Truth.8 posted on 20-11-2013 10:36 PM 
if u cannot understand simple things light....do I need to discuss further???
now i know how islam has shape muslims...
Glad I am Bible reading peoples..
Praise the Lord
Christian fundamentalism had fried your brains. To be honest I can't understand your argument. Your own bible commentary stated that the light is different from the sun. How different , we don't know. In fact John Gill stated like its more of glimmering light. Your answer is just your assumption that when the biblical God stated 'let there be light' , it somehow powers the life of vegetation. Its is all faith based assumption , nothing more. Yours is just blind faith.
What do you think of the mentality of the biblical God who created vegetation first then the sun? There is something wrong with the bible. However fundies like you throw away logic for blind faith.
Who rested in the 7th day? The 'father' or the 'son' or the 'holy spirit'?
sam1528 posted on 21-11-2013 11:45 AM 
Christian fundamentalism had fried your brains. To be honest I can't understand your argument. You ...
very simple understanding that plants can survive without sun only by light
as for Who rested in the 7th day? The 'father' or the 'son' or the 'holy spirit'?
again u diverting the topic...create new topic .
this angles and dinosaurs
Truth.8 posted on 21-11-2013 09:03 AM 
so u misleads my thread by writings that angles , heart and pride??? so u misleads my thread by writings that angles , heart and pride???
are you trying to change the topic, Truth.8? I've said angels (ANGLES is sudut) have hearts because I assume, that's where the pride and arrogance comes in. Seeing that you're stating AS IF angels don't have hearts, I'll agree with you.
video tu cakap
1. Malaikat SEMUA LELAKI -- ini sudah di jawab. Thank you for the answer. harap kau tak pusing2 dgn jawapan kepada soalan ini.
3. Anak2 ini adalah 'imighty men' or 'men of reknowned'. - BELUM TERJAWAB OLEH TRUTH.8
Nah, video tu sendiri cakap mende ni. Macam mana malaikat boleh datang ke perempuan dari golongan manusia kemudian tiba2 ada anak pulak? Video tu salah ke, macam mana? (rujuk minit ke 2:30 onwards kat dalam video yang Truth.8 on post #61)
btw, dalam video tu kata, Lucifer turned away from God because of HIS PRIDE. He have REBELLION IN HIS HEART.
gunblade712 posted on 21-11-2013 12:57 PM 
are you trying to change the topic, Truth.8? I've said angels (ANGLES is sudut) have hearts be ...
Gb sudah stuck....because in begining all angles was prefect but in end few turn away.... what so difficult to understand?
same like jinn which muslims claimed that some jinn are good and bad....than why ur allah create bad jinn?? answer me why ur allah all knowing create bad jinn??
Last edited by Truth.8 on 21-11-2013 02:53 PM
Truth.8 posted on 21-11-2013 12:30 PM 
very simple understanding that plants can survive without sun only by light
as for Who rested in the 7th day? The 'father' or the 'son' or the 'holy spirit'?
again u diverting the topic...create new topic .
this angles and dinosaurs
You are already desperate. You own bible commentary states that they are actually not sure what light is was but some are in the opinion of glimmering light or murky light. Hardly to power vegetation. You seem to ignore a big blunder that in the bible vegetation was created first then the sun. This is absolute poppycock.You never even dare to touch on this issue but keep repeating like a 'pondan tua' , hee haw ... there is light ... but dunno what light.
Bit part of your post #69 :
as 6 days and 1 day God rested....God not tired but showing example how humans should work 6 days and rested 1 day which is Sabbath (saturday) to remind HIS creations
So which one rested? The 'father' or the 'son' or the 'holy spirit'? You are the one who brought up this issue in the said post. Now you are running away from it?
Truth.8 posted on 21-11-2013 02:48 PM 
Gb sudah stuck....because in begining all angles was prefect but in end few turn away.... what so ...
lol, using big fonts, are you desperately trying to divert me and the rest of the readers away from my questions? My questions was not answered by you :
video tu cakap
1. Malaikat SEMUA LELAKI -- ini sudah di jawab. Thank you for the answer. harap kau tak pusing2 dgn jawapan kepada soalan ini.
