal human good and bad…the bad can be arrested and given counseling, life imprisonment and etc ..Like I said, there is ample of spaces for humans  to change as we given brain to think rather than implement the act of hudud…As for banda ache, sooner or later it turn like zombie land when no investors will be interested in investing in such outdated law…unless if the country bless with oil , diamond or gold…Before I close this thread, I urge peoples to watch this video how a women repented after caught in adultery and later she became Jesus disciples..Is  the Bible and our Yesua will leads all to truth and light ..Lets all come to HIM now  ….May God guide in truth with love and peace….Amen

Go ahead and stone her because that is what the Law requires. But the Law also requires that the first stone be thrown by a person that is sinless in connection with this charge” (John 8:6-7)..

John 10-11 Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”  

God will not forgive adultery because in order to do so one must truly forgive himself and ask for forgiveness. How can you ask forgiveness for something you cannot forgive? It's impossible. Christ paid with his life our sins but not the future sins. He gave us only the example: SACRIFICE and until the point when he died it meant that until that point our sins were forgiven. With his dead he wanted to make sure we learned the lesson but we have not. I'm afraid if there is a second coming another sacrifice will have to be done but this time it will be us. I know, in my heart, that God will not forgive a dishonest repentant person because one cannot just simply forgive himself/herself in the first place. Hell awaits for all sinners and that is the truth. Before sinning one must think of Christ sacrifice and don't think that "I can sin anytime I want and just ask for forgiveness and everything will be alright". God gave us life for only a brief moment and there is a reason for that. It's like going for work in the morning and coming back to your home at night. Our Lord gave us the 10 commandments for a reason. Besides, God can see what is truly in your heart and those who commit adultery can hardly understand what God is. 1 Samuel 16:7 "The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
from author : AnGEl HisPANo

Thread closed until further notice


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Post time 10-3-2015 11:46 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 10-3-2015 11:51 AM
Truth.8 replied at 10-3-2015 09:24 AM
There big problem in your brain or either you using takiya (cunning lies) on this subject. Firstly it was related to some kind hudud during that time when peoples wanted stone her to death because of the adultery….Jesus came and put a meaning on that issue and everyone left.
Finally, she repented and becameJesus followers. I am using repent here because when someone given   advise or kind counseling for their  negative acts, surly he/she will changed….thiswhat I have said  in my earlier topic ….ifthe women was stone to death, she have no change to repent…so Jesus in Godwisdom use such nice  words  :
Go ahead andstone her because that is what the Law requires. But the Law also requires thatthe first stone be thrown by a person that is sinless in connection with thischarge” (John 8:6-7)
……but  Muhammad you’rethe so called seal of all prophets broke such and upholding such acts which is the hudud…, I always doubt whether such sayings comes God or the suspicious entity spirit in cave who taught him such verses….
You have a bigger problem now if you argue on joh8:7-8.  Quoting you :
Go ahead andstone her because that is what the Law requires. But the Law also requires thatthe first stone be thrown by a person that is sinless in connection with thischarge” (John 8:6-7)
It is true that the biblical law requires stoning for adultery. However there is no such law in the bible that state of a person without sin be the one who undertake the task of stoning. This means that biblical Jesus was a liar. You are falling for the lie in turn makes you a liar.

To couple with it , joh8:1-11 has been deemed a later day insertion meaning it is a forgery. Don't believe me? You can check it here :
[The earliest manuscripts and many other ancient witnesses do not have John 7:53—8:11. A few manuscripts include these verses, wholly or in part, after John 7:36, John 21:25, Luke 21:38 or Luke 24:53.]
It makes sense , the forgery of joh8:1-11 is meant to show that Jesus was some sort of a goody 2 shoes - pijak semut pun tak mati. It is up to a point of lying because there is no such law for a sinless person to cast the first stone.

Therefore your argument fall flat. You don't know what you are talking about.

LOL , how many time we need to talk about this. You blabber about giving counselling and the person would repent. Are you going to counsel a murderer? To you a murderer goes to prison and given counselling and if he repent , let the person go even though he only stayed in jail for less than a week. Are you going to counsel a repeated offender like a rapist , robber etc. Counsel these people and when they repent , let them go.

