please calm this heart down~~~!!!
sad, so sad...
tears are flowing like waterfall...
my beautiful bb with your beautiful voice, please assure me that you're all right...
soon or later, i have to accept all these, but i don't know if i can take more of other dumb rumors. i've been crushed so badly that i don't even know when will i recover. but i will be strong for the sake of yody and gakki. i will wait till the day yone comes back into my life, i will live strongly with the memories he left behind, he'll always be in my prayer.
so, BI Shadow is back as juniors... already thought so after seeing so much pimping kisumai is getting right now... how about Yuma? poor that boy... may be he'll get a better group... i think johnny-san want to wait for morishin a bit more and debut yuma together with morishin and nakaken... T&T, Question?, NYwBIS... what else after this? the next thing i know they'll ruin HSJ as well... why? because those boys only get new song by new song each time, but not a single or an album... HSJ fate is as cloudy as T&T...
conclusion: jimusho is in a total mess, unless you're SMAP or Arashi. thank goodness Eito is still safe from this J1E1 virus...
so, BI Shadow is back as juniors... already thought so after seeing so much pimping kisumai is getting right now... how about Yuma? poor that boy... may be he'll get a better group... i think johnny-s ...
Kittie Post at 15-8-2009 06:39
maybe, ataupun debutkan dia ngan hs7west pun takpe...kelakar betul, padahal lagu akuma na koi n dial up tu originally lagu hs7w, title asal akum na koi tu where did you go...
maybe, ataupun debutkan dia ngan hs7west pun takpe...kelakar betul, padahal lagu akuma na koi n dial up tu originally lagu hs7w, title asal akum na koi tu where did you go...
whitedove Post at 15-8-2009 18:57
so nanti no more yone...
skymania Post at 15-8-2009 22:28
tgk ah mcm mane nnti... akn setia menanti die... klu die terpaksa ambik long break ker ape...
mmg dh agk mende nih akn jadik lps yody ngan gakki byk ambik alih tugas as vocalists lps j-rock tour n lps yone kena saket throat tuh... sbb saket throat tuh ah die senang kena jangkit menatang h1n1 tuh... tp tak tahu ah isu sebenar...
tgk ah mcm mane nnti... akn setia menanti die... klu die terpaksa ambik long break ker ape...
mmg dh agk mende nih akn jadik lps yody ngan gakki byk ambik alih tugas as vocalists lps j-rock tour ...
Kittie Post at 15-8-2009 22:43
tuh la..apa2 pon..tggu la ngan setianyer..sbb masih rumors lgk..dr apa yg iols bace la..
arap..die hanya berehat panjang jeh..:cry:
tuh la..apa2 pon..tggu la ngan setianyer..sbb masih rumors lgk..dr apa yg iols bace la..
arap..die hanya berehat panjang jeh..:cry:
skymania Post at 15-8-2009 22:45
yg semer wisau tuh sbb semer info, name die ghaib dr official websites... tp tgkla nnti camne...
alahai comelnya. dah la main gitar sesama mcm WaT lak...
whitedove Post at 16-8-2009 19:28
cumil sgt... dhla lagu tuh 100% hak milik derang... mmg ngam tul, lagu hikaru, lirik yabu, adoila pasangan kekasih nih... 
hikaru die ade groove klu bab tulis lagu sbb die gune gitar klu wat lagu, tak mcm bdk2 muder zmn skrg, tulis lagu pkai komputer... canela lagu tuh nk ade bunyi2 raw... 
rendition derang tuk lagu Star Time mase derang perform ngan Question? (uwaaa~~~!!! akustik yone... windu~~ ) hari tuh pun lagik best dari lagu asal. mmg derang leh jadik producer yg bagus... 
nasib baik rasanya kittie tak masuk hari ni, rasanya dia tengah stress sekarang ni, tapi sempat lagi dia layan orang penting. sapa entah.
tadipun dia pulun tepek macam macam link dekat SO, hari penting apa hari ni? 
tapi kalau dia masuk, mesti hot dia tengok sky guna avatar buah hati dia ni.