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Author: af_mania

AIM22 18 Dis ini. Senarai Top 5 #1. Jom teka pemenang!!

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Post time 20-12-2016 06:18 PM | Show all posts
September14 replied at 20-12-2016 06:16 PM
Baru upload kan x sampai 24 jam dah 60k view... best duet thn 2016

yes.. x sampai 24 jam dah 65 ribu view .. hebat lah.. yup iols setuju best duet 2016..klah lagu duet samihah dan shila amzah..


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Post time 20-12-2016 06:29 PM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 20-12-2016 06:30 PM

iols baca komen kt youtube betul ke akan ada lagu duet tok tie dan judika untuk album baru tok tie.. wah bestlah klau mcm tue.. iols suka suara judika..masa konsert yonder tue pun tok tie memang nak berduet dgn judika tapi hajat tak sampai pasal judika tak dpt join.. harap2 lagu duet dgn judika jadi kenyataan..

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Post time 20-12-2016 06:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
terpaku replied at 20-12-2016 07:44 AM
lagu tu agak haus yach! tpi ok lagi compared to lagu lelaki jagung dayang tu.. sedih sangat dengar ...

chuols suka jagung berbulu x? daddy Z mesti pernah jual masa niaga apam balik khuens? chuols rada daddy z punya apam jagung sedap x?

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Post time 20-12-2016 06:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
RatuDunia94 replied at 19-12-2016 01:19 AM
cite nye mcm ni..

lagu sedetik lebih tu dh menang untuk lagu Pop Terbaik kalahkan lagu Yuna utk ...

Konsep utk lgu terbaik tu calonnya diambil dari lgu terbaik setiap kategori.. pop, etnik, rock, nasyid, etc.. so lgu yuna mmg dh xde dlm calon lgu terbaik sbb dh kalah ngn Sedetik Lebih utk lgu pop.. tp for me Penakut lgi layak..  

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Post time 20-12-2016 07:14 PM | Show all posts

iols harap lagu ni tercalon kat AIM23 yach.

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Post time 20-12-2016 09:52 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 20-12-2016 03:14 PM
kenapa aku rase tahun 2017 mendatang zmn kebangkitan tok ti dr segi populariti balik?

review pers ...

Setuju daus. Akak pun rasa macam tu. Ala2 zaman renaissance siti. Nak2 bulan tiga tahun depan(katanya tapi biasalah dau pun tahu mesti tangguh sebulan dua ), siti akan kelurkan album baru. Kalau banyak lagu menyengat, mmg akan attract wider audiences even yg bukan karat siti tapi suka lagu2 dlm album baru tu.

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Post time 20-12-2016 10:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 20-12-2016 03:14 PM
kenapa aku rase tahun 2017 mendatang zmn kebangkitan tok ti dr segi populariti balik?

review pers ...

Sekali gus zaman kebangkitan bod ct ekekeke

Lama kita tak berkuntum macam dulu

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Post time 20-12-2016 10:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
scrocth replied at 20-12-2016 05:19 PM
Siti mmg xsalah dan xperlu tarik diri dari AIM, tp kalau ketua juri is aubrey suwito dan juri2 lai ...

That's the point. Sepatutnya penjurian yg kena berubah dan juri2 yg tiada kepentingan sahaja perlu diambil utk pengadilan. Bukan nak pertikaikan kemenangan siti tapi ada calon lain yg lebih layak. Especially utk kategori album terbaik

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Post time 20-12-2016 11:01 PM | Show all posts
scrocth replied at 20-12-2016 09:28 AM
sbb tu ramai jer artis malaysia yg established mcm dh boikot AIM dalam diam2. Liza, Dayang,Misha k ...

aku macam x beberapa nak ok apa k.. aku rasa sangat tak adil nak salahkan Siti kalau asik menang..bende ni dah berdekad2 degr.. dalama hal ni..aku lebih suke salahkan retis2 top tu sendiri..nape dorang tak keluarkan product..product pun setakat single...

ppl condemning siti mmg bg aku sangat unfair. sepatutnye orang mmg honour die sebab dalam banyak2 retis..die masih consistent keluarkan album..bersungguh2 nak stay relevant... and it turns out all of her products are good..even not all.. but at least she tries...

see ..retis2 top yang kau list down pun ..tak amik kesah pasal career dorang.. tak support industry sendiri..macam mana orang nak support..