3. Anak2 ini adalah 'imighty men' or 'men of reknowned'. - BELUM TERJAWAB OLEH TRUTH.8
Nah, video tu sendiri cakap mende ni. Macam mana malaikat boleh datang ke perempuan dari golongan manusia kemudian tiba2 ada anak pulak? Video tu salah ke, macam mana? (rujuk minit ke 2:30 onwards kat dalam video yang Truth.8 on post #61)
btw, dalam video tu kata, Lucifer turned away from God because of HIS PRIDE. He have REBELLION IN HIS HEART.
Jangan lari @ tukar topic pulak, OK Truth.8? Jawab yang atas tu dulu, sebab itu semua dARI VIDEO YANG KAU SURUH AKU TENGOK + DARI STATEMENT KAU SENDIRI..
Pride tu datang dari mana? Adakah malaikat boleh ada pride? What about the current angels? Can the current angels have pride? Can there be another 'Lucifer' up in the heaven? IF yes, why? If NO, why?
Nampak gayanya Truth.8 sudah stuck. Masih tidak menjawab soalan2 ini dengan verses daripada Bible.
gunblade712 posted on 21-11-2013 03:06 PM 
lol, using big fonts, are you desperately trying to divert me and the rest of the readers away fro ...
same like jinn which muslims claimed that some jinn are good and bad....than why ur allah create bad jinn?? answer me why ur allah all knowing create bad jinn??
sam1528 posted on 21-11-2013 02:55 PM 
You are already desperate. You own bible commentary states that they are actually not sure what li ...
wow so angry calling names...that how muslims are when they cannot figure it out...
so easy understanding that light was created by the Creators...my Creators is powerful to make plants grows and survie even without sun because HE is Almighty.....
poor u....u can't even answer with total brain.
This is absolute poppycock.You never even dare to touch on this issue but keep repeating like a 'pondan tua' , hee haw ... there is light ... but dunno what light.
btw, how u know pondan tua?? hve u mix with pondan or u might be one...finally we know sam is pondan because of his guilty feelings....hahahahahha
Last edited by Truth.8 on 21-11-2013 03:57 PM
To understand how Satan and his demons came to exist as they are today. By having this knowledge of
our enemy, we have a better understanding of what we as humans are up against as we strive to over-
come the things of this world, which is under the sway of Satan.
:John 1:1-5; Genesis 1:1-2, 31; Isaiah 45:18; Job 38:4-7; Revelation 12:4; Ezekiel 28:15; Isaiah 14:13-
14; Galatians 5:22; Revelation 12:7-9; Matthew 6:19-21; Colossians 3:2
:To understand where Satan came from, we must first go back to the beginning of creation. Not just the
creation of the earth, we need to go even further back than that. The account in John 1:1 gives us the
earliest historical account in the Bible. It is an even earlier account than Genesis 1:1. But we’ll come
back to that a little later. All things came in good time, according to God’s plan. God has a purpose
and a reason for all that He does. He created all that exists today according to that plan. When He cre-
ated something, it was perfect (Genesis 1:31).
Before God created the earth, He first created angels. We know that the angels were created before the
earth because we can read in Job 38:4-7 where the angels sang together and shouted for joy at the
earth’s creation.
God created the angels as immortal (which means they cannot die) spirit beings. But He did not create
them to be merely robots, acting upon specific orders. God had given them the ability to think, reason,
make decisions and choices. We call this “free moral agency.” God created them this way so that they
could grow, just as God wants us to grow—in godly character. God had taught the angels His way, but it
was ultimately up to the angels to decide how they would use the knowledge that was give to them... Last edited by Truth.8 on 21-11-2013 04:01 PM
Now let’s get back down to earth. After God had created the earth, He placed many of the angels
there. God was giving them a part in the creation. They were the “keepers of the earth.” They tended to
the earth and beautified it just like a person does with a flower garden. This was one of the tasks of the
angels that were placed upon the earth. This also brings us forward in Bible history to Genesis 1:1: “In
the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The amazing thing about the 10 words in that
scripture is that there could have been millions, billions, even trillions of years between these words of
verse 1 and those of verse 2. What is important to remember here is that when God creates something,
it is good (Genesis 1:31). He doesn’t do something half-heartedly. So when we read verse 2: “The earth
was [became] without form, and void,” we wonder, what happened?
