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Author: xyla73

[tvN] Mr. Queen - Shin Hye Sun, Kim Jung Hyun

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Post time 27-3-2021 07:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 25-3-2021 10:10 PM
by the way - ada sikit news:

Team #NoTouching cewah....sekarang ni tengah consider sama ada nak m ...

i rase mcm takkan jadi kenyataan jek sbb skang knetz tgh up pasal drama2 yg lari sket dr sejarah dorg ni.. cite joseon exorcist tu dah kene kensel katenye after 2ep & now dorg dah start remove video2 yg berkaitan dgn mr queen gak sbb dr writer yg same. igt x awal2 ep dlu pun dah ade yg bising pasal cite ni tp somehow tenggelam sbb rating cite ni tiap2 minggu pun tinggi. now dorg dah naikkan semula issue ni, sampai SHS punye advert pun ade yg kene tarik semula. nasib baikla drama ni dah selamat habis..

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Post time 27-3-2021 07:39 PM | Show all posts
oreocheesekek replied at 27-3-2021 07:22 PM
i rase mcm takkan jadi kenyataan jek sbb skang knetz tgh up pasal drama2 yg lari sket dr sejarah d ...

tu lah sekarang ni Vincenzo pun and True Beuary dulu memula pun kena slammed by the netizen due to this sentimnet though.

i hope jgnlah ...

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Post time 21-4-2021 08:00 PM | Show all posts
oreocheesekek replied at 10-3-2021 08:19 PM
ok x sabo nak tgk ep next week, mas sepupu (bak kate fan indo) akan digroom & masuk istana :loveline ...

Hi Oreo
dah  habis Na In Woo....kena cedera juga akhirnya , kan....okaylah kan...

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Post time 21-4-2021 09:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 21-4-2021 08:00 PM
Hi Oreo
dah  habis Na In Woo....kena cedera juga akhirnya , kan....okaylah kan. ...

aah sahur pg td i gigih tgk last ep NIW mmg superb la, shooting dlm mase sebulan je.. and i x bole bayangkan org lain as ondal, i hope dia bole dpt rookie actor award kat baeksang

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Post time 22-4-2021 10:48 AM | Show all posts
oreocheesekek replied at 21-4-2021 09:08 PM
aah sahur pg td i gigih tgk last ep  NIW mmg superb la, shooting dlm mase sebulan je.. and i  ...

i tak tengok every episode setelah binge ep 1-7,8 , then sikit ep seterusnya.
tapi dapat agak and guess la, plot dia...
tapi tulah scene the other guy yg mati tu sedih ye, sampai last tak dapat that girl tu dan what he said last tu sedih ye.
Then, Na In woo - Ondal - alahai kena panah pulak , i was like oh no nak jadi Byoeng Im jugak keeee...dalam citer ni juga pun?
then tengok last part ...okaylah....

he loss 7 kg ye, dia kira rushing to shoot the drama lepas mr queen...

wow lah...i think for the best new comer bagus laa


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Post time 24-4-2021 04:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 22-4-2021 10:48 AM
i tak tengok every episode setelah binge ep 1-7,8 , then sikit ep seterusnya.
tapi dapat agak and ...

yea that guy punye fate same dgn byeong in.huhuhu

NIW shoot drama ni for 20ep in 1 month, mau x kurus mamat tu but i tak sabar nak tengok lagi the earlier ep with his version, harap2 viu akan replace cepat2 once released

agak2 kat baeksang nanti kite akan dpt mr queen mini reunion tak.. miss the squad

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Post time 25-4-2021 09:36 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 25-4-2021 09:40 AM
oreocheesekek replied at 24-4-2021 04:07 PM
yea that guy punye fate same dgn byeong in.huhuhu

NIW shoot drama ni for 20ep in 1 month, mau x ...

I think terbaca dalam soompi on friday  yang ,  Pengarah RWTMR ni bagi satu offer drama  baru kat Na In Woo - ini genre chic lit rom com yg modern pulakss

dan juga kepada lead  female dalam RWTMR....atas sebab depa tak berkire kerja reshooting sampai pengarah tu kire terhutang budi lah pada semua yang sanggup reshooting you know.

so...yes...boleh tengok Na In Woo dalam drama genre modern times.
Not bad jugak rating drama ni.

