Pada hari ini 10.6.1966, Lembaga Perancang Keluarga Negara (LPKN) telah diisytiharkan penubuhannya oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri, YAB Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato' Hussein. Lembaga ini ditubuhkan di bawah Rang Undang-undang mengenai Perancang Keluarga yang dinamakan Family Planning Act Bil. 42/1966 yang diluluskan oleh Parlimen pada bulan Mac 1966. Lembaga ini diletakkan di bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri dengan dipengerusikan oleh seorang Pengerusi dan mempunyai seorang Ketua Pengarah. Tugas-tugas yang dijalankan oleh LPKN antaranya menggubal dasar-dasar dan cara-cara menggalak dan menghebahkan pengetahuan dan cara-cara praktik perancang keluarga, merancang dan menyelaras kerja-kerja perancang keluarga seluruh negara. Dengan tertubuhnya LPKN ini, dapat membantu kerajaan dalam pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi negara melalui peningkatan taraf hidup dan kesihatan rakyat.
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (LPPKN) ditubuhkan di bawah Akta Perancang Keluarga Bil.42 (1966) dengan nama asalnya Lembaga Perancang Keluarga (LPKN). Nama Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (LPPKN) diwujudkan menerusi
Akta Perancang Keluarga (Pindaan) 1984.
Lembaga Penduduk Dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (LPPKN) [sunting]
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (LPPKN) berperanan dalam mengukuh dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga melalui program usaha sama yang cekap dan berkesan ke arah melahirkan penduduk yang berkualiti. LPPKN membantu para penggubal dasar mengambil kira faktor-faktor kependudukan dan kekeluargaan dalam penggubalan dasar dan strategi pembangunan negara. LPPKN juga membantu para perancang dan pengurus-pengurus program mengintegrasikan faktor-faktor kependudukan dan kekeluargaan dalam perancangan program-program sektoral. Agensi-agensi pelaksana program kependudukan, pembangunan keluarga dan kesihatan reproduktif menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti pendidikan keibubapaan berasaskan modul-modul yang seragam dan sistematik berdasarkan bantuan daripada pihak LPPKN. Selain itu LPPKN turut berperanan untuk mempertingkatkan kesedaran, pengetahuan dan amalan nilai-nilai murni kekeluargaan di kalangan pemimpin masyarakat, ibu bapa, bakal ibu bapa dan remaja selain mempertingkatkan taraf kesihatan reproduktif wanita dan lelaki.
Thanks to Ben Franklin, for his flying kite on June 10 1752, for his 1st setting up library, fire dept, hospital..
t is in 1752, Benjamin Franklin conducted an experiment in connection with electricity charged clouds. He flew a homemade kite during a thunderstorm. The kite was made of a silk cloth mounted on a wooden cross, with about one foot of iron wire protruding above the kite. A key was tied to the end of metal string connected with the kite and the other end of the key was tied to a silken ribbon which Benjamin held while flying the kite. A bolt of lightning struck the kite wire and traveled down to the key causing a spark. This proved that lightning is electricity from charged clouds that can be brought to earth. There was a time when high-rise buildings were destroyed quite frequently by lightning. Benjamin Franklin invented lightning rod for the safety of buildings.
Franklin continued his civic contributions during the 1730s and 1740s. He helped launch projects to pave, clean and light Philadelphia's streets. He started agitating for environmental clean up. Among the chief accomplishments of Franklin in this era was helping to launch the Library Company in 1731. During this time books were scarce and expensive. Franklin recognized that by pooling together resources, members could afford to buy books from England. Thus was born the nation's first subscription library. In 1743, he helped to launch the American Philosophical Society, the first learned society in America. Recognizing that the city needed better help in treating the sick, Franklin brought together a group who formed the Pennsylvania Hospital in 1751. The Library Company, Philosophical Society, and Pennsylvania Hospital are all in existence today.
Fires were very dangerous threat to Philadelphians, so Franklin set about trying to remedy the situation. In 1736, he organized Philadelphia's Union Fire Company, the first in the city. His famous saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," was actually fire-fighting advice. Those who suffered fire damage to their homes often suffered irreversible economic loss. So, in 1752, Franklin helped to found the Philadelphia Contribution for Insurance Against Loss by Fire. Those with insurance policies were not wiped out financially. The Contributionship is still in business today.
Franklin's printing business was thriving in this 1730s and 1740s. He also started setting up franchise printing partnerships in other cities. By 1749 he retired from business and started concentrating on science, experiments, and inventions. This was nothing new to Franklin. In 1743, he had already invented a heat-efficient stove — called the Franklin stove — to help warm houses efficiently. As the stove was invented to help improve society, he refused to take out a patent. Among Franklin's other inventions are swim fins, the glass armonica (a musical instrument) and bifocals.
In the early 1750's he turned to the study of electricity. His observations, including his kite experiment which verified the nature of electricity and lightning brought Franklin international fame.
