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Author: babycake

Eminem (Marshall Mathers)

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Post time 23-12-2003 07:57 PM | Show all posts

Eminem 'racist' rap could be released after all

The judge who blocked the release of an early Eminem recording featuring allegedly racist lyrics has now given the go ahead for limited extracts to be heard.

Last week Judge Gerald E. Lynch issued a temporary injunction against The Source magazine which wanted to include a CD of the old Eminem rap with its February issue.

But the Manhattan federal judge has now authorised The Source to release up to 20 seconds of the recording, according to a spokesperson for the magazine, reports MTV.

Eminem's lawyers, in papers filed on December 15, had argued The Source's desire to distribute the recording amounted to copyright infringement.

Last month The Source unveiled the recording, in which the rapper can be heard making offensive comments about black women.

As of Monday evening, The Source was still deciding how to respond to the judge's decision. Spokespeople for Eminem had no comment.

The rapper has apologised for making the recording after splitting up with a black girlfriend as a 16-year-old.

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 Author| Post time 23-12-2003 11:08 PM | Show all posts
Eminem is rapped off       

RAP star Eminem is livid after secret recordings for his new album
ended up for sale on the internet.
Three unfinished songs — which he is still working on in a Los
Angeles studio — were offered on auction site eBay.

Eminem, 31, fears they were leaked by a close pal or business

Bosses at eBay have cancelled bidding and record firm Interscope has
launched a probe.

A source said: "Em knows everyone who goes in and out. All his
entourage is under suspicion."

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 Author| Post time 23-12-2003 11:09 PM | Show all posts
Eminem Says 'We' - Refers To Tupac And Blacks

On the soundtrack to the documentary Tupac: Resurrection
(Interscope), there are four Tupac songs produced by Eminem. On one
of them, "One Day at a Time," Eminem doesn't just bring Tupac back to
life through a mixing board — he joins him on the mike and forces him
to take part in a conversation Tupac might never have chosen to have.
The song goes beyond grave robbing. It's a biographical hijack.

Tupac's verses deal with violence against black youth and the drug
infestations of black neighborhoods. He raps about "communities in
need," about staying "focused on the prize." He says "we" over and
over, and there's never any doubt that his "we" is a
black "we." "We'll never get our day until we learn to pray," he

When Eminem takes over, he also refers to a "we," but it's not
Tupac's. "If we could only learn to take our anger and hate," he
raps. But whose anger and hate? If he, a white MC, is not speaking
for blacks (and let's hope he's not), then who is he talking about?
His "we" is a hip-hop "we," which in 2003 is not a black "we" at all
but a collective identity commonly described as being beyond race and
rooted in things that are easier to market: style, language, and, of
course, class, which more than any affect of blackness has long been
Eminem's ghetto pass across 8 Mile.

"I don't make white music, I don't make black music," Eminem said on
2000's "What I Am." "I make fight music for high-school kids." That
this makes no sense doesn't matter: he's telling America that making
fight music means that race is no longer an issue. But Eminem is
still a white MC making black music, and Tupac, dead or resurrected,
is a black MC who made black music.

In his new biography of Eminem, Whatever You Say I Am (Crown),
Anthony Bozza joins Eminem in forgetting that this difference
actually means something. Eminem, Bozza writes, "represents the
current paradigm of race consciousness in America, whereby skin color
is almost a secondary consequence to one's racial identity, where
racial association seems to be more defined by behavior than color."

It's an astonishing claim that makes Eminem the poster boy for a lie
and an insult: no matter how popular hip-hop has become, no matter
how many black rappers play along by leading white audiences in sing-
alongs about being black, skin color is not "a secondary consequence
to one's racial identity." Arguing that behavior is the new basis for
racial identity — that because Eminem, 50 Cent, and Dr. Dre are
homies, centuries of institutionalized racism has just vanished into
mean mugs, secret handshakes, and Urban Outfitters bags full of
vintage sneakers and Run-DMC T-shirts — cruelly ignores the realities
of racial oppression and racist violence that continue to destroy
lives every day.

As the film Tupac: Resurrection reminds us, violence against black
people is precisely what Tupac, in his more focused and lucid
moments, made the central subject of his music (he uses the
phrase "young black male" more than anyone in the history of pop
lyrics). In Resurrection, he speaks repeatedly about black poverty
and black incarceration, and he shows us the black bruises left on
his face by police batons. His link to the Black Panthers is also
there, from his godfather, Geronimo Pratt, to his Panther mom, Afeni
Shakur, who was pregnant with Tupac while behind bars for a murder
she was later acquitted of.