Try to talk with common sense lah tambi. That is why I stated that your so called approach in accordance with the so called forgiving of the bible cannot work. Society needs to have laws. The guidelines of Hudud is firm and any witness(es) needs to have impeccable character and the event need to be witnessed.

LOL , now you are tongue tied when confronted with the actual fact is that the acknowledgement of the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad(saw) first and foremost came from a Christian Priest in Waraka Naufal. Ha ha , you being a Christian is spitting to your own face when you demonize Prophet Muhammad(saw).

Which manuscripts ? do you haveproof for such claimed? You can check in different version of Bible the versesstill there… lies to win this debate…this is common things peoples likeyou used takiya (lies) to bring down the teachings of Jesus…
Don't believe me that the bible admit that joh8:1-11 is a later day insertion (a poilte way of saying its a forgery)?
bible NIV
New American Bible (Revised Edition)
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
New King James Version (NKJV)

I will go one further : Compare that to the Codex Sinaiticus , so far the oldest completed manuscript. It goes from John7:52 an then continue with John8:12.

Ha ha , lu sudah kena lah tambi.

Suddenly you changing the topic to Jerusalem and Jesus neversinless… hello I m  taking about hududand how the women repented after Jesus told do not sin any more after caught inadultery….if in islamic country one will be stone to dead when such person notgiven a chance to repent…that is how barbaric act is….surly it not from Divine  teachings…

for muslims wanted to implement hudud:

Are you muslims without sin among you, would implement hudud such as chopping off hands, stoning for adultery and etc?? .....

Conclusion and final advise from Truth.8

To all human souls there, read how a women was caught in adultery and later she repented…this is true story how our greatest Divine Jesus taught on humans to repent from sinning….. but if she was stone to death, she would not have opportunity to repent…every humans regardless how sinful the person is , one  must provide second chance for this souls  to repent because NOBODY IS PREFECT IN EYES OF SUPREME, WE ARE WEAK SOULS  due to our fallen nature …. In Malaysia the common law, is good enough to punished the person  while in  prison …like I said in this thread, while the convict in prison, he/she will be provide counseling in religious teachings base on individualfaith, training in certain skills and etc…when the convicts leave the  prison, he/she will change to better personbut if the person yet to change, than harsh punishment should be implemented butsurly not HUDUD…besides one should send such person for medical checkup eitherthis person suffering from any kind of mental issue …there are many ways to handle in this civilised world …we no longer living under barbaric or kind ancient law … not relevant at present time…it put fear to peoples and leads the country backward and disaster….

Last night I watch how banda ache have implemented hudud….authority check every corner to see peoples doing good acts…some was dress wrong way such as the tudung was not covered  and etc….they provide advise but one case, a girl dress like guy was arrested and put in truck….

As  for  enuch regardless whether guy or girl who are soft or vice verses, a harsh punishment should not be implemented because Jesus says “For there are eunuchs who were born that way….. Matthew 19:12Of course there are good enuch and bad just like normal human good and bad…the bad can be arrested and given counseling, life imprisonment and etc ..Like I said, there is ample of spaces for humans  to change as we given brain to think rather than implement the act of hudud…As for banda ache, sooner or later it turn like zombie land when no investors will be interested in investing in such outdated law…unless if the country bless with oil , diamond or gold…Before I close this thread, I urge peoples to watch this video how a women repented after caught in adultery and later she became Jesus disciples..Is  the Bible and our Yesua will leads all to truth and light ..Lets all come to HIM now  ….May God guide in truth with love and peace….Amen

Go ahead and stone her because that is what the Law requires. But the Law also requires that the first stone be thrown by a person that is sinless in connection with this charge” (John 8:6-7)..