Pada hari ini 11.6.1950, Datuk Onn bin Jaafar telah mengisytiharkan perletakan jawatan sebagai yang DiPertua UMNO di dalam Persidangan Agong UMNO yang telah berlangsung selama 2 hari di hotel Majestic, Kuala Lumpur. Perletakan jawatan ini diisytiharkan berikutan setelah berlakunya perselisihan faham mengenai Undang-undang Kerakyatan dikalangan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO di Persidangan tersebut. Persidangan Agong UMNO itu dikhaskan untuk membincangkan Undang-undang Kerakyatan yang akan dicadangkan oleh UMNO kepada Kerajaan Penjajah Inggeris. Di dalam persidangan ini berbagai tuduhan-tuduhan buruk telah dilemparkan kepada Datuk Onn. Wakil-wakil UMNO yang hadir telah mencela dan membidas segala syor-syor dan cadangan Datuk Onn mengenai undang-undang Kerakyatan yang dianggap longgar, dan juga untuk membuka keahlian UMNO kepada bangsa asing. Orang-orang Melayu merasakan hak-hak dan keistimewaan orang Melayu akan hilang jika diberi peluang yang sama di dalam soal politik dan kerakyatan kepada kaum pendatang. Dalam kedua persidangan tersebut keadaan bertambah panas sehingga wakil-wakil UMNO menyatakan bahawa Datuk Onn seorang pengkhianat, diktator, seorang yang tidak bertanggung jawab dan tidak memahami cara politik. Oleh kerana tidak tertahannya dengan tuduhan-tuduhan dan bidasan-bidasan itu akhirnya semasa berlangsungnya persidangan di sebelah petang iaitu pada hari ini dalam tahun 1950, Datuk Onn telah bangun lalu mengisytiharkan perletakan jawatannya sebagai Yang DiPertua UMNO. Hal ini telah memeranjatkan Majlis dan ahli-ahli di seluruh Cawangan. Cawangan UMNO di seluruh Tanah Melayu telah mengadakan mesyuarat tergempar menuduh pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab kerana mengecilkan hati yang DiPertua dengan berbagai tuduhan. Perletakan jawatan Datuk Onn di anggap tidak wajar, tidak sesuai dengan masa dan zaman di mana tenaganya dan kepimpinannya masih diperlukan. Beliau diminta beberapa kali oleh ahli jawatankuasa UMNO supaya menarik balik Pengisytiharan itu tetapi beliau enggan menerima rayuan itu. Berbagai ikhtiar telah diusahakan oleh wakil-wakil UMNO. Mereka telah mengadakan perarakan raksasa dan berhimpun di kediaman Datuk Onn di Johor Bahru meminta beliau menjadi pemimpin mereka bagi menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang berbangkit. Akhirnya Datuk Onn bersetuju meneruskan khidmatnya di dalam Persidangan Agung di Kuala Kangsar pada 27,28 dan 29hb. Ogos, 1950. Datuk Onn telah dipilih semula menjadi Yang Di Pertua UMNO. Sungguhpun begitu perselisihan faham di kalangan pemimpin UMNO terus berpanjangan akhirnya Datuk Onn sendiri mengundur diri dan meninggalkan terus UMNO setahun kemudian.
Tarikh Peristiwa pada 11-06-1984
' Kerajaan Malaysia sentiasa berusaha kearah menjaga alam sekitar supaya keindahan alam dapat dikekalkan. Walaupun industri pembalakan adalah salah satu sumber pendapatan negara, ini tidak bermakna kerajaan telah mengabaikan tanggungjawab memelihara hutan-hutan di negara kita sebagaimana didakwa oleh negara-negara barat. Usaha-usaha kearah mengekalkan hutan sentiasa...'
Kerajaan Malaysia sentiasa berusaha kearah menjaga alam sekitar supaya keindahan alam dapat dikekalkan. Walaupun industri pembalakan adalah salah satu sumber pendapatan negara, ini tidak bermakna kerajaan telah mengabaikan tanggungjawab memelihara hutan-hutan di negara kita sebagaimana didakwa oleh negara-negara barat. Usaha-usaha kearah mengekalkan hutan sentiasa diambil kira supaya khazanah negara ini tidak terus hilang begitu sahaja. Perdana Menteri, Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad pada hari ini dalam tahun 1984 telah mengumumkan bahawa kawasan Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Kepong (IPP), seluas 240 hektar, dijadikan rimba rekreasi, Sebagai salah satu usaha mengekalkan hutan negara. Perdana Menteri juga mengumumkan bahawa kerajaan juga bercadang menjadikan IPP sebuah badan berkanun. Akta mengenainya sedang disiapkan oleh Kementerian Perusahaan Utama dan akan dibentangkan di Parlimen tidak lama lagi. Selain dari itu beberapa cadangan juga akan dikemukakan untuk membolehkan IPP membaiki, memulih dan mencantikan kawasan ini supaya boleh dijadikan kawasan rekreasi dan kawasan rehat dihujung minggu oleh penduduk disekitar ibu kota. Perdana Menteri berharap supaya orang ramai turut sama menjaga kawasan ini bukan sahaja segi kebersihan tetapi juga memelihara pokok-pokok dan tumbuhan-tumbuhan untuk mempastikan tidak ada kerosakan dan kemusnahan kepada pokok-pokok tersebut. Ini kerana ada pokok-pokok yang ditanam semula di kawasan ini tidak dapat ditemui lagi ditempat-tempat lain di negara ini. Sebagai sebuah kawasan hutan rekreasi yang dibuka kepada umum, IPP juga akan bertindak sebagai sebuah Institut Kajian Perhutanan yang bercorak akademik. Kajian-kajian yang dijalankan bercorak gunaan seperti uji kaji ketahanan kayu, pemerosesan dan kegunaan-keguanan kayu. Sesungguhnya pemilihan IPP sebagai hutan rekreasi ini akan dapat menjamin pemeliharaan hutan-hutan dalam negara serta meningkatkan industri perkayuan dan tumbuhan-tumbuhan yang merupakan warisan dan khazanah negara yang semakin pupus.
11 June 1979 : John Wayne dies
On this day in 1979, John Wayne, an iconic American film actor famous for starring in countless westerns, dies at age 72 after battling cancer for more than a decade.
s Angeles, June 11 -- John Wayne, the veteran Hollywood actor, died today at 5:23 P.M., Pacific daylight time, at U.C.L.A. Medical Center, a hospital spokesman said. The cause of death was given as complications from cancer.
Mr. Wayne, 72 years old, had been hospitalized for treatment of cancer of the lower abdomen since May 2, when he was admitted for his second cancer operation of the year. His lower intestine was partly removed in the operation.