Most revealing, though, is what Tupac did with this legacy of black
radicalism when he channeled it into what he tattoo'd across his
stomach, "Thug Life." For all its gradual disintegration into
champagne-room excess, group beatdowns, and Death Row
crookedness, "Thug Life" began as Tupac's hip-hop answer to the
Panthers, and we hear him talk about it as "a new kind of black
power" that had its own code of conduct and its eyes on community

Tupac could be self-righteous and self-commodifying, but there was
always a larger sense of community hovering over both his steps and
his missteps. Nowhere is this more obvious than when Eminem joins him
on "One Day at a Time" and forgets he's supposed to be resurrecting
Tupac, not making himself immortal on top of Tupac's grave. All
Eminem can do is talk about himself. "There will never be another
me," he says, "and that I can guarantee." Given the chance to
dialogue with Tupac's legacy, Eminem takes refuge in the privilege of
narcissism while giving further credibility to the American myth that
in hip-hop, all men are created equal.

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 Author| Post time 23-12-2003 11:10 PM | Show all posts
Eminem's Rep Response To Pumpkin Matter

First, Eminem's old racist song was revealed. Then those president-
bashing lyrics. Now, an alleged former sweetie is supposedly
threatening to tell all.
A report quoting an alleged former lover of Eminem -- a.k.a. Marshall
Mathers -- appeared on an Internet news site and has been making the
rounds on blogs, chatrooms and rap news sites. If true, the most
horrifying detail for the rapper might be that his ex-honey called
him "Pumpkin." According to the report: "Marshall, or `Pumpkin' as I
used to call him, was a very tender, very giving partner."

Eminem has apologized for those racist lyrics, but his rep scoffed at
the latest report. "This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen," he e-
mailed the Scoop. "We are not even gonna respond to it.

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 Author| Post time 23-12-2003 11:12 PM | Show all posts
The Source Wins Court Ruling, Will Issue Eminem CD

The Source magazine won a court case that will allow them to include
a snippet CD of racist remarks the rapper made against African-

U.S. District Judge Gerald E. Lynch said the magazine can publish up
to :20 seconds of the CD and ruled that the usage of the snippets
fall into fair use of copyrighted materials with the intent to

Last week, Eminem won a court ruling blocking The Source from
releasing the previously unreleased recordings, that feature a
younger Eminem using the word n*gger and making degrading comments
about African-American women.

The magazine will place hundreds of thousands of the CD's in the
February issue, which is scheduled to hit newsstands in January.

The magazine released the tapes in November, after three of Eminem's
peers provided the magazine with a copy.

Eminem has issued two apologies, saying he made the recordings after
he was dumped by his African-American girlfriend.

The ruling is the latest chapter in a long running feud between the
magazine and Eminem.

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 Author| Post time 23-12-2003 11:13 PM | Show all posts
Source Can Release Excerpts Of Eminem's Controversial Rap

A Manhattan federal judge who last week blocked The Source from
releasing an early and controversial recording by Eminem has now
allowed the magazine to go forward with limited excerpts.

Last week Judge Gerald E. Lynch, in U.S. Federal Court for the
Southern District of New York, issued a temporary injunction against
the hip-hop magazine (see "Judge Halts Distribution Of Eminem's
Controversial Freestyle"), which wanted to include a CD copy of an
old Eminem freestyle with its February issue, which hits stands
January 12.

On Monday (December 22) Lynch authorized The Source to release up to
20 seconds of the recording, according to a spokesperson for the
magazine, saying it fell within the magazine's right to fair use for
the purpose of criticism. Eminem's lawyers, in papers filed December
15, had argued The Source's desire to distribute the recording
amounted to copyright infringement.

Last month The Source unveiled the recording, in which the rapper can
be heard making offensive comments about black women (see "The Source
Digs Up Tape Of Eminem Using Racial Slurs"). The tape was apparently
procured from three people who made the recording with him.

As of Monday evening, The Source was still deciding how to respond to
the judge's decision. Spokespeople for Eminem had no comment.

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 Author| Post time 23-12-2003 11:18 PM | Show all posts

Attn:  Fellow Eminem Fan(s)...

