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Author: Truth.8

Muslims have no idea why Jesus was born.......

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Post time 24-4-2013 10:09 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 24-4-2013 09:55 PM
Hey pseudodyslexic pathological liar lecherous doggy, no need to further expose your stinky necrotic VD infected birdy anymore, nobody will believe you except the equally retarded muslim brethrens of yours....

Why you worship Allah when he is obviously a satan according to Bible ??? since only satan associated with death !

Why you adore satan agent Muhammad when his behaviour truly reflecting this ???

It is confirmed now hardcore muslim like you are worshipper of Satan in the guise of Allah !

Ha ha , you are pathetic. You have been exposed being a liar , a pathological liar and now you run to another topic. Ha ha , now Allah is Satan in the bible.

By all accounts , Paul actually met Satan which masqueraded being a bright light or angel of light (acts9:1-7 & 2cor11:14). It is a well known fact that Paul distorted the teaching of biblical Jesus. Therefore Pauline Christians like you are the followers of Satan per your own bible.

I mean ... hey ... joh17:3 has provided the biblical definition of 'eternal life' it being the true Christian syahadah or testification of faith. Pauline Christians like you don't even follow it , let alone consider it. Ha ha ....

If you read carefully Paul's testimony about him seeing the so called apparation of biblical Jesus , you will notice that he provided 3 versions of the so called vision. In other words he was lying. You swallowed it , hook - line and sinker .... poor you , ha ha  


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Post time 24-4-2013 10:33 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 24-4-2013 10:09 PM
Ha ha , you are pathetic. You have been exposed being a liar , a pathological liar and now you run ...

Ooooi, beside retarded you also have very limited command of vocab, don't you ???

Pathological liar was started by me and this honourary title only for you, no one but YOU. You should thank me on this for my generosity....

Poor old lecherous ustazy, if you don't know Bible, please don't further exposing your stinky necrotic VD birdy here....the smell is really unpleasant.....

Jesus was tempted by Satan, does it made Jesus's teaching satanic......??????

It is crystal clear now Bible and Quran cannot co-exist ! Biblical God is true loving God who created life and loathed death, it is never in His plan that humankind should perish BUT in Quran, Allah created death and acording to Bible, only Satan associated with sin and death !

So, according to Bible, Allah is Lucifer aka Satan who brought death to this world BUT fear not, those who believe in Jesus Christ will have everlasting life because Jesus had conquered death(Satan) !

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Post time 24-4-2013 11:02 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 24-4-2013 03:51 PM
thats what the  quran says....than dont come around  and attacked the  Bible is corrupt...because  ...

I have few copies of the Bible at home and I read it with an open heart. Meet me face to face before you judge me. Didn't the Bible teaches you to be kind to people and know a person before judging him/her?

If what we understood about the Bible was wrong, then please explain to us. The problem with YOU, personally, is that you failed to even explain your own words, let alone the words of the Bible. When you failed, you felt frustrated, hence you starts to attack the Quran, while ignoring the fact that you're suppose to explain the Bible, not attacking the Quran.

Whatever it is, we, the Muslims, are crystal clear about our faith. Your allegations that we are "clueless" and "cannot answer" are SLANDER that you threw at us. We have explained, and we have shown to you that we can and have answered your allegations. Are you MAN ENOUGH to apologize for slandering us?

Let's see if you're as "Christian" as you claim you are.

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Post time 24-4-2013 11:07 PM | Show all posts
nightlord posted on 24-4-2013 04:14 PM
I must agree with Truth8 as the birth name of the messiah is to mean "God is with us" or emmanuel  a ...

1. You are right about "stating Jesus is a mere messenger" is an understatement. He was one of the Ulul-Azmi. However, he does not cross the to line to divination. That is Islam's POV.

2. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w had the Night Journey; he s.a.w went up to Arsy (loosely translated as the Throne of Allah), was given the solat, and came back to Earth, all in one night. So stating that 'ascension to the Heavens' was not given to Muhammad s.a.w. is not true.


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Post time 24-4-2013 11:08 PM | Show all posts
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 24-4-2013 09:13 PM
ko xyah citer panjang la..nabi Isa turun ke bumi nanti,ko tunjuk la bible bahasa omputih ko tu kat ...

