Originally posted by Hana_Hirokawa at 16-6-2009 08:37 AM Airah ssi.. ade 2 mende me sedey, 1st masam tgk clip promo SS II tu.. wuwuwuwu akan tercapaikah cita2 nk pegi tgk.. n yg ni >>...
According to SuJu's official website schedule, June 21 is going to be the LAST broadcast of "Neorago" sad.gif I was hoping they would at least continue on until Super Show II, but I guess they need some time off before they start their concerts to rehearse and rest up. - damifino@soompi
tahun nih untuk summer time derang takde lagu ke?? kalo last year suju happy debut time2 camni...
113th.Well what do you know? Rofl. 113th and its Golden Ladder with SJ. Haha.So the WHOLE TEAM worked on this pretty hard, and its encoded in bothHQ and HD. What do you knowwww? rofl. Did you guys see that coming?ROFL! Haha. Well, I hope you guys enjoy this episode. The team workedextra harder for you guys this time so please thank them for all thehardwork.
omo.. show lama ekk... aigooo dasat tul dia menari.. wuwuwuw mmg cedey tgk minah2 smeksi tu dok pegang2 oppa... jinja.... .. Baek Ji Young sampai nganga kkekeke lawok tul...
Apparently, the boys will introduce a new dance song called "Carnival" at the Super Show II and the best part? It's the first song lyrics written by Kangin smile.gif No word yet on whether they will perform this song outside the concert or it's going to be like Eunhyuk's "One Love" and only performed at the concert. - damifino@soompi