Reply 1# siape_aku
hmm... memang susah bila dok kat tgh2 ni TT.. been in this kind of situation now pun. makan hati hari2. he wants the relationship or not. hes saying those love words but cant tell for sure if he meant it. when we back off, he search for us all over the place & wondering y we were quite like the whole day. he wants the normal thing mcm check dia dah makan ke belum, ok ke tak kat office, his safe arival all.. he wants to hear those berleter thing bila dia wat degil dia.. tapi lama2 we got tired of the game. mcm main hide and seek, mcm main tarik tali, mcm main baaa chakkk!! tiring, tiring, tiring.. there will be the time that u really feel tired of it, bosan of it, u'll know when to be out of it.. if he continue to think like "alaaa, mende2 nanti lah pikir", well, that will be his lost.. u'll find ano person, the one who really wants the relationship with u, bukan just nak ade org ngan dia sbb takmo kesorangan.. |