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Author: andria

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}

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Post time 13-11-2012 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Dont worry dudes dudes
everything will be fine

world will be as usual

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Post time 13-11-2012 09:09 PM | Show all posts
Trinity: I know why you're here, Neo. I know what you've been doing … why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your computer. You're looking for him. I know because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me, he told me I wasn't really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us, Neo. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did.

Neo: What is the Matrix?

Trinity: The answer is out there, Neo, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.

aku start terjebak dengan subjek sebegini secara aktif mula tahun 2008..
serata tempat aku carik maklumat.. of cos la internet..
subjek camni susah nak di bincang kan dalam dunia realiti..
korang pun mesti paham sebab apa.. kat forum ni pun kita bole tengok apa respon sesetengah orang..
aku carik info dari perspektif mat saleh.. sampai la merujuk tulisan alim ulama & islamic scholar..
subject sebegini namanya Islamic Eschatology.. tokoh utama Syeikh Imran Hosien..

Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. - Morpheus (The Matrix)

akibat terlalu banyak info masuk kepala, aku tak bole tido malam..
otak aku tak berhenti berpikir, start dari celik mata, sampai aku terlelap..
aku cuma bole tido 2 jam sehari.. 1 jam lepas solat subuh, 1 jam lagi masa lunch hour..
aku dapat rasa time tu, kehidupan kita semua sekarang ni hanya mengundang kemurkaan Allah..

subjek macam ni susah di bincangkan pada sapa2..
aku pernah cuba bincangkan pada ahli keluarga, adik beradik, tapi hasilnya mengecewakan, hehe..
Nabi pernah pesan lindungi diri dan keluarga dari fitnah Dajjal..
akhirnya aku paham apa maksud dari Hadis Nabi ni.. kenapa di suruh jaga diri dan keluarga, bukan org lain..
sebab nak jaga keluarga sendiri pun belum tentu terdaya..
dan diri sendiri pun belum tentu lagi selamat sepenuhnya dari fitnah Dajjal, hehe..

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.
- Morpheus (The Matrix)

apa yg aku cuma mampu buat sekarang ni..
aku dah start buat bisnes produce makanan sendiri di kampung..
carik duit sikit, produce makanan yg halal & bersih, sambil jadikan back up makanan kalau terjadi apa2 di masa depan..
bukan untuk aku, tapi niat aku utk ibu bapa, adik beradik dan sedara mara aku..
kalo dah stabil bisnes aku nanti, aku plan nak berenti keje dan duduk kampung..
duduk kampung berbisnes, sambil mencari2 guru mursyid..
w'pun aku da nak masuk middle 30s tapi blom kawin2..
aku tak terasa nak cari isteri, tapi terasa nak carik tok guru, hehe..
aku tak mencari tok guru popular yg ramai pengikut atau ada title Dr, Haji, Datuk di depan namanya..
aku cuma mencari tok guru kampung..
dan aku berharap sangat dapat berguru secara terus dengan Wali Allah.. Amin..

I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world … without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries; a world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.
- Neo (The Matrix)
macam andria, tulisan aku cuma berniat untuk trigger fikiran "sesetengah orang"..
ilmu dan hidayah semuanya milik Allah..
berdoa lah semoga mendapat kurniaNya..
Last edited by capiloton on 13-11-2012 10:47 PM


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Post time 13-11-2012 10:28 PM | Show all posts
adlythegreat posted on 11-11-2012 12:20 AM
jadinya dah ready nak tutup akaun fb, porem, apa semua tu?

cantik perkataan hang
moga dia insaf sikit
sikit aje udah leeeee

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Post time 13-11-2012 10:34 PM | Show all posts
AbukRokok posted on 13-11-2012 10:17 AM
Dont worry dudes dudes
everything will be fine

bisa tu beb!!!!!!!
dunia akan cam biasa jeee
sebagaimana KETETAPANNYA


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Post time 14-11-2012 10:02 AM | Show all posts
capiloton posted on 13-11-2012 09:09 PM
aku start terjebak dengan subjek sebegini secara aktif mula tahun 2008..
serata tempat aku carik  ...

terbaek bro.

