salam yufa...ehehehe..tuh laa..cute giler ella ikat rambut cam tu .. teringat kat satu kartun nii lupa laks apa nama kartun tu ..yg budak sebelah ella tu pun cute jugak ..ehehe..dia cuba nak tiru pose cute ella..ekeke..tgk budak2 lain pun semer pakat jangkit nak ikut pose ella jugak .
rasanyer baru je lagi ni diorang pi cuti ..tu la, sempat jugak tu pi cuti dalam sebuk2 giler cam tu ..leen baru baca diorang terlibat dengan shooting berbelas2 endorsement di taiwan dengan sempat lg bawak parents jejalan ..such good daughters..
tuh la pasal ..ntah laa..instinct leen duk ckp mmg betul dah diorang kapel ..ingat tak dulu , ramai yg ckp CE ni bukan kapel bebetul ..setakat gambar2 je bukan leh dijadikan bukti ..tu masa citer hanakimi tgh ditayangkan lg kat taiwan dari mula sampai skang dah setahun lebih ni , makin lama makin banyak bukti CE ni bercinta..huhuh..lepas tu hubungan diorang pun dah nampak berbeza..kalau dulu mmg nampak cam kawan jer..skang ni dah nampak yg CE ni malu2 jer bila berinteraksi ..comel laks tu dalam malu2 tu nak jugak bergurau senda sesama diorang.hehe
Ella's latest entry (26/03/2008) - Went diving in Hainan
yeayy!!! Ella dah updated entry terbaru dia..huhuhu..kan ke diorang kat Hainan skang ni kan ..sempat lg tu Ella gi diving kat Hainan ..dia ni mmg bebetul jenis yg adventurous dan suka buat benda2 yg mencabar..ingat lg hari tu dia main trapeze , ni diving laks..huhuh..cute giler laks tu gambo2 dia diving nii ..
ni msg dia
We抮e off to film an advertisement
And I took the chance to go diving during the free time
It抯 my 3rd time doing so as earlier attempts were for filming of programmes
But this time I was not doing so in Taiwan
I was at Hai Nan Island, known as China抯 Hawaii
Wah! I was so excited when I first got into the waters
I saw Nemo in the sea too
Along with many adorable and colourful fishes
The different types of coral reefs are also very beautiful
I even took a photograph with a starfish and it抯 really cool
But the funniest thing was that I started to get dizzy after coming up to the surface of the waters
And I even threw up before I could get onto the ship.
It抯 really an unforgettable and unique experience.
In the past, I would be throwing up while hugging the toilet bowl because of getting drunk
To throw up in the seawaters is really my 1st
I could not help but laugh out loud after throwing up because it just feels hilarious
I threw up another time when I got back on the ship, until I hardly have anything left in me
But yet, all these are definitely worth it
Because it is really very beautiful under the sea
And I wish to share this special memory with everyone
However, in order for us to continue admiring such beautiful coral reefs and adorable Nemo
We must all do our part to love the Earth
Because of global warming, the temperature of the seawaters is getting higher
And many sea creatures and plants would not be able to survive
So, promise me, let us do our part to save the Earth
Reduce the production of CO2 and make it a habit to recycle etc
All these are good practices we all should adopt
In addition to awareness, we must also follow-up with actual actions
So that our Earth can breathe and stay healthy
And all of us will have a better environment to live in, alright?
Let us all play our part!
comel nyerr diaaa..huhuh..Ella ni ..even time diving macam ni tetap maintain cute and fotogenik ..
credits to : Ella AF thread and HIM website
*suka baca msg dia..walau pun dia ni jenis yg humorous tp dalam setiap msg dia pasti ade ayat yg berunsur nasihat ..siap nasihatkan kita suruh jaga alam sekitar semua..she's such a thoughtful person .. and dia ni pun mmg jenis matured jgk ..ermss..Ella dan Chun ni mmg banyak betul similarities kan ..Chun pun jenis thoughtful jugak ..huhuh..duk wondering skang ni samada Chun pun pergi diving sama jugak tak ..kan ker Chun pun jenis yg adventurous jugak kan.
[ Last edited by myst_leen at 27-3-2008 01:42 AM ]
Note: Pleasecredit fishybizness of CEFC for translation of article and do not editany parts of this article. Please quote this translated article(including this note) in its entirety. Thank you for your co-operation.
Wu Zun crazy over Michael Jordan, buys shoes and clothes in twos
2008.03.25 蘋果日報
WuZun showing MJ's championship rings, quite a number of the jerseys atthe back are limited editions valued at tens of thousands of dollars.
FRHshowed their personal collections, Wu Zun and Aaron revealed theirdissimilar interests. Everyone knows that Wu Zun is a fan of MJ, hiscollection of MJ limited edition jerseys and shoes are countless, butthe most precious was an MP3 player personally autographed by Jordanwhich Chun received during his birthday last year. Aaron at the sidereferred to himself as a cultured young man, because his interest wasin stamps, "So embarrassed wor."