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Post time 20-12-2016 11:18 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 20-12-2016 05:52 PM
iols baru tahu MV dirgayu dah upload kt youtube...view naik lepas AIM tue...

iolss antara yg menontonya berkali kaliii ,, ohmaigoddddd cantikkkkkk giler mv diaa fuhhhhh


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Post time 20-12-2016 11:19 PM | Show all posts
Apakah aspek yang DINILAI untuk menjadikan sesuatu album itu dipilih sebagai pemenang?

Adakah cukup jika 10 lagu(atau 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 lagu for that matter) digilai mainstream audiences maka album itu layak diangkat sebagai juara?

When I am writing this, I do not wear Siti's fan cap(if someone has the perception that I am Siti's typical fan, I say you are wrong) but I seek for the ultimate true judgment and evaluation. Saya jenis malas nak menulis panjang sekarang ni tetapi memandangkan saya lihat trend(at least in this forum) di mana peminat judge album terbaik hanya berdasarkan berapa banyak lagu sedap dalam sesebuah album, maka albm itu wajar diangkat sebagai juara, maka saya bersuara.

The most important aspect/criteria in album's evaluation is the TECHNICAL ASPECT of the album. Most laymen out there do not know the technical aspect of album. Because those aspects are hidden(literally) to the ears of mass audiences(the only mass audience can judge is the VOICE of the singer and how great the songs are-very narrow apects). Only people who study music in general and production of album especially, will agree with the judges(or they may not-this is an intellectual argument and I won't go there)

Technicalities of the technical aspects of the album(pre-judgment)

1) Judges will be given all the albums to listen to months before the Anugerah.
2) Merits are given based on predetermined aspects in the list:
a) Techincal Excellence-
- singer's voice: exceptional skill-the skill of the singer? feel?
- song's arrangment: beautifully done to enhance the musics?
-dubbing- bad, good, mediocre, excellent?
and so on...
b) Aesthetic Expressiveness in the songs.
and many other apects.

Many people do not know that THE ALBUM PRODUCED FROM THE CONCERT IS THE MOST DIFFICULT because the singer sang th song LIVE(without any assistance from the machine/ no enhancement in the first place- if the singer made the mistakes(suara terkehel, suara angsa, tarik tak lepas, suara low note menggigil) those mistakes will be reflected in the album hence the quality of the album will be compromised! Meanwhile, studio album is very easy because machine can smooth and rectify all the mistakes.

Do you know?

That Aubrey Suwito is an "in" nowadays when it comes to composer apart from Ramli MS and M. Nasir. The only difference, Aubrey will LISTEN and CONSIDER the opinios from others while Ramli and Nasir will use the tagline, "Ko nak aku buat album, ko kut rentak aku".

Believe me, Aubrey is the genius when it comes to compose musics from scratch with little guidance from raw materials submitted by pencipta2 lagu. His music arrangments ARE TO DIE FOR especially music arrangments for concert. The only downside, his service mahal ok. But if you want THE BEST, you have to BUY TE BEST.

I am not in judges' chairs to evaluate but from my honest opinion, Akim's album kalah dengan Siti's album from music arrangment. This is solely my opinion and it does not substitute with judges' opinions(otai2 ok- siapala kita semua yg mass audiences nak cakap lebih2 hal technicals of the albums).


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Post time 20-12-2016 11:21 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 20-12-2016 06:29 PM
iols baca komen kt youtube betul ke akan ada lagu duet tok tie dan judika untuk album baru tok tie.. ...

dgr citer dlm album tokti salah sorg komposer indon ade govinde yg buat lagu ENGKAU,,, best kot laguu tu ... dgr citer ade malique, n glen jgkkk tazzzzzaaabaarrrrrrrrrr

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Post time 20-12-2016 11:23 PM | Show all posts
hurmmmm mcm pelik je kan,,, Aubrey suwito yg jdi ketua juri, sdgkan dia pon masuk bertanding tpii enthlahhhhh donno .. knp x amik org lain???

