1261# naen
hah ye .. nape aku cam nak amek totodile ..
sbb aku pikir nanti nak lawan lance (champion johto) yg guna dragon type tu
feraligatr leh blajor ice beam & dragon pulse ..
walaupun bukan STAB, but still .. sure dapat ketuk pokemon lance tu
dengan .. gym nombor bape ek? yg dragon type tu?
apa ke nama pompuan yg sedara lance tu .. adehh ..
yg pastinya - aku akan transfer magby & elekid kat hgss tu aa |
1261# naen unsurprisingly, chikorita..aku minat cyndaquil gak..tp first gym lwn falkner..dulu aku main gs, aku siap bela piloswine tu.. for the sake of lwn naga2 tu sume |
1262# naen
claire, kt blackthorn city |
1263# farixwan
piloswine? ahaha
tapi skang ni aku tak bape risau sangat pasal nak lawan dragon type
sebab banyak water type yg boleh belajar ice move (ice beam, etc)
& sejak platnum pun dah ada TM baru - dragon pulse .. kan?
hari tu yg aku main SS (yg freeze gegila tu) aku amek cyndaquil
memang berguna esp @2nd gym - lawan bug type tu
hati berat ke arah cyndaquil .. tapi pepikir balik .. ntah aa .. |
1264# farixwan
ye ye .. claire
yg aku ingat dedulu .. gym tu macam banyak guna dratini kan ..
pure dragon type
ke skang dah tukar? aku malas nak gi tengok 'the-so-called-spoilers' tu
sbb takut hilang feel masa nak main .. ahaha |
heheh..da plan da korang.giler laa..heheh..aku cam bese... totodile tetap pilihan |
ada sesapa masuk bulbapedia tak bebaru ni?
bulbapedia dah jadi rocketpedia .. cool sehh design+color dia
lagi .. pasal anime .. ada usha tak screenshots @serebii?
farex mesti sker ni --> "fly shaymin! to the far side of the sky!"
http://www.serebii.net/anime/pictures/shinou/636.shtml |
1265# naen
tp aritu ak main platinum ak bela gak piloswine..
sbb nk jadikan mamoswine..hehe
aku more to pokemon collector kot..
mcm ko lebih kpd breeder.. |
1266# naen
dia ada 2 dragonair, gyarados dgn kingdra..
rematch nnt ada tmbahan aerodactyl, charizard dgn dragonite |
1268# naen
dh baca ritu..
ending besh je.. ramai2 duk kt ladang gracidea, semua jadik sky forme.. besh2.. |
1269# farixwan
ko collect - tapi pastu ko guna lagi tak pokemon tu?
aku collect gak (sbb nak penuhkan dex) .. tapi dah evolve/capture, aku bior je dalam pc
terasa diri ini sangat aa zalim |
1270# farixwan
dah baca post ko ni baru aku tingat .. masa main gold/silver dulu
pokemon water type dalam party aku - kingdra
siap pinjam GBC adek sedara aku & beli link cable lagi! ahaha
aerodactyl - dedulu aku rasa cam pokemon ni agak 'boring'
tapi sejak platinum - tetiba rasa cam dia kuat lak!
esp bab speed dia tu aa .. |
>> http://www.mangafox.com/manga/po ... _warrior_ani_manga/
Summary :
From the exciting new animated chapter of Ash and Pikachu!
Shaymin, the peaceful Gratitude Pokémon, lives happily in forests and fields of flowers. But one day Shaymin is accidentally drawn into a battle between the Legendary Pokémon Giratina and Dialga. Whisked away far from home, Shaymin is found by Ash, Dawn and Brock, who soon discover that this new Pokémon is full of surprises! Of course Team Rocket wants to get their hands on Shaymin, and so does a mysterious man named Zero. Even Giratina is in hot pursuit of this little Pokémon—and just what do Giratina and Shaymin have to do with the dimension known as the Reverse World? |
View Rating Log
1275# farixwan
cool gila farex!!!
bila aa aku nye nak sampai ni .. uhuhu~ |
1276# naen
tu ar..
nmpknya aku dh kena start engine awal la ni ek..
w/pun dh dpt, aku masih syg nk masukkan game card tu dlm ndsl aku..
and nk tarik plastic tab drp pokewalker aku.. hehe..
btw, thanks metal kasik kacang.. |
1277# farixwan
ahaha .. standard bila orang dapat benda baru aa tu - sayang nak bukak
pokewalker tu nanti ko nak sumbat pokemon apa? |
1278# naen
dr td aku asyik belek je kotak dia.. hehe..
first2 ni dh tentu la masukkan starter aku..
cuma skrg ni tgh wonder nak amik starter ape.. |
kalau ko masukkan starter - nanti camne ko nak main game HG tu?
ke .. ko masukkan starter tu, pastu ko nak restart balik HG? |
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