We read in Isaiah 45:18, “For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens, who is God, who formed
the earth and made it, who has established it, who did not create it in vain, [the margin reads “empty,
a waste”] who formed it to be inhabited: ‘I am the LORD , and there is no other.’” The Bible concor-
dance translates the word “void” of Genesis 1:2 from the original Hebrew word ‘bohuw (bo’-hoo) as
“an undistinguishable ruin, emptiness . . .” So if God did not create the earth to be an empty waste,
how did it get to be such an empty void?
Let’s go back to outer space and take a look around. For reference sake, we are going to leap back
from Genesis 1:2 all the way back—possibly trillions of years back—to Genesis 1:1. As we sit floating
here in space we can look around and see all of the beautiful planets that God had created, planets
and solar systems as far as the eye can see. Now let’s focus our attention on the blue and green one
that we call earth. God had plans for this planet, so He placed a third of His angels there (Revelation
12:4), under the direction of one of God’s greatest angels, an archangel by the name of Lucifer. The
Bible tells us of three such archangels: Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer. Now these were the cream-of-the-
crop when it came to angels and Lucifer was no exception. God made him beautiful in form and
appearance and wise with understanding (Ezekiel 28:15).Lucifer’s Rebellion.
Remember the free moral agency that God gave the angels so that they could grow
in character (just as God expects us to). Without this, the angels would never have been truly “com-
plete.” Lucifer was given the responsibility of administering God’s government on the earth. This would
have been perfect peace and joy. This is the same government that God will have us administer on
earth again in His Kingdom. More on that later. We can assume that initially Lucifer and the angels
were very happy on earth. But something happened that changed all that. Lucifer started to reason and
criticize God’s authority. Lucifer was placed on his own throne here on earth to administer God’s gov-
ernment, but Lucifer began to want more (Isaiah 14:13-14). Lucifer wanted what God had. To Lucifer,
the grass was greener on the other side of the fence.
Gradually, Lucifer began to convince the other angels that they were something special and that they
should be more appreciated. Over time, Lucifer convinced them to make war against God. Lucifer
wanted to take God’s throne! He had given way in his heart to self-centeredness, vanity, greed, lust,
envy, jealousy, strife, hatred, competition, violence and destruction. And as we recall from previous
discussions, these are not the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) that God wants us to have. Lucifer
had done a complete 180-degree turn in character. Lucifer now stood for everything that was opposed
to God, and he had manipulated and twisted the minds of the angels that were with him into the same
more :http://members.ucg.org/files/youth/ss/jrhigh/LJU2Wk2.pdf
Last edited by Truth.8 on 21-11-2013 04:04 PM
Back to my question to muslims and gb...why allah all knowing created jinn bad and good? if jinn spirit form? are jinn can transform any figure?? |
RE: Muslims & kitab lain tiada bukti ...
Truth.8 posted on 21-11-2013 03:51 PM 
wow so angry calling names...that how muslims are when they cannot figure it out...
so easy understanding that light was created by the Creators...my Creators is powerful to make plants grows and survie even without sun because HE is Almighty.....
This is so funny. You still haven't figured out that for plants to survive , light is needed and the sun is the only source of natural light. Did you complete school? The hilarious part when asked whether your biblical God knows science , the following is your answer :
my Creators is powerful to make plants grows and survie even without sun because HE is Almighty
This is the answer of a brain fried Christian fundie desperately defending a scientific error in the bible. TQ , you are admitting that your biblical God don't know science.
btw, how u know pondan tua?? hve u mix with pondan or u might be one...finally we know sam is pondan because of his guilty feelings....hahahahahha
Hee haw - hee haw , there is light but dunno what light brays 'truth.8' trying to drown others with his spamming. The question is simple. How come the biblical God don't know science as it created vegetation first then the sun. Truly you are like a 'pondan tua' , not answering any question but trying to shout the loudest.
