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Balas #1321 limau_nipis\ catat
klu bley panggung nak tayang sampai ujung tahun tp lcp tarik  |
aku nak beli dvd ori ,mana neh? |
Balas #1326 zonan4\ catat
bulan 9 keatas baru kluar  |
Heheh tertunggu2 eh? Alhamdulillah as Safwan mentioned, kita dah reach 6.303 by Sunday 29 March. Only 28k short from breaking the record. 1st April habis tayangan cuma Melaka ada satu panggung tayang sampai 8th April.
Jadi walaupun kami tak dapat break the record, tapi still sangat menghargai sokongan korang semua. After all this is our first film from LCP. 2nd Highest grossing film in Malaysia jadi still satu kebanggaan kan? We wouldn't have done it without all of you. Terima kasssiihhh!!!
Jaga-jaga, teaser film baru sedang dibikin ;) |
Reply #1328 anas_voobee's post
tahniah korunk...
aku pun bangga sbb aku antara penyumbang 6.303 juta tuh..
k, kami akan nantikan teaser 2nd muvi!!! hope it will improve from the 1st one.. |
Balas #1328 anas_voobee\ catat
blom rasmi lgkan.. kirenye tacampur lagi tayangan yg blom abis kan |
hmmm tak capai yek...
xpe upin ipin movie kan ada
huhhuhuh |
Teaser nanti tue citer Kak Eton ke?  |
Reply #1337 dino's post
bang dino tamo buat kelab anti ke kat board fanclub  |
Reply #1340 dino's post
mesti ramai yg nak ngejoin  |
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