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Author: GhostWalking

[Dunia] Russia bans all U.S. food, EU fruit ; NATO fears invasion

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Post time 9-8-2014 09:20 PM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 9-8-2014 09:08 PM
air controller tu suda dihapuskan la...

Itu la yang Gincu cuba nak bagi abang @zainmahmud berfikir sejenak, bahawa kerja2 kotor tu berat kepada kerja ukrain.

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Post time 9-8-2014 09:28 PM | Show all posts
Rakyat rusia panik sket la sebenarnya dengan tindakan ban makanan ni. Diorang dah mula komplen takut tak cukup makanan. In reality, it's not a big problem at all. Their neighbour, Belarus is happy to supply. Infact, fruits and vege from Belarus are high quality- and cheaper. Katanya, Brazil pun janji bekalan daging yang tak terhingga banyaknya. Lagi satu, Kazakhstan pun ada. Kan dulu2 ada kuar cerita ada wargalelaki kita yg duk Kazakh, ternak lembu.

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 Author| Post time 9-8-2014 09:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
GincuPurple posted on 9-8-2014 01:28 PM
Rakyat rusia panik sket la sebenarnya dengan tindakan ban makanan ni. Diorang dah mula komplen takut ...

Takat food dari US kualiti wise GMO sokmo maybe its better for them bila boikot ni kan

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Post time 9-8-2014 09:38 PM | Show all posts
nampaknya rusia lagi advance dlm bab memboikot kepci, mekdi, stabak bagai.........mai dunhill sebatang ...perhh....lega!

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Post time 9-8-2014 09:43 PM | Show all posts
GhostWalking posted on 9-8-2014 01:33 PM
Takat food dari US kualiti wise GMO sokmo maybe its better for them bila boikot ni kan

Kita pun patutnya boikot barang GMO diorang. Cuba tengok strawberry dr sana, besar2 tapi dalam tak padu/lompong. Rasa pun tak sedap. Dikatakan benih2 produk organik pun GMO, betul ke?

Impian Gincu nak balik duk kampung tanam ubi kentang, tanam sayur/buahan sendiri, ternak ayam/kambing sendrik, ternak lebah madu sendrik - produce own food. Moga di perkenankan Allah.

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 Author| Post time 9-8-2014 09:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
GincuPurple posted on 9-8-2014 01:43 PM
Kita pun patutnya boikot barang GMO diorang. Cuba tengok strawberry dr sana, besar2 tapi dalam tak ...

Kalau being produce in smaller scale,organic food dia xsemua aku rasa GMO.But as u said the rest tu memang.To benefit the healthcare business there at the end of the day kan.
Best kalau you jenis rajin tanam macam tu.macam di korea ada tanah area rumah sikit mesti derang tanam apa2 kan.buat untuk makan sendiri.

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Post time 9-8-2014 10:09 PM | Show all posts
GhostWalking posted on 9-8-2014 01:56 PM
Kalau being produce in smaller scale,organic food dia xsemua aku rasa GMO.But as u said the rest t ...

Orang tua2 rusia terkejut/tak leh hadam bila tau kita (atau mak bapak kita) tak tanam sendiri sayuran. "Mana mak bapak kat kampung dapat kobis?", tanya diorang. "Beli kat kedai", kita jawab buat diorang menganga. Diorang bila masuk je bulan Mei, diorang sibuk dah pergi dacha (summer time house) menyemai benih sayuran. Sepanjang musim panas, sibuk diorang di dacha bercucuk tanam. Bila september datang, masa menuai. Ubi kentang boleh simpan lama dalam tempat bawah tanah. Sayuran lain mcm kobis, tomato, timun yang berlebihan dijadikan jeruk yg boleh dimakan masa musim sejuk. Jeruk kobis ngan lobak merah diorang sedap gak, tau. Jeruk timun, errrr... tak leh nak hadam sangat.  

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Post time 9-8-2014 10:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
GincuPurple posted on 9-8-2014 09:43 PM
Kita pun patutnya boikot barang GMO diorang. Cuba tengok strawberry dr sana, besar2 tapi dalam tak ...

Barang GMO ni x elok eh ? Apa effect dia kt tubuh ?

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 Author| Post time 9-8-2014 10:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
6 Negative Side Affects To Eating Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically modified organisms also known as (GMO’s) can be found in as many as 60-70% of the foods in the US.

As we have written about in the past dangers of GMO’s, a genetically modified organism according to The Non-GMO Project are organisms that have been created through the gene-splicing techniques of biotechnology (also called genetic engineering, or GE).

This relatively new science allows DNA from one species to be injected into another species in a lab, creating combination’s of plant, animal, bacteria, and viral genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods. The use of genetically modified organisms in foods was recently banned in Europe, but the US isn’t to that point yet due to the highly political nature of what is keeping GMO’s on the market and in our food.