John 10-11 Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”  

God will not forgive adultery because in order to do so one must truly forgive himself and ask for forgiveness. How can you ask forgiveness for something you cannot forgive? It's impossible. Christ paid with his life our sins but not the future sins. He gave us only the example: SACRIFICE and until the point when he died it meant that until that point our sins were forgiven. With his dead he wanted to make sure we learned the lesson but we have not. I'm afraid if there is a second coming another sacrifice will have to be done but this time it will be us. I know, in my heart, that God will not forgive a dishonest repentant person because one cannot just simply forgive himself/herself in the first place. Hell awaits for all sinners and that is the truth. Before sinning one must think of Christ sacrifice and don't think that "I can sin anytime I want and just ask for forgiveness and everything will be alright". God gave us life for only a brief moment and there is a reason for that. It's like going for work in the morning and coming back to your home at night. Our Lord gave us the 10 commandments for a reason. Besides, God can see what is truly in your heart and those who commit adultery can hardly understand what God is. 1 Samuel 16:7 "The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
from author : AnGEl HisPANo

Thread closed until further notice
LOL , you are the one who claimed Jesus to be sinless. I say no because he did lie. To make it worse , if we are to follow strictly to the bible , Jesus wouldn't even be allowed in the LORD's congregation because according to his geneology his ancestor was Perez the illegal son borne from the fornication between Judah and Tamar (Judah daughter in law who disguised herself as a temple prostitute).

It hurts , doesn't it? You have to face it as you are the one who started it and I am quoting directly from your bible.

Your argument about Hudud against the person without sin carrying out the sentence is full of shit. There is nowhere in the bible that has laws that state that only a person without sin to carry out the sentence per joh8:6-7. This is because such verse is a later day insertion (in laymen terms - a forgery). Can you now show me where in the bible that has the law of needing a sinless person to cast the first stone or to carry out the stoning per joh8:6-7 (bitpart)
But the Law also requires that the first stone be thrown by a person that is sinless in connection with this charge
If you cannot pinpoint such law in the bible , then you are just a liar ....... as usual.

You still have not
(1) provide a valid reason to reject Hudud
(2) taken up the challenge of drinking poison per mark16:18 to prove the truthfulness of the bible - I will buy the weed killer , no problems

Use magic Report


 Author| Post time 10-3-2015 12:00 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 10-3-2015 11:46 AM
You have a bigger problem now if you argue on joh8:7-8.  Quoting you :
It is true that the biblical ...
Go ahead andstone her because that is what the Law requires. But the Law also requires thatthe first stone be thrown by a person that is sinless in connection with thischarge” (John 8:6-7)
It is true that the biblical law requires stoning for adultery. However there is no such law in the bible that state of a person without sin be the one who undertake the task of stoning. This means that biblical Jesus was a liar. You are falling for the lie in turn makes you a liar.

so, is you and muslims need to implement the hudud...are you peoples  without sin??  this is the question I been asking...i am not talking about present common law but hudud which amputation of  hands , stoning  for adultery?? are you without sin??or the one going implement the hudud??

the rest of your question already answered...


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Post time 10-3-2015 01:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 10-3-2015 01:43 PM
Truth.8 replied at 10-3-2015 12:00 PM
so, is you and muslims need to implement the hudud...are you peoples  without sin??  this is the question I been asking...i am not talking about present common law but hudud which amputation of  hands , stoning  for adultery?? are you without sin??or the one going implement the hudud??

the rest of your question already answered...

Where do you get this understanding that to implement Hudud one needs to be sinless? If you say you get such understanding from joh8:6-7 then it is very clear that you are arguing on a lie. This in turn makes you a liar.

Joh8:1-11 has been confirmed to be a later day insertion to the bible , in other words a forgery.

In addition there is no such law as per Jesus requirement :
Go ahead andstone her because that is what the Law requires. But the Law also requires thatthe first stone be thrown by a person that is sinless in connection with thischarge” (John 8:6-7)

Where is it in the bible the biblical law requiring a person to be sinless in carrying out the stoning? There is actually no such law.

In other words you are just arguing from your rear end.

Yeah-yeah , you oave answered my questions. Your answers
(1) Hudud entails both hands chpooed off for stealing bread , therefore cannot 'basuh berak'
(2) mark16:18 is a parable

These are not answers but feeble attempts in trying to run away.

