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Bercuti ke Bandung,menarik tak?

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Post time 8-6-2007 11:43 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1202 kebayan's post

takde la terlalu budget..itu alternatif kalo nak save duit le
cam aku dulu..saje je nak rasa naik bus ke town
balik time aku naik cab dari jln jaksa to epot..RM20 je

tp honestly aku tak bape gemar kota jakarta..baik aku gi bkk

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Post time 8-6-2007 08:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1200 kebayan's post


me dah call AA tiga kali. tiga2 kali cakap lain2. 1st call cakap confirm cancelled, 2nd call cakap tak cancel pun. 3rd time call depa suruh tunggu SMS. takdak SMS, maksudnya takdak apa2 la tu.

malas dah me nak call. kalau dapat SMS depa, tak pi la. kalau tak dapat apa2 SMS dari AA 1 bulan sebelum 28/8, me packing siap2 nak pi bandung.

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Post time 11-6-2007 09:53 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by khg at 7-6-2007 10:13 PM

kaya tu x la.... tapi my budget to bandung RP5 juta, x termasuk flight MAS tu. Pegi jakarta tu saja je, nak challenging.. ala-ala explorace gitu. Plan nak naik tren dari Jakarta, tapi baca ...

Rup5juta ye?
hana rasa..kategori "kaya" ciket..
i did my post mortem. i spent Rup 1,868,900 for shopping only. (itu pun rasa tak cukup tawww)
blum termasuk airport tax, accomodation, transportation, makan/minum.
nasib baik kat bandung..naik angkutan. save lah sket duit transport tu.
makan lak..tempat murah2 ajek..bukan tempat hebat2..yg ada tempat parking tu..

selalunye..kalau pergi negara indon nie..hana akan bawak RM1500 ajek. jadinye..mmg ler kena naik angkut..makan tempat tepi2 jalan.. jalan kaki byk.. tinggal tempat 3star.. pastu share lagi dgn kawan2..hehehehe.
share bilik utk 3 org..sgt jimat tau..dan bila naik teksi/supir..pun jimat..tak terasa laa..

oh ya..
kalau nak naik teksi area pasar ke..(tempat leh nego)..jgn pakai cantik2 mcm org kaya..
kena pakai selekeh2..lagi muka berminyak lagi bagus..
pakai selipar lagi bagus.
senang nak nego..

[ Last edited by  Hana at 11-6-2007 09:59 AM ]

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jiwa_matahari This user has been deleted
Post time 11-6-2007 11:44 AM | Show all posts

Wilujeung Sonten!

Hi y'all! I'm from Bandung. I ran to this thread accidentally when I was browsing, and let me tell you, it's such an eye opener. We, the people Bandung ourselves don't like to go out in weekends because our place would be too crowded. Our usual suspects are the people from Jakarta, but from what I've observed in this thread, it's safe to include you Malaysians in our list too

But don't get me wrong, I don't really mind you guys come over here. In fact, I'm very proud of Bandung that I would give you guys a personal tour myself, but alas, I work Monday thru Saturday, from 9 to 5

But I will try to help you guys with your questions as much as I can thru this thread. So if you got any questions you want to ask about Bandung, feel free to ask me ok! Regarding that, I've seen some questions that you've been asking throughout the thread, I will try to answet those ones first.

1. I don't recommend you to go to Bandung from Jakarta, 'cos it's such a hassle. But if you have to... when you arrive in Soekarno-Hatta, try to find this shuttle bus    "rima Jasa" which would take you directly from the airport to Bandung Super Mall. It's cheap and very convenient. I can't see any reason to do it, but if you're dying to have an experience of Indonesian train, take this DAMRI bus which would take you directly from the airport to station Gambir, and buy your ticket there. I recommend you to take "Argo Gede". "arahyangan" is nice too, but Argo Gede is faster 'cos it makes less stops than Parahyangan.

2. Be careful if you want to buy brownies and molens, better go to the shops themselves to make sure it's original and fresh.

3. Most shops and stores in Bandung are closing when the clock reached 9 pm, so shoppers, calculate your time well. As for Pasar Baru, its closing time is 5 pm.

4. "Angkutan Kota"  or abbreviated "Angkot" is very-very cheap and convenient. But it's not recommended for beginners. Some tips, though: The range is from Rp. 1000-Rp.2500. If you want to stop, just say "Kiri, kiri".

