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Author: Naru


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Post time 19-7-2010 12:33 AM | Show all posts
complicated dr pemahaman aku plak...scene yg last cobb jmpa ank dia tu..bapak dia yg depa suma tu dlm kawalan bapak cobb....

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Post time 19-7-2010 12:49 AM | Show all posts
aku konpius la... apsal yg last2 tu, yg fisher kena tembak tu, dia masuk limbo ker lepas tu? maksud aku, yg kat city yg runtuh2 tu? tu kat limbo ke or kat mimpi cobb? bukan kalau kena tembak, masuk limbo ker?

yg scene cobb dgn mal suicide kat landasan keretapi tu, tu bukan kat limbo kan?

lagi satu aku nak tanya, selain drpd drug yg yusuf buat akan akibatkan diorg masuk limbo kalau kena tembak dlm mimpi, ada cara lain ke nak masuk limbo? maksud aku, kalau biasa2 tu, mcm mana akan buatkan seseorg tu masuk limbo..

aku rasa, aku x paham yg ni je kot.. hahahah (mcm bnyk plak)

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Post time 19-7-2010 12:57 AM | Show all posts
hehehhe...kalo gitu u komen la skit pasal link yg Kekure ngan Sayangidaku kasik tu.......a ...
cmf_GAIA Post at 18-7-2010 12:44

Aku dah tengok 2 kali Inception
Segalanya lebih jelas dan nyata kali ni

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Post time 19-7-2010 08:06 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_GAIA at 19-7-2010 08:31

Mizie & Kekure = aku pun nak tengok kali kedua utk merungkai semua discussion yg diorang borak2 tu...rabu ni ke or hujung minggu nanti, nanti boleh kopek balik smuanya. Ekcelli aku ada terlepas dlm 5 ke 10 minit awal2 movie masa tgk hari tuh

Buis = Drug Yusuf tu sebabkan diorang tak akan jaga kalau dikejutkan mcm biasa (mati), so cara diorang buat kejutan yg akibatkan getaran dalam telinga (jatuh), sebab tu kalau mati masa dlm pengaruh drug Yusuf tu diorang tak jaga tapi masuk lebih dalam ke Limbo....aku rasa cara lain nak ke limbo ialah dgn melepasi beberapa layer mimpi ke lebih dalam...dalam citer tu, mcm Limbo tu duduk kat layer 4 je....aku pun tak jelas gak kenapa diorang leh sampai situ pada layer 4 tapi maybe sebab mimpi layer 4 tu tak direka oleh Adrianne pun...n mimpi layer 4 tu mimpi Cobb....atau sebab Cobb tu dah pernah sampai Limbo, so ia boleh pergi balik kot? n Arianne tu ikut Cobb masuk limbo....dlm mimpi Cobb Limbo dia dibuat based on memory dia...tapi Limbo tu katanya shared ngan semua yg bermimpi jugak kan? Pasal tu dia boleh cari Fisher Jr ngan Saito dalam Limbo tu....err..entahla

this movie is very original. i like it very much. movie ini berjaya mempengaruhi saya. sebab saya se ...
kaorukamiya Post at 18-7-2010 12:59 PM


Tak rugi tengok. Jalan citer original, sophisticated but yet very simple. Dalam mimp ...
alyssasarah Post at 18-7-2010 04:47 PM

Pasal Originality tu dari sudut storyline boleh la kata, tapi dari segi konsep memang dah pakai dalam beberapa filem lepas...Matrix series satu darinya tapi yang lebih dekat dengan filem ni rasanya Paprika (2007), filem Anime Jepun dari Satoshi Kon yg jugak pasal alat yg boleh masuk mimpi dan manipulasi mimpi...Tapi filem ni tak pernah masuk Malaysia, hanya pengikut karya2 Satoshoi Kon je yg tahu, kalo masuk pun berapa kerat je yg nak tengok anime jepun di wayang sini....

jangan2 Nolan pun inspired Inception ni dari Paprika kot?


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Post time 19-7-2010 10:25 AM | Show all posts
so... yg haku paham dan nmpak dari ceter ceter reviewskoworang kat cni....haku bleyy quote dan digestkn mcm neh:

kategori heavy kan, jenis kene byk fikir gitu kalo nak fhm

kena tgk sekali lg baru leh paham..aku kuar panggung smlm kepala jadi ting tong sebab terlalu banyak fikir nk fahamkan citer,Confusing at times, tp lama2 boleh paham

yang penting..tgk betul2..jgn sembang dengan org sebelah..nnt pening!!

Cerita yang tak boleh leka sekejap pun..Leka jeh ko da terlepas jalan cerita..Tapi pas dah tengok cerita yang bagus  macam ni sure tak selera nak tengok citer2 lain dah

Cerita ni best kalau dapat kat orang-orang cerdik....Tapi cerita ni akan jadi tak best bila dapat kat orang yang malas nak berpikir... Standard la cerita Chris Nolan. Memang suka buat non-linear plot

Lagi satu, tolong jangan baca subtitle BM dia ye. Nanti anda tak paham

paham betol betol  terms2 yg diguna dalam pelem ni utk lebih kefahaman..

