Istana Bawang 2 : Kate Middleton vs Meghan Markle
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eva replied at 7-3-2019 12:36 AM
meggot dan harry sgt x berakal
dorg tak tau ke QE nor PC nak anak pompuan cucu cicit do ...
charlotte name pjg tp ujong2 dorg pgl die lottie..comey je kan..
in ur dream la wallis..theres only 1 diana and never 2..so plssss back off la wallis..nyampah..tayah nk try hard sgt nk amek hati brf and british ppl..dorg meluat dh sgt tu |
skrg dorg nmpk herri ade kt berlin..jeng jeng jeng 
slps event heols dgn bini dorg pda dpn public |
rosewhite replied at 7-3-2019 05:27 AM
On March 6, 2019, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited the seaside town Blackpool and there, th ...
tq... lawanya Kate, hijau nie or any emerald colour mmg suits her sbb matanya ijau, rambut brunette. |
namieamuro replied at 7-3-2019 10:10 AM
charlotte name pjg tp ujong2 dorg pgl die lottie..comey je kan..
in ur dream la wallis..theres ...
she wants harry by her side,anything about diana adalah kelemahan Harry.. dia nak nama diana, boleh je dpt tp bukan nama pertama dia, mesti middle name.
anyway.. tengok kan apa dia dan harry buat hari ni. Harry jd overconfident pastu bw bini dia sekali utk crash majlis kan. Dia nak tunjuk kat brf la tu dia rebel sbb layanan semlm. kalau Harry krna vanish mcm great grand uncle dia kan bagus.. stupido |
few ig yg boleh korang follow aside from sparklemarkle and messytheduchess
some comments r witty and funny.ada repetitive. |
namieamuro replied at 7-3-2019 10:12 AM
skrg dorg nmpk herri ade kt berlin..jeng jeng jeng
Harry bawak baby pulang ke tu??? |
lotionmilo replied at 6-3-2019 10:51 PM
You, tolonglah listkan ig and twitter siapa yg i boleh follow ni yang tak private regarding meggot ...
Sama. Yang u sebut tu je all i know and follow on insta LOL tumblr and twitter iol tak follow and taktau sangat |
emptybotol replied at 7-3-2019 12:00 AM
Td ada baca if they both have a girl, perhaps they will name her Diana.
Untunglahhh meggot kalau ...
Oh GOD no jgn la meggot mengada2 nak namakan anak dia diana. But high probability tu. Urghhhhhhhhhhh |
wookiehoney replied at 7-3-2019 01:06 PM
few ig yg boleh korang follow aside from sparklemarkle and messytheduchess
tq... besss |
lee_sakura replied at 7-3-2019 01:49 PM
tu la kan, lawa betol
ada seorg tu komen, jari kelingking dia pun cantik . tp dia mmg dr uni lg dah lawa.. |
234126 replied at 7-3-2019 02:20 PM
Oh GOD no jgn la meggot mengada2 nak namakan anak dia diana. But high probability tu. Urghhhhhhhhh ...
charlotte dah ada diana... so.. yeah... meggot dpt bekas charlotte je
mesti charlotte kata kat dia.. jealous git  |
off topic..
cutenya QE dgn cucunda2 nya... comey sgt.. 
cuba teka siapa? William pasti ramai yg tau.. but they look adorable in this youtube video
lotionmilo replied at 7-3-2019 01:08 PM
Harry bawak baby pulang ke tu???
dah kuar ke bb bantal? |
eva replied at 7-3-2019 03:47 PM
dah kuar ke bb bantal?
Dah nak keluar sgt lah tu kot. Tu asik ngangkang jaaa |
uihh mana u tau QE tapis nama?
QE & PC nak ke taknak nama 1st diana tu? takut i salah baca ayat u tu
lawa plak bju ni tp kalu aku yg pkai msti nmpak sakai..uhuk2
ajuliana replied at 7-3-2019 09:13 AM
mmg sepadan dua orang ni.. very regal.. and they hold hands before depart dgn royal heli to this e ...
Abis QE dgn laki dia x pgg tgn elok ja cinta mati smpai skrg..apa pny sugars laaa...nk tjuk la kapel len xromantik mcm mm n ph...tp mmg funneh oiii tgk depa 2 kt tepi pintu tu...QE mmg ignore trus diorang.. |
lotionmilo replied at 7-3-2019 03:49 PM
Dah nak keluar sgt lah tu kot. Tu asik ngangkang jaaa
hahhaha.. gmbr masa majlis charles tu?
kate yg sarat mengandung dulu pun x mcm tu
u know what.. WE Day tu org kata Scammer.. dorg bukan charity organization.. mak oiii.. byk nya skendel Harry ngan Meghan .. |
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