1280# naen
kan pokemon yg dh ditransfer drp pokewalker leh masuk blk dlm game.. |
Starter aku kt dlm Pokewalker
huhuu maaf tumpang tanye..ade ke men pokemon dalam psp? |
Okeh.. aku nak citer pasal pokewalker yg aku br je blaja menggunakannya..
Transfer pokemon drp HGSS -> Pokewalker: Kat main menu ade satu menu 'Connect to Pokewalker'.. Kat sini kita blh pilih utk transfer satu pokemon. Tapi pokemon kita mesti ade dlm box, bkn dlm party. Bila dh pilih, kita akan connect infrared pada pokewalker dgn infrared pada game card. Bila berjaya, pokemon kita akan ade kt dlm pokewalker.
Dlm pokewalker ni setiap step kita akan dikira (goncang dia tak terima, so takde la konsep cam digimon). Setiap 20 step kita akan dpt 10 watt.. watt ni kita leh guna utk lwn wild pokemon ataupun utk carik item
Bila lwn wild pokemon, kita leh gak capture dorg. So mana-mana pokemon yg dicapture dan items yg kita dpt dlm pokewalker leh ditransfer ke dlm HGSS..
Transfer pokemon drp Pokewalker -> HGSS: Nnt kat main menu HGSS ade menu Connect to Pokewalker.. leh pilih utk amik blk pokemon drp pokewalker ataupun nak suruh pokemon yg main stay dlm tu tp mana2 items yg dpt dan captured pokemon blh ditransfer ke dlm HGSS.. HGSS akan rekod gak total steps yg kita dah wat dan bil watts yg kita ade.. |
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huhuu maaf tumpang tanye..ade ke men pokemon dalam psp?
titoxer Post at 23-3-2010 15:48
game pokemon takde kat PSP .. sbb pokemon khas bawah NINTENDO ..
console yg ada/pernah ada game pokemon : siri gameboy, gamecube, wii
kalau nak main game pokemon kat PC, guna no$gba emulator
nak tutorial pasal tu - kena tunggu otai no$gba masuk
ataupun awok bleh pm terus - nama dia MetalFire |
1281# farixwan
maksud aku - kalau starter tu dah ditransfer ke pokewalker, dia ada lagi ke dalam game hgss?
tu yg aku tanya .. kalau transfer starter, maknanya dalam main game tu takde aa pokemon tu kan? |
ermm pokewalker ni fungsi die ape ar sebenarnye... kire lawan wild pokemon dalam pokewalker ke camne? tu da cam digimon ar plak kan?
lagi satu apsal ko beli HG ek farix,awat tak beli SS..ko lagi minat HOOH eh |
tumpang boh kat sini .. sesapa nak - leh aa baca
>> http://www.serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/pokewalker-area.shtml
With the PokéWalker, you send Pokémon over to the bit of hardware in order to raise them. However, when you select the Pokémon to send over, you also have to select a course. There are a total of 27 PokéWalker courses for you to choose from, all of which are unlocked at various points including some events. Below is the list of all the courses as well as the Pokémon and items findable within
When you transfer your Pokémon to PokéWalker, the game selects one Pokémon from each of three groups on the course, depending on how much you've done on that course. While that Pokémon is in the PokéWalker, you can only get one of those three Pokémon. To try for another group, you need to remove the Pokémon and put it back in. If you put in a Pokémon of one of the three listed types, the steps required for the Pokémon and items is reduced by 25%.
- agak memeningkan & masih tak dapat gambaran sebenar |
1st WiFi event ntok HGSS [US+EU] :
YELLOW FOREST (pokewalker course)
America: April 1st 2010 to April 30th 2010
Europe: April 1st 2010 to April 30th 2010
GIFT : Course Card: Yellow Forest
USE : The first WiFi Event in Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver is attributed to the PokéWalker peripheral. When you receive this gift, you will discover that you have obtained a new PokéWalker course. This PokéWalker course is filled with Pikachu. However, there are Pikachu here whom have a special attack that Pikachu cannot normally learn.
note : dalam yellow forest ni, kita leh dapat pikachu yg ada move FLY atau SURF |
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1286# naen
ooo.. ok2..
yup bila dah transfer dlm pokewalker, dlm hgss takdela pokemon tu..
aku transfer starter td lepas aku ade 2 lg pokemon lain..
so still blh proceed the game without the starter.. |
1287# MetalFire
pokewalker ni more mcm ko bwk pokemon ko stroll/jln2 dgn ko la kekononnya..
so, bila dia jln utk certain steps, dia akan dpt watt...
watt ni ko blh guna utk lwn wild pokemon dlm course yg ko pilih tu (blh gak tangkap) or klu nk wat dowsing carik items..
and klu jln jejauh, pokemon kita pun leh naik level sekali sbb dia happy..
nnt bila transfer ke dlm hgss blk, ade la mcm citer perjalanan dia hari tu..
aku suka lugia..
tp boxart hg lg cantik kot..
masa nk order tu pun aku dilema gak 2-3 ari.. |
1288# naen
aku memula tak paham gak penerangan kt serebii tu...
rasanya cmni kot..
bila nk bwk pokemon jln2 dlm pokewalker, kita kena pilih nk jln course mana..
mcm td aku pilih Refreshing Field..
so bila dh pilih course tu, akan ade 3 group wild pokemon yg ko akan jumpa..
tp ko akan jumpa 1 je utk setiap group..
klu tgk page ni http://www.serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/pokewalker-area.shtml
kat area refreshing field tu td aku jumpa nidoran female (dr group b) dan pidgey (dr group c)
aku x jump sentret/nidoran male sbb dia akan pilih 1 je drp setiap group tu..
pastu mcm doduo dgn kangaskhn aku x jumpa sbb time aku nye steps dah 2k aku tak try carik wild pokemon..
utk certain bil steps yg kita dh wat, dia akan bukak satu lg course.. |
1283# titoxer
ade emulator gameboy advance utk psp kan?
klu ada, install emulator ni, nnt leh main game pokemon ruby, sapphire, emerald..
PM me utk link emulator tu k.. |
esok adalah hari terakhir ntok download wifi event pikachu colored pichu
ntok game pearl, diamond & platinum versi US & EU
details pasal pikachu colored pichu ni aku post kat sini : CLICK HERE |
1295# naen
aku dh smp ilex forest..
tp ndsphat aku dh kong ar..
so takleh transfer pikachu coloured pichu tu kt HG aku.. tensi.. |
ape pokemon yg ko dah ade tu farix |
1297# MetalFire
Quilava, Flaafy, Weepinbell, Onix, Butterfree, Pidgeotto..
mcm kureng je aku rasa team aku ni.. huhu.. |
1296# farixwan
nak ke? nanti set date & time ..
aku lom settle lagi pasal mew+jirachi tu .. nanti aku transfer2 skali |
1298# farixwan
susah ek kalau ada 1 ds je .. kalau tak, leh transfer2 dari platinum |
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