5. About Taxi, you gotta be careful. Some scums just loooove to make you pay more than you have to. Before you got in, make sure that that he put on the meter (argo). You have to insist! I recommend "Blue Bird" taxi.

6. If you have doubts about anything (angkot's fare or direction), don't hesitate to ask people. Bandun locals are very friendly and helpful, I guarantee you. Just be sensible in choosing the person you're going to ask. Don't ask your driver or some shady character lurking in the dark.

7. Using Bahasa Indonesia is very recommended. Try to throw one or two Sundanese in your sentence too, mix it up with Bahasa Indonesia. It shows your respect to local culture and could make it easier for people to open up to you.
Some simple and useful vocabularies:
-Excuse me, I'm sorry = punten. Use this word before you ask around. Example: "unten, kalau mau ke FO Heritage naik angkot yang mana ya, pak?" or you can also use this when you've stepped on someone's foot or something: "unten! Nggak sengaja!".
-Thank You = Nuhun

That's it for now. More later ;)

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Post time 11-6-2007 02:39 PM | Show all posts
wah good info! tengkiu jiwa..

hana - ko ni mmg kaki shopping ler

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Post time 11-6-2007 02:56 PM | Show all posts
4. "Angkutan Kota"  or abbreviated "Angkot" is very-very cheap and convenient. But it's not recommended for beginners. Some tips, though: The range is from Rp. 1000-Rp.2500. If you want to stop, just say "Kiri, kiri".

haa..hana lupa nak mention laa...
kalau nak stop kena sebut "kiri..kiri" kuat2..
sbb apa kena sebut kiri kiri? sebab..angkut tu mmg akan behenti belah kiri ajek.never behenti belah kanan.hehehee
kalau kat medan..nak stop angkutan kena sebut "pinggirr"

kalau kt jakarta..tak tahu..area angkutan ada kt area Tanah Abang ajek. tak naik lagi wp ada hati nak naik.
masa kat jakarta..hana naik ojek. best..ekekekekekeke.

wp mentari jiwa ckp..tak rekomen utk beginners. wp bagaimana pun.. if you guys peramah dan rajin bertanya..local people akan baik hati akan kasi tau korang punyer lah.
dan..korang akan bertukar2 naik angkut like an expert..mcm org bandung lak..hehehe

atau...paling teruk kan..korang borak2 dgn org sebelah  tu..kasi tau..kalau lalu tempat yg sepatutnye korang nak stop..mintak tolong dia sebut.."kiri..kiri"

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Post time 11-6-2007 03:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bottombikini at 11-6-2007 02:39 PM
wah good info! tengkiu jiwa..

hana - ko ni mmg kaki shopping ler

yela. kita suka shopping. jalan byk pun tak kisah. naik angkut pun tak kisah. mkn tak best sampai cirit birit pun tak kisah. (oh ya..hati2 makan kat bandung. tak bersih laa hana rasa. ) opss..marah kang mentari jiwa tu

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jiwa_matahari This user has been deleted
Post time 11-6-2007 03:28 PM | Show all posts

Ieu abdi deuih(It's me again)!

Ahahaha, I agree with you, Hana. If you're not sure, just ask one of the passengers to help stop the angkot in the designated area. They would surely help you out. You can also ask them when you are not sure about how much you should pay. Just make sure the driver doesn't hear you, because some just love to overcharge you if they know you are an outsider. Note that I use "outsider" and not "tourist", because they would even do that to fellow Indonesians who are yet familiariazed themselves to Bandung's angkot system.   

Please don't hate them, for I believe that poverty can be the root of evil. Just pray that God would give them better life so that they wouldn't have to that kind of thing anymore....

Ah, pakcik-makcik sekalian, saya nak bagi tau beberapa tips lagi ni. If you're in Bandung, I advise you to address people with Sundanese terms. You don't have to speak in Sundanese, you can speak in Bahasa Indonesia, but just let them know that you respect their culture. Let's say you're in an FO, and you want to ask about the price, how would you address the people you want to ask the question?

-If it's a young woman, call them "teteh" or "teh" for short. Example: "Teh, baju yang ini berapa ya harganya?"
-If it's a young man, call them with "a'a" or "a" for short. Example: "A, punten, kalau toilet di sebelah mana ya?"
-If it's an older woman or man, just call them "Ibu/bu" and "Bapak/pak" to show that you honor them.

