Angela: I'm acting Xiao Mai, the richestgrand daughter in Asia. Before we started filming, we went to learnwaltz. It's pretty tough, my back and leg hurts because I had to wearhigh heels. I feel that Wu Zun is very funny because of his accent. Whenwe started filming it's pretty embarrassing because we had alot ofkissing scenes. After kissing, we will look somewhere else pretendingnothing has happened. This is the first time I'm acting a comedy drama, there are also alot of touching parts so you all must watch RP.
Itlooks like RP is their only drama at the moment, and they're hoping torelease their hardsubbed versions of Episode 1 before Episode 2 airs onSunday night. Thanks to them for subbing this series as well.
Romantic Princess trailer - Wu Zun talks about filming RP:
translation... Wu Zun: Hello I'm Wu Zun. Nan Feng Jin's character is hard to portraybecause he's always putting down his feelings. Emp wants me to marry(Note that Wu Zun mentioned 'Jia'. Jia in chinese is for women to say,men should say qu) her because in this way, I won't be able to get outof the mansion. Wu Zun: 'Qu ta', yea 'Qu ta' oh yes yes yes! Sorry, mychinese is not good. We will also practice on our own after learningwaltz from our teacher. The funniest thing is that, my house is prettysmall so I'll go to the rooftop to practice. There's CCTV installedthere, so when the guard checks the camera, he thought I'm dancing witha ghost! I think he was scared to death! There are also alot ofinteresting scenes and I acted as a fat guy which is really funny soyou all must watch Romantic Princess!
[ Last edited by errasazza at 22-9-2007 05:49 AM ]