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 10-3-2015 06:24 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 10-3-2015 01:41 PM
Where do you get this understanding that to implement Hudud one needs to be sinless? If you say yo ...

hmmm seem your nut brain not able to understand in very clear manner. is another explanation
Read more at ... KVWErIpSWukFHCoY.99

The Qur'an teaches that the person who steals should have his or her hand cut off. This cutting off of the hand serves as a retribution and punishment from Allah. This punishment was ordered by Allah and was practiced by the Prophet. Can such a form of punishment for theft come from the creator of the human hand? Can any property be equivalent in value to the human hand?  

compare the Bible and Quran

Read more at ... KVWErIpSWukFHCoY.99


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Post time 10-3-2015 08:17 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 10-3-2015 08:19 PM
Truth.8 replied at 10-3-2015 06:24 PM
hmmm seem your nut brain not able to understand in very clear manner. is another explanation
Read more at ... KVWErIpSWukFHCoY.99

The Qur'an teaches that the person who steals should have his or her hand cut off. This cutting off of the hand serves as a retribution and punishment from Allah. This punishment was ordered by Allah and was practiced by the Prophet. Can such a form of punishment for theft come from the creator of the human hand? Can any property be equivalent in value to the human hand?  

compare the Bible and Quran

Read more at ... KVWErIpSWukFHCoY.99

Apa lah lu tambi. You seem to be arguing in circles. Why you chase your own backside? Now you are trying to run from your own argument. The story of your life.

You argument for the last 3 posts is centered on the theme that only a person without sin should implement Hudud per your post#129 , bitpart :
so, is you and muslims need to implement the hudud...are you peoples  without sin??  this is the question I been asking...i am not talking about present common law but hudud which amputation of  hands , stoning  for adultery?? are you without sin??or the one going implement the hudud??

You derived such argument from joh8:7-8 , copied pasted from your post#127
Go ahead andstone her because that is what the Law requires. But the Law also requires thatthe first stone be thrown by a person that is sinless in connection with thischarge” (John 8:6-7)

Where in the bible the law that requires the person carrying out the penalty of stoning be without sin of the said charge? Can you show me the said verse?

You cannot show me the verse because there is none to begin with. This is because joh8:1-11 has been confirmed to be a later day insertion to the bible or in other words a forgery.

LOL!! Cruel punishment for theft? We have gone thru this in the very beginning. I have already given you the guideline of Hadd punishment for theft :
1- The thing should have been taken by stealth; if it was not taken by stealth, then the hand should not be cut off, such as when property has been seized by force in front of other people, because in this case the owner of the property could have asked for help to stop the thief.  
2- The stolen property should be something of worth, because that which is of no worth has no sanctity, such as musical instruments, wine and pigs.
2- The value of the stolen property should be above a certain limit, which is three Islamic Dirhams or a quarter of an Islamic Dinar, or their equivalent in other currencies.
3- The stolen property should have been taken from a place where it had been put away, i.e., a place where people usually put their property, such as a cupboard, for example.
4- The theft itself has to be proven, either by the testimony of two qualified witnesses or by the confession of the thief twice.
5- The person from whom the property was stolen has to ask for it back; if he does not, then (the thief’s) hand does not have to be cut off.

Now you tell me , can point #4 be fulfilled? Unless the useless thief stole in front people or he / she have a death wish by confessing the theft.

If any of the guidelines not met , there can be no Hadd punishment.

More than 130 posts yet you still cannot understand the very simple guidelines. Are you that mentally challenged? Like I stated before , you need to start using your common sense.

The following hadith in your link interest me : Sahih Muslim 17:4185
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as sayinget there be the curse of Allah upon the thief who steals an egg and his hand is cutoff, and steals a rope and his hand is cut off

LOL , people like you and the author of the article do not use any common sense. If you read the hadith section you would realize that the Hadd punishment is for ~ 3 Dirhams (or equivalen) upwards which is more than an egg or a rope.

The background of such a hadith is given in the first link. In addition , the consensus of scholars (pg 461) :
... stealing an egg or a rope does not call for someone's hand to be cutoff. Th exaggeration in the hadith is meant to be a factor that urges anyone who thinks of stealing , to think twice , and see how mean this act is , as he would loose his precious right hand for something as worthless as an egg

Again I am asking you : Can you give me a valid rejection of Hudud?

Don't give me an answer of chopping both hands because of stealing bread therefore cannot 'basuh berak'. Only people of lesser intelligence argue as such.

Still waiting for you to meet the challenge of mark16:18 to prove the truthfulness of the bible. If you are too skint to buy the weed killer , no issue , I will buy it for you. Just drink it and prove to me the truthfulness of the bible per mark16:18.

Ha ha ...... lari tambi ...... lari .......