Tapi Naa In woo cepat adapt kan sebab dia baru je habis mr queen so konsep watak semua dia masih fresh...tapi sebulan kot rushing all the scenes...professional sungguh.


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Post time 25-4-2021 10:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 25-4-2021 09:36 AM
I think terbaca dalam soompi on friday  yang ,  Pengarah RWTMR ni bagi satu offer drama  baru kat  ...

aah dpt offer as male lead, cerita asal dr webtoon. tp tbh i x ready lg nak watch him in another genre dlm mase terdekat ni, tahla we shall see

memang respect la kat semua yg kene reshoot tu & mayb sbb die masih fresh lg dgn mr queen so he still got the skill macam horse riding & main sword, so die x take long time utk learn the action scene. tp lakonan mmg lain sgt dgn watak byeong in, yg same cume his sad eyes, bole jadi raja air mata mamat ni

now kat korea dah release ep1-6 with his version, dorg ade change & add on new scene.. harap2 kat viu akan tuka gak cpt2, i nak tgk semula

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Post time 5-5-2021 08:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by oreocheesekek at 5-5-2021 08:15 PM

to all cheorin nation, sape2 ade tiktok acc, bole vote for byeong in & mamaaaa or nenek kim clan or dayang choi utk popularity baeksang award

1 acc bole vote max 3x utk male & 3x utk female category



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Post time 6-5-2021 12:55 AM | Show all posts
kempen....NIW bermula ....

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Post time 7-5-2021 01:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
suka jin hyun tp xtgk citer ni sbb heroin xcantikkm

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Post time 27-9-2021 09:51 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 27-9-2021 10:12 PM


Updates :

Thsi actor has signed up with a new management Group yg menguruskan actor berbakat and hebat yg lain seperti Seo In Guk ( Doom actor tu ) etc  so kita  selaras dengan perkembangan positif yang terbaru ni , kita harap NO MORE issues with this talented actor who  is  mildly eccentric jugaks lah so , i hope manager dia yg baru dapat urus segala benda dengan mamat ni. sayang actually , sebab isu2 professionalism dia mudah jadi depress etc.

as i said, mamat ni talented and dia ni silap pilih management , dia ni la ni  yang  start jadi haru biru and ade juga personality issue plus other issues.

So, I wish  him well... and hope to SEE him in many more genres .

ini dia nyer press release :

On September 24, Story J Company released an official statement sharing that the actor has signed an exclusive contract with them:

Kim Jung Hyun has signed an exclusive contract with us.

As a management company specializing in actors, we’ve been keeping an eye on Kim Jung Hyun’s talent as an actor. After learning that Kim Jung Hyun was going on an independent path, we talked sincerely with him for a long time and built trust with each other.

Above all, we were moved by Kim Jung Hyun’s endless enthusiasm for acting. We promised him that we would provide him with professional and systematic management, and as his strong partner for his future acting activities, we will be a warm home to him.

Kim Jung Hyun has now signed an exclusive contract with Story J Company that can embrace him warmly and help him focus on acting and is concentrating on recovering his health.

We’d like to thank all the fans, officials in the entertainment industry, and reporters who prayed for and worried about his recovery.

Both Story J Company and Kim Jung Hyun will work hard so that he can show a healthier and better side of him in the future.

Thank you. ... gns-with-new-agency
pautan :


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Post time 27-9-2021 10:13 PM | Show all posts
Kim Jung Hyun Writes To Fans On Social Media Addressing His Recent Hiatus And Future Plans
Sep 25, 2021
by C. Hong
On September 25, Kim Jung Hyun returned to his personal Instagram account for the first time in several months.

Along with a photo of a park bench that his fans donated in his name, the actor wrote a letter to fans addressing his recent controversy, his hiatus, and his plans for the future.

Hello, this is Kim Jung Hyun.

If there are people who feel even a little uncomfortable at me writing this post, I’m sorry. I have gathered up the courage to speak my heart to those who have worried about me and prayed for me all this time.

For the past few months, I have wandered without knowing where rock bottom was. I was busy looking back on myself, and I felt empty because I had no place to rest. It was difficult even just to endure myself. But on the other hand, it was a time where I could carefully reflect on the very depths of my self.

