alar yg kat ig dia tu semua puak yestet and anti BN, dulu takda pulak selantang sekarang, kot takut kena cari dgn orang2 dorang kes darren ni bukan baru tauu, dah lamaaaa
kes darren was in 2004, Tun resigned dari UMNO 2006
and yet these people suruh Tun skrg bukak balik kes, kan dah kata dorang tu buta info, satu petik, yg lain join, mula kat forum..nanti melarat pergi ke serata IG 
pak ngah ker tu? 
auww so sawitt, semoga cepat lar berjodohan.aminnn
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 14-5-2018 07:00 PM
alar yg kat ig dia tu semua puak yestet and anti BN, dulu takda pulak selantang sekarang, kot taku ...
Those people yang spam #justicefordarrenkang kat IG Nora, especially kat gambar NeyNey are so stupid. That is the definition of cyber bullying. That case happened long time ago before Ned even met Nora, why did they want to drag Nora into this as well.
Just because she supports her husband ke.. Asal dapat lepas marah je. And Ned pun kenapa nak private IG, kata kental sangat. |
iols syak yg spam tu semua bdk forom
sape lg yg plg dengki lahanat kt nd
ned bg alasan private ig sb ramai kutuk baby ney ney. nd juga yg kental tahan maki hihi
bnk di IG nenod sajo deols spam
IG retis & vvip lain deols spam
x kena keja gila hrp nenod cari IP saman cyberbully
well you know oggy, killing two birds with one single stone, but alas it wasn't a big rock, it was just a pebble that isn't going to shatter one single bit in ND's life.
a pity though that it's apparent that they were just crying wolves, in the hope that whatever that hearsay that was heard, was the bitter truth. ned is venturing on to more businesses, he has to protect his image as well, unlike ND he is not a public figure that is part of the larger audience.
ned mmg mcm ni, dah few times pun if dia tak happy he will set his IG to private..can imagine how hard it's for him, to be far from his dad and unable to be a shoulder for his dad in this trying time. May Allah have mercy on them.
News Straits Time reported that:-
Darren and his 24 years old fiancee and his two friends were heading towards Uncle Don’s Restaurant for supper after they had some drinks in a pub opposite the restaurant. As Kang and his friends were about to be seated outside the restaurant, group of eight youths believed to be in their 20s seated in the next table, passed some rude remarks about his girlfriend’s blouse. However, his fiance told the Guan Ming Daily that “When we were walking to the restaurant, Darren was walking behind me. I told him to hurry up but he wanted me to say “I love you” before he would oblige. Hence, I Did. However, after that a few guys started to give us queer stares. Darren was angered by this and he confronted them. At least 15-16 guys are starting him with bare hand. Although Darren was on the ground then, they did not stop attacking him. I tried to help him but I was stopped by a passer-by. While I was trying to call for help on my mobile phone, I heard one assailant shouted “kill him”. Then one of the assailants reached for a steel bar from the bush and hit Darren on the head. ” [color=rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.7)]Darren was later sent to University Malaya Hospital for medical treatment but it was too late.
RIP Darren may there be a closure soon -
but nak tanya knp the number of assaulters double than the previous sighting? jadi betul lar pekerja resto tu ada yg terlibat, ni bukan rekaan but pengakuan dari gf darren sendiri, tang mana yg kata ned yg jadi pembunuh? 
lawak pula tengok ramai nubies kat thread pelin, buat apa nak malu if what you claim to be the holy truth? mcm sakai jer asek buat mn and bertebaran sana sini, kalo muda takpa jugak nak buat pe'el gitu .
pathetic fools they are thenax, has always been the case, tapi tak pernah belajar dari dulu.takda sekelumit malu buat fitnah merata.
bukan salah kita si sewel dah gersang and dok mendadih tak habis khennnn? makin dia pergi jogging,semakin sasa kaki dia.mentakedarah lar assamboi yg bekas banduan tu jual kot boleh kecut sikit lemak2 kat badan dia tu. ada satu pic dia dpt bunga free dari seseorang kat rumah dia, tu takda sempat nak edit, lengan dia kalo tumbuk kita boleh rebah 
sakai yg suka menuduh x tentu pasal
klu betul suh la mak pak darren buka kes
Deputy City CID chief Asst Comm Syed Ismail Syed Azizan said Goh had identified several of the 11 restaurant workers who were believed to have repeatedly assaulted Darren. “We are now looking for three men who were in a red Honda Civic who drove by the restaurant and were seen getting down from their vehicle and joining in the fight,” ACP Syed Ismail said. He added that the police had yet to ascertain if they were bouncers from a nightclub nearby.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/ ... 710TdAbeYLfvUbZb.99
report semua kata gf dia dah identify. takda pun kata straight out nama nedim, yes shin agree for the family to reopen the case, dah kata arwah tu law student mesti it run in the family, kes lagi besar si Teoh Beng Hock tu lagi takda closure after so long.
asal dpt nk kait kan dgn nd jd la
ada yg siap tulis kt ig nd
nk tgk jd janda kali ke 2
faham2 dr sape dtg mulot ni 
iya ker? moga berbalik kat diri mereka sendiri, insyaAllah with mommy/mama/ma doa for them both, takda apa2.
nd dari dulu patuh dgn nasihat popua, tak mcm anak si ratubotox tu, mak kata jgn gatal caras laki orang nak oii, bini orang tu tengah mengandung nak oiii, bakal mertua menyampah mcm nak sapu dgn penyapu muka kamu nak oiii
ehhh dia tak kisahhh, nak jugakkk jadi pencaras tersohor.padan muka JJ dah move on dari dia.

kan degil sgt nk membirah 
video menari tunjuk peha gajah
kena kecam kt roti kayap
hihihi, aritu bday dah mintak nenibotox utk beri restu, nenibotox mesti seriau primadonat dlm keluarga masih tak laku lagi, pelbagai acara lelongan dah dijalankan..tup2 dgn si bekas banduan..kesian fal and raysha..ibukk tak pentingkan anak2 dia pun.
ibuk pn teringin bad boys cam nd 
tp ni lg teruk dr ned siap dh msk JAIL pendadih plk tu
eeeeeeu kesian cucu vvip klu jadi bakal dpt pak tiri pendadih
kan jd cam kakak zz laki nya pendadih sampai dera anak
cili kan bontot ank kesian tul la 
cili kan? gila ke hapa laki zz tu?
takpa biar dia kahwin dgn banduan terlepas tali gantung tu mix, tu mmg di charge, di jail..tapi yestet senyap tak berkutik..hohohoho! 
malu la nok bila idolat dok gila kan
pendadih langsung x fikir pasan anak2 ntn
mb heols bole berubah tp entah la
dulu orang kata JJ tu tokan dadih. now she is with one.
yer mix manusia boleh berubah, tapi kalo dah berputar in the same circle tu susah lar..kesian cucu2 kesayangan Tah tu..apa lar nasib dorang.
dabaknya peha, betis...kat ig edit spai jd kurus pjg 
Terkejut tenguk peha tu Ingatkan slim melim FS ni. Macam gatai je tenguk dia menari
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