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2015 12:58 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 10-3-2015 08:17 PM
Apa lah lu tambi. You seem to be arguing in circles. Why you chase your own backside? Now you are  ...

where go lari want...have you bother to read my topic from begining? i have says many times, if one hudud is implemented , it goes backward..the country will never prosper....many investors, not going invest if such hudud is implmented....we have common law, that is good enough. still want to argued is it? did not many islamic country in stake of poverty when implment hudud?

proof? here is  list of and come ...jgn lari ok
                                                        Hudud: Negara Islam manakah yang mahu dicontohi?               
                   August 31, 2012 at 6:51 am                                                                                   31 comments                                                                             
                Negara-negara Islam yang mana penduduknya melebihi 95 peratus Muslim ditunjukkan carta di bawah:

Hudud di Somalia Somalia – yang menduduki tangga kedua jadual negara-negara paling Muslim – ialah sebaliknya sebuah ‘failed state’ yang terletak di tangga tercorot indeks negara-negara gagal berfungsi.
Ia dalam keadaan kucar-kacir dengan perang saudaranya sudah berlanjutan selama dua dekad serta ia bermasalah lanun dan penculikan.

Negara tersebut mengalami tahap buta huruf yang amat tinggi (62%). Seramai 1.3 juta orang Somalia tidak mempunyai tempat tinggal yang tetap dan jangka hayat penduduknya hanya 50 tahun.
Somalia telah menegakkan syariah sebagai sistem perundangan rasminya mulai Mac 2009.
Apapun Somalia berjaya melaksanakan hudud. Perkara inilah yang paling penting bagi kita, bukan?

                                                        Hudud: Negara Islam manakah yang mahu dicontohi?               
                   August 31, 2012 at 6:51 am                                                                                   31 comments                                                                             
                Negara-negara Islam yang mana penduduknya melebihi 95 peratus Muslim ditunjukkan carta di bawah:

Hudud di Somalia Somalia – yang menduduki tangga kedua jadual negara-negara paling Muslim – ialah sebaliknya sebuah ‘failed state’ yang terletak di tangga tercorot indeks negara-negara gagal berfungsi.
Ia dalam keadaan kucar-kacir dengan perang saudaranya sudah berlanjutan selama dua dekad serta ia bermasalah lanun dan penculikan.
Negara tersebut mengalami tahap buta huruf yang amat tinggi (62%). Seramai 1.3 juta orang Somalia tidak mempunyai tempat tinggal yang tetap dan jangka hayat penduduknya hanya 50 tahun.
Somalia telah menegakkan syariah sebagai sistem perundangan rasminya mulai Mac 2009.
Apapun Somalia berjaya melaksanakan hudud. Perkara inilah yang paling penting bagi kita, bukan?
Sumber: The failed states Index 2011 @

Selain Somalia, negara-negara lain bertaraf ‘Islamic state’ ialah Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen, Mauritania dan Arab Saudi.
10 negara ‘top’ Failed State di dunia ialah:
  • Somalia
  • Chad
  • Sudan
  • Congo
  • Haiti
  • Zimbabwe
  • Afghanistan
  • Central African Republic
  • Iraq
  • Ivory Coast
Daripada 10 negara ‘failed state’ dunia yang tersenarai, dua daripada mereka ialah Islamic state, yakni Somalia dan Afghanistan manakala tiga lagi Iraq, Chad dan Sudan adalah negara Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
Sudan telah dibelah dua pada 9 Julai 2011. Negara breakaway republiknya yang mengambil nama baru Sudan Selatan berpenduduk majoriti Kristian. Meskipun perang saudara ditamatkan dengan perpecahan Sudan, orang Islam dan orang Kristian Sudan masih lagi bertempur.
Tidak maju sumber manusia

                        Hudud: Negara Islam manakah yang mahu dicontohi?               
                   August 31, 2012 at 6:51 am                                                                                   31 comments                                                                             
                Negara-negara Islam yang mana penduduknya melebihi 95 peratus Muslim ditunjukkan carta di bawah:

