This is a few guideline jika sesiapainterested nak pegi cuti2 Malaysia kat Sokcho. Masa aku pegi, sume aku arrangesendiri, x pakai ground arrangment. So aku mengalami masalahkesukaran tok research sume pasal the trip. So now, Im sharing what i'velearn/experience/found out untuk kesenangan pihak ramai.
Transportation. From Seoul -->Sokcho --> Mount Sorak.
Kat Seoul, korang head off to Gapyeongstation, then cross jalan pegi Express bus terminal. Once kat dalam,cari kaunter tulis Sokcho. Dia mcm station Pudu kiter jer, kaunterkecik2 tulis location kt tingkap dia. Nanti ada gak helper kt situ ifkorg blur2, tanya je dia nnt dia tunjuk. Harga tiket to Sokcho 16100 won.
Bus dia sangat best ok. Seat style 1biji 2 biji uh. Besar giler selesa lagi dari airasia. Siap adarecliner kaki, heater, air minum dlm bus. TV for entertaiment.
Travel dlm 3jam sampai sana. In betweendia berenti kat RnR so bole la nk merasa rnr korea kan. Nie gambo kedai guguman kt rnr.
Nanti dia stop kat Sockho bus terminal.& from there, korang bole head off to hotel/guest house masing2.Kitorang aritue jalan kaki jer. Dorg ada taxi service so dont worry.
Pemandangan sepanjang p'jalanan.
To Be Continued. internet lembap nk load pic |