You still have not answered me. So which one rested? The 'father' or the 'son' or the 'holy spirit'? You are the one who brought up this issue in the said post. Now you are running away from it?
sam1528 posted on 21-11-2013 06:49 PM 
This is so funny. You still haven't figured out that for plants to survive , light is needed and t ...
Even how many times i explained, you muslims will still be igornace and stupid...sometimes i wonder whether islam made muslims think stupid compare me beings srp with x grade can think with rational mind??? of course with God power of light ...plants do survied since it was God plan in begining to create earth....
Sunlight Before the Sun by John D. Morris, Ph.D. *
According to Scripture, God "created the heaven and the earth" on Day One of Creation Week ( Genesis 1:1). Initially all was dark, until God said, "Let there be light" (v. 3). Days Two and Three saw the oceans, firmament (or atmosphere), continents, and plants formed, as the earth was being progressively prepared for man's habitation. It was on Day Four that God created the sun, moon, and stars, proclaiming, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven" (v. 14), one purpose of which was "to give light upon the earth" (v. 15). This light was directional, coming from a particular source. The earth was evidently rotating underneath it, causing alternating periods of light and dark. "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night" (v. 5).
Skeptics have long ridiculed the science of biblical creation over this point. How could there be light bathing the earth before the sun was created? Obviously the Bible must be in error. But as always, this apparent error drives us to look more closely at the relevant data, both scientific and biblical.
Actually there are many sources of light, not just the sun. There are also many types of light, not just visible light. Short-wave light includes ultraviolet light, X-rays, and others. Long-wave light includes infrared light, radio waves, etc. Light is produced by friction, by fire, by numerous chemical reactions, as well as the nuclear reactions of atomic fission and fusion, which is what we think is occurring in the sun. God had at His fingertips many options to accomplish His purposes. Light does not automatically require the sun.
Furthermore, we have important data given by the Hebrew words used in the creation account. When God created "light" in verse 3, the word used connotes the presence of light only, while the word used for "lights" on Day Four is best translated "light bearers," or permanent light sources. Their purpose was not only to give light, but to serve as timekeepers for man once he was created. According to the best stellar creation theory now available, light from stars created anywhere in the universe on Day Four would reach earth in two earth days, and would be useful to Adam on Day Six. (For more information, see Dr. Russell Humphrey's cosmology articles on www.icr.org.)
Keep in mind that the Creation Week was a uniquely miraculous time, and we are justified in speculating that miraculous events may have been taking place outside of today's natural laws. Especially when we realize that "God is light" (1 John 1:5) Himself, thus no outside natural source is necessarily mandated.
For semi-creationists who claim that the "days" of Genesis 1 must have been long periods of time, a more serious problem arises. Genesis plainly teaches that plants appeared on Day Three, and the sun on Day Four. But plants need sunlight for photosynthesis and cannot wait in darkness for millions of years. If the days were long epochs, as demanded by critics of a literal Creation Week, plants could not survive.
How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed.
* Dr. Morris is President of the Institute for Creation Research.
Last edited by Truth.8 on 21-11-2013 07:03 PM
Truth.8 posted on 21-11-2013 07:02 PM 
Even how many times i explained, you muslims will still be igornace and stupid...sometimes i wonder whether islam made muslims think stupid compare me beings srp with x grade can think with rational mind??? of course with God power of light ...plants do survied since it was God plan in begining to create earth....
Sunlight Before the Sun by John D. Morris, Ph.D. *
According to Scripture, God "created the heaven and the earth" on Day One of Creation Week ( Genesis 1:1). Initially all was dark, until God said, "Let there be light" (v. 3). Days Two and Three saw the oceans, firmament (or atmosphere), continents, and plants formed, as the earth was being progressively prepared for man's habitation. It was on Day Four that God created the sun, moon, and stars, proclaiming, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven" (v. 14), one purpose of which was "to give light upon the earth" (v. 15). This light was directional, coming from a particular source. The earth was evidently rotating underneath it, causing alternating periods of light and dark. "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night" (v. 5).
Skeptics have long ridiculed the science of biblical creation over this point. How could there be light bathing the earth before the sun was created? Obviously the Bible must be in error. But as always, this apparent error drives us to look more closely at the relevant data, both scientific and biblical.