Here are six of the dangers that have been discovered by consuming genetically modified foods…

1. Food Allergy Symptoms Increase Dramatically

According to scientific research, it has been shown that those who eat genetically modified foods tend to see an increase in their allergic reactions to the types of foods they are already allergic too. By eating these genitically modified foods people also form allergies to foods which they were never allergic to before.

2. Bodily Toxicity Increases

As individuals ingest more and more genetically modified foods and organisms into their body it has been shown that the bodies toxicity increases which leads to a ton of other potentially serious health problems. As stated by it has been shown that there is a definite link between Obesity, Cancer and Toxicity.

3. Negative Reproductive Effects

In lab tests done on animals there were cases where once the animals ingested genetically modified food they became completely sterile in a matter of weeks. What was interesting in fact was that in some cases these animals were force fed the food because they didn’t want to eat it themselves naturally.

4. Negative Effects To Digestive System

They are finding that GMO’s are a breeding ground for bacteria and virus’s and since the digestive system is where the body is exposed when ingesting these harmful foods, reversing the damaging effects of these foods is nearly impossible. In other cases on mice and rats, there is documented proof that the digestive system grows bigger for some strange reason.

5. Unknown Genetic Effects On Humans

The jury is still out on all of the known causes about how Genetically Modified Organisms will negatively affect the greater human race, so it would be best to avoid them at all costs knowing the long term health risks of ingesting these foods on a regular basis.

6. Death

In some cases death has also been a challenge in working with GMO foods where rats and mice die in a matter of weeks by eating genetically modified food.

As everything adds up over time, and the more these genetically modified foods are pushed on us as Americans, knowing the dangers going in and actively speaking out against it may save more lives now and in the future.


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Post time 9-8-2014 10:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
GhostWalking posted on 9-8-2014 10:43 PM
6 Negative Side Affects To Eating Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically modified organisms  ...

Thanks...ari tu tgk dokumentari kat tv..pasal mardi buat kajian nak hasilkan pisang yg rintang penyakit..tu pun kira GMO gak tu kan

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 Author| Post time 9-8-2014 11:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
saladin780 posted on 9-8-2014 02:48 PM
Thanks...ari tu tgk dokumentari kat tv..pasal mardi buat kajian nak hasilkan pisang yg rintang pen ...

Yang tu aku xbrapa pasti kena tanya pakar.But kalau injecting untuk buatkan pengeluaran sesuatu tanaman double tu antara dikira as GMO.setahu aku cornflakes yang kita dok makan pun ada unsur2 GMO.cuma awareness kita belum meluas di sini.
That's why kita boleh tgk budak2 sekarang imun sistem pun tak berapa kuat tak macam dulu.US pandai derang buat duit dari penyakit.
Penyakit yang dicipta melalui makanan.So kalau yang aware akan minimumkan pengambilan GMO.
Organic food agak mahal jadi harapan aku one day kita akan ada lebih banyak choice home grown produced organic..

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Post time 10-8-2014 12:55 AM | Show all posts
GincuPurple posted on 9-8-2014 08:49 PM
Bang, bila2 kau free cuba kau gi youtube tengok clip wartawan ukrain nama anatoliy shariy. Mamat u ...

Dik, cewah...
no matter apa side belah tu ckp, kita jgn amik bulat2 sgt, you hever know, depa ni bab2 belit n coverina mmg terer. Itu cerita atc hilang bagai tu pon jgn la percaya bulat2 dik. Katun jem bon sgt bunyinya.
klu mu kata kenpa rusia nk korek kuburnya sendiri dgn buat gitu kt kawasan depa, mu patut tanya jugak, kenapa ukrain nk korek kubur depa jugak dgn buat onar di negara sendiri. Tak pasal2 org dah x mau lalu atas negeri depa, hilanglah sumber pendapatan laluan udara berbayar kpd atc depa. Pastu laluan tu mmg tanggungjawab atc depa, besaq tanggungjawab tu dik non oii.. Klu dik non dok dlm bidang ni dik non tau la betapa besaqnya amanah nk jaga airspace ni dik non oii.  Sedangkan atc kl yg kehilangan mh370 pon terkesan dan terkesima buat beberapa ketika. Inikan pulak ruang udara civilian oleh kapal vivilian mahu ditembak semborono oleh negara pengawal... sungguh la tak senonoh saja nk cari pasal.

Cuma pihak tak tau undang2 dan bodoh sombong tak mau belajaq in lawless society saja yg akan berlagak sombong kata itu airspace depa, jgn masuk sini, nnt kami tembak, you never know apa kami ada, kami ada buk mana korang nk tau, klu sudah kena kami sudah bilang, jgn masuk udara kami.. Dah buat statement n tunjuk video kt satu dunia pastuh delete n cabut lari kata tak buat... Yanda dey..

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Post time 10-8-2014 01:03 AM | Show all posts
green~tea posted on 9-8-2014 01:52 PM
Akak, tea amek dari nst nyer website.