LOL. Masa baginda turun, aku nak tengok Truth.8 panggil baginda "Jesus".

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Post time 24-4-2013 11:10 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 24-4-2013 09:42 PM
saya tak pernah dengar injil atau isa...siapa orang nya

tell that to your Arabic Christians; they sometimes refer to the Gospels as "Injil"; and the Arabic word used when referring to Jesus, in the Arabic Bible, is "Isa".

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Post time 24-4-2013 11:34 PM | Show all posts
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 24-4-2013 09:07 PM
post la kalau berani.......aku xnak "merujuk"....aku nak "isytihar".Nabi Isa isytihar kata dia ni  ...

Tak perlu main dengan bahasa disini, apa yang saya nak kamu rujuk disini adalah isytihar Isa dalam Injil.

Rujuk jawapan saya kepada gunblade.....  

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Post time 24-4-2013 11:40 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 24-4-2013 11:34 PM
Tak perlu main dengan bahasa disini, apa yang saya nak kamu rujuk disini adalah isytihar Isa dalam ...

jawapan yang mana? Better bagi posting #, senang nak cari.

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Post time 25-4-2013 11:28 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 24-4-2013 10:33 PM
Ooooi, beside retarded you also have very limited command of vocab, don't you ???

Pathological liar was started by me and this honourary title only for you, no one but YOU. You should thank me on this for my generosity....

Poor old lecherous ustazy, if you don't know Bible, please don't further exposing your stinky necrotic VD birdy here....the smell is really unpleasant.....

Jesus was tempted by Satan, does it made Jesus's teaching satanic......??????

It is crystal clear now Bible and Quran cannot co-exist ! Biblical God is true loving God who created life and loathed death, it is never in His plan that humankind should perish BUT in Quran, Allah created death and acording to Bible, only Satan associated with sin and death !

So, according to Bible, Allah is Lucifer aka Satan who brought death to this world BUT fear not, those who believe in Jesus Christ will have everlasting life because Jesus had conquered death(Satan) !

Ha ha , is the word 'pathological liar' patented by you? This shows that you are actually angry with yourself that you are not in a position to refute me in me pointing out the issues of biblical Jesus not being God from your bible. You are taking out your anger on me. Wooohooo , you are the angriest person in this world but you don't even know what you are angry about. You have vacumn instead of brains of what? Ha ha

You are so slow in your thought process. All the while we muslims are saying that you ciplak or Pauline Christians have distorted the message of biblical Jesus. I have provided a number of references of Christian scholars who admitted to such in my previous posts. Biblical Jesus admitted that he had a God and he was just a messenger or person sent by God.

Suddenly you come out and argue that Satan created death. What lah you , even your bible does not state of such. For sure the Quran cannot co exist with the bible. The Quran is 'muhaymin' or a controller to the bible correcting or confirming what is wrong in the bible , Quran 5:48. Created death and associated with death are 2 different issues. Aiyaaaa , this one also don't know aaaaah? Suddenly you conflate 'create' and 'associate' and come up with a less than average intelligent argument.

Lucifer? The word lucifer is an age old polemic between Jerome and Bishop Lucifer. Jerome hated the guts of Bishop Lucifer that he inserted the word 'Lucifer' in the vulgate to mean Satan. Bishop Lucifer refused to condemn Athanasius. Jerome initially wrote 'the Dialogue' against Lucifer and his followers. What lah you , the poor Bishop Lucifer was a Christian and you now call him the devil just because of a jab by Jerome in his translation of the Vulgate. Ha ha ..... you are so ignorant.


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Post time 25-4-2013 12:01 PM | Show all posts
I am well Truth8. Have taken some time off this religious parrying to do some soul searching of my own.

Honestly, I struggle with the concept of the divinity of Christ, yet I sense so much truth in what he had said in his short ministry on earth. And honestly I think he also struggles with it himself. His times of self doubt, and his confidant " before Abraham, I AM" - a clear statement to his claim to divinity.

I think the muslims are wrong to say that the Injil has been corrupted, as the Quran says what Allah has sent down (the books), no man can corrupt it as it is the word of God the Almighty, only Allah himself can abrogate his previous laws. So if that is true, than since there exist no clear sura that details which part of the books are corrupted than it is safe to say the books of the Jews and Christians are intact.

