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Author: errasazza

Jerry Yan F4

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Post time 13-7-2009 04:21 PM | Show all posts
2009-7-12 Shen Chun Hua Life Show
posted by selina 15 at Jerry'sharbor
uploaded by lottie0228 in you tube

nyampuk Post at 13-7-2009 10:16

                                posted by [email protected]

I haven't watched the LifeShow yet, but according to fans who have watched it, it is a very goodshow, very funny, and audiences should understand the real Jerry more.Fans mentioned that in the show, Jerry's the same old Jerry, and theex-girlfriend part is totally different from what the mediahallucinated like "She really loves me", etc...

In the show,Jerry reviewed that his father was very handsome and knowledgeable.From the letters that he left, Jerry said that his father wrote in oldChinese language. When they got sick as a kid, it was his father whotreated them and gave them a shot. Furthermore, Jerry said that hisfather was a teacher in a clothing designing class. When his momattended the class, his mom met his father.

Besides, Hou WenYong always goes hiking with Jerry. Hou Wen Yong exposed that in loverelationships, Jerry is a very traditional man that he needs to followthe ordinary process, such as holding hands, chatting, talking aboutlife, talking about arts, etc... In the past, someone told Jerry thatthere were a number of girls who were very beautiful and who had verygood figure, and he could do whatever he could/wanted, but he justcouldn't. Hou said that Jerry wanted to go through all thestages/processes in a love relationship.

In Life Show, Hou WenYong commented that Jerry's the kind of person, to a certain extent,that if he is troubled or misunderstood, he's ok with it, but when herealizes that he may benefit from or take advantage of others, he willback off. Then he further gave another story as an example to elaborateit (when Jerry joked that there's really no need to give too manyexamples. Haha!!!).

Hou said once Jerry sent him a SMS, "HouDa Ge (Big Brother Hou), where can I find a face doctor?" Hou waspuzzled as he had never heard of a face docor, but he realized that itmust be something serious, so he called Jerry up and asked him what'swrong. Jerry told him that his face was swelling, so Hou introduced himto a clinic for getting antibiotic shots 2 times a day. Hou said thatthe nurses in the clinic should be the happiest, as it's a pediatricclinic that it usually gives shots to patients in the buttocks. Oneday, Jerry couldn't help it but asking Hou whether it is typical forpatients to receive this kind of shots in the buttock. (Jerry jumped inand said, "The nurse kept asking me to pull the pants lower" and Iquestioned in my mind, "Is this necessary to pull the pants this low?")Hou teasingly said, "Are you kidding? Especially you, of course theshots are given in the buttocks." Later, Hou asked Jerry to go to hishome and he gave the shots to Jerry himself. Poor Jerry, haha..

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Post time 13-7-2009 04:22 PM | Show all posts
                                posted by [email protected]

I haven't watched the LifeShow yet, but according to fans who have watched it, it is a very goodshow, very funny, and audiences should understand the real Jerry ...
nyampuk Post at 13-7-2009 16:21

Jerry said he's now reverting back to his oldself as a "kai xin guo'.b4 that, he became self-protective in the past bcos it felt like themedia didnt hv good intentions towards him. nowadays, he's finding more& more of himself that was lost.

Ms Shen said she was reallysurprised by the friendship of Jerry & HWY. Jerry said friendshipwith HWY dont entails anything, unlike friendship in showbiz circlewhere its understood that one must do something for each other. HWYsaid that when Jerry likes a person, he will always tries to get nearto the person. Jerry said that he's a fan of HWY & bought hisbooks. to him, HWY is like a sun.