Mr. Wayne's second bout with cancer began earlier this year with what was officially described as a routine gall bladder operation. He had entered the Medical Center Jan. 10 and two days later his stomach was removed in a 9*- hour operation when a low-grade cancerous tumor was discovered.
'Duke,' an American Hero
by Richard Shephard
In more than 200 films made over 50 years, John Wayne saddled up to become the greatest figure of one of America's greatest native art forms, the western.
The movies he starred in rode the range from out-of-the-money sagebrush quickies to such classics as "Stagecoach" and "Red River." He won an Oscar as best actor for another western, "True Grit," in 1969. Yet some of the best films he made told stories far from the wilds of the West, such as "The Quiet Man" and "The Long Voyage Home."
In the last decades of his career, Mr. Wayne became something of an American folk figure, hero to some, villain to others, for his outspoken views. He was politically conservative and, although he scorned politics as a way of life for himself, he enthusiastically supported Richard M. Nixon, Barry Goldwater, Spiro T. Agnew, Ronald Reagan and others who, he felt, fought for his concept of Americanism and anti-Communism.
But it was for millions of moviegoers who saw him only on the big screen that John Wayne really existed. He had not created the western with its clear-cut conflict between good and bad, right and wrong, but it was impossible to mention the word "western" without thinking of "the Duke," as he was called.
By the early 1960's, 161 of his films had grossed $350 million, and he had been paid as much as $666,000 to make a movie--although in his early days on screen, his salary ran to no more than two or three figures a week.
It was rarely a simple matter to find a unanimous opinion on Mr. Wayne, whether it had to do with his acting or his politics. Film critics were lavish in praise of him in some roles and shrugged wearily as they candled his less notable efforts; one critic, apparently overexposed to westerns, angered him by commenting, "It never Waynes, but it pours."
Mr. Wayne was co-director and star of "The Green Berets," a 1968 film that supported the United States action in Vietnam. The movie was assailed by many major critics on all grounds, political and esthetic, but the public apparently did not mind; in only six months, it had earned $1 million above its production cost of $7 million.
On the 11th June 1509 the 17 year-old King Henry VIII married the 23 year-old Catherine of Aragon, widow of Arthur Prince of Wales, Henry’s brother, in the Queen’s closet at Greenwich Palace. It was a private ceremony with just two witnesses, Lord Steward Shrewsbury and William Thomas, a groom of the privy chamber, so was nothing like Catherine’s previous wedding to Arthur which took place at St Paul’s Cathedral and is said to be one of the most expensive royal weddings in history. The wedding was probably low key because the couple’s joint coronation was taking place less than two weeks later, and that would be a lavish affair.
On this day in history, 11th June 1509, the new King, Henry VIII, married his brother’s widow, Catherine of Aragon, at Greenwich Palace.Catherine of Aragon’s biographer, Giles Tremlett, points out that this was not a huge public affair like Catherine’s first marriage and that “there was something almost clandestine about the way Catherine married her new husband”1. Instead of marrying at St Paul’s with a crowd of spectators, the 23 year old Catherine and 17 year old Henry had a private wedding in one of the Queen’s Closets at the Palace, possibly in the Palace’s Chapel Royal.
The vows would were based on the treaty between Henry VII and Catherine’s parents, Isabel I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, after the death of Prince Arthur when Catherine was promised to the 11 year old Prince Henry, Duke of York. According to the Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Henry was asked: ” ‘Most illustrious Prince, is it your will to fulfil the treaty of marriage concluded by your father, the late King of England, and the parents of the Princess of Wales, the King and Queen of Spain; and, as the Pope has dispensed with this marriage, to take the Princess who is here present for your lawful wife?’ “2
And Catherine would have been asked the equivalent question. Both would have replied “Volo[I will]“3.
Although the wedding was low key, preparations were being made for a lavish joint coronation which was due to take place on the 24th June, the feast day of St John the Baptist and “by their reckoning, Midsummer Day”. That day would be their day of triumph and celebration, after all, it was a new era and this golden Renaissance couple had their whole future ahead of them as King and Queen of England.
June 12, 1898: Declaration of Philippine Independence Brig. Gen. Robert P. Hughes told the US Congress that Filipinos who wanted freedom had "no more idea of its meaning than a shepherd dog." An early statement of American policy declared that “only through American occupation” was “the idea of a free, self-governing and united Filipino commonwealth at all conceivable.” A tattered flag of the First Philippine Republic, one of many used during the struggle for independence. The flag believed by heirs of Emilio Aguinaldo to be that unfurled by the general in Kawit, Cavite, in 1898 is encased in glass at the Aguinaldo Museum on Happy Glen Loop in Baguio City; however, the National Historical Institute has yet to authenticate this flag despite years of probing. In his letter to Capt. Emmanuel Baja dated June 11, 1925, Aguinaldo mentioned that in their Northward retreat during the Filipino-American War, the original flag was lost somewhere in Tayug, Pangasinan Province; the Americans captured the town on Nov. 11, 1899. The Aguinaldo Mansion as it looked in 1914 The Aguinaldo mansion in Kawit, Cavite, site of the historic Proclamation of Philippine Independence on June 12, 1898 was declared a national shrine in June 1964. General Emilio Aguinaldo died on Feb. 6, 1964. The balcony did not exist in the 19th century; likewise, although he unfurled it, it wasn't Aguinaldo who waved the Philippine flag from the central window; Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista did.
On June 12, 1898, Emilio Aguinaldo declared the independence of the Filipinos and the birth of the Philippine Republic “under the protection of the mighty and humane North American Union.”.