Oh, from what I observe in this thread, you guys are interested only in shopping, how about the natural and cultural beauty? Don't you guys want to know about Sundanese culture? If you do, you can visit "Saung Mang Udjo" to know more about Angklung (bamboo instrument) and Wayang Golek (wooden puppet). You can watch Angklung performance and even participate in it.You can also buy traditional handcrafts. The Wayang Goleks are especially beautiful and the craftsmanship is just magnificent.

Sakieu wae heula.... (that's it for now)

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Post time 11-6-2007 04:47 PM | Show all posts
teteh ye rupenye..coz masa aku kat pasar baroe bandung..depa cakap "teh..belanja teh.." memule aku pelik gaks coz camne depa tau nick name aku   lama2 aku dapat agak..yg diorang sebenarnya cakap.."dik..mari beli"

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Post time 11-6-2007 04:57 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1211 Hana's post

makan memang x kena tekak la..esp makanan sunda (sorry la ye jiwa) coz aku suka yg ada kuah2..sunda kebanyakannye kering2 belaka
feberet aku masa kat sana..YAMIEN..yum yum..aku makan yg kat food court istana plaza..gerai hujung sekali..sedap giler

peyut aku ni jenis tahan lasak sikit..thank god lah
part cirit birit tu aku x kena kat jkt punye food
sib baik kena masa dah balik sini..seminggu gaklah menahan

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jiwa_matahari This user has been deleted
Post time 11-6-2007 05:18 PM | Show all posts

Bade Nyarios

Ahaha, funny story u got there, Teteh bottombikini! But "Teteh" means "Older Sister", macam "Kakak" lah kat Malesia. If they wanted to call you "Adik" or "Younger Sister", they would call you "Neng". ;)

Sundanese cuisines don't suit your taste? No need to apologize to me Hmm... jadi makcik-pakcik Malesia ni sukakan makanan berkuah, ke? I see.... Most Sundanese food are saut閑d, and they eat it with lot of raw vegetables (lalaban) and very hot sambals. That's why they have such a healthy complexion, hehehe.... They have some soups too, like Soto Bandung and Sayur Asem. Maybe you should try them out. Or you can try out this new restaurant "Raja Melayu". They serve all sorts of Melayu cuisines from all over Sumatra, and some from Malaysia too. ;)

Anyway, if you're looking for souvenir with "Bandung" written on them, why don't you try to visit the shops in Cihampelas Walk? There are some outlets which sell T-shirt and other stuff for souvenirs. My favorite is "Mahanagari". They sell quality t-shirts which surely make you remember about your trip in Bandung. There's this t-shirt with Angkot Route printed on it, there's the one with the picture of "Gedung Sate", and my favorite is the one with Ancient Sundanese Characters on them. They sell other stuff too, such as Pins, Postcards, Mugs, etc. I don't think they sell fridge magnets, though!

Parmios deui.....

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Post time 11-6-2007 05:31 PM | Show all posts
ah sukati hang je panggil aku makcik..

sorry dude..sayur asem also cant suit well to my tongue..dah rasa kat pakcik met..sib baik ikan/ayam bakar dia sedap

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jiwa_matahari This user has been deleted
Post time 11-6-2007 05:58 PM | Show all posts

Ditampi sadayana.....

OIC! Too bad, then!! To tell you the truth, I've never been to Pak Chi Met, but if you guys like it, good then! Maybe Raja Melayu would suits you better. Or you can various Acehnese cuisines at Gampong Aceh. Have you guys ever visited Pawon Pitoe Restaurant? It's the talk of the town, at least among locals. The most popular Sundanese Restaurant nowadays is Bumbu Desa. My favorite food is Nasi Timbel Komplit, but I don't think it would suit your taste either. But if you think you feel like being adventurous, you should try it out.

Milk is one of Bandung's pride since the colonial time. You might want to visit BMC for a taste of our milk, yogurt and qeffir. Or just go to Jalan Cisangkuy to experience how locals enjoy their yogurt! There's this cute pancake dessert that you should check out, its name is "Serabi Imut" on Jalan Setiabudi.

My Favorite Spots:
If you are into nightclub scenes, I suggest Embassy. For a cup of coffee while browsing with your laptop, I like Oh La La. For a taste of our favorite donut (I like it even better than Krispy Kreme!), try J. Co! And we like Roti Boy too.... yum! If you want to experience dining in a beautiful and natural surroundings, come to Kampung Daun. If you want to see the night view of the city, dine at Sierra, The View or The Valley.

Ergh... all of this makes me hungry.... I want to go to Rumah Joglo which serves Javanese food.... not sure you Malaysians would like it, though....

