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emm... teruja jugak budak dgn UT ni...
boleh kah aku??? :geram::hmm: |
Originally posted by budakpilah at 10-5-2006 22:27
emm... teruja jugak budak dgn UT ni...
boleh kah aku??? :geram::hmm:
cukup syarat,,,ada kemahuan mesti boleh punya... |
Ziela This user has been deleted
hi guysssssssssssssss........
meriah la thread ni... |
tak meriah sangat la..kat entreprenuers lagi best... |
Kalau sama discussionnya kenapa tak mergekan je topik ni? |
Originally posted by Remy_3D at 3-5-2006 01:17 AM
COKEGUY has reported the following post to you, please visit:
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Update link yg kau bagi ni. Broken la... |
Selamat berkovention pada all Public Mutual agent kat sunway sabtu dan ahad.
Semoga dapat sales lg bagus utk tahun ni dan dapat naik stage tahun depan.. |
Guidelines On Code Of Ethics And Standards Of Professional Conduct For
The Unit Trust Industry
As we are all aware that the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
sets out the general principles and minimum standards of good practices which is
to be observed by any person registered with Federation of Malaysian Unit Trust
Managers (FMUTM).
We would like to take this opportunity to remind all unit trust consultants to
adhere to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct and reiterate
the following:-
FMUTM guidelines for "Standard of Professional Conduct"
1. Marketing and Distribution with Prospectus
In the course of marketing and/or distributing unit trust funds, PDUT must provide
their client with the prospectus or such other relevant disclosure document relating
to the relevant unit trust funds as may be prescribe by law. The marketing of
units without the prospectus is strictly prohibited by law.
2. Pre-Signed Forms Not Allowed
We would like to remind all UTCs that you are not allowed to advise clients to
pre-signed investment forms.
Cont |
Potential Agents
6-00pm..Briefing Business Oppurtunity Preview sampai 6-30..
To New agents.
Macam biasa jam 6-30 at Public M, our training..
1. kita discuss sales projection. Either u Part timers or F Timers, kita buat sales projection, how much commission u all need per month.
2. Brainstormimg session..how to ensure investor loyal dgn kita. Say No to pd agent lain....alraedy e mail materials..
[ Last edited by kirawang at 16-5-2006 10:19 AM ] |
Originally posted by kirawang at 3-4-2006 10:03 PM
Kawan2, mari kita share pengalaman masing dalam bidang U trust ke, insurans, dll. samada u all FT ke, PT ke, baru nak ambik exam ke, proxy ke ..Tak kisah kita dtg dr mana2 co pon dan kalau boleh j ...
Originally posted by MACD at 12-5-2006 12:55 PM
Kalau sama discussionnya kenapa tak mergekan je topik ni?
Bukan ke asalnya topic ni nak kongsi pengalaman....tapi... isinya mcm dah sama dgn entreprenuers laks.......saya berminat nak tau pengalaman agent UT yg berjaya....teringin nak joint..baca pengalaman agen yg berjaya boleh bakar semnagt...
agent to be gaks.... |
Rasanya thread ni dah jadik tempat untuk promote masuk jadi agent public mutual kot... haku nak baca pengalaman memasing sebagai UT agen jer.. tak kiralah awak tu UT agen dari sbb mutual ker, CIMB ker, TA unit trust ker, OSK UT ker or public mutual... share2lah pengalaman pahit manis dari semasa memula jadi agen UT hingga berjaya.. barulah bleh bakar semangat para UT agen kat sini... |
aku cuma jadi client je...kalau semua nak buat sales sapa nak buat keje lain kan esp keje cam aku ni ..jadi aku bekerjasama ler ngan ejen UT...rezeki dikongsi bersama |
Agent Takaful Prudential Ingin memulakan langkah pertama di sini ...mmm |
Reply #133 ibm632's post
Dah lama ke dgn Prudential atau baru join???...Group mana???...Ofis kat ne???... |
Reply #134 kitt_fisto's post
Dah setahun lebih , full time, group othman saharum, opis damansara intan. awak lak ?