Mera nam zain, zain mahmud, apa yg akaknya...hehe

nst ni pon 2x5 dgn globalreach, main petik ikut suka hati. Adik kicik, tunggu la announcement dari penyiasat original tak lama lagi. Itu penyiasat yg nst dan seangkatannya semua refer tak pi site, depa buat kesimpulan tengok gambaq jer. Depa ni semua pakar gambaq aja, tapi tak pakar misil n fighter jet n sam n 30mm cannon.

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Post time 10-8-2014 01:31 AM | Show all posts
zainmahmud posted on 9-8-2014 04:55 PM
Dik, cewah...
no matter apa side belah tu ckp, kita jgn amik bulat2 sgt, you hever know, depa ni  ...

They shot down the plane in the the area of what they claimed of prorussian's to frame the other side - this is a strong possible motive. But, everyone has their own opinion and analysis.
Tapi penyiasat profesional pun lom tentu leh caya, bang. Kalau penyiasat  dah kroni, ingat diorang tak boleh ubah keputusan siasatan? Macam kes Iraq dulu, kononnya siasatan diorang jumpa bukti Iraq bangunkan senjata merbahaya secara besar2an . Alih2, tak de pun. Sedap2 gali minyak je sekarang.Yer lah, kita tunggu la 'keputusan siasatan'.

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Post time 10-8-2014 08:45 AM | Show all posts
GincuPurple posted on 10-8-2014 01:31 AM
They shot down the plane in the the area of what they claimed of prorussian's to frame the other s ...

So u r saying the motive is based on hypothesis n perception due to a certain agenda of framing one side by the other. By saying this why not u think the other way round. That is the russian or/ and rebels wanna frame the ukraine so that the world will say that it's the ukraine who is the evil one.

penyiasat yg pi sana bukan penyiasat wmd iraq. They are from belanda, ozy n maleisie. Are u saying u dont trust ur own people doing the siasatan?
and this siasatan dont base on speculation n made up story mory, but on evidence n flight recorder info that will be reconstructed to find the cause of the tragedy. So that the next course of actions can be taken later on to avoid the tragedy from repeating itself and the culprits will face the brunt of the international law.

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Post time 11-8-2014 07:08 AM | Show all posts
CiliPadiSedap posted on 8-8-2014 11:20 AM
dah si lebai2 stupid ekonomi duk support us dollar mmglah effect dekat asian market. cuba kalau mo ...

kalau lah gunakan wang emas sebagai tukaran perniagaan antarabangsa..kan bagus...

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Post time 11-8-2014 07:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Simunggu posted on 11-8-2014 07:08 AM
kalau lah gunakan wang emas sebagai tukaran perniagaan antarabangsa..kan bagus...

Emas skrng kena sorok. Amerika sorok .konon jd rezab negara masing.

Kalau Emas jd currency? Nescaya amerika tiada kuasa mcm sekarang. Nescaya us stock market takkan laku.

Sebab us dollar laku di pakai satu dunia lah , amerika besar kepala. Walhal us dollar fiat money tiada nilai.

Yang ada nilai hanya emas.

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Post time 11-8-2014 07:29 AM | Show all posts
CiliPadiSedap posted on 11-8-2014 07:14 AM
Emas skrng kena sorok. Amerika sorok .konon jd rezab negara masing.

ini semua kerja yahudi...kenapa lah Allah jadikan mereka ini pintar...bagus jadikan mereka bodoh...sekurang kurangnya tak menyusahkan org lain...betulkan??

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Post time 11-8-2014 07:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Simunggu posted on 11-8-2014 07:29 AM
ini semua kerja yahudi...kenapa lah Allah jadikan mereka ini pintar...bagus jadikan mereka bodoh.. ...

Allah mmg sengaja jadikan yahudi pintar. Allah sengaja jadikan tanah Arab kaya minyak. Allah nk tengok siapa hamba dia beriman dengan dia setelah di kurniakan nikmat kepandaian dan harta bertimbun.

Baca ya ayuhanna su mut mainnah. Irji u radiyah. Wahai jiwa yang tenang kembali kepada tuhanmu. Siapa golongan jiwa yang tenang? Mereka2 yang beriman dan berusaha keja keras di dunia.

Last edited by CiliPadiSedap on 11-8-2014 08:02 AM


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Post time 11-8-2014 07:44 AM | Show all posts
CiliPadiSedap posted on 11-8-2014 07:34 AM
Allah mmg sengaja jadikan yahudi pintar. Allah sengaja jadikan tanah Arab kaya minyak. Allah nk te ...

tu lah kalau hang baca di yahudi ini dari dulu sampai skg mcm tak percaya adanya tuhan... mereka cuma percaya tuhan ciptaan mereka shj... Last edited by Simunggu on 11-8-2014 07:48 AM


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