Hudud di Somalia Somalia – yang menduduki tangga kedua jadual negara-negara paling Muslim – ialah sebaliknya sebuah ‘failed state’ yang terletak di tangga tercorot indeks negara-negara gagal berfungsi.
Ia dalam keadaan kucar-kacir dengan perang saudaranya sudah berlanjutan selama dua dekad serta ia bermasalah lanun dan penculikan.
Negara tersebut mengalami tahap buta huruf yang amat tinggi (62%). Seramai 1.3 juta orang Somalia tidak mempunyai tempat tinggal yang tetap dan jangka hayat penduduknya hanya 50 tahun.
Somalia telah menegakkan syariah sebagai sistem perundangan rasminya mulai Mac 2009.
Apapun Somalia berjaya melaksanakan hudud. Perkara inilah yang paling penting bagi kita, bukan?
Sumber: The failed states Index 2011 @

Selain Somalia, negara-negara lain bertaraf ‘Islamic state’ ialah Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen, Mauritania dan Arab Saudi.
10 negara ‘top’ Failed State di dunia ialah:
  • Somalia
  • Chad
  • Sudan
  • Congo
  • Haiti
  • Zimbabwe
  • Afghanistan
  • Central African Republic
  • Iraq
  • Ivory Coast
Daripada 10 negara ‘failed state’ dunia yang tersenarai, dua daripada mereka ialah Islamic state, yakni Somalia dan Afghanistan manakala tiga lagi Iraq, Chad dan Sudan adalah negara Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
Sudan telah dibelah dua pada 9 Julai 2011. Negara breakaway republiknya yang mengambil nama baru Sudan Selatan berpenduduk majoriti Kristian. Meskipun perang saudara ditamatkan dengan perpecahan Sudan, orang Islam dan orang Kristian Sudan masih lagi bertempur.
Tidak maju sumber manusiaMengikut Human Development Index (HDI) yang disediakan oleh UNDP / United Nations Development Programme, lima negara paling makmur di dunia ialah Norway, Australia, Belanda, Amerika Syarikat dan New Zealand (semua tak ada hudud).
Laporan HDI tahun 2011memantau sebanyak 187 buah negara. Menduduki 10 tangga paling bawah ialah:
  • Guinea (178)
  • Central African Republic (179)
  • Sierra Leone (180)
  • Burkina Faso (181)
  • Liberia (182)
  • Chad (183)
  • Mozambique (184)
  • Burundi (185)
  • Niger (186)
  • Congo (187)
Daripada senarai 10 di atas, sebanyak 4 adalah negara OIC – Niger (98.3% Muslim), Sierra Leone (71.5% ), Burkina Faso (58.9%) dan Chad (55.7%) manakala yang selebihnya ialah negara-negara Afrika bukan majoriti Islam.
Somalia dan Korea Utara tidak termasuk 187 buah negara yang dipantau oleh UNDP untuk kajian HDI tersebut.
Protes di Manama, Bahrain pada Mac 2011

Negara-negara Arab Spring
OIC ialah gagasan antarabangsa yang paling besar dunia selepas Persatuan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UN). Syarat untuk menyertai OIC ialah sesebuah negara itu harus mempunyai majoriti penduduk beragama Islam.
Pusat pentadbiran OIC bertempat di Jeddah, Arab Saudi.
Pengerusi pertama OIC ialah Tunku Abdul Rahman (1971-73). Pengerusi-pengerusi lain yang seterusnya berasal dari Senegal, Tunisia, Pakistan, Niger dan Morocco. Pengerusi OIC pada masa ini ialah seorang Turki.
Senarai penuh 57 ahli-ahli OIC boleh diteliti di laman sesawang rasmi pertubuhan tersebut — sini.
Negara-negara OIC yang meletakkan Islam sebagai agama negara ialah Bangladesh, Mesir, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Tajikistan, Libya, Jordan, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Comoros, Qatar, Brunei, Maldives dan Malaysia.
Oman (2,595,000 orang), Comoros (682,000) dan Maldives (306,000) adalah negara-negara dengan jumlah penduduk yang kecil.
India, walaupun ia mempunyai 177 juta penduduk (14.6%) beragama Islam, tidak diterima untuk menjadi ahli OIC kerana bantahan oleh musuhnya Pakistan.

read more here  : ... ang-mahu-dicontohi/


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2015 01:02 AM | Show all posts
now that brunei have implemented you know the tourism getting slow? i would surly not going visit brunei...with hudud things..
here is it:Brunei: Why no tourist visit us?  link :

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Post time 11-3-2015 12:10 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 11-3-2015 12:58 AM
where go lari want...have you bother to read my topic from begining? i have says many times, if on ...

