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Author: babyface76


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 Author| Post time 4-3-2005 06:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bLuEsKy at 4-3-2005 06:09 PM:

okke...jap nak PM awk jap....

betul ke tak kisah..toche..toche...

.ff:a'a..satu keluarga minat gak ke...

kena buka thread baru la pasni...

iyalah kita gegarkan thread tu ngan zal..nmi...leo..willow dll..mesti bestkan..

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Post time 4-3-2005 06:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 4-3-2005 06:11 PM:

iyalah kita gegarkan thread tu ngan zal..nmi...leo..willow dll..mesti bestkan..


mari kita gegarkan..bersama....:ah::hug:

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 Author| Post time 4-3-2005 06:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bLuEsKy at 4-3-2005 06:14 PM:


mari kita gegarkan..bersama....:ah::hug:

dah dpt message blue..saya dah pm blue jugak...
kalau susah2 tak yah hantar coklat tu..gurau je..
tapi kalau tul ikhlas..hehe kenyanglah perut nie...

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Post time 4-3-2005 06:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 4-3-2005 06:20 PM:

dah dpt message blue..saya dah pm blue jugak...
kalau susah2 tak yah hantar coklat tu..gurau je..
tapi kalau tul ikhlas..hehe kenyanglah perut nie...

okke..dah dapat..bergegar meja kom nih..dia punya bunyi mssg...tong..tong...

sy ikhlas....:hug:..hihihi..mesti kenyang punya....

k lah sweet nak kuar mum dah panggil...

ok..apapun good...

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 Author| Post time 4-3-2005 06:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bLuEsKy at 4-3-2005 06:27 PM:

okke..dah dapat..bergegar meja kom nih..dia punya bunyi mssg...tong..tong...

sy ikhlas....:hug:..hihihi..mesti kenyang punya....

k lah sweet nak kuar mum dah panggil...


lol..okeylah blue...saya pun nak balik..jumpa hari isnin ye...


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Post time 4-3-2005 06:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 4-3-2005 06:29 PM:

lol..okeylah blue...saya pun nak balik..jumpa hari isnin ye...


okke..muah jugak..:hug:

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2005 08:25 AM | Show all posts
:...tak percaya...tak masuk 2 hari nak gi ke page 2....
:cry: ....

selamat pagi semua....

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zalynatzy This user has been deleted
Post time 7-3-2005 09:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 7-3-2005 08:25 AM:
:...tak percaya...tak masuk 2 hari nak gi ke page 2....
:cry: ....

selamat pagi semua....

haii sumaa..hello baby.....ohhh
byk btui nk baca thread ni..
lotih mata deen..hehe:lol

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2005 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zalynatzy at 7-3-2005 09:07 AM:

haii sumaa..hello baby.....ohhh
byk btui nk baca thread ni..
lotih mata deen..hehe:lol

zal...miskita...baca jgn tak baca...tapi jgnlah sampai.. mata

ada baca lagu pulangkan tak dlm thread sebelum

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zalynatzy This user has been deleted
Post time 7-3-2005 09:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 7-3-2005 09:19 AM:

zal...miskita...baca jgn tak baca...tapi jgnlah sampai.. mata

ada baca lagu pulangkan tak dlm thread sebelum

baby..mahal kitaa..:lol miskita..
ada ada..eheh..kelakar aa..sipe aa yg otak kreatif tu..
aku tgh dw video TDDUp ni..tak sabo nk tgok episode 24..
kaung kuag kuang:cak:

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2005 09:45 AM | Show all posts

Part 25

There' happy and sad moments with tonight's episode.
There was a replay of the car accident yesterday....

At the hospital

Manuel was sent to the hospital full of blood on his heads but he was conscious ..Drew was there

Drew: Manuel, what happened to you?
Manuel: Doc , Ysabel... please take care of her Doc...(he was having problem talking)
Drew: Ysabel's with you?
Manuel: yes.. please take care of Ysabel doc.
Drew: ok..ok..

Ysabel was taken to the emergency room

Drew: slowly.... ok now.. Ysabel..what happened?
Ysabel: Drew my neck is hurting
Drew: ok. ok

Manuel called Darling

Darling: are you?
Manuel: I'm ok.. Darling, I need you to withdraw some money.please bring it to the hospital..
Darling: ok kuya
Manuel: if possible please bring my things too
Darling: ok ok
Manuel: Please call Dash,tell him what had happened to me and Ysabel
Darling: ok
Manuel: Darling, Call Ysabel's grandmothers..tell them what happened and we're in the hospital.
Darling: hah?

Ysabel had a neck brace on.

Ysabel: Drew..
Drew: Ysabel, thank God..your ok..
Ysabel: how's Manuel?
Drew: amm.. you both have to go some medical tests.. Ysabel what really happened to you guys?
Ysabel: We were going to Tagaytay.. Drew.. I have something important to tell you
Drew: what's that?

Lola Conching, Lola Lulu and Dash came....while Darling was waiting..

