Edited by snazzydaisy at 14-8-2019 01:26 AM
Pedo Andy with young Virginia Roberts (17 yrs) and 'madam' Ghislaine Maxwell in London, 2001. Some royals fans kata ni OK sbb age of consent in UK is 16 yrs old.. but still gross lah 
Someone behind Miss Maxwell (left) appearsto have the same trousers and top as Miss Roberts, at Naomi Campbell's party in St Tropez, attended by Flavio Briatore (centre)
the blonde teenager, thought to be Miss Roberts, is photographed awkwardly looking around as the revellers wait toboard the yacht. She is standing close to Miss Campbell, Briatore and Miss Maxwell, who is in a light-blue turtleneck.
some mainstream medias simply cropped-out Andy from the originals 