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Post time 11-6-2007 09:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jiwa_matahari at 11-6-2007 05:58 PM
OIC! Too bad, then!! To tell you the truth, I've never been to Pak Chi Met, but if you guys like it, good then! Maybe Raja Melayu would suits you better. Or you can various Acehnese cuisines at G ...

I totally agree with you..J&Co  is definitely the best donut ever..I've also tried Krispy Kreme but I found the taste not to my liking..

Unfortunately, during our stay there, we'd only tasted few Indonesian foods as my husband is not very fond of them..But as for me I am willing to try anything as long as it's halal..But nevertheless, we did try Baso Malang...not too bad though..

[ Last edited by  cupcakes at 11-6-2007 09:29 PM ]

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Post time 11-6-2007 10:28 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1204 lolita_lempicka's post

tak jumpe tak pe...tak cantik la...beso gedabak..

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Post time 11-6-2007 10:42 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1212 jiwa_matahari's post


kalo teh mah....inget pisan ma perkataan "ABDI BOGOH KA  ANJEUN"

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Post time 11-6-2007 10:48 PM | Show all posts
Ehhhh lupa.....kumaha damang jiwa.....

Jalan Cisangkuy...............tetah terkenang waktu mula2 ke bandung...di bawa teman sunda ke sini.......try minum bandrek....waduhhhhh...pedes pisannn....   

Tapi....waktu sore.....dingin..nyaman sekali...

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Post time 12-6-2007 08:52 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1217 jiwa_matahari's post

i have been to those places u mentioned - bumbu desa, 0 la la, j&co (is this the bakery at istana plaza?) and anor famous sunda restaurant ard jalan cihampelas..

aiya..didnt go embassy..what a waste!

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Post time 12-6-2007 09:41 AM | Show all posts
2nd June baru2 nie..hana pergi ke bandung utk kali2.
kali nie..dari jakarta..naik kete sewa (ada supir la). bersama2 keluarga.
naik gunung tangkuban perahu tu. (sorry if salah eja)

Permandangan kawah tu? (mmm..tak favour sgt la. hehehehe.)
tapi..yg hana nak komen..
1. makan tauhu goreng panas2..bersama cili padi - sedapp laa. mcm rasa makan pisang goreng.
2. kt atas gunung tu..pun ada t-shirt yg ada gambar gunung. tapi, hana tak beli
3. kt situ kebanyakkannye jual batu2 kristal. mmg lawa. kalau batu hijau muda tu..sebijik rupa mcm jade taww. Korang kena tawarlah. Hana tawar jadi Rup10ribu utk segelang.
4. kt sini jugak..the only place..hana jumpa kincir..yg derang ikat dgn batu lawa. pastu derang tulis Tangkuban Perahu. unik la. kincir buatan sendiri. Mula2 derang (pengikut nie..) jual Rup10ribu utk 1 kincir. kalau sepuluh - Rup100ribu. haa..mahal gila. hana tawar utk Rup2ribu utk 1 kincir. hehehehe. tak dapat. pastu..hana gi ler jalan2..(sbb byk gerai)..sorang tu still ikut.. last sekali..hana dpt laa Rup3ribu utk 1 kincir. Hana beli 10, total Rup30ribu. tapi, kincir tu mmg unik lak. sbb tak kan jumpa kat airport jakarta. dan, tak kan jumpa kat mana2 pun.

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jiwa_matahari This user has been deleted
Post time 12-6-2007 03:39 PM | Show all posts
@cupcakes: Yaay!! Let's share a box of J.Co donuts next time you're in Bandung! Tell your hubby, there's no point travelling if you're not experiencing anything! Don't you worry, we love our food halaal too. We are the country with the most Muslim population in the world, remember?

@ainunaina: Abdi oge bogoh ka anjeun! Pangestu, teteh.... janten waktos ka Bandung dipasihan bandrek ku rerencangan nya? lada nya? tapi haneut pan?

@bottombikini: There are some J.Co outlets in Bandung, one of them is indeed in Istana Plaza. You should try our nightlife, next time you visit! We just looove clubbing!!

@Hana: I don't know about the appropriate price (nor I understand the meaning of "kincir"). But I think Rp.3000 is a very small amount of money, so anything with that price is a real bargain. You can't even get a decent meal at warung pinggir jalan with Rp.3000..... hmm.. what can you get with Rp.3000? A glass of iced tea, I think.

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