Originally posted by queen_aurora at 14-4-2009 07:48
llurve tat muvie so much....watched it bout' 10 times oredi...mybe bcoz u r oldies
me n ur brainmate got 'heart connection'
tom tom bak is laik a food...u can eat @ bora ombak
wat muvie kind of did u watch...senario d muvie
he plucks 1 rose 4 me everyday....as a symbol of his lurve
otai likes to eat petai...n buah rambai
i know..cos it reflects ui dont listen to oldies
u heartbroken cos ma brainmate left u for me
bora ombak....is that where u borak with the waves
funny muvie and lap lap ones
pluck the rose n make rose drink for himself
otai eat petai tepi pantai
Originally posted by queen_aurora at 14-4-2009 07:55
bare hand
peace no war
King Kong takes shawa wif u........
sinbad came back to jasin
pak pandir loves to make onde onde
ur hand so black laik goat' s***
sooner or later......
short hand
war troops
king kong bathed by u
sinbad tasted like ikan masin
onde-onde eaten by pakpandir until pants erlondeh
goat shit u drop at yr banana plant