Road 2 Oscar*UPDATED PAGE 1* (Nomination page 8)
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semlm haku tgk citer "let the right one in"..if i'm not mistaken ini swedish movie
tak tahu nak category kan apa citer neh...cara narration citer neh very the slow lah...tapi ada mcm unsur2 thriller/seram gitu...
nak kata best sgt pun tak..nak kata langsung tak best pun tak gak...
tahap so so jer kots...
tapi the way penceritaan thriller/seram dia tu lain drp kebiasaan lah |
Balas #122 ashna\ catat
ko donlod torrent ke senah?? malam ni aku br nak layan gamorrah..
esok plak nak layan the edge of heaven... |
FOR IT: The NBR Win, Globe
and SAG nod, and many
critics naming it the best
picture of the year. It may
be the little film that could.
FOR IT: The "biggest" film
of the bunch that is the
most Oscar-friendly.
Reviews so far are great
and the critics and guilds
are taking notice.
FOR IT: Important political
film in a time where change
is amongst us, the
Academy may want to
follow suit.
FOR IT: SAG nod may have
just locked this one up. But
Doubt is close on its heels.
FOR IT: I think its time for an
animated film to join the
race again outside its own
category. That LAFCA win
spoke volumes |
olang amalika mesti pilih yg conventional punya! so benjamin button will win :pompom: |
Originally posted by flyzpiz at 30-12-2008 10:30 PM
FOR IT: I think its time for an
animated film to join the
race again outside its own
category. That LAFCA win
spoke volumes
wp sebelom ni Disney's "Beauty and The Beast" was the first animated film ever to be nominated for best film |
mark my word when i tell u tis: This woman is a best actress hero!
patotler Dustin Hoffman promotes dia as best actress this year.
nitty gritty hell of a ride through despair and hope (and care)! awesome!
[ Last edited by peacefrog at 3-1-2009 05:09 PM ] |
Balas #129 peacefrog\ catat
tgh donlod filem ni.. lambat betul nak siap.. dah 2 hari dah... |
Balas #128 Rhyno\ catat
walaupun aku nak kate menang, tp apsal ek aku rasa, ramai lg deserving menang much more than her...
btw, michelle williams apsal ek org tak mention pun.. her performance in "wendy and lucy" pun pada aku best jer.... |
now that i have seen revolutionary road, aku btl berharap kate winslet akan dpt nomination and wins. kate buat aku simpati dan feel terhadap karakter yg i dont have empathy with :eek: |
Reply #132 bedah_kg_pisang's post
best tak revolutionary road?
semlm haku beli benjamin button dan changeling jah..
tapi changeling tu gambar mcm tak cantek jerk..
hanjeng sgt |
Reply #129 peacefrog's post
Tapi aku rasa Melissa leo ni takkan menang cause dia ni macam underdog skit...nanti mesti jadi macam kes Felicity Huffman, kalah dengan Reese Whiterspoon, padahal performance Felicity dalam Transamerica memang marvellous sangat...Aku rasa mustahil ada orang leh bawa watak tu sehebat dia... |
So far, aku tengok front-runner untuk beberapa kategori agak jelas...Untuk Best Picture, Slumdog Millionaire..Best Actress, Sally Hawkins...Best Supporting Actor, Heath Ledger...
Kategori lain tu agak terbuka lagi... |
Originally posted by bedah_kg_pisang at 5-1-2009 05:06 PM
so-so aje (pd aku le ) citernya depressed habis.
story wise takde la best sgt pun mungkin sebab it is a character driven movie? kot? jenih2 citer yg selalu dok tayang di hallmark channe ...
secara generalnya kalau org mintak explanation citer ni pasal aper. sure tak ramai yang teringin nak tengok. pasal memang macam tak menarik sangat. trailer dia pown cam biasa. baik nengok "desperate hsewives" kowt.
but i love it because of few reasons
1. Definitely Kate Winslet. it is she who galvanizes this movie. haku rasa when the shooting was completelety done, Kate pown, ditimpa emosi tragis. i think it would take her a while to become Kate again because she was all out letting herself to be destroyed by her April Wheeler.
Definitely her best performance to date. American accent dia (spt biasa, dia lebeh berjaya as American in her movies) pitch perfect!
Yes she does crashes only when her character allows her to crash. lain lain masa she just keeps silent but emosi dalaman yang menganggu really makes us feel like its volcanic eruption. sebuah malapetaka dalaman yang dahsyat!
masa final scene, when she is planning to abort her baby, for the first (maybe the last) time she pretends to Leo pagi tu yang she is a normal suburbs hsewife, preparing breakfast, perhatikan tangan dia yang terketar2 capai barang sebelum dia completely gives in..