This momentous event took place in Cavite el Viejo ("Old Cavite", now Kawit), Cavite Province. Admiral Dewey had been invited but did not attend. The Filipino national flag was officially unfurled for the first time at 4:20 PM. The same flag was actually unfurled, albeit unofficially, on May 28, 1898 at the Teatro Caviteño in Cavite Nuevo---now CaviteCity---right after the battle of Alapan, Imus, Cavite, and again three days later over the Spanish barracks at Binakayan, Cavite, after the Filipinos scored another victory. Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista (LEFT), War Counsellor and Special Delegate, solemnly read the Acta de la Proclamacion de la Independencia del Pueblo Filipino. The declaration was signed by 97 Filipinos and one retired American artillery officer, Colonel L.M. Johnson (RIGHT). Contrary to common belief, it was Bautista, and not Aguinaldo, who waved the Philippine flag before the jubilant crowd.
He was born on Dec. 7, 1830, in Biñan, Laguna Province. He graduated from the Universidad de Santo Tomaswith a Bachelor of Laws degree. He was known as “Don Bosyong” to peasants and laborers who availed themselves of his free legal services.
When the Philippine-American War ended, Bautista was appointed as judge of the Court of First Instance of Pangasinan Province. He died of a fatal fall from a horse-drawn carriage on Dec. 4, 1903, at the age of 73.
The June 12 proclamation was later modified by another proclamation done at Malolos, Bulacan, upon the insistence of Apolinario Mabini, chief adviser for General Aguinaldo, who objected to the original proclamation, which essentially placed the Philippines under the protection of the United States.
Apolinario Mabini (LEFT), also known as the "Sublime Paralytic", was a lawyer, statesman, political philosopher, and teacher who served in the Aguinaldo cabinet as President of the Council of Secretaries (Prime Minister) and as Secretary of Foreign Affairs. He wrote most of Aguinaldo's decrees to the Filipino people. An important document he produced was the "Programa Constitucional de la Republica Filipina," a proposed constitution for the Philippine Republic. An introduction to the draft of this constitution was the "El Verdadero Decalogo" written to arouse the patriotic spirit of the Filipinos.
Mabini was born on July 23, 1864 in Talaga, Tanauan, Batangas Province. He studied at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran where he received his Bachelor of Arts and at theUniversidad de Santo Tomas where he received his law degree in 1894.
Early in 1896, he contracted an illness that led to the paralysis of his lower limbs. He was a member of Jose Rizal's La Liga Filipina and worked secretly for the introduction of reforms in the administration of government.
When the revolution broke out on Aug. 30, 1896, the Spanish authorities arrested him. His physical infirmity, however, made the Spaniards believe that they had made a mistake.
The San Juan de Dios Hospital on Calle Real, Intramuros district, Manila. Photo taken between 1898 and 1902
On July 5, 1897 Mabini was released from prison and sent to the San Juan de Dios Hospital.
Calle Real today, showing same street corner in preceding photo; the San Juan de Dios Hospital has relocated to Pasay City, Metro Manila
In June 1898, while vacationing in Los Baños, Laguna Province, Aguinaldo sent for him. He also headed the revolutionary congress and Aguinaldo's cabinet until he was replaced by Pedro Paterno on May 7, 1899.
Marcella Agoncillo and family in Hong Kong. They rented a house at 535 Morrison Hill Road, which became the sanctuary and meeting place of the other Filipino revolutionary exiles.
The Philippine flag was sewn in Hong Kong by Marcela Mariño Agoncillo; she was assisted by her 7-year-old daughter, Lorenza, and Delfina Rizal Herbosa Natividad. The generals of the eight provinces which revolted against Spain had replicas and copies made of the original flag.
Marcela Mariño (RIGHT) was born in Taal, Batangas Province on June 24, 1860. Tall and stately, she was reputedly the prettiest woman in Batangas in her younger years. She finished her education in the Dominican convent of the Colegio de Santa Catalina in the walled district of Intramuros, Manila. She learned Spanish, music, the feminine crafts and social graces. She was also a noted singer and occasionally appeared in zarzuelas in Batangas. [zarzuelasare plays that alternate between spoken and sung scenes].
She married Felipe Agoncillo, a Filipino lawyer who became the leading diplomat of the First Philippine Republic. They had five children, namely: Lorenza, Gregoria, Eugenia, Marcela, Adela and Maria.
On May 30, 1946, Marcela Agoncillo passed away quietly at the age of 86.
The Philippine National Anthem, then known as "Marcha Nacional Filipina", was played by the band of San Francisco de Malabon during the declaration of independence. It was composed by Professor Julian Felipe (RIGHT) but it had no lyrics yet. The composition had similarities with the Spanish "Himno Nacional Español." Felipe admitted that he purposely put into his composition some melodic reminiscences of the Spanish National Anthem "in order to preserve the memory of Spain."
Felipe was born in Cavite Nuevo (now Cavite City) on Jan. 28, 1861. A dedicated music teacher and composer, he was appointed by Emilio Aguinaldo as Director of the National Band of the First Philippine Republic.
His composition was adopted as the Philippine national anthem on Sept. 5, 1938.
He died in Sampaloc, Manila on Oct. 2, 1944.
To suit the music of "Marcha Nacional Filipina", Professor Jose Isaac Palma wrote a poem in Spanish entitled, "Filipinas" which was published for the first time in the first anniversary issue of the revolutionary newspaper "La Independencia" on Sept 3, 1899. It became the lyrics of the national hymn.
Palma was born in Tondo, Manila on June 3, 1876. He was educated at the Ateneo Municipal de Manila. He joined the Katipunan in 1896 as an ordinary soldier but later General Antonio Luna who put up "La Independencia", which became the official newspaper of the Republic, took him in to edit the Tagalog section.