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Post time 14-11-2012 10:04 AM | Show all posts
orangbesi posted on 13-11-2012 10:28 PM
cantik perkataan hang
moga dia insaf sikit
sikit aje udah leeeee

amboyh. lama xdengar cerita. sibuk packing barang2 ke?

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Post time 14-11-2012 01:02 PM | Show all posts
adlythegreat posted on 14-11-2012 10:04 AM
amboyh. lama xdengar cerita. sibuk packing barang2 ke?

sibuk leeee
sibuk dgn species jin bertendang kat sebelah tuuu
apa pun
aku tetap kat sini
cuma nak gi teroka sat kat perairan langkawi ao penang
nak tau latest info dr sana

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Post time 16-11-2012 08:14 PM | Show all posts
adlythegreat posted on 14-11-2012 10:04 AM
amboyh. lama xdengar cerita. sibuk packing barang2 ke?

OB sibuk pack besi2,tulur busuk..nak bagi kat org2 yang dia dah 'tarbiah'......lagi 36 hari utk penentuan....

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Post time 16-11-2012 08:15 PM | Show all posts
oppppppss radio manual crank aku dah sampai.......kemah 12org dah ada......

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Post time 16-11-2012 10:29 PM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 16-11-2012 08:15 PM
oppppppss radio manual crank aku dah sampai.......kemah 12org dah ada......

dah siap kumpul ahli dah?

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Post time 16-11-2012 10:32 PM | Show all posts
adlythegreat posted on 16-11-2012 10:29 PM
dah siap kumpul ahli dah?

dah....dalam 12 keluarga..cukup le tu...

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Post time 16-11-2012 10:35 PM | Show all posts
dan dua ekor /sepasang anjing....

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Post time 16-11-2012 10:41 PM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 16-11-2012 10:32 PM
dah....dalam 12 keluarga..cukup le tu...

wow. kalangan ahli keluarga sendiri ke ape ni?

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Post time 16-11-2012 10:49 PM | Show all posts
adlythegreat posted on 16-11-2012 10:41 PM
wow. kalangan ahli keluarga sendiri ke ape ni?

keluarga aku cuma aku,wife,anak dua je...the rest tu...kwn2 yang sama pala otak....

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Post time 16-11-2012 10:51 PM | Show all posts
warga bomi..kita cuma ada 36 hari je utk bertindak.....selamatkan diri anda2 semua...utk terus memastikan anda ada generasi dimasa akan datang..bukan satu generasi anda pupus...

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Post time 16-11-2012 10:53 PM | Show all posts
utk pihak2 yang mengatakan persedian batin tu lebih aku dah ada sorang imam...sorang perubatan...dan yang lain2 dari teknikal...

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Post time 16-11-2012 10:56 PM | Show all posts
kehidupan post-shift pasti nya adalah kita memerlukan semua individu2 yang mempunyai kemahiran spt perubatan,kejuruteraan..yang pakar dalam bidang agama juga diperlukan..semua bakat2 perlu bersatu utk menerus kan keseninambungan manusia era pasca-shift....

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Post time 16-11-2012 11:13 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-11-2012 12:02 AM | Show all posts
tidak ada sapa2 yang hendak memaksa anda2 diluar sana utk mempercayai dec 21,2012 tu..sekali lagi ingin ditegaskan ....Dec 21,2012 tu bukan nya kiamat..just major disaster yang melibatkan keseluruhan bahagian bumi.....

anda2 juga perlu memikir..knp tiada negara yang memberitahu benda2 ni? kerana logistik yang x mungkin mana2 kerajaan di bumi dapat sediakan..kalu diberitahu..kemana mereka nak pindahkan rakyat2 mereka? pindah tu bkn pindah kosong je..tapi memerlukan penyediaan bahan2 makanan,perubatan dll....

so jalan mudah ialah dengan merahsiakan perkara ni....yang pasti nya golongan2 elite dah pon ada tempat2 selamat..rakyat2 dibawah sana...pi mati lah kata golongan2 elite ni....

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Post time 17-11-2012 12:08 AM | Show all posts
NASA? mereka nak lapor ke kalo terjumpa apa2 diluar sana pada umum? sorry la.....pun kena ajar ke...

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