YES, My favorite so far is Melissa Leo, tapi if Kate wins this, she deserves it. besides, momentum dia sekarang as competitor 4 best actress sedang mencanak...
2. Masa haku nengok citer ni i can help but think about ramai kawan2 perempuan haku, yang working girls zaman sekarang yang telah pown berkahwin. Many of them really have an amazing social life outside household. They cant think of being a full time hsewife. Haku rasa kalau derang dipaksa hidup dalam konteks Kate Winslet's character, they would rebel like Kate tu. bermakna walaupon citer ni setting time dia (and even tempat) berlainan ngan zaman sekarang, it is wholesomely relevant. talk about globalization of issue. yet citer ni macam melangkaui zaman dia in this movie. and this could happen in Malaysia rite now.
kalau perasan many of the scenes happen in dapor dan tempat makan as if trying to show us a controversiol point:
tempat suri rumah itu di dapor.
and there Kate is in all her madness glory....
3. i love (and believe) the idea when some are super trapped, quick sex is the only way to relieve it but it always produces an unsolved outcome. part mana Kate winslet having sex with the neighbor. it was not because she is in love. it was not because she wants it.
it was because she needs channel to express herself. it destroys you although sometimes it doesnt produce guilt, but it is a mean from her perspective. that why habbis jer scene tu, dia cepat2 nak balik
[ Last edited by peacefrog at 5-1-2009 07:48 PM ] |
Originally posted by gjoy_chester at 5-1-2009 03:49 PM
Tapi aku rasa Melissa leo ni takkan menang cause dia ni macam underdog skit...nanti mesti jadi macam kes Felicity Huffman, kalah dengan Reese Whiterspoon, padahal performance Felicity dalam Trans ...
haku plak rasa ntah ntah Melissa Leo wouldnt even be nominated. what more wins this.
reese witherspoon was brilliant dalam 'election'. she wins lots of percursor awards (more than julia roberts yang menang tahun tu).tapi nomination best actress pown dia tak dapat.
but there was ellen burstyn (requiem for a dream) being robbed as well. |
lama tak join sebab tengah layan citer
the curious of benjamin button
revolutionary road - watak kate winslet similiar to THE LITTLE CHILDREN role...:victory::victory::victory:
slumdog millionaire
the westler
semua nya aku download...gambar x clear
wendy and lucy baru tengok...michelle williams punya lakonan best.....
[ Last edited by mat_arof at 5-1-2009 10:36 PM ] |
aku terjumpa satu komen...
No one is really safe here since 7 women still seem plausible. The SAG nomination for Melissa Leo is a major happening. Can she actually take it to the Oscar shortlist? I'm trying this prediction on for size paired with a surprise snub for Kate Winslet what with Revolutionary Road having trouble getting any traction -- it was too slow coming out of the gate and it's an unpleasant film at that. What's more Winslet is sure to lose some of her votes to lead nominations for The Reader (The latter is being campaigned as supporting but while Oscar doesn't usually balk at category fraud they have when there's been no "lead" claimed for a film -- think Naomi Watts DOA supporting campaign for Mulholland Drive back in the day (abandoned for a lead campaign), Keisha Castle Hughes for Whale Rider (they just nominated her for Lead instead despite the SAG supporting nomination) or the situation with Scarlett Johansson in 2003 when they just ignored the actress altogether despite two very well received lead roles). We'll see.
What seemed like a foregone roster of five in November has now morphed into a free-for-all for the Oscar shortlist. Only Meryl Streep and to a lesser extent Anne Hathaway seem impervious to being knocked out of the ring altogether since both have had no trouble making early nomination round-ups and snagging a win in the early critical battles.
That leaves four spots open. There are six women who seem evenly matched, all of them having spotty precursor records (thus far). Jolie, Blanchett and Winslet have indisputable A list stardom on their side and films that voters have likely seen and will probably like. Thomas, Hawkins and Leo have had longer build up times and plentiful drooling reviews that could double as FYC ads. The critics seem to be rallying for Sally Hawkins especially so I'd say she's in. Of the six women Jolie has the most vocal detractors but by far the baitiest role. So far she's got an excellent score card of precursor attention. So she's in. Which leaves one spot for either... Winslet, Blanchett, Leo or Thomas. I'm guessing the long-standing notion that it's Winslet's year means Blanchett (arguably hobbled by being in the least actorly of the films), Thomas (arguably hobbled by subtitles but definitely by Hawkins' critics trophies) and Leo (arguably hobbled by being the least known player with the tiniest film) are out.
Or that's how I'm seeing it at this moment. And you?
prediction untuk BEST ACTRESS LEADING OSCAR 2009
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