Jerry said love r'ship b4becoming famous is much more innocent & simpler, where one is surethat one is loved for oneself. when one is famous, one cant be surewhether its really love or there is ulterior motive. & there'salways ppl who want to make use of u. he mentioned 1 case where alongtime fren of his whom he has not heard for a long time called himup to meetup. the fren brought along his gf. the media saw them havinga meal & the gf of his fren then claimed she's his (Jerry's) gf.Jerry's fren did apologised for the incident, saying that the gf wantedto become famous. (fatty2: this shld be referring to the incident manyyears back, the girl the media mentioned as from "gangster" familybackground).

in part 5 of the clip, Jerry mentioned that he'sone who wants to do a lot of things for his gf & sometimes hereally did it but he never said it out. as such, he's misunderstood asnot caring. he's really angry at himself why he didnt speak out abtwhat he has done. he said, for instance, there was one year, it was herbirthday but he was busy filming at that time. he did applied leavefrom Dir Chai quite sometime back saying he has something important todo on that day but Dir Chai said there's something on that day. Jerrysaid its really not up to him solely & he has already tried hisbest to take leave. but he didnt say anything abt how he has tried hisbest. he feels that girl like to be told but he's not good inexpressing all this.

Jerry said that after observing HWY'sinteractions with his wife, he realised that a guy must really show hiscare verbally to the other half.

san,u wiill really like the last few minutes of the interview. this iswhere Ms Shen unveiled the pixs of Jerry when he was a boy & whenhe was in secondary school.

(fatty2:since Jerry mentioned Dir Chai, so it cld only be the timeline of 2drama serial, 1 is MG in 2001 & the other is The Hospital in 2005.if its TH, then its only a few years back as TH filmed from 6/2005 -2/2006. for me, it shld be TH time).

Use magic Report

Post time 13-7-2009 04:34 PM | Show all posts
1219# limau

tgk jer lah mana yg ko rasa berkenan
nyampuk Post at 13-7-2009 16:20


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Post time 15-7-2009 04:49 PM | Show all posts
posted by kkla @

According to reports from Hangzhou, the filming schedule is very tight. Yesterday, Jerry finished filming by around 8pm, and that's pretty early already. The day before, Jerry didn't finish filminguntil pass 1 to 2am. Heard that Hangzhou is very hot and humid now(Hangzhou's nickname is steam pot in Mainland China ). Luckily, so far,most of the scenes have been taken inside a model house. However, someoutdoor scenes will be taken later. There is a rumor that the filming in Hangzhou may finish by July 24. I hope that JUST's filming can finish soon, so Jerry can have some rest before going to Japan for promotion.

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Post time 16-7-2009 12:47 AM | Show all posts
1221# nyampuk

lawak betul citer psl nurse tu (nak amik kesempatan la tu, haha)

tp kesian kat Jerry la...

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Post time 16-7-2009 09:13 AM | Show all posts
1225# penggwin

tu la pasal... mengong tul...

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Post time 16-7-2009 09:14 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-7-2009 10:21 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-7-2009 10:35 AM | Show all posts
mendap lg ker ...adeh

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Post time 17-7-2009 10:45 AM | Show all posts
Jerry Yan @ Extra Freedom MV Demo
uploaded by kunnysGarden

clip 1

clip 2

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Post time 17-7-2009 02:19 PM | Show all posts
1230# nyampuk

thanks ..tgh tgk nie..

Use magic Report

Post time 18-7-2009 08:16 AM | Show all posts
1231# limau

yg ini full version beb...

[Full Version] Extra Freedom MV
uploaded by jerryspmv

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Post time 21-7-2009 09:36 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 21-7-2009 09:58 AM | Show all posts
1233# nyampuk

wah ~~ jerry comeinyer

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Post time 22-7-2009 11:05 AM | Show all posts
thanks to [email protected]

Black Coffee Diary MV


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Post time 22-7-2009 11:11 AM | Show all posts
1235# nyampuk

jerry wo ai nie...
apa lagi drama baru dia selain ngan ella tu..

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Post time 22-7-2009 11:55 AM | Show all posts
1236# limau

itu jer la drama terbaru jerry...
dia nih jenis yg fokus pada satu drama dlm satu2 masa...

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Post time 22-7-2009 12:23 PM | Show all posts
1237# cmf_derose83

ya ke..alah fokus nyer jerry nie yaa

Use magic Report

Post time 22-7-2009 12:57 PM | Show all posts
1238# limau

dia mmg jenis yg serius terhadap kerja...
pentingkan kualiti drp kuantiti..

Use magic Report

Post time 22-7-2009 02:17 PM | Show all posts
1239# cmf_derose83

emm.. serius pon ya

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