Actually there are many sources of light, not just the sun. There are also many types of light, not just visible light. Short-wave light includes ultraviolet light, X-rays, and others. Long-wave light includes infrared light, radio waves, etc. Light is produced by friction, by fire, by numerous chemical reactions, as well as the nuclear reactions of atomic fission and fusion, which is what we think is occurring in the sun. God had at His fingertips many options to accomplish His purposes. Light does not automatically require the sun.
Furthermore, we have important data given by the Hebrew words used in the creation account. When God created "light" in verse 3, the word used connotes the presence of light only, while the word used for "lights" on Day Four is best translated "light bearers," or permanent light sources. Their purpose was not only to give light, but to serve as timekeepers for man once he was created. According to the best stellar creation theory now available, light from stars created anywhere in the universe on Day Four would reach earth in two earth days, and would be useful to Adam on Day Six. (For more information, see Dr. Russell Humphrey's cosmology articles on www.icr.org.)
Keep in mind that the Creation Week was a uniquely miraculous time, and we are justified in speculating that miraculous events may have been taking place outside of today's natural laws. Especially when we realize that "God is light" (1 John 1:5) Himself, thus no outside natural source is necessarily mandated.
For semi-creationists who claim that the "days" of Genesis 1 must have been long periods of time, a more serious problem arises. Genesis plainly teaches that plants appeared on Day Three, and the sun on Day Four. But plants need sunlight for photosynthesis and cannot wait in darkness for millions of years. If the days were long epochs, as demanded by critics of a literal Creation Week, plants could not survive.
How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed.
This is about the worst answer I have seen. How do you know of the condition of the so called light before the sun? The argument of
Light is produced by friction, by fire, by numerous chemical reactions, as well as the nuclear reactions of atomic fission and fusion, which is what we think is occurring in the sun. God had at His fingertips many options to accomplish His purposes. Light does not automatically require the sun.
is the typical brain fried Christian fundie standard answer. In a gist - my biblical God is mighty ... can do anything. Yeah sure , but don't know basic science. The light can be from stars that takes thousands of light years to arrive. By the time , vegetation sudah mati liao!
In the end , the article admitted to the following :
we are justified in speculating that miraculous events may have been taking place outside of today's natural laws
Its all speculation .... nothing more. No wonder you have difficulty in understanding , you don't even have a grade in SRP
The whole point here is that your bible has a scientific error that vegetation is created first than the sun. Maybe you should pray to your bibllical God asking it to go back to primary school. Ha ha ....
You still have not answered me. So which one rested? The 'father' or the 'son' or the 'holy spirit'? You are the one who brought up this issue in the said post. Now you are running away from it?
Last edited by sam1528 on 21-11-2013 07:19 PM
sam1528 posted on 21-11-2013 07:18 PM 
This is about the worst answer I have seen. How do you know of the condition of the so called ligh ...
The Bible so prefect that it also explained about dinosaurs. The name mentioned in Bible: Name and date first written in the Bible | Scientific Name (best estimate) and date the name appeared | tanniyn (dragon) | before 1400 BC | dinosaur | 1841 AD | behemoth | before 1400 BC | brachiosaurus | 1903 AD | Leviathan | before 1400 BC | kronosaurus | 1901 AD
1. Besides , it also explained how GOD create light via HIS source and energy. Since the earth was dark, GOD by HIS power showing a meaning for us to think that by HIS power the living things such as plants alive via HIS light (1 John 1:5) no need any source . Than creations beings with others sun and etc…
2. GOD create all good in beginning that include Angles…nothing was evil or bad. It was Lucifer choice to rebelled against God,it was cast out. It was lucifer and his gangs to choose that way.
3. God is spirit. The Holy Spirit is the very nature, presence and expression of God's power actively working in His servants. ". . .'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD of hosts"(Zechariah 4:6). Thru HIS spirit and Yesus all living thingswas created. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth " (Gen. 1:1, New International
Version). Most people assume there was one Great Being who planned and did the creating. But the word "God" in Hebrew is Elohim, it means Mighty Ones. There was more than one Creator !