Setakat ini ada 2 ejen yg bawah saya yg dulu buat Unit Trust Public Mutual ... full time semua nyer.
[ Last edited by ibm632 at 3-5-2007 06:48 AM ] |
Reply #135 ibm632's post
Hehehehe, saya bekas ejen Prudential. Baru tahun lepas resign, dulu saya group Syed Zain opis kat Taipan. 3 tahun gak le tp part time je. Kenapa resign, sbb tak sanggup dgn peraturan Prudential yg terlalu ketat. So, klu nak join Prudential ni better la full time. Just pengalaman saya je la. Tp dulu rajin gak g meeting kat Damansara Intan, join group Eden Lee. |
Ye, saya aku dengan prudential syarat nyer memang ketat , dan jika kita follow dia punya selagi tak canggah dgn hukum InsyaAllah kita akan berjaya ... Memang mana2 insuran di malaysia ni ejen prudential kalau di ambil seluruh sale stiap syarikat insuran ejen prudential lah yg buat sale paling tinggi dgn 7000 ejen satu malaysia purata sale 70,000 per individu. The highest in malaysia. Even saya sendiri pun tak tahu saya akan mempunyai lebih dari 160 orang clien dlm masa setahun.
Itu lah makna nyer kalau nak berniaga, niaga betul betul.... baru di panggil berniaga.
Originally posted by kitt_fisto at 3-5-2007 09:29 PM
Hehehehe, saya bekas ejen Prudential. Baru tahun lepas resign, dulu saya group Syed Zain opis kat Taipan. 3 tahun gak le tp part time je. Kenapa resign, sbb tak sanggup dgn peraturan Prudential y ... |
Reply #137 ibm632's post
Baguslah klu mcm tu, niat saya masa buat Prudential dulu nak tolong bangsa sendiri, of course lah income. Style saya dulu sales x suka nak paksa2 dan lg satu x suka nak buruk2kan syarikat insuran lain so susah nak dpt client tambahan plak part time, mana ada masa sgt. Yg paling benci "percitency", itu yg paling boring. Dah la sales ngam2 18 ribu API, kena plak 2 ke 3 client buat tergeliat nak bayar, percitency drop sampai bawah 85%, dah nak kena top up duit sendiri nak kasi naik balik percitency. Tu yg tak tahan tu, lg pun rasa mcm x adil, kita boleh tlg top up kan utk org yg x boleh bayar, tp yg selagi boleh bayar kita tak tolong unless dia nak buat claim je baru kita boleh tolong. |
Reply #129 kirawang's post
End last year pernah tercakap with yr wife ttg saya nak invest 50K dlm UT tapi lepas tu kami tak communicate lagi. So saya dah invest dlm UT (Overseas Investment) duit tu dgn agent lain, lain bank. Skrg ni saya masih lagi interested nak invest dgn Public lagi tapi kalau boleh saya nak org pengalaman mcm u utk explain dgn saya, tak payah jumpa, by email pun ok sampai saya faham sebab saya memang total 0 about Public UT. Adalah 2-3 agent pm kat saya. Ada yg kata now is not good time to invest pasal rate is high, so when is good time, ada yg kata islamic baru launch. Ingat nak transfer sikit duit dari ASB. |
Nak promot insuran ke Takaful ker tak perlu nak compare orang lain punya produk. Yang paling utama kita create awareness dlm diri client then buat mereka betul2 tahu betapa penting nyer insuran terutama medical card. Saya 1st year parttimer RM 119,000 persistency 100 %... Tahun ni stakat april RM 91,350... so bukan susah nak buat sale kalau kena cara.
Originally posted by kitt_fisto at 4-5-2007 11:24 PM
Baguslah klu mcm tu, niat saya masa buat Prudential dulu nak tolong bangsa sendiri, of course lah income. Style saya dulu sales x suka nak paksa2 dan lg satu x suka nak buruk2kan syarikat insuran ... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi