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Author: cajAzhari

2PM : 1:59 heartbeat~♥ *can u feel my heartbeat??

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Post time 7-9-2009 08:44 AM | Show all posts
a'ah seben.. DEG takleh blah kekeke .. deme tu tak rela pun mcm over rela lak wat klip tu kekeke.... kena gelak ngan BEG noona... epi 7 lom kuar agik ek.. apa citer aaa abe J skang..

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Post time 7-9-2009 08:47 AM | Show all posts
geram sbb umah tu wat hal je...cet~
geram je.....
pehtu,2nd half,wy da tade....cian,sakit tekak gamaknye~
patut asik wat muke ang2 je...
hahaha...mmg kiut gle die nk g gunting aym tuh...ape  ...
seben,doa org teraniaya ni makbul...suh jay g doa bebykla..keke

cajAzhari Post at 6-9-2009 23:48

ayat ko tuh seben sokong...bln bek nih insyallah mintak jay byk bersabo dan bykkn berdoa... sure termakbul...

ha'ah yg wy tarak lps pindah rmh tuh sunyi sket ler tp hat len2 pon kecoh gak...part satu lg tak blh blah hat jayjun dgn chankhun together2 mandi...aigoo...ader ka jay leh ckp kt jun naper hairy sgt dia...wakaka... bengang jun...ok aper jay dh voleh membiasakn diri mandi together2...idak ler gay kn?  

jay kuat menyakat mbr2 len...ada ka maser game yg shake2 (sowi ler tak reti aper nama game tuh) jaynyer part kena ltk kt leher abih taec yg sedap2 baring kt sofa dia bantainyer...kekeke...dh cam owang giler pon ader last tereset sindrik... pastu jun men tenet pon dia nyakat gak...jay jay...klu takder dia kt arnab lior mmg sunyi ar...

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Post time 7-9-2009 08:53 AM | Show all posts
masuk, limau baru je belaja2 nk kenal 2 pm nie...tgk ari tu dlm star friends... leh tahan gak...

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Post time 7-9-2009 08:57 AM | Show all posts
a'ah seben.. DEG takleh blah kekeke .. deme tu tak rela pun mcm over rela lak wat klip tu kekeke.... kena gelak ngan BEG noona... epi 7 lom kuar agik ek.. apa citer aaa abe J skang..
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 7-9-2009 08:44

skg masih lg hot kt rmh seblh...cerita nih tubik cerita tuh tubik...aper pon ihottest sepot whatever we can...just wait & see sbb lom ader statement tubik dr jype psl isu nih...tak taw camner ghupernyer nnti nasib sume hottest risokn jay...semoga dia tabah!

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Post time 7-9-2009 08:58 AM | Show all posts
masuk, limau baru je belaja2 nk kenal 2 pm nie...tgk ari tu dlm star friends... leh tahan gak...
limau Post at 7-9-2009 08:53

eoseo oseyo... meh beramas mesras dgn sume hottest kn sini...ko minat saper ek?

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Post time 7-9-2009 08:59 AM | Show all posts
eoseo oseyo... meh beramas mesras dgn sume hottest kn sini...ko minat saper ek?
se7enstarz Post at 7-9-2009 08:58

yg badan tegap2 tu.... tinggi..alah lupa nama dia..

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Post time 7-9-2009 09:07 AM | Show all posts
korg cm ner cite jaebum?... smlm x on9 .... apa perkembangan nyeee
ki_aries Post at 7-9-2009 07:06

gitu ler...takder mengembangnyer...kekeke...yg kembang just antis tak abih2 ngutuk jay...*sigh* sian abe jay...ntah aper perasaan dia skg...sure stress giler...wasernyer petisen dowang dh cecah target 5 ribu...kureng asam...kiter doa jew la yg terbek utk jay...

uih terkejot bobo baca.. adoyai!!

hah, jgn lufer sign petisen...penting tuh...demi menyepot abe jay terchenta...

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Post time 7-9-2009 09:08 AM | Show all posts
yg badan tegap2 tu.... tinggi..alah lupa nama dia..
limau Post at 7-9-2009 08:59

oooo andwea... sebennyer magnae ka?  chansung???  ooooo tidakkkkkkkkkkk...

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Post time 7-9-2009 09:17 AM | Show all posts
oooo andwea... sebennyer magnae ka?  chansung???  ooooo tidakkkkkkkkkkk...
se7enstarz Post at 7-9-2009 09:08

kekeke, agaknyer lah ..nanti limau cek balik nama dia..

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Post time 7-9-2009 09:27 AM | Show all posts
kekeke, agaknyer lah ..nanti limau cek balik nama dia..
limau Post at 7-9-2009 09:17

klu hat intro star friends tuh kompem ler magnae... meh la geleks sket...


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Post time 7-9-2009 10:38 AM | Show all posts
1267# se7enstarz

ya udah di tanda
nak sebarkan petisyen ni kat member.. sure ke kalo dpt cecah 10,000 Jaebooom!! ni akan selamat?

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Post time 7-9-2009 10:51 AM | Show all posts
arap2 Jay still dpt terus jadi artis n stick w 2PM aaa... takmo aa berpisah...

sobangnim takde sore n t's merah w hat kekek...

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Post time 7-9-2009 11:05 AM | Show all posts
1267# se7enstarz
ya udah di tanda
nak sebarkan petisyen ni kat member.. sure ke kalo dpt cecah 10,000 Jaebooom!! ni akan selamat?
Bobola Post at 7-9-2009 10:38

komawo... petisen nih ekceli utk tanda sepot pd jay jew...ihottest luv and care for jay...klu ikotkn ihottest mmg takder kose nk selamatkn dgn cara petisen jew la hottest seantero donia tunjukkn sepot...yeah, war2kn pd mbr len yek?

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Post time 7-9-2009 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by se7enstarz at 7-9-2009 11:16
arap2 Jay still dpt terus jadi artis n stick w 2PM aaa... takmo aa berpisah...
sobangnim takde sore n t's merah w hat kekek... ...
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 7-9-2009 10:51

wasernyer jy oppa tak smpi ke tahap nk buang jay kot...hancuss ler 2pm tanpa jay... camner dgn mbr2 len?  musti dowang pon sedey...dowang kena stick together no mtr what happens...nebes nk taw aper keputusan setakat nih sume amik keputusan utk diamkn diri...bior antis kecoh...dh penat dowang diam ler nnti tp dgor2 isu nih sure amik maser nk reda...dh ler album bru nk tubik...haizzz...memcm dugaan melanda...jay kena tabah!  hwaiting!


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Post time 7-9-2009 11:21 AM | Show all posts
magnae & leadja tersyg...

se7enstarz Post at 6-9-2009 18:52

time biler ni seben....

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Post time 7-9-2009 11:28 AM | Show all posts
1252# biniwills

abg dia x la brapa nk hemsem....pernah tgk dlm vid masa khun promote thai...

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Post time 7-9-2009 11:41 AM | Show all posts
time biler ni seben....
cmf_derose83 Post at 7-9-2009 11:21

jap2 tgh recall...penyakit lufer dh dtg... tak silap seben hat nih show Now it's time for flower boys...lawok...

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Post time 7-9-2009 12:05 PM | Show all posts
07 Sep 2009
  [Translation] A supportive thread from Daum Discussion Board - Jay's 4 years in Korea
   News by Offogato
As the situation regarding Jay's incident is still in doubt, our Kor-Thai translator had come across a thread in Daum web board about what Jay used to say about his difficult period during his first two weeks in Korea. Here is what this K-Hottest wrote and some comments that support Jay.

How tough Jay has been through... (Dameunkkol 닮은꼴)
Credit: Kor-Thai by [email protected], Thai-Eng by [email protected] (Thanks to Jache00 for the help), Edited by [email protected]

I have never written in a web board like this before but this time I felt so uneasy that I know I have to write something. I'm not good with computers so I'll have to use captioned pictures instead.

On the program 'Let's Sleep Here Tonight' which aired on December 26th, 2008; during an interview section where each 2PM member had to tell their story based on the given topic, Jay talked about his topic, "4 years" which refers to his 4 years in Korea. He revealed the difficulties with living, his feelings towards his mother... and the hardships for a teenager to get through those moments.

While Jay was sharing his story, Taecyeon and Junsu also added that Jay did have a very difficult time then. Jay was not good at Korean and he couldn't get used to Korean food. Jay even cried himself to sleep every day during that time.

However, we can see that Jay is really working hard now. He has reflected on himself and apologized. Somehow, some people aren't accepting his apology and even try to look over his true attention. It's not whether he can speak Korean accurately or not, it's his heart that matters.

Also, why are Wooyoung and Changsung dragged into this misunderstanding when they're both trying to support their fellow member? ㅜㅠ

Fighting!... ㅜㅠ

Due to an entry to the university, he had a conflict with his mother.
But one day, his mother told him to try to audition.
2PM Jaebeom was discovered by Park Jin Young and was debuted as 2PM.
He has been living by himself in Korea since 2005.
Jaebeom then realized how important his family is.
He couldn't speak Korean, and couldn't eat Korean food.
During his first 2 weeks in Korea he cried himself to sleep every day.
To my mother in the States...

But still, there are many bashing comments. Some people replied to those harsh comments with explanations. There are many supportive comments and understanding ones saying that Jay has apologized. It was the past. Jay was put into hard situations when living by himself in a foreign country. More supportive comments are:

- "I'm not HOTTEST. I don't think this issue is that's shameful..."
- "At first when I read the news I was so dejected...but now I understand. If I have to stay in USA now; I would be so lost, frustrated and I would miss my family too..."
- "I believe that Jay's attitude has been changed a lot now. Please look at the state of the present time."
- "lease forgive Jaebeom... Please, I beg you"
- "Jay had done a wrong thing. He and his fans totally admit his mistake upon his personal conversation with his friend a few years ago. However, don’t blame him. Those translated words that seem too exaggerated in meaning. As a fan who is living in the other country for a few years, I really think that he should have corrected his words as a person in a public life. His words seem to include some naughty and improper words that describe Korea in a bad way, but actually he just wanted to say to his friend that his life was very tough and hard to him at that time. As you know, when he was in the States, he used to b-boy with his friends, so his expressions were influenced by his b-boying experience. Of course he is admitting his past mistake and reflecting on him now. As fans, we will listen to any kinds of criticisms if they are reasonable and good to know, and won’t protect him with unconditional supports. We really believe that both unconditional supports and unreasonable criticisms are wrong. Please give a chance to him to show how he is making his efforts to be a better person and how he has been changing from the past. We would like to ask your generous forgiveness. We will always be with him."

~박재범 힘내세요. 우리 니곁에 항상 있으나까…
(Park Jaebeom, Fighting. We're always right by your side...)

full credit to

sedey gila baca!

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Post time 7-9-2009 12:14 PM | Show all posts
What is next for 2PM JaeBum?

It will not be easy for 2PM member JaeBum, who has been criticised for his offending messages written on his MySpace page, to get out of the public eye and criticisms.

With that, JYP Entertainment has gone with the situation, and had accordingly decided not to have JaeBum appear in the media’s eye for the time being. He will be put on a self-discipline period for the time being.

This will also have a significant effect for the group’s upcoming album to be release early-October. With that JYP’s representative said on 7th September, “For the time being, 2PM will not have any broadcast schedule, and all scheduled events will also be cancelled. But the recording for their album and dance practice will still continue accordingly.”

JYP’s representative also said, “The messages which JaeBum wrote in 2005 on his own MySpace page is just an exaggeration to his friends back in the States. But because of the way and his language of expressing his ideas, he has received many disagreements and unhappiness from the mass public. Currently JaeBum is reflecting on his wrong in the dormitary and he is also skipping meals. He understands the magnitude of his mistake.”

Before this, many netizens are calling for him to be banned from broadcast shows and even from the group.


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Post time 7-9-2009 12:32 PM | Show all posts
tadi baru check petition skang dah over 8000...hottest hwaiting

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