Gen. 1:26 says : "Let US make man in OUR image, in OUR likeness. . . .(NIV). Some people think God was
talking to the angels, if this was so, the angels were co-creators of man and man was made in the image of angels. But this is not what the Bible teaches.
Plural pronouns are used three times in the verse, this
proves that must have been more than One Member in the
Elohim Creating Team. Since man was made like Elohim,
Elohim Members have human-like faces and shapes !
So, how many God-persons were there creating the
universe and the earth ?
The Bible always explains itself.
The first verse of the Gospel of John tells us : "In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God" {NIV). This verse is so wonderful and
powerful yet so simple ; before the creation there existed a
Being called the Word, He existed side by side with another
Being who was simply called God and this same Word was
in the same status as God, He was God as God was God !
Hence, God , Jesus and Angles all explained in a simple texts as above but one question that ponder me till today: Why allah all knowing create jinn good and bad??? How the earth made in beginning . Does sun create first? This what muslims need to ponder if they getting such source /info from reliable or it was written by hand or vice verses…
Conclusion: The Bible is best Book if one were to read with open heart. Praise the Lord , Amen
Last edited by Truth.8 on 21-11-2013 08:02 PM
Truth.8 posted on 21-11-2013 03:47 PM 
same like jinn which muslims claimed that some jinn are good and bad....than why ur allah create b ...
nope. not the same. The jinn, in Islamic point of view, have nafs, or nafsu. That's why they can and have to make choices.
Are you telling us that the angels, according to Christianity, have nafsu?
and I asked 3 question BASED ON YOUR OWN STATEMENT AND THAT VIDEO OF YOURS. Let me quote it again, in case you missed (or sengaja lari) :
video tu cakap
1. Malaikat SEMUA LELAKI -- ini sudah di jawab. Thank you for the answer. harap kau tak pusing2 dgn jawapan kepada soalan ini.
3. Anak2 ini adalah 'imighty men' or 'men of reknowned'. - BELUM TERJAWAB OLEH TRUTH.8
Nah, video tu sendiri cakap mende ni. Macam mana malaikat boleh datang ke perempuan dari golongan manusia kemudian tiba2 ada anak pulak? Video tu salah ke, macam mana? (rujuk minit ke 2:30 onwards kat dalam video yang Truth.8 on post #61)
btw, dalam video tu kata, Lucifer turned away from God because of HIS PRIDE. He have REBELLION IN HIS HEART.
Jangan lari @ tukar topic pulak, OK Truth.8? Jawab yang atas tu dulu, sebab itu semua dARI VIDEO YANG KAU SURUH AKU TENGOK + DARI STATEMENT KAU SENDIRI..
Pride tu datang dari mana? Adakah malaikat boleh ada pride? What about the current angels? Can the current angels have pride? Can there be another 'Lucifer' up in the heaven? IF yes, why? If NO, why?
gunblade712 posted on 21-11-2013 08:29 PM 
nope. not the same. The jinn, in Islamic point of view, have nafs, or nafsu. That's why the ...
itu pandangan indidivu youtube..... Kita berpandu pada Bible ...dlm youtube saya percaya isu pasal malaikat ini di campak ke bumi...hope that explained.
hakikatnya lucifer awal malaikat tapi rebelled against GOD
tapi saya masih tidak faham kenapa allah cipta jinn baik dan jahat the allah all knowing....sebab dlm Bible semua elok aja tidak ada jahat di cipta...
boleh kamu terangkan atau kamu sendiri keliru tentang ciptaan allah??
saya menunggu dgn penuh hormat
Truth.8 posted on 21-11-2013 07:50 PM 
The Bible so prefect that it also explained about dinosaurs. The name mentioned in Bible: Name and date first written in the Bible | Scientific Name (best estimate) and date the name appeared | tanniyn (dragon) | before 1400 BC | dinosaur | 1841 AD | behemoth | before 1400 BC | brachiosaurus | 1903 AD | Leviathan | before 1400 BC | kronosaurus | 1901 AD
1. Besides , it also explained how GOD create light via HIS source and energy. Since the earth was dark, GOD by HIS power showing a meaning for us to think that by HIS power the living things such as plants alive via HIS light (1 John 1:5) no need any source . Than creations beings with others sun and etc…
2. GOD create all good in beginning that include Angles…nothing was evil or bad. It was Lucifer choice to rebelled against God,it was cast out. It was lucifer and his gangs to choose that way.