He wrote "Filipinas" in the house of Doña Romana G. vda de Favis at sitio Estacion (nowBarangay Poblacion West), Bautista, Pangasinan Province (Bautista was the old barrio Nibaliw of Bayambang; on June 24, 1900, Nibaliw was renamed "Bautista", in honor of San Juan de Bautista or John the Baptist, and upgraded into a separate municipality). 1898: La Independencia staff, with pennames. FRONT row (L to R): Fernando Ma. Guerrero (Fulvio Gil), Joaquin Luna, Cecilio Apostol (Catulo)...MIDDLE row (L to R): General Antonio Luna (Taga-Ilog), Florentina Arellano, Rose Sevilla, Salvador del Rosario (X orJuan Tagalo)...BACK row (L to R): Mariano del Rosario (Tito-Tato), Clemente Jose Zulueta (M. Kaun), Jose C. Abreu (Kaibigan), Epifanio de los Santos (G. Solon), Rafael Palma (Hapon or Dapithapon).
A few members of the "La Independencia" staff (ABOVE) were the first to sing the words of this poem to the tune of the "Marcha." Among themwere Cecilio Apostol, another literary genius during this time; Jose Palma's brilliant brother, Rafael, later to become the president of the University of the Philippines; Fernando Ma. Guerrero who became the editor of "La Opinion" and "El Renacimiento", Epifanio delos Santos, and Rosa Sevilla de Alvero (RIGHT), a journalist, social worker, educator and women's suffrage advocate.
Palma died in Manila, on Feb. 12, 1903.
The first translation into English of Palma's poem was written in the 1920s by Paz Marquez Benitez of the University of the Philippines. The most popular translation, called the "Philippine Hymn", was written by Senator Camilo Osias and an American, Mary A. Lane. The "Philippine Hymn" was legalized by an act of the Philippine Congress on Sept. 5, 1938. Filipino translations started appearing during the 1940s, the most popular being O Sintang Lupa ("O Beloved Land") by Julian Cruz Balmaceda, Ildefonso Santos and Francisco Caballo. O Sintang Lupawas approved as the national anthem in 1948. On May 26, 1956, during the term of President Ramon Magsaysay, the Tagalog words were revised. Minor revisions were made in 1966, and it is this final version which is in use today.
The Filipino national flag was hoisted for the first time by Emilio Aguinaldo onMay 28, 1898 at the Teatro Caviteño. The urfurling was witnessed by about 270 captured Spanish marines and a large group of officers and men of the U.S. Asiatic Squadron. Filipina mestiza poses with a rifle The San Francisco Call, June 29, 1898 Filipino women and girls in Bacoor, Cavite Province. Photo was taken in 1898. Facsimile of a pass issued from Bacoor, Cavite Province, by President Emilio Aguinaldo to Associated Press correspondent Martin Egan. Written in Tagalog, the main dialect in Manila and nearby provinces, it says: "Ang may taglay nito na Americano G Egan ay biniguiang pahintulot na makapaglagos sa kanyang pakay, Kavite 2 Julio 1898 Ang Dictador. (signed) EAguinaldo." A free translation is as follows: "The bearer, the American Mr. Egan, has been given permission to cross Filipino lines in the pursuit of his objectives, Cavite July 2, 1898. The Dictator, (signed) E. Aguinaldo."
Pada hari ini 12.6.1967 matawang baru Malaysia mula digunakan. Inilah pertama kalinya matawang Malaysia menggunakan nilai RINGGIT sebagai nilai tukaran antarabangsa. Dalam satu kenyataan di Bilik Gerakan Negara, Menteri Kewangan, Encik Tan Siew Sin memberi jaminan bahawa nilai matawang baru ini tidak berubah harganya dan tetap teguh baik di dalam mahu pun di luar negeri; yang berubah ialah bentuk rupanya sahaja.
Keteguhan nilai matawang Malaysia adalah disebabkan oleh kekuatan ekonominya termasuk kedudukan wang hasil dalam negeri, dan juga simpanan pertukaran wang luar yang besar. Wang baru ini menukarkan yang lama dengan kadar yang sama iaitu satu ringgit wang lama bersamaan satu ringgit wang baru.
Ketibaan wang baru ini disambut dari London di Port Swettenham dalam satu gerakan kawalan keselamatan yang rapi dan ketat. Wang-wang kertas dan syiling baru ini kemudiannya disimpan di Pejabat Matawang, Bank Negara Malaysia di Batu Tiga, Shah Alam untuk diedar dan digunakan di seluruh negara mulai hari ini dalam tahun 1967.
Wang wang yang diedar dan digunakan itu adalah dalam bentuk wang kertas yang bernilai $1, $5, $10 dan $100 dengan tiap-tiap satunya tertera gambar wajah Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Dipertuan Agong I di permukaannya; sementara wang syiling pula bernilai 1¢, 5¢,10¢,20¢ dan 50¢ dengan permukaan di sebelah belakang bertatahkan Bangunan Parlimen dan bulan bintang berbucu tiga belas. Kedua-kedua wang baru dan lama itu sama-sama dipakai sehinggalah wang lama ditarik balik pengedarannya
Siri pertama duit syiling Malaysia hanya mula diperkenalkan pada 12 Jun 1967 dengan nilai 1 sen, 5 sen, 10 sen, 20 sen, 50 sen dan diikuti oleh pengenalan duit syiling 1 ringgit (yang menggunakan simbol "$" duit syiling terbesar dalam siri ini) pada 1 Mei 1971. Duit syiling siri pertama juga dikenali sebagai "siri Parlimen" dikalangan pengumpul duit lama kerana gambar parlimen di belakang syiling tersebut. Pada ketika ini, kebanyakan duit syiling siri pertama adalah amat sukar ditemui di dalam edaran. Namun, lama bukan bererti harganya hingga berlipat kali ganda seperti yang anda lihat di dalam iklan Ketika duit pertama Malaysia ini digunakan, duit lama British & Malaya Borneo masih lagi boleh digunakan sehingga ianya ditarik balik pada 16 Januari 1969.