A Kick: By upsetting the equilibrium of a dreamer you can wake them from a dream and return them to reality. If you’re dreaming a dream within a dream, each level of the dream has to have its own Kick in order for the one on the higher level to work. So Arthur blew up the elevator to wake them up from the snow fortress dream so they could then be woken up by the car hitting the water.

Limbo: A place where dreamers may end up if they go too deeply. It’s a place where time runs quickly and people seem to forget reality. We’re told a person flung there might burn out their mind, though somehow Saito, Cobb, and Mal all survive it and escape. Because of the drugs used in the dreamers in Inceptions final mission, we learn a dreamer can in this one instance also be flung into limbo if they’re killed in the dream.

Inception: The practice of entering dreams and planting an idea in someone’s head. Normally Cobb and his team only invade dreams to steal secrets and they aren’t sure if Inception is really possible.

The Architect: The person who constructs the dream world inside the mind of the Dreamer. In the final dream of Inception, Ariadne (as played by Ellen Page) is the architect.

The Dreamer: The person whose dream you're actually in. When creating a dream within a dream, each level must have a different dreamer. In the final sequence, Yusuf dreams the first level, Arthur dreams the second one, and Eams dreams the third level with the snow fort.

The Subject: The person whose subconcious is actually brought into the dream, usually for the purpose of extracting information from them or on rare occasions in order to plant an idea in their mind. In the final sequence, Fisher Jr. is the subject.

Totem: An object constructed by someone who plans to invade a dream, whose exact weight and composition only they know. This object can be used to help verify whether you’re in the real world, or the dream world. Cobb uses a top which, when spun inside a dream never stops spinning. Ariadne constructs a chess piece, which she plans to use as her totem.

Projection: A person created by the subconcious mind of the subject. Projections are not real. They function like white blood cells
and should the subject begin to realize that the dream he's in isn't his, Projections respond violently and attempt to seek out the Dreamer and destroy him.

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Post time 19-7-2010 11:10 AM | Show all posts
trivia menarik pasal pilem nih!

SPOILER: In the hotel sequence, Ariadne's hair is in a tight bun. This is so that for the parts of the sequence where there is no gravity, filmmakers didn't have to concern themselves with how her hair should move in zero-gravity.

Patut le babab tuh je rambut budak pompuan tuh kene 'bun'. hehehe

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Post time 19-7-2010 11:36 AM | Show all posts
Bagus juga aku baca review korang before pegi tengok hari tu... faham juga la story line depa ni..  n hasilnya dah 2~3 hari aku dok baca pasal teori2 dlm cite ni..

anyway nak tanya... betul ke lepas habis show credits.. ada tunjuk yg totem tu akhirnya stop spinning ??

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Post time 19-7-2010 11:43 AM | Show all posts
paham tu paham kena tgk lg lagi paham n buat kajian sikit.... lama dh dok tnggu crita camni yg bg kita pikiaq...

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Post time 19-7-2010 12:21 PM | Show all posts
citer ni memang best giler!banyak kena pikir!awal2 citer memang x paham!tapi last2 best giler!aku suka part kawan cobb mencari gravity!giler best!

then habis je citer ni sume tepok tangan!wah tiba2 time tu aku bayangkan apalah perasaan si leonardo waktu dia buat pra tonton then sume tepok tgn mesti dia bangga giler!bila la filem malasia nak ade mcm ni!huh!

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Post time 19-7-2010 01:46 PM | Show all posts
Reply 91# cmf_GAIA

pastu yg kat tempat saito tua tu, limbo yg sama dengan cobb ker? ke, limbo lg satu tahap? aku ada perasan, yg cobb ada mention masa kat aprtment dengan mal last2 tu, saito ada "somewhere around here".. meaning dia ada kat dream/limbo yg sama...  kalau ni limbo yg sama dengan cobb, apsal tetiba cobb terdampar kat tepi pantai, seolah2 mcm dia pergi ke limbo yg satu tahap lagi.. haha... (aku memeningkan diri dengan citer ni..)

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Post time 19-7-2010 02:16 PM | Show all posts
details pasal cobol job.. baca komik dia...

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Post time 19-7-2010 04:33 PM | Show all posts
korang nih............aku confident giler ngan pemahaman aku of this movie but with you all bugging questions, aku pon dah kompius

Nih yg kena tengok lagi sekali nih

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Post time 19-7-2010 05:31 PM | Show all posts
i am ready to watching again..

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Post time 19-7-2010 05:40 PM | Show all posts
actually at the end of the film, cobb is not in somebody's dream.. he is in reallity world.. because, while he spun the totem, he's distracted by the sight of his children, the totem (gasing) begins to wobble...