3. God is spirit. The Holy Spirit is the very nature, presence and expression of God's power actively working in His servants. ". . .'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD of hosts"(Zechariah 4:6). Thru HIS spirit and Yesus all living thingswas created. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth " (Gen. 1:1, New International
Version). Most people assume there was one Great Being who planned and did the creating. But the word "God" in Hebrew is Elohim, it means Mighty Ones. There was more than one Creator !
Gen. 1:26 says : "Let US make man in OUR image, in OUR likeness. . . .(NIV). Some people think God was
talking to the angels, if this was so, the angels were co-creators of man and man was made in the image of angels. But this is not what the Bible teaches.
Plural pronouns are used three times in the verse, this
proves that must have been more than One Member in the
Elohim Creating Team. Since man was made like Elohim,
Elohim Members have human-like faces and shapes !
So, how many God-persons were there creating the
universe and the earth ?
The Bible always explains itself.
The first verse of the Gospel of John tells us : "In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God" {NIV). This verse is so wonderful and
powerful yet so simple ; before the creation there existed a
Being called the Word, He existed side by side with another
Being who was simply called God and this same Word was
in the same status as God, He was God as God was God !
Hence, God , Jesus and Angles all explained in a simple texts as above but one question that ponder me till today: Why allah all knowing create jinn good and bad??? How the earth made in beginning . Does sun create first? This what muslims need to ponder if they getting such source /info from reliable or it was written by hand or vice verses…
Conclusion: The Bible is best Book if one were to read with open heart. Praise the Lord , Amen
See folks how 'truth.8' runs away from his own argument. The 2 contention that he cannot answer
- the bible has serious scientific contradiction , vegetation created first then sun
- who rested on the 7th day? The 'father' or the 'Son' or the 'Holy Spirit'?
Now 'truth.8' is diverting the issue to the so called perfectness of the bible. Podah lah tambi. How angels were created cannot even be answered.
The bible explained about dinosaurs meaning its perfect? The word dinosaurs came about only in the last 2 - 3 centuries. In fact prior to that they are just known being creatures. Quran describes it being creatures. Hmmm , the Quran is perfect then. Yes?
1. Let there be light in gen1 if looked as a whole can be many things. The Big Bang can be 'the light' from an explosion. However matter was only created after such event. Therefore you don't really know what the so called 'the light' is all about. You are just speculating left and right.
2. You still have not explained how angels can have desire or 'nafs'. That means rebellion of angels is just an accident waiting to happen as we will never know , anytime another set of angels will rebel against God. Aiyoo , the biblical God cannot control its own creation?
3. Ooh I see , God is spirit? That means biblical Jesus is not God after all. He was a living , breathing , eating and a toilet going man.
4. Ha ha , this is an argument of a 'lurus bendul' or a naive simpleton. Just because the verse stated 'us' it means the triune God? The original language of the OT is Hebrew and there is a grammatical rule called Majestic Plural :
- The Stone’s Edition of the Chumash
Targum Yonasan paraphrases: “And God said to the ministering angels who had been created on the second day of Creation of the world,’Let us make Man.’
When Moses wrote the Torah and came to this verse (let us make), which is in the plural and implies that there is more than one Creator, he said: “Sovereign of the Universe! Why do you thus furnish a pretext for heretics to maintain that there is a plurality of divinities?” “Write!” God replied. “Whoever wishes to err will err … Instead, let them learn from their Creator Who created all, yet when He came to create Man He took counsel with the ministering angels”(Midrash).”
Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Rabbi Meir Ziotowitz. The Chumash, The Stone Edition, Artscoll Series(2007). Brooklyn, New York: Mesorah Publications, Ltd. p. 8
- Rabbi Samuel Ben Mier’s Commentary on Genesis
“1.26 Yayyo’mer GOD SAID, to His angels, “LET US MAKE MAN” : So one also finds [God consulting his angels] in the story of Micaiah, the son of Imlah, in Kings(1,22.19-22) and in Isaiah(6.8), “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” and in Job(e.g. 1.6-12).”