Rekabentuk hadapan duit syiling $1
Rekabentuk hadapan duit syiling 1, 5, 10, 20 dan 50 sen
Pada bahagian hadapan siri ini kelihatan bangunan Parlimen di Kuala Lumpur, sebagai lambang demokrasi Malaysia. Lambang bulan sabit dan bintang berbucu 13 diambil daripada bendera Malaysia, melambangkan Malaysia sebagai negara Islam dan 13 buah negeri di Malaysia. Rekabentuk bahagian belakang untuk duit syiling seringgit adalah berbeza dengan duit syiling yang lain; Lambang bulan dan bintangnya lebih besar dan bintangnya berbucu 14 berbanding berbucu 13 untuk duit 1, 5, 10, 20 dan 50 sen. Pada bahagian belakang, nilai denominasi tertera ditengah-tengah dan di apit bahagian tepi oleh bunga raya, bunga kebangsaan Malaysia. Duit syiling ini direka oleh Geoffrey Colley dan anda boleh menemui ukiran "GC" di bahagian hadapan duit syiling siri ini, dibawah bangunan Parlimen. Namun, ada juga duit syiling yang tidak mempunyai ukiran GC kerana masalah die syiling (alat untuk menempa duit syiling) yang tersumbat.
Syiling 1 sen Parlimen
Spesifikasi Teknikal:
Nilai muka: 1 sen.
Diameter: 17.7 mm.
Berat: 1.94 gm.
Komposisi: Copper (1967-1973) Copper Clad Steel (1973-1988).
Sisi: Plain.
Mint: Royal Mint, UK., Hamburg Mint, Germany & Kilang Wang Shah Alam.
Syiling 5 sen Parlimen
Spesifikasi Teknikal:
Nilai muka: 5 sen.
Diameter: 16.2 mm.
Berat: 1.41 gm.
Komposisi: Copper -Nickel.
Sisi: Milled.
Mint: Royal Mint, UK & Kilang Wang Shah Alam.
Syiling 10 sen Parlimen
Spesifikasi Teknikal:
Nilai muka: 10 sen.
Diameter: 19.4 mm.
Berat: 2.82 gm.
Komposisi: Copper -Nickel.
Sisi: Milled.
Mint: Royal Mint, UK & Kilang Wang Shah Alam.
Syiling 20 sen Parlimen
Spesifikasi Teknikal:
Nilai muka: 20 sen.
Diameter: 23.5 mm.
Berat: 5.65 gm.
Komposisi: Copper -Nickel.
Sisi: Milled.
Mint: Royal Mint, UK., Hamburg Mint, Germany & Kilang Wang Shah Alam.
Syiling 50 sen Parlimen
Spesifikasi Teknikal:
Nilai muka: 50 sen.
Diameter: 27.7 mm.
Berat: 9.33 gm.
Komposisi: Copper -Nickel.
Sisi: Security Edge.
Mint: Royal Mint, UK & Kilang Wang Shah Alam.
Syiling $1 ringgit Parlimen
Spesifikasi Teknikal:
Nilai muka: 1 ringgit.
Diameter: 33.9 mm.
Berat: 17.00 gm.
Komposisi: Copper -Nickel.
Sisi : Huruf ukir "BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA"
Mint: Kilang Wang Shah Alam.
Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1939, Cadangan untuk menubuhkan sebuah Kolej Perempuan Melayu telah diutarakan oleh salah seorang Ahli Dewan Persekutuan iaitu Tuan Sheikh Ahmad bin Sheikh Marzuki. Cadangan itu telah dibuat oleh beliau dalam satu Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan di Seremban. Tujuan utama penubuhan Kolej Perempuan Melayu ini ialah untuk memenuhi keperluan sebuah kolej bagi memberi pendidikan pelajaran Inggeris secara khusus kepada pelajar-pelajar perempuan. Cadangan untuk merealisasikan penubuhan Kolej ini mengambil tempoh yang agak panjang untuk dilaksanakan kerana pihak kerajaan pada ketika itu menghadapi masalah kekurangan peruntukan. Akhirnya hasrat penubuhannya menjadi kenyataan apabila telah dirasmikan pada 1 November 1947 oleh Lady Gent iaitu isteri kepada Sir Edward Gent iaitu Gabenor Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Kumpulan perintis pelajar sekolah terdiri daripada 41 orang pelajar perempuan telah terima kemasukannya pada 16 Oktober 1947. Kolej Perempuan Melayu ini pada awalnya terletak di Kuala Lumpur dan telah berpindah ke Seremban pada tahun 1962, apabila bangunan barunya yang bernilai $ 1.5 juta siap dibina. Sesungguhnya, bidang pendidikan merupakan perkara yang sentiasa menjadi agenda utama kerajaan dalam memastikan kemerdekaan negara dapat dikekalkan.