Lola Conching: I wonder what happened to Ysabel?
Dash: Darling, what's the news?
Lola Lulu: Why Ysabel and Manuel are together? (they looked at each other)

Ysabel saw her grandmothers with Dash and Darling

Drew: lola(grandma)
Lola Conching: Doc, good you're here.How's ysabel?
Drew: They are both ok lola..
Lola Lulu: eh why Manuel is with her?
Lola Conching: Ysabel how do you feel?
Ysabel: I'm ok..
Lola Conching: be strong and you can't go home soon..
Ysabel: yes..
Lola Lulu: ay.. we brought some fruits for want us to cut them for you?
Ysabel: grandma, later..
Drew: ah.. we're gonna have to wait for the results and x-rays.. so ysabel you just wait here..
Ysabel: thanks Drew..

A scene with a nurse

Nurse: Misses. I need to ask you you want the bill to be together with your Mister?
Lola Conching: ah.. excuse me.. they are not married
Ysabel: grandma..
Lola Conching: you married him? (they looked at each other)

Lola Conching: why do you have to hide it? Doc, do you know anything about this?

Manuel came and he held Ysabel's hand

Manuel: tita, please forgive us.
Ysabel: we both want to tell you.. but I told him not to because I know you will be angry
Lola Lulu: eh when did you get married, where?
Ysabel: In Bulacan.. with a friend Judge of Manuel..
Lola Conching: O my god!.. eh your marriage was not in front of God
Ysabel: la, there's nothing you can do.. we are already married and I love Manuel..hope you accept him (the grandmothers walked out) and Drew said  wait  and followed the two ladies.
Manuel kissed Ysabel's hand..

Dash: psst.. my goodness you two! Congratulations! You didn't invite me..

Drew finally caught up with the grandmothers.

Drew: lola Conching.... lola Lulu
Lola Conching: why didn't you tell us?
Drew: lola, Ysabel just announced it to us.. you think I'm in the position to tell you this..
Lola Conching: do you think I will accept what they did? I won't accept it!
Drew: but I think Lola Conching, you should accept it..
Lola Conching: Doc?
Drew: I can see that how much Ysabel loves Manuel,she'shappy so let us be happy for her..
Lola Conching: You don't love Ysabel? That'swhy you said it?
Drew: lola, I love Ysabel very much that's why I'm saying this that's real love right?
Lola Lulu: I think Doc is right..I think we should accept these..and we have to accept Manuel

At Ysabel's house..she was packing....

Lola Conching: are you leaving?
Ysabel: la, eh If I went to Singapore, you will allow it right?
Lola Conching: but Drew will be with you
Ysabel: la..
Lola Conching: I accepted Manuel.I know he's the one you me..I will miss you (they hugged each other and cried) and Lola Lulu came in
Lola Lulu; o what happened?
Ysabel: la, I will visit you often..
Lola Lulu: eh.. just be a good wife and be happy beside Manuel and give us a grandchild (and Lola Lulu Cried too)
Ysabel: Yes la.. I will try..I will try to be a good wife and I will take good care of my children just like how you raised me..(they cried and hugged) Lola Lulu: thank you, granddaughter..

At Manuel's house

Darling welcomed the newlyweds..

Darling: Welcome home! Here'syour food and here's your room, I already fixed it..
Full of flower petals on the bed..
Ysabel: wow!
Manuel: wow!
Ysabel: thank you!
Manuel: thank you! thank you!
Ysabel: thank you!
Darling: Welcome! ok enjoy kuya..
Manuel: you surprised me again..
Darling: you don't like it? romantic oh..
Manuel: thank you!

Darling left the newlyweds

Manuel: My sister really loves you..
Ysabel: eh.... Darling is really nice..
Manuel: oh goodness iif only you know how bad she was with Roxanne..tssskkkk.
Ysabel: How is she?
Manuel: please let's not talk about her.. didn't we say that we are going to make our own baby..are you up to it?
Ysabel: hhhhehh.. (she was excited..)
eeeeeeeee!! Manuel kissed her on the lips..
Manuel: don't move
Ysabel: it's still hurt..
Manuel: lie down
Ysabel: it's really hurt
Manuel: so that you can rest

At the Parlor

Ysabel's mood was better.. no more neck brace.. her rest was effective but Dash was different...

Ysabel: hi Dash! good morning! Dash, Is it bright here in the salon that you need to wear the shades?

Dash took off his shades and he had a black eye....Ysabel was surprised what!!!..

Ysabel tried to fix his bruises, Dash told her that his BF hit him and he also complaint that he was the one who gave his BF allowance including money for his siblings tuition, house rent, electricity, water, the dad's drinks etc。ュand that what he got back if he refused to give.
Ysabel told him that he gave good advice but when it's his turn, he was not able to do the same. He answered that their beauty and brains were different but when it comes t love, it's Question and Answer...

At the church

Darling was praying.. Allan was the altar boy.while she had her communion, there was a lady who gave her a bad look...

At the Parlor

Dash's Ex BF came..he wanted to talk to Dash..but Ysabel stopped him and she punched him..and he had to leave.Dash thanked Ysabel because she really loved and cared for Dash.