Martin I. Lockshin. Rabbi Samuel Ben Meir’s Commentary on Genesis(1989). United Kingdom: The Eldwin Mellen Press, Ltd. p. 51
- the scholar Nehemia Gordon
From Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar § 75 l, and from Owens’ Analytical Key to the Old Testament, with James D. Martin’s Davidson’s Introductory Hebrew Grammar page 76, it may be seen that the Genesis 1:26 verbal phrase, “Let us make” is, in both Hebrew and English, the Cohortative or Voluntative mood. This mood appears not understood by commentators to Genesis 1:26; and readers unfamiliar with the grammatical concept of the Cohortative Mood, are referred to the explanation given at the end of this paper. (Could this be due to preconceived notions in the minds of both the translators commentators, and the affected readers?)
Suffice to say that the Cohortative mood is a verbal mood for expressing a command from the 1st person (the speaker) to the 1st person singular or plural. It is a mood related to the Imperative mood, which is the more common command mood for expressing commands from the 1st person to the 2nd person singular or plural – as in Sit down!, or Present arms!.
In the Cohortative mood found in Genesis 1:26, the singular speaker, God, addresses Himself jointly with those present at the time. Therefore in Genesis 1:26 God, and those present with Him, jointly make up the plurality expressed by the pronoun ‘us’ in, “Let us make”.
In particular the plurality of ‘us’ may not be taken to infer plurality to the speaker God, or even to those God spoke to.
It has now been shown in different ways that linguistically there is no justification for inferring from “And God said, Let us make…”, that the plurality of ‘us’ extends back to God. Rather the Cohortative mood demands that God, as the speaker issuing a command, is singular! This is also attested to by the singular Hebrew verb for ‘said’ (And God said) and the singular pronouns and singular verbs in subsequent verses, which refer back to God of Genesis 1:26.
This should help clarify past confusion resulting from ungrammatical and unbiblical claims that the Hebrew ‘Elohim’ (Strong #430 God) of Genesis 1:26 is a uniplural or is a collective noun or in some other way points to there existing or not existing more than one God Person. In truth nothing may be concluded from Genesis 1:26 regarding the number of God Persons!
Trinitrian fundies like you will not think twice about mangling the language to suit your needs. This is typical of trinitarian fundies , they do not read the bible but read into the bible.
The following is an admission of biblical Jesus , joh8:40 (NIV Bible)
... a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God...
What did biblical Jesus state? He was
- a man
- who heard from God
How did he become God?
sam1528 posted on 21-11-2013 10:05 PM 
See folks how 'truth.8' runs away from his own argument. The 2 contention that he cannot answer
... Trinitrian fundies like you will not think twice about mangling the language to suit your needs. This is typical of trinitarian fundies , they do not read the bible but read into the bible.
hahhahah clearly you never read my thread ...since when i m trinitrian???
not only you dumb also stupid but trying show clear....
thanks for showing us ur stupidlity
Truth.8 posted on 21-11-2013 10:37 PM 
hahhahah clearly you never read my thread ...since when i m trinitrian???
not only you dumb also stupid but trying show clear....
thanks for showing us ur stupidlity
Then it is even worse. You are a heretic to all the trinitarian christians here. Biblically you can be killed for apostasy.
Which one is not God for you? The 'father' or the 'son' or the 'holy spirit'?
I got you again. For calling me stupid , I've just book a first class ticket for you to hell per mat5:22 (NIV)
And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell The only way you can avoid it is by apologizing to me , I really love this.
You still have not answered my questions :
- the bible has serious scientific contradiction , vegetation created first then sun
- who rested on the 7th day? The 'father' or the 'Son' or the 'Holy Spirit'?
Run guy ... run ... , its funny to see a 40++ adult run from his own argument. This shows lack in intelligence in you and of course balls
Last edited by sam1528 on 21-11-2013 11:06 PM
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