I am someone who is very lacking. I regret that I lived until now without taking responsibility for the choices that I made. I acknowledge that I was wrong in being quick to blame others and not being able to take care of my own health. This post is a self-reflection that I am writing for myself.

I am an actor. No matter how I think about how I can repay and approach the public, I have nothing but acting. That’s how I signed with my current agency, Story J Company. The agency acknowledged me as I am and promised to take care of me, and I took courage from that. I have been moved by their warm approach. Thank you for being a partner in this path we will walk together.

I also want to thank the people with whom I worked at my last agency. Without those people, I wouldn’t be here today. We wish nothing but a bright future for each other. Moreover, before it’s too late, I want to thank the reporters who critiqued my wrongdoings in the past and sent me various messages through the articles they wrote.

Finally, I bow my head and thank from the bottom of my heart the fans who have waited for me all this time and given me strength. Because of all of you, I was able to stay strong. I will cherish the feelings that you have sent me as nourishment for my life, and I will no longer fall, or if I do fall, I will get up and walk on again.

I will walk cautiously step by step. I want to live by focusing on acting and repaying people with a good image. Once again, I apologize to all those who were hurt by me. I will devote myself to becoming a better person.

Kim Jung Hyun recently signed a new contract with Story J Company, which houses actors like Kim Tae Hee, Seo In Guk, Yoo Seung Ho, and more. The actor had contract issues with his former agency, which both parties resolved in May of this year. The contract issues became part of a wider controversy that involved revisiting the actor’s behavior during the filming of his 2018 drama “Time,” as well as his relationship with actress Seo Ye Ji.

pautan asal: ... us-and-future-plans

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Post time 28-9-2021 03:16 PM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 27-9-2021 10:13 PM
Kim Jung Hyun Writes To Fans On Social Media Addressing His Recent Hiatus And Future Plans
S ...

harap dia cepat bangkit dengan management baru ni. sayang sangat sebab he's very talented.

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Post time 30-9-2021 05:35 PM | Show all posts
rolypoly replied at 28-9-2021 03:16 PM
harap dia cepat bangkit dengan management baru ni. sayang sangat sebab he's very talented.

kalau macam ni lah gayanya, Kim Jung Hyun baru je signing up - maknanya  , no talks about season 2 Mr Queen la kot sebab? baru nak sign contract dengan new management house...

aduhai ....katanya tvN akan mula meeting untuk decide nak buat ke tak season 2 Mr Queen ni , tapi nampak gayanya fans pun dah lupe maka.alaaa tak de lah kot I PRESUMED ( i may be salah ).

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Post time 25-1-2022 05:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bg peminat2 Na In Woo, dia dah kompem jd permanent member 2D1N

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Post time 26-1-2022 07:50 PM | Show all posts
oh ya bagi peminat Na In Wooo ade drama dia yg terbaru tak tahu bila penggambaran and masa tayangan...

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Post time 21-2-2022 01:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 25-1-2022 05:50 PM
Bg peminat2 Na In Woo, dia dah kompem jd permanent member 2D1N

aku smpai bg nickname kt mamat ni replacement guy...brni dia amek risiko join 2d1n..program tu dh la byk msalah..ckup 2 thun siap la curse will hunt you..

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Post time 27-2-2022 01:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
merahrose replied at 21-2-2022 01:10 PM
aku smpai bg nickname kt mamat ni replacement guy...brni dia amek risiko join 2d1n..program tu dh  ...

Ha, mula2 dia replaced Ji Soo dlm drama tu kan? Ni replace Kim Seon Ho plak. Tp rating 2d1n naik wo lps dia join. Aku dah lama tinggal 2d1n nih. Rajin ikut masa geng Cha Tae Hyun dedolu. Ingat nk tgk la episod mamat ni muncul. Katanya awal2 dah sesat

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Post time 1-3-2022 06:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 27-2-2022 01:39 PM
Ha, mula2 dia replaced Ji Soo dlm drama tu kan? Ni replace Kim Seon Ho plak. Tp rating 2d1n naik w ...

bg aku 2d1n s4 x best ada certain ep je best..xda KSH lg in woo bareface x handsome lnsung..dh try tgk ep na inwoo tp xleh hbiskan.

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