Tarikh Peristiwa pada 13-06-1973
Sejak daripada pilihanraya yang pertama diadakan pada 1955, jumlah kerusi Dewan Rakyat telah mengalami banyak pertambahan sehinggalah hari ini sebanyak 192 kerusi di Dewan Rakyat. Pada hari ini 13.06.1973 Parlimen telah meluluskan satu pindaan terhadap perkara 46 Pelembagaan Persekutuan. Pindaan ini adalah bagi menambahkan kerusi Dewan Rakyat daripada 144 kepada 154. Pilihanraya yang pertama kali diadakan pada 1955, sebanyak 52 kerusi telah diperuntukan bagi memilih ahli-ahli dalam Majlis Persekutuan. Dalam tahun 1958, Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya telah menambahkan jumlah kerusi kepada 104 buah kerusi mengikuti peruntukan artikel 171 pelembagaan 1957. Apabila pilihanraya pertama diadakan pada tahun 1959, sebanyak 104 kerusi telah dipertandingkan. Kemasukan Sabah, Sarawak dan Singapura pada 16 September 1963, jumlah kerusi Dewan Rakyat telah bertambah kepada 159 iaitu tambahan 15 kerusi (Singapura) 16 kerusi (Sabah) dan 24 kerusi (Sarawak). Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya melalui peruntukan Perkara 113 Fasa 1 Pelembagaan Persekutuan membenarkan Suruhanjaya Pilihahraya untuk mengadakan kajian terhadap bahagian-bahagian pilihahraya persekutuan dan negeri. Perubahan-perubahan yang berlaku ke atas Dewan Rakyat dilaksanakan pada asasnya ekoran daripada pertambahannya bilangan pengundi-pengundi berdaftar bagi sesuatu kawasan pilihanraya.
Tarikh Peristiwa pada 13-06-1979
Pada hari ini 13.06.1979, sebuah ibu sawat telefon elektronik telah dibuka dengan rasminya di Keramat, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. Upacara perasmian dilakukan oleh Dato' Mohd. Najib Tun Razak, Timbalan Menteri Tenaga, Telekom dan Pos. Ibu sawat yang dibina di bawah Rancangan Malaysia ke-3 dengan harga 10.2 juta ringgit ini merupakan satu lagi pemodenan dan kemajuan bidang perkhidmatan telefon di negara ini. Ia diperlengkapkan dengan 10 ribu talian pelanggan dan akan diperkembangkan kepada 40 ribu talian bila perlu. Pembinaan ibusawat ini adalah bagi menampung keperluan di sekitar kawasan Kampung Datuk Keramat, Ulu Kelang dan Ampang yang sedang pesat membangun dalam bidang perumahan dan perindustrian. Berucap di majlis perasmian ibu sawat tersebut Datuk Najib memberitahu bahawa ibu sawat ini mempunyai keistimewaan kemudahan dail terus ke seberang laut yang bertaraf antarabangsa. Ianya memiliki kemudahan 'International Subscriber Dialing' ISD yang dilancarkan pada 17 Mei 1979 dan kini membenarkan panggilan ke United Kingdom, Australia, Hong Kong dan Jepun. Perkhidmatan ini akan diperluaskan di seluruh Malaysia dan ke negara-negara besar yang lain. Jabatan Telekom sentiasa memodenkan alat-alat di ibu sawat telefon bagi meninggikan mutu perkhidmatannya. Komputer digunakan untuk menyimpan data-data dan rekod pemohon-pemohon telefon dan tempat yang dipohon. Ini mempercepatkan lagi kerja merancang kabel di tempat yang dipohon. Di samping itu penggunaan komputer untuk 'Directory Enquiry' turut dirancang bagi membantu operator melayan pertanyaan pelanggan secara lebih cepat dan cekap. Sesungguhnya setiap perancangan yang dibuat ini merupakan kemajuan yang akan dinikmati oleh semua rakyat.
Nelson Mandela: Sentenced To Life Imprisonment On June 14 1964
On this day in 1964, Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment and was sent to Robben Island, seven miles off Cape Town, sparking international protests.
He served 27 years before becoming president in the country’s first fully representative democratic election.
As president, Mandela prioritised reconciliation between South Africa's black and white communities as swell as enacting sweeping reforms aimed at reducing inequality.
Nelson Mandela served 27 years in prison
On Friday, Mandela remained in a “serious but stable condition” in a Pretoria hospital, where he has been for almost a week.
The former leader was admitted on Saturday after a recurrence of a lung condition.
The Bataan Death March began on April 10, 1942, when the Japanese assembled about 78,000 prisoners (12,000 U.S. and 66,000 Filipino). They began marching up the east coast of Bataan. Although they didn't know it, their destination was Camp O'Donnell, north of the peninsula.
The men, already desperately weakened by hunger and disease, suffered unspeakably during the March. Regardless of their condition, POWs who could not continue or keep up with the pace were summarily executed. Even stopping to relieve oneself could bring death, so many chose to continue walking while relieving themselves.
Some of the guards made a sport of hurting or killing the POWs. The Marchers were beaten with rifle butts, shot or bayoneted without reason. Most of the POWs got rid of their helmets because some by Japanese soldiers on passing trucks hit them with rifle butts. Some enemy soldiers savagely toyed with POWs by dragging them behind trucks with a rope around the neck. Japanese guards also gave the POWs the "sun treatment" by making them sit in the sweltering heat of the direct sun for hours at a time without shade.
The Death Marchers received almost no water or food, further weakening their fragile bodies. Most POWs only received a total of a few cups of rice, and little or no water. Sympathetic Filipinos alongside the road tried to give POWs food and water, but if a guard saw it, the POW and the Filipino helper could be beaten or killed. Some POWs had the water in their canteens poured out onto the road or taken by the Japanese just to be cruel. Although thirst began to drive some of the men mad, if a POW broke ranks to drink stagnant, muddy water at the side of the road, he would be bayoneted or shot. Groups of POWs were often deliberately stopped in front of the many artesian wells. These wells poured out clean water, but the POWs were not allowed to drink it. Some were killed just because they asked for water. The POWs marched roughly 65 miles over the course of about six days until they reached San Fernando. There, groups as large as 115 men were forced into boxcars designed to hold only 30-40 men. Boxcars were so full that the POWs could not sit down. This caused more to die of heat exhaustion and suffocation in the cars on the ride from San Fernando to Capas. The POWs then walked seven more miles to Camp O'Donnell. At the entrance to the camp, the POWs were told to lay out the few possessions they still had; any POW found with any Japanese-made items or money was executed on the spot.
momod, sorry artikel lari tarikh tp still in June. ya hampun..