Which means Christ's claim to his divinity is valid.

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Post time 25-4-2013 12:26 PM | Show all posts
I revere Yeshua for his depth of understanding of the human condition.

Dont we all just - every day of our lives- hunger, lust, crave control and power, fear, etc.

But we forget that all of us were created for a specific purpose, to seek what we cannot see, to find what is not physical.

For us God fearing creatures, we know there is an after life and we know our after life is dependant on our actions in this life

Yet how many of us truly walk thru life the way God has intended. How many of us have chased and greed for wealth that we see around us. How many of you have bothered abt the wellbeing of your neighbour beside you.

That is exactly why Christianity attracts me.

Because it sees me not only as an individual but an individual who has a family in mankind, and as Genesis says Adam (and all of us) are given the task of taking care of the entire world and all living things in it.

And for those who wish to wage war on his brother, i feel only sadness for him as he has lost his sense of purpose and his humanity.

For that, I call myself a Christian. A title given by others  to mean a follower of Yeshua the messiah. And like Thomas his apostle i question his divinity, yet I follow a man who knows the way to God.

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 Author| Post time 25-4-2013 03:18 PM | Show all posts
nightlord posted on 25-4-2013 12:01 PM
I am well Truth8. Have taken some time off this religious parrying to do some soul searching of my o ...

Honestly, I struggle with the concept of the divinity of Christ, yet I sense so much truth in what he had said in his short ministry on earth. And honestly I think he also struggles with it himself. His times of self doubt, and his confidant " before Abraham, I AM" - a clear statement to his claim to divinity.

I never doubt Yesuah beings divine...base on history fact according to Bible.

I think the muslims are wrong to say that the Injil has been corrupted, as the Quran says what Allah has sent down (the books), no man can corrupt it as it is the word of God the Almighty, only Allah himself can abrogate his previous laws. So if that is true, than since there exist no clear sura that details which part of the books are corrupted than it is safe to say the books of the Jews and Christians are intact.
Islamim teachings build very shaky foundation. hence they need to depen on hadith. thats why I feel   islam is not  true calling from God
the only things I give credit to Muhammad is that, he did bring some positive changes to pagan arabs...and those practise still observed by muslims..which is good....other than that....I do not view islam is true faith...

Which means Christ's claim to his divinity is valid.
Yes, 100% confirmed Christ divine....besides the miracle, humble life, asking peoples to forgive others, satan knew him that Jesus  son of God etc.....all this proof Jesus        divinity....


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Post time 25-4-2013 04:57 PM | Show all posts
#103 remains unanswered. I guess you're not as "Christian" as you claim you are.

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 Author| Post time 25-4-2013 06:11 PM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 24-4-2013 11:02 PM
I have few copies of the Bible at home and I read it with an open heart. Meet me face to face befo ...
I have few copies of the Bible at home and I read it with an open heart. Meet me face to face before you judge me. Didn't the Bible teaches you to be kind to people and know a person before judging him/her?

If what we understood about the Bible was wrong, then please explain to us. The problem with YOU, personally, is that you failed to even explain your own words, let alone the words of the Bible. When you failed, you felt frustrated, hence you starts to attack the Quran, while ignoring the fact that you're suppose to explain the Bible, not attacking the Quran.

Whatever it is, we, the Muslims, are crystal clear about our faith. Your allegations that we are "clueless" and "cannot answer" are SLANDER that you threw at us. We have explained, and we have shown to you that we can and have answered your allegations. Are you MAN ENOUGH to apologize for slandering us?

Let's see if you're as "Christian" as you claim you are.
there is no such things by slander or whatever....not necessary to apologize as the Bible and many ex muslims admit Jesus Deity

one example the followings:


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Post time 25-4-2013 11:58 PM | Show all posts
Gunblade, having a few copies of the bible in no way does it make you a scholar.

To understand another faith, you must first "walk in his shoes". To live his faith.

So too do i understand the muslim who says Islam is a religion of peace as well as the suicide bomber who says his actions are in accordance to his jihadist theory.

But what Truth8 underscores in this thread is that muslims just refused to accept what Christians tell them abt the purpose of Jesus's birth, life and death. And due to the lack of details abt Jesus in the Quran, muslims prefer to leave out the gaps( esp abt his ministry).