This is your chance to be part of Slim Shady history forever!  Will you
capture it, or just let it slip?

You may have already heard about a book being written about Em's positive
influence on his fans, titled "Explicit Content."  It is also a "Thank You"
letter TO Em, FROM his fans, from the fans' perspective.  We will be printing ALL
fan names (and selected quotes) in the book.

We need 200,000 fan's names to help this become published, so we need EVERY
fan to help spread the word about this book project to all other Eminem fans
you know!  Thanks so much for your support.

For complete details, go to AOL homepage:

Or email me with any questions at:

Have a shady day!
-Lori T.

korang...apa lagi..this's our chance...(hint:shampoo)

[ Last edited by babycake on 23-12-2003 at 11:21 PM ]

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Post time 24-12-2003 12:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by *Orseas_Urusha at 23-12-2003 09:57 AM:
Madonna backing Eminem!:eek:

Madonna writes a letter to the Los Angeles Times newspaper in defense of controversial rap artist Eminem over the public and media criticism of his of ...

best aa Maddy nih .. sporting n leh trima artis cam Eminem ...

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Post time 24-12-2003 01:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babycake at 23-12-2003 02:07 PM:
dont tell me,skarang ko form 1...

I dont find it offensive at all, words are just words....hehehe
i think that actually some words just evoke different feelings and emotions... some word ...

Aku mmg Form 1 la...x tipu ni..:agr:

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Post time 24-12-2003 01:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by *Orseas_Urusha at 24-12-2003 01:05 AM:
Aku mmg Form 1 la...x tipu ni..:agr:

Forumnists yg rajin lepak kat thread Madonna semua percaya aku Form 1 (next year Form 2 la)..

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2003 02:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by *Orseas_Urusha at 24-12-2003 01:33 AM:
Forumnists yg rajin lepak kat thread Madonna semua percaya aku Form 1 (next year Form 2 la)..

tipoooooooooooooooo......tak nak caya jugak!!!!

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Shampoo6617 This user has been deleted
Post time 24-12-2003 03:29 PM | Show all posts
ko nak ke babycake? actually aku tak berapa fahamlah, dia nak letak nama fans dia kat dalam buku tu ke?

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2003 05:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Shampoo6617 at 24-12-2003 03:29 PM:
ko nak ke babycake? actually aku tak berapa fahamlah, dia nak letak nama fans dia kat dalam buku tu ke?

u mean dia tu saper?
bkn eminem yg tulis...peminat dia yg tulis buku tuh...
penulis tuh nak tulis semua eminem's fan nyer signatute or whatever....tulis ucapan skali or apa2 yg ko nak tulis...yg the best one akan di masukkan dlm buku tuh..kalo takbest cuma ada nama kita jer..camtu lah yg aku paham...

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Post time 24-12-2003 09:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by *Orseas_Urusha at 24-12-2003 01:05 AM:
Aku mmg Form 1 la...x tipu ni..:agr:

Orseas mmg budak lagi ... muda remaja ...
budak sekarang advance knowledge futhermore ada Internet ...
not like us yg lahir before kemunculan IT ...

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2003 11:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 24-12-2003 09:38 PM:
Orseas mmg budak lagi ... muda remaja ...
budak sekarang advance knowledge futhermore ada Internet ...
not like us yg lahir before kemunculan IT ...

ok..bkn aku tak caya..
he even pm me...hehehhe

orseas dear..
it wasn't like i dont believe u or wat..sajer jer..
jangan lah hari terakhir aku nak minta maap byk2


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Post time 25-12-2003 01:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babycake at 24-12-2003 11:45 PM:
ok..bkn aku tak caya..
he even pm me...hehehhe

orseas dear..
it wasn't like i dont believe u or wat..sajer jer..
jangan lah hari terakhir aku nak minta maap byk2

lov ...

Ye la..Ye la..aku maafkan...x marah dah..

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 Author| Post time 25-12-2003 02:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by *Orseas_Urusha at 25-12-2003 01:21 AM:
Ye la..Ye la..aku maafkan...x marah dah..

hehehe..sejuk ati ku mendengar...

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 Author| Post time 25-12-2003 02:58 AM | Show all posts

lagi gambo em

[ Last edited by babycake on 25-12-2003 at 03:00 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 25-12-2003 03:02 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 25-12-2003 03:04 AM | Show all posts


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