At 12:10 am [14] on June 13, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman were found murdered outside Brown's Bundy Drive condo in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles. O.J. Simpson and Nicole Brown Simpson had divorced two years earlier. Evidence found and collected at the scene led police to suspect that O.J. Simpson was the murderer. Nicole had been stabbed multiple times in the head and neck with defense wounds on her hands. The wound through her neck was gaping, through which the larynx could be seen, and vertebra C3 was also incised.
OJ & Nicole
ronald goldman
Nicole and O.J.
Nicole Brown met former pro football player O.J. Simpson at a Beverly Hills nightclub when she was 18 and he was a 30-year-old married father. After divorcing his wife, Simpson married the attractive blond on Feb. 2, 1985. They later had a daughter, Sydney, and a son, Justin.
Just Friends
After seven years of marriage that included allegations of physical abuse against her husband, Nicole Brown Simpson filed for divorce in 1992. Two years later, she met Ron Goldman, a 25-year-old aspiring actor who was 10 years her junior. Reportedly just friends, the pair spent a lot of time together and Nicole even allowed Ron to drive her white Ferrari.
Midnight Stabbing
Just after midnight on June 13, 1994, Los Angeles police found Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman brutally stabbed to death at her home.
Bloody Scene
Nicole Brown Simpson's body was found in a pool of blood with gashes in her upper body and throat. Ron Goldman, stabbed 22 times, was found next to her against a garden fence. Detectives discovered blood in several locations, including the stairs.
Sleeping Soundly
Before the bodies were taken from the house, police sealed off the area to collect evidence. Sydney, then 9, and Justin, then 6, were sleeping upstairs as police began their investigation.
sydney & justin with OJ & nicole
The Nation Transfixed
Five days after the murders, the nation watched as news cameras followed O.J. Simpson traveling in a white Ford Bronco being pursued by police. The low-speed chase ended 60 miles later, when Simpson returned to his Brentwood home. Simpson emerged from the mansion at 8:51 p.m.
I Surrender
Following his surrender, Simpson was arrested on June 17, 1994. He was held without bail and charged with double murder.
Dream Team
Opening statements kicked off O.J. Simpson's double murder trial on Jan. 24, 1995. His chief defense lawyer, Robert Shapiro, headed the high-profile legal team that included attorneys F. Lee Bailey, Alan Dershowitz, Johnnie Cochran, Robert Kardashian (daddy to our Kim K) , Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld.
Key Evidence
A pair of bloody gloves became a focal point of the physical evidence in the trial. Prosecutors said a right-handed glove was found in O.J. Simpson's home, while an apparently matching left-handed glove full of blood was recovered from the murder scene. To support their theory that the gloves were of the same set, prosecutors asked Simpson to try on the gloves in court on June 15, 1995. Simpson struggled, saying they were too small for his hands.
Stunning Verdict
After nine months of testimony, the jury rendered its verdict on Oct. 3, 1995 -- not guilty on both counts. After each of the two verdicts was read, Simpson mouthed "thank you" to the jury and waved in gratitude.
Justice For Sale
Others, however, believed O.J. Simpson was guilty and was able to win an acquittal because of his high-priced team of lawyers and experts. A civil jury later agreed, finding he was liable for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman and awarding a $33.5 million judgment.
In 1995, he was acquitted of the 1994 murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman after a lengthy and internationally publicized criminal trial, the People v. Simpson. In 1997, a civil court awarded a judgment against Simpson for their wrongful deaths; to date he has paid little of the $33.5 million penalty.[2]
In September 2007, Simpson was arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, and charged with numerous felonies, including armed robbery and kidnapping.[3] In 2008, he wasfound guilty[4][5] and sentenced to 33 years' imprisonment, with a minimum of nine years without parole.[6] He is serving his sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Lovelock, Nevada.[7]
In January 2008, Simpson was taken into custody in Florida and flown to Las Vegas, where he was incarcerated at the county jail for allegedly violating the terms of his bail by attempting to contact Clarence "C.J." Stewart, a co-defendant in the trial. District Attorney David Roger of Clark County provided District Court Judge Jackie Glass with evidence that Simpson had violated his bail terms. A hearing took place on January 16, 2008. Glass raised Simpson's bail to US$250,000 and ordered that he remain in county jail until 15 percent was paid in cash.[55] Simpson posted bond that evening and returned to Miami the next day.[56]
Simpson and his co-defendant were found guilty of all charges on October 3, 2008.[4] On October 10, 2008, O. J. Simpson's counsels moved for new trial (trial de novo) on grounds of judicial errors (two African-American jurors were dismissed) and insufficient evidence.[57] Galanter announced he would appeal to the Nevada Supreme Court if Judge Glass denied the motion.[57] The attorney for Simpson's co-defendant, C.J. Stewart, petitioned for a new trial, alleging Stewart should have been tried separately, and cited perceived misconduct by the jury foreman, Paul Connelly.[57][58][59]
Simpson faced a possible life sentence with parole on the kidnapping charge, and mandatory prison time for armed robbery.[60] On December 5, 2008, Simpson was sentenced to a total of thirty-three years in prison[61] with the possibility of parole after about nine years, in 2017.[6] On September 4, 2009, the Nevada Supreme Court denied a request for bail during Simpson's appeal. In October 2010, the Nevada Supreme Court affirmed his convictions.[62] He is now serving his sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center.[63]
A Nevada judge agreed on October 19, 2012 to "reopen the armed robbery and kidnapping case against O.J. Simpson to determine if the former football star was so badly represented by his lawyers that he should be freed from prison and get another trial."[64] A hearing will be held beginning May 13, 2013 to determine if Simpson is entitled to a new trial.[65]