LOL , when confronted with the guidelines for Hadd punishment and your false way of utilizing a forgery of joh8:1-11 in your argument , you now quickly run to another argument of only failed states implement Hudud. Your referenced article takes the cake for being extremely less than intelligent.

Out of the 15 countries listed , only Saudi Arabia has Hudud and it is one of the richest country in this world. Just take a walk down Oxford Street in London and tell me which major buildings don't belong to the Arabs?

The rest as claimed by the author does not practice Hudud. Where did you or the author get the impression that Somalia implemented Hudud?

The rest of the countries are already failed states even without Hudud as for various reasons , examples
(1) the dictators left behind were installed by the European powers , example ben Zidane of Tunisia was a dictator with the support of the Italians (Pssts .... the PM of Italy has always been a Christian)
Remember Tunisia? That fight for freedom that the mainstream media essentially ignored until it was almost over and the two decade rule of Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali (another despot with a history of human rights violations who was also installed with the help of Western interests, primarily Italy) was finally overthrown? Well, now globalist proponents suddenly “love” Tunisia and are promoting it as a “model revolution”. Why? Maybe because the dastardly duo of McCain and Lieberman are in town to offer the new Tunisian government “training from the U.S. to help Tunisia’s military provide security”:
(2) Afghanistan is a country that has been at war for the last 100 odd years. First the British then the Soviets and now USA (pssst 2 of 3 are having Christian leaders)

Your argument that a country that implement Hudud goes backwards is only an argument coming from your rear end.

LOL , Brunei does not need your tourism money. It has an insignificant tourism industry. However the Hudud in Brunei is not a complete Hudud as the monarchy is exempted.

LOL , your argument of Hudud makes a country go backwards failed miserably. Saudi Arabia and Brunei are probably the 2 richest nations on earth. Explain just how these Hudud practicing countries are backwards?

When are you going to take up the challenge of mark16:18 by drinking the weed killer (I'll buy it). Suddenly to you the bible is no longer the truth? Ha ha  


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 Author| Post time 12-3-2015 12:33 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 12-3-2015 01:56 PM
sam1528 replied at 11-3-2015 12:10 PM
LOL , when confronted with the guidelines for Hadd punishment and your false way of utilizing a fo ...

It is very very very crystal clear that most of the islamic country who has implemented hudud are in poverty expect for arabs and brunei because rich in oil. Brunei now suffering in tourism because tourist not interested in very islamic state with such hudud....hence this two country will goes in poverty once the oil is dry up...

even there is oil, how about public ? oil enrich the goverment not the public...
banda ache who has implemented hudud, also in in stake of poverty...when poverty strike muslim country because of harsh hudud....than come  
pirate ...kidnaped, ransom, killing , and etc......

succeful nations like usa, uk, and few others who do not have  hudud become rich in enconomy and this leads muslims to migrate over there...
once they mirgate, they bring their idology to  implement syaria law...when refuse, they bom and does the terriorst acts...

tell me: does this religion from God?


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Post time 12-3-2015 02:22 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 12-3-2015 12:33 PM
It is very very very crystal clear that most of the islamic country who has implemented hudud are in poverty expect for arabs and brunei because rich in oil. Brunei now suffering in tourism because tourist not interested in very islamic state with such hudud....hence this two country will goes in poverty once the oil is dry up...

even there is oil, how about public ? oil enrich the goverment not the public...
banda ache who has implemented hudud, also in in stake of poverty...when poverty strike muslim country because of harsh hudud....than come  
pirate ...kidnaped, ransom, killing , and etc......

succeful nations like usa, uk, and few others who do not have  hudud become rich in enconomy and this leads muslims to migrate over there...
once they mirgate, they bring their idology to  implement syaria law...when refuse, they bom and does the terriorst acts...

tell me: does this religion from God?

As far as the world knows , apart from you who is like a frog in a well , only Saudi Arabia and Brunei implement Hudud to a certain extent.

As far as the world knows , apart from you who is ignorant , both the mentioned countries are about teh richest in the world.

As far as the world knows , apart from you who is not well read , both of these countries have insignificant tourism industry.