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Post time 19-7-2010 05:41 PM | Show all posts
maybe it will be Inception 2... coming soon (who knows... )

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Post time 19-7-2010 06:06 PM | Show all posts
ada leornado.. menarik!!

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Post time 19-7-2010 07:54 PM | Show all posts
Aku pun tak dapat fikirkan apa term BM sesuai utk pengasasan...tapi aku rasa boleh je terima kot pas ...
cmf_GAIA Post at 17-7-2010 20:24

Ada lagi satu istilah yg disebut oleh Joseph Gordon Levitt iaitu Paradox.

Paradoks -  satu gaya bahasa sastera yang iaitu sesuatu kenyataan yang mempunyai makna yg bertentangan.

Contoh ayat - "awak ni buruk tul la" tp maksud sebenar ialah "awak ni cantik la". Macam masa kecik kecik dulu mak mak kita kan ada cakap. "ha nak buat...buat la..pegi buat..". Maknanya dia taknak kita buat la....

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Post time 19-7-2010 10:13 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HaMiZiE at 19-7-2010 22:31

Sekadar nak share my opismate punya analisis tentang movie nie... cut n paste from my email....


The movie started off in Saito's limbo, then moved to Saito's dream (The movie started off with an event and the event after that is just like a flashbacks. Stating how both of them in that state of conditions (Saito – aging). Here the writer believe each event is in sequence and I don’t think so. The first scene is actually is scene where both of Saito and Cobb in Limbo during the fisher heist.

Correction: it was not Saito’s Dream. It was Cobb’s Friend Dreams and Saito was the subject – the mission was to steal ideas from Saito mind for Cobol Engineering)

The facts that Saito Aging in the first scene saying that he been in Limbo for a long long years.

The facts that Cobb whose the one who gave Saito his Totem.

The Facts that Cobb mentioned to save Saito after “Projection Mal” was killed.

The Facts that Cobb has done Inception to Mal – giving her the idea that the dream world they stuck in is reality. Then when they back to reality, Mal would not accept it and believe they are still in the dream world. And the look in Mal eyes when Cobb reveal the secret. So this totally eliminate the ideas that Mal is right.

Saito, while recruiting Cobb, uses Mal's words of "take a leap of faith" to get him to do the job. (No comments here; Coincident maybe)

Saito happened to magically be there to rescue Cobb from his dreamlike chase in Africa (the anonymous agents chasing him, the narrow hallway - come on). – (Hahahaha.. that’s a good one. As mentioned by Saito’s, he was just following Cobb to make sure that he his investment is ok)

Saito was seen handling Cobb's totem (his top) in the very first scene of the film (his apparent limbo) which MAY explain why the movie suddenly cut to Cobb in Saito's dream - Saito now knew how his totem worked and was able to construct a dream to keep in in forever, like a limbo. (The very 1st scene is not necessary be in chronological order. The scene happened after both Cobb and Saito went into Limbo and do remember that it was Cobb who voluntarily passed his totem to Saito. Why is that? If he knew the consequences, why Cobb gave the totem to Saito in the first place?)

Saito walked in on Cobb as he was spinning his totem prior to the Fischer mission. We never saw if the top would have kept spinning or not. This is HUGE! I don't know why more people aren't talking about this. (The Totem dropped, so there no questions there. Hahahaha)

Agak make sense gak ... makin pening kepala aku


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Post time 19-7-2010 10:52 PM | Show all posts
thanx mizie sbb sudi baca topik yg aku paste tu.

nk tmbh sket kepeningan yg sedia ada.

sapa ingt psl bdk yg kene tangkap dgn org2 saito tu?
the 1st architect. xkanla bdk tu xde signifikan apa2.
pstu baru gnti Ariadne kan.

aku mcm dh nak setuju je dgn pendpt yg everything within saito's dream gitu.

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Post time 19-7-2010 11:34 PM | Show all posts
Reply 106# sayangidaku

U re most welcome...
Topic yang you paste tu... analisis yang dibuat memang agak make sense gak... sampai aku sendiri tak leh nak menyangkal lagi...
Topic tu yang aku share ngan opis mate aku tadi...

Tol gak apa yang you cakap tu...the 1st arkitek yang ditangkap oleh budak budak Saito tu... mula mula aku ingat dia dibunuh... tapi I strongly believe that Saito uses that guy to tell him how Cobb's dream was designed and built. Sebab that guy working closely as a team with Cobb and Arthur in their previous mission... so this explain how Saito was suddenly appeared at Mombasa to save Cobb from those guys who chasing him...

So... based on the all info I managed to gather so far....:

I strongly believe that Cobb is actually still in his or someone’s dream … (but my instinct strongly believe that Saito is the real master mind)...

Most peoples always think the lead actor will show the audiences what the story all about but we less to think that sometimes, some director may use the opposite way i.e. to use the lead actor as a subject and the other actors will determine how the subject should plays his role in the story… that is my thought about Cobb’s role in this movie… J


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