ellow maya....aku pg sampi 11/5..
plan nak pg holand 2 ari...nak carik tulip...
semua dah book...
rest mb jln2 london...birm...bath...
xsure lagi...tp x pg scortland kot...keta pon dah book...
ko pg bila?? |
Balas #121 Gedebook\ catat
nearly 2 weeks la ko kat sane ye..
i pegi lambat lagi..bulan june..so bleh dgr banyak cite la nanti..will be tour europe with KC.
tapi by that time takde la kot tulip2 ni..huhu..tapi tak sabar dah ni.. |
Reply #121 Gedebook's post
lepas gedebok balik,
nenek plak pi.
13 May - 26 May |
i x tau bila nak pi london...tp dok sibuk kat thread ni..... |
i da baca thread VC...em, byk yg comment psl berjaya n swiss...legend pn ada, tp x sebyk berjaya la...leisure ada, pun x byk...xpe la, i just try dulu...if mmg teruk, terminate la...u dulu terminate cemana? ada rugi x if terminate?
Originally posted by opie5662 at 24-3-2009 13:44
kalau rajin pi la masuk thread VC kat sini..mmg dah byk komplen dan ade yg sampai report tribunal....
bg aku plak, aku tak suke kalau aku baya hotel harga 200 tp dapat hotel harga 80 hen ... |
Balas #123 nenektua\ catat
wow..cam marathon plak ye..gedebook..nenek..xxxx...and me!!! yezzaaa
AAX ada tv ke ? brp ye normally diorg charge utk tgk filem? |
Reply #124 Gedebook's post
Originally posted by nurnazuha at 25-3-2009 10:03 AM
i da baca thread VC...em, byk yg comment psl berjaya n swiss...legend pn ada, tp x sebyk berjaya la...leisure ada, pun x byk...xpe la, i just try dulu...if mmg teruk, terminate la...u dulu termin ...
aku dulu 2 bulan je baya lepas tgk hotel die yg sgt horror...pas tuh susah nak booking...utk 3 bulan ke depan nak booking pon dah penuh katenye...pas 2 bulan tuh tak baya lagi dah...mmg rugi la...2k lebeh dah habis...tp tak sanggup nak menanggung rugi yg lebih lagi..so kitorg stop pembayaran...n then LH nih call..hubby cakap nak terminate... |
Originally posted by maya83my at 25-3-2009 08:13
nearly 2 weeks la ko kat sane ye..
i pegi lambat lagi..bulan june..so bleh dgr banyak cite la nanti..will be tour europe with KC.
tapi by that time takde la kot tulip2 ni..huhu. ...
maya....i pon pegi jun nanti...u gi naik apa? gi jln mana? |
Balas #103 nobara01\ catat
Balas #132 amsterdam\ catat
hi amsterdam..
wow, same in june..i pegi naik AAX. middle of june..InsyaAllah join Kelana convoy trip to 8 countries. dari 20 june ke 4th july.
u pegi bile? |
Balas #133 mitai\ catat
bagus2..tiap2 bulan ade gambar terkini di thread ni..=) |
Balas #125 nurnazuha\ catat
u should..kalau tak berani bermimpi mcam mane nak berusaha untuk apa yg dihajati..(ceh2..mcam cite aflin n erra je)..
niat kena ade dulu tu.. |
Balas #135 maya83my\ catat
Originally posted by maya83my at 25-3-2009 13:21
hi amsterdam..
wow, same in june..i pegi naik AAX. middle of june..InsyaAllah join Kelana convoy trip to 8 countries. dari 20 june ke 4th july.
London--Belgium-Holland--German--Austria--Ita ...
oooo that's nice.... i gi 30 may - 13 jun (London-swiss-amsterdam-paris-liverpool-manchester-london).we all gi redah senirik je...byk ilmu ni dpt dr cari ni..tqqq |
nenektua n maya83my....
tq for the support...mmg membara la impian nak gi london...yer la, tiket skrg pn da ada air asia...kalau ada promotion n ada rezki, harap dapat la pegi next year...this year gi GC...ada sesapa nak pesan apa2? hehehehehe.... |
ei...takut lak bila baca ur msg nie...em, i masuk dia x byw downpayment...just bayar bulan2 jer...i tanya siap2 la, if nak terminate tu, kita kena tmbh byrn lagi ke?u dah stay kat hotel dia yg mana?
Originally posted by opie5662 at 25-3-2009 10:58
aku dulu 2 bulan je baya lepas tgk hotel die yg sgt horror...pas tuh susah nak booking...utk 3 bulan ke depan nak booking pon dah penuh katenye...pas 2 bulan tuh tak baya lagi dah...mmg rugi ... |
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