At the Church

Darling ran after Allan he was avoiding her.He said that he had somewhere else to go.and there was this lady that gave Darling a bad look. It was his mother. She told Darling that it was her fault that Allan refused to be a priest. .... blah..blah.. blah. Allan followed his mom

At the Parlor

When Ysabel got out from the restroom, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach.she called Dash and she suddenly lost conscious.

At the Hospital

Ysabel was checked by the lady doctor as if the result was not good..

Doc: Ysabel, maybe you like to tell Manuel to come here
Ysabel: is there a problem?

The doctor looked worried and left.Drew was there..they talked and they both looked as if there was really something wrong with Ysabel

At Manuel's house

Manuel and Ysabel got home.... the house was quiet so...

Manuel: come on.Darlin is not here.Let'shoneymoon again..

It seemed Ysabel was worried

Ysabel: aah..mmm

Manuel: Ysabel, Why are you looking like there a problem..?

Ysabel just looked at Manuel..and episode ends here..wonder what was the problem??

:stp:..apa pulaklah masalah ysabel nie??...entah2 dia tak bleh mengandung kot..
lepas satu..satu hal...

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2005 09:52 AM | Show all posts

Video and screencaps Part 25


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zalynatzy This user has been deleted
Post time 7-3-2005 09:53 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 7-3-2005 09:45 AM:
There' happy and sad moments with tonight's episode.
There was a replay of the car accident yesterday....

At the hospital

Manuel was sent to the hospital full of blood on his heads but he wa ...

aku rasa dia sakit aa..x kan awai sangat pregnant.hehehe

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2005 09:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zalynatzy at 7-3-2005 09:53 AM:

aku rasa dia sakit aa..x kan awai sangat pregnant.hehehe

:hmm: aku pun rasa camtu..takkan bunting pelamin
...mungkin dia ada kanser kot...
la..tak bestlah camnie....

tak sabar nak tunggu episod seterusnya....

zal dah habis citer nie kita nak gegarkan thread apa pulak ye...

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zalynatzy This user has been deleted
Post time 7-3-2005 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 7-3-2005 09:58 AM:

:hmm: aku pun rasa camtu..takkan bunting pelamin
...mungkin dia ada kanser kot...
la..tak bestlah camnie....

tak sabar nak tunggu episod seterusnya....

zal dah habis cite ...

aku pun rasa dia kanser perut..ehmm baru kawin dh jadi cam ni.tak bes aa
ehmm..aku nk tgok kay tagal.tapi tgok kt astro cam tak buat je ulangan..borin borin.

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2005 10:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zalynatzy at 7-3-2005 10:07 AM:

aku pun rasa dia kanser perut..ehmm baru kawin dh jadi cam ni.tak bes aa
ehmm..aku nk tgok kay tagal.tapi tgok kt astro cam tak buat je ulangan..borin borin.

Aku astro takkan ulangnya citer kay tagal tu...
panjang wo..citer nie...

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zalynatzy This user has been deleted
Post time 7-3-2005 10:52 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 7-3-2005 10:39 AM:

Aku astro takkan ulangnya citer kay tagal tu...
panjang wo..citer nie...

tu aa..borin aa astro ni..
eih TDDUP dh nk abis ke aa?

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Post time 7-3-2005 10:55 AM | Show all posts
  selamat pagi baby & zal,

sunggud cepat awak melapurkan episode recap...

Tadi malam awak ada tenguk cerita kekasih diet tu tak?

Saya tenguk sampai pukul 11pm selapas tu..:gantuk::gantuk:ZZZzzzzz
semasa sam & louise pergi breakfast... then what happened:stp::stp:

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2005 11:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by willowbe at 7-3-2005 10:55 AM:
  selamat pagi baby & zal,

sunggud cepat awak melapurkan episode recap...

Tadi malam awak ada tenguk cerita kekasih diet tu tak?

Saya tenguk sampai pukul 11pm selapas tu..:ga ...

saya pun tengok sekejap je...lepas tu tukar siaran lain...
tak tahu kenapa mungkin tak bleh terima lagi kot nak nengok tin ngan lain2 lelaki berlakon bersama...
sebab sebelum nie masa swnw...selalu tenok tin ngan diet...bila nengok citer mlm tadi tak de diet rasa tak seronok...
kesimpulannya saya tengok 10 minit

cuba tanya zal..mungkin dier nengok kot

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zalynatzy This user has been deleted
Post time 7-3-2005 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by willowbe at 7-3-2005 10:55 AM:
  selamat pagi baby & zal,

sunggud cepat awak melapurkan episode recap...

Tadi malam awak ada tenguk cerita kekasih diet tu tak?

Saya tenguk sampai pukul 11pm selapas tu..:ga ...

willow lama tak jumpa.
slm sampai kul 12.30 cite tu abis..
lepas tu dep have fun giler. ruponya cite ni ada buat shooting kt langkawi.
ada satu part tu ada majlis tari menari. then bila si sam cuba kiss loiuse lari. pasti dia teringat masa wedding day dia yg terbatal tu. ruponya masa tu sam ada kt gerega tu.
lepas abis cruise tu depa terpisah. last2 jumpa balik dlm gereja. then depa kawin. tapi si sam ni kn sakit jantung...lastt sam mati.

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