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Post time 20-12-2016 11:24 PM | Show all posts
Kebanyakan mass audiences masih beranggapan bahawa good singer is the one who can sing tarik2. They are wrong.

Always remember this, low note(not low key- low keys of songs sangat kacang. Saya yg suara tak sedap pun boleh nyanyi) is very difficult TO SUSTAIN.

Apakah ciri2 seseorang penyanyi masih lemah to sustain(bertahan for few seconds or longer) low note?

Suara "menggigil". Contoh terbaik Sarah dalam konsert akhir Gegar vaganza.

Azharina punya low note, is VERY GOOD judging from konsert akhir gegar vaganza.

Azharina DESERVES TO WIN, in my humble opinion. Her voice sustenance is superb. Her tone is sedap.

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Post time 20-12-2016 11:34 PM | Show all posts
Dari segi tone suara- saya suka tone suara sarah, azharina even nora. UNIK. Tone suara Sarah dan nora unik but their tones are limited to certain kind of songs.

But their tones are not CRYSTAL CLEAR MACAM SITI DAN SHARIFAH AINI. Yang kita dengar menjadi sangat PUAS.

Siti used to apply her thin, shrill voice to hit certain high keys. I hated this. But nowadays, not anymore.

Sentiasa ingat, low notes are difficult. The  song can be sumbang mambang if the singer cannot sustain the low note with teir chest's air. Sebab itu fitness is very important for singers. Kena banyak exercise.

Performance hauk siti ialah apabila dia buat come back just after berkahwin dan bercuti almost 6 months. Dengan short of breath, tak cukup nafas masa kat anugerah apa tah.

Do you know that lagu asli Melayu antara lagu YANG AMAT SUSAH DAN MENCABAR UNTUK dinyanyikan kerana ada lenggok2 tersendiri sambil pengawalan nafas yg superb? Jika kita jenis nafas pendek(Sarah is one of the singer with nafas pendek), jangan harap nak nyanyikan lagu asli melayu kerana lenggok dia yg berjela2 memerlukan nafas yg panjang dan pengawalan suara yg very the superb! Tak percaya? Cuba nyanyi.

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Post time 20-12-2016 11:41 PM | Show all posts
masmelon replied at 20-12-2016 11:23 PM
hurmmmm mcm pelik je kan,,, Aubrey suwito yg jdi ketua juri, sdgkan dia pon masuk bertanding tpii en ...

Ini sangat setuju. Aubrey TIDAK SEPATUTNYA MENJADI KETUA JURI kerana ada vested interest. Sebab itu saya faham kenapa ada orang mempertikaikan kemenangan siti. Di sini kelemahan PIHAK PENGANJUR. Totally agree dan tak refute apa2 dengan statement yg mempertikaikan Aubrey menjadi ketua juri. Walaupun keputusan diaudit oelh pihak audito, tapi tetap orang akan mempertikaikan. And I 100% with orag2 yg mempertikaikan itu kerana vested interest yg sudah terang lagi bersuluh.

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Post time 20-12-2016 11:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
masmelon replied at 20-12-2016 11:18 PM
iolss antara yg menontonya berkali kaliii ,, ohmaigoddddd cantikkkkkk giler mv diaa fuhhhhh

Iols tgk tadi dah treading no 14 kt youtube

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Post time 20-12-2016 11:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
masmelon replied at 20-12-2016 11:21 PM
dgr citer dlm album tokti salah sorg komposer indon ade govinde yg buat lagu ENGKAU,,, best kot la ...

Iols x sabar nk tgk gadingan tok tie dan malique..klau nk tahu iols paling suka lagu2 malique dari joe..lirik rap malique memang makan dlm...ada tersirat tersurat..tapi untuk persembahan malique memang x kan muncul ...

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Post time 20-12-2016 11:50 PM | Show all posts
napa pertikaikan album unplugged tu menang over akim???

korang x perasan ke lagu2 album akim tu sepesen jer....

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Post time 20-12-2016 11:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sixret replied at 20-12-2016 11:24 PM
Kebanyakan mass audiences masih beranggapan bahawa good singer is the one who can sing tarik2. They  ...

Setuju komen nie..

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