Wu Zun is Jordan's fanaticfan, he once spent more than NT$10,000 to buy a limited edition jersey,he recalled, "That time I went to New York, the first day I saw it inthe shop I couldn't bear to buy it, because it was quite expensive, afew days later I went to see it again, there was only 1 left, so whatwas I waiting for?" But because of his hesitation, he only got a largesize.
Aaron uses the stamps he collects
DuringWu Zun's birthday last year, the merchants knew that he loved Jordanmost, so they gave him a Jordan-autographed MP3 player, there were only5 in all Taiwan, he guarded it so preciously, he instructed allonlookers "Can only see, cannot touch."
When circumstancespermit, Wu Zun would try to get two sets of the same design of jerseysand shoes, "One set to wear, one set to frame up." As for the 22generations of commemorative shoes released by Jordan, he has everydesign except for the second generation which he hasn't been able tofind.
Aaron started collecting stamps since junior school, inthe six years up to middle school, he had only completed 3 stampalbums, it was because while writing letters in the past, he would justuse the stamps he had collected as he was lazy to buy some.
Heeven said proudly, some of the stamps were sent on friends' letters butwhich had not been stamped by the postmen, he would immediately recyclethem. Recently with the progress of technology and the internet and theproliferation of email in place of handwritten letters, he would alsoreminisce over the days when people used stamps to send letters.
The limited edition jersey which Wu Zun spent more than NT$10,000 on.
Jordan-autographed MP3 player, Chun's most prized birthday present.
credits : CEFC and Apple Daily
translated by : fishybizness of CEFC forum
*ehehe..Chun beli dua utk setiap satu barangan Michael Jordan's tu ...ade nak bagi kat sesiapa ke satu lg tu ?? .ehehe..saje je tanya sebab hari tu pun fans detect Ella bawak 2 beg barangan Jordan's kat exhibitions tu kan ..ehehe.lg pun hari tu CE fans dah detect yg Ella pun ade kasut Jordan sejibik sama macam Chun punyer kan ..huhuh..jd tak heran la kalau Chun beli 2 item utk setiap satu jenis barangan .. .ekeke..leen tau kat dalam artikel tu tulis satu lg item tu Chun akan framekan tuh la..banyak sgt kebetulan dengan Ella..tu yg point out the obvious tu . huhu.
[ Last edited by myst_leen at 27-3-2008 12:08 PM ]
btw , ade gambar2 CE ms diorang shooting iklan baru ni kat Hainan tak leh post kat sini just bleh bg link utk tgk ..and gambo2 ni kiranyer amik dari jauh jer , sebab mmg Meng Niu biasanyer buat shooting iklan diorang secara diam2 , kecuali bila dah dekat nak release iklan baru ade sket2 gambo ..huhuh..nampaknyer utk iklan kali ni ..Ella dan Chun seems to stand very close to each other again ..huhuh..
tp ade 4 kpg je gambo dalam link ni yg boleh nampak CE ..tu pun dr jauh jer ..
Originally posted by myst_leen at 26-3-2008 03:26 PM . This time Ella's parentswent along for the trip, their show of love was to bicker nonstop,causing Ella to shout, "If this continues, don't say I would have anadditional little brother or sister when I go back!"
... ada psl geng2 frh ni kat paper cina punya..belek2 kat sekolah td..
nak baca tak fhm..tgk gmba je la...jiro dgn calvin pn ada gak tak tau plak apa bende yg diorg kumpul tu..yg jiro pnya nmpk mcm key chain pn ada..mcm lencana pn ada...kenapalah kita tak fhm mandarin.......:cry: :cry:
sukanya tgk ella dlm laut terasa nak pi bercuti kat pulau...dan snor******...bestnya dapat tgk ikan2...nampak ella skrg hepi je...msg pun cam dio ni skrg dilamun cinta je...huhuhu... ..saper la ya...mesti kita dapat agakkan leen..
a'ah..ade jugak tunjuk part jiro , arron dan calvin part diorang tak translated ..akak tak letak sini ..huhuh..nanti kalau ade yg translated kang , akak share kan kat sini .
tu laa..nampak hepi gilerr...dan isi kandungan blog Ella ni siap dapat liputan dari pemberita laks kak kan , kesian giler kat Ella..sebab nyer lepas jer dia balik dari Hainan , bila dia online..tgk2 ade fans yg kata macam2 kat Ella....pasalnyer fans Hebe jeles bila tgk ade fans bukak banyak thread tuju utk Ella diorang berebut nak conquer forum tu .. alih2 Ella laks yg jadi mangsa hinaan diorang ..geram tul. so bila Ella tgk keadaan macam tu , terus Ella bagi respons ..Ella marah . tp leen bebetul admirer kat Ella sebab she's very frank and true to herself . dia marah dan siap bagi nasehat lagi dalam masa yg sama ..leen rasa artis lain takkan berani buat macam Ella ..