Therefore your argument of Hudud cause countries to go backwards is just something that you pull from your ass. I am sure your ass is hurting because of the amount of BS you pulled from it.

A suggestion , can you start to use common sense in your arguments?

What about you in proving the truthfullness of the bible in taking up the challenge of mark16:18? Takut ka? This is evidence that you admit that the bible is not the truth. I already stated that I would buy the weed killer for you to drink. You won't be spending any $ ..... ha ha


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 Author| Post time 12-3-2015 02:40 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 12-3-2015 02:22 PM
As far as the world knows , apart from you who is like a frog in a well , only Saudi Arabia and Br ...
As far as the world knows , apart from you who is like a frog in a well , only Saudi Arabia and Brunei implement Hudud to a certain extent.
as far as the world knows, they are rich in it oil has contribute them rich but once the oil is dry up, as far as all know, it like zombie land when hudud still in forced..

As far as the world knows , apart from you who is ignorant , both the mentioned countries are about teh richest in the world.

As far as the world knows , apart from you who is ignorant , both the mentioned countries are about teh richest in the world because of i said once the oil is dry up...u can see how this land turn into poverty..
As far as the world knows , apart from you who is not well read , both of these countries have insignificant tourism industry.

As far as the world knows , apart from you who is not well read , both of these countries have insignificant tourism industry because there harsh law on hudud..brunei is nice to visit but tourist still not interested because of this hdudu issue....Nightlife: 1 – Those in search of vibrant nightlife will probably want to skip Brunei as this is a dry country, meaning that the consumption of alcohol is prohibited by law. It is possible to bring a limited amount of alcohol through customs upon obtaining an alcohol license, but this is probably more trouble than it’s worth

Therefore your argument of Hudud cause countries to go backwards is just something that you pull from your ass. I am sure your ass is hurting because of the amount of BS you pulled from it.
my    argument base on fact...islamic country who have implmented harsh islamic law such as somalia , negeria , banda ache is in stake poverty hence you can see pirate, robbery, kidnaped , ransom and etc

that is pure fact nothing but fact..


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Post time 12-3-2015 02:53 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 12-3-2015 02:54 PM
Truth.8 replied at 12-3-2015 02:40 PM
as far as the world knows, they are rich in it oil has contribute them rich but once the oil is dry up, as far as all know, it like zombie land when hudud still in forced..

As far as the world knows , apart from you who is ignorant , both the mentioned countries are about teh richest in the world because of i said once the oil is dry up...u can see how this land turn into poverty..
Isn't oil a natural resource to be exploited? Therefore the wealth from oil is the wealth of the said country.

Why are you arguing on about oil drying up? It dries up , the whole world is affected and the economy of the world would be affected. An example , foodstuff would be an expensive commodity.

LOL , this is simple deduction. Therefore the whole world is affected. Aiyoyo tambi , use your common sense lah.

As far as the world knows , apart from you who is not well read , both of these countries have insignificant tourism industry because there harsh law on hudud..brunei is nice to visit but tourist still not interested because of this hdudu issue....Nightlife: 1 – Those in search of vibrant nightlife will probably want to skip Brunei as this is a dry country, meaning that the consumption of alcohol is prohibited by law. It is possible to bring a limited amount of alcohol through customs upon obtaining an alcohol license, but this is probably more trouble than it’s worth
LOL , your argument is that these 2 countries are backwards because you cannot get drunk as alcohol is prohibited. You are a drunkard after all and arguing to be a drunk.

Yeah loh , this is because the first biblical miracle Jesus did was to turn water into wine for 'yaaaaaam seeeng' , joh2:7-11 (NIV)
7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim.

8 Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.”They did so,

9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside

10 and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”

11 What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.

LOL , Hudud cause a country to be backwards because alcohol is prohibited , therefore cannot get drunk. This is the most stupid argument so far.

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Post time 16-3-2015 11:40 PM | Show all posts
Why don't you use the english word for 'hudud' i.e. limitations?

And its relevance, you need to choose:
- hudud Allah
- hudud PAS
- hudud JPJ
- hudud Perlembagaan
- etc.

If you search the word 'hudud' in the quran
you'll be stucked in some verses...
If you search the limitations, the whole book is hudud Allah


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