Originally posted by anonymous5050 at 4-5-2009 11:16 harusss.......harusss aku percaye pdmu kaka Ley......
haruss aku kurang kepercayaan kat ley neh bab-bab jatuh chenta..
Originally posted by atie_chippy at 4-5-2009 11:54
salam sume... ape citer??
mlm td pun blik pkul 2 pagi...
nape lama sgt gi langkawi..
Originally posted by hhhhh at 4-5-2009 12:57
:victory: :victory:
Aku dah balik dari Outstation. Dah boleh meroyan kat sini. hehehehe
hwaiting hhhhh.. umah baru neh page 45 baru ko msuk..
pic kb n kj tuh tersangatla ensem..
Originally posted by penggwin at 4-5-2009 13:30
Another article on mino taking on Anycall CF.
On the 30th, Lee Minho was announced to join the Samsung AnyCall newbieemployee ads for Haptic Pop. Officials announced that Lee Minho is setis to join now because of his previous contractual engagement with LGfor "Teen Ring" for a three month period.
With Kim Bum's new venture in the LG Telecom ads, he will be making hisexit and Lee Minho will be taking over. The ads have already beenfilmed and are set to air soon. The Lee Minho ads are also the sameconcept of a new employee entering the Samsung office, filmed in thesame realistic feel with Kim Joon, Kim Hyung Joong and Son Dambi.
haruss ka news ini dulang tayang di setiap umah??
Originally posted by penggwin
at 4-5-2009 13:32
mana dj ewik? slalu dia terer bab lagu2 nih
haruss aku kena carik lagu yg seswai utk hhhhh... tp mlm neh kena wat kije ske la.. ada masa n idea aku tepek la lagu hhhhh....
Originally posted by Jelita at 4-5-2009 14:31
minho nih pkai lipstick bkn main lagik.....akak pun tak pakai tau. keharus nnti dah kawen...lipstick dia jek penuh satu meja...ngalah kanakak