So unless a muslim understands or walks in the footsteps of a jew, a christian and as a muslim in relation of the whole history of the region, he cannot truly say that he has  expended all avenues to understand God's message to mankind.


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Post time 26-4-2013 09:36 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 25-4-2013 11:28 AM
Ha ha , is the word 'pathological liar' patented by you? This shows that you are actually angry wi ...

This lechrous ustazy beside having limited command of English vocab, he also has a poor sense of humour just like any other muslims. Who's getting angry here ??? Your reply just nakedly expose your inner hatred and frustration....

I just started to have fun here reading the retarded reply of muslims, couldn't thank you all enough for cheering me up in the morning......

The Quran is 'muhaymin' or a controller to the bible correcting or confirming what is wrong in the bible....

Alright, at least the lecherous ustazy got the bull eyes here, this is like what i said a zillion time before and even vehemently demonstrated by you here in this forum....valiant Luciferish effort but too bad your audiences are only the equally retarded muslims as you.

Speaking of Lucifer, save your doggy effort to describe the origin.... it is now commonly accepted synonym to Satan just like Lecherous Ustazy is synonymous with sam1528....

Why your Allah is the same Satan as described in Bible who created death ???


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Post time 26-4-2013 12:46 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 26-4-2013 09:36 AM
This lechrous ustazy beside having limited command of English vocab, he also has a poor sense of humour just like any other muslims. Who's getting angry here ??? Your reply just nakedly expose your inner hatred and frustration....

I just started to have fun here reading the retarded reply of muslims, couldn't thank you all enough for cheering me up in the morning......

The Quran is 'muhaymin' or a controller to the bible correcting or confirming what is wrong in the bible....

Alright, at least the lecherous ustazy got the bull eyes here, this is like what i said a zillion time before and even vehemently demonstrated by you here in this forum....valiant Luciferish effort but too bad your audiences are only the equally retarded muslims as you.

Speaking of Lucifer, save your doggy effort to describe the origin.... it is now commonly accepted synonym to Satan just like Lecherous Ustazy is synonymous with sam1528....

Why your Allah is the same Satan as described in Bible who created death ???

Ha ha , you are sprouting gibberish. Ha ha , why are you so angry and frustrated? You cannot refute any of my arguments? What to do , the said arguments have the backing of christian scholars and the bible. You have nothing but just farting thru your mouth.

Even a simple argument , you are in knots
- the Father is fully God
- the Son is fully God
- the Holy Spirit is fully God
1 fully God or 3 fully Gods? 1 cannot be 3 and vise versa. Ha ha , no more H2O type of argument?

Now you accuse Bishop Lucifer to be satan? You have poor grasp of the church history. That poor bishop.

Of course the Quran is a controller to the bible (and torah). It is well known fact that the bible / torah have been corrupted. Therefore whatever are in agreement with the Quran is the truth. You don't know that your bible is corrupted? Gee whizz , have you been living in a cave all the while? Ha ha

Satan created death in bible?

For the living know that they will die , but the dead know nothing

and the dust returns to the ground it came from , and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment

According to the bible , who creates death , Satan or the biblical God? Ha ha , you sure you are well versed of your own bible? Ha ha , it appears that to you Satan is equivalent to God. Where is your logic? Satan is a creation of Allah. How can a creation of Allah create death?

Ha ha , at times I pity you. You must be so desperate. Satan created death? Ha ha

Last edited by sam1528 on 26-4-2013 12:49 PM


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Post time 26-4-2013 02:39 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 25-4-2013 06:11 PM
there is no such things by slander or whatever....not necessary to apologize as the Bible and many ...

It's a slander. tak perlu nak bagi video youtube bagai.

This thread's topic says that "Muslims have no idea why Jesus was born......."

However, my friends and I have showed you that MUSLIMS DOES KNOW WHY JESUS WAS BORN.

Hence, this thread's topic itself is a SLANDER unto Muslims. We have proved to you that we know why Jesus was born. Are you gonna apologize to us for this thread's title, or are you gonna cover your slander with another video?

Let's see how Christian you are.

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Post time 26-4-2013 02:46 PM | Show all posts
nightlord posted on 25-4-2013 11:58 PM
Gunblade, having a few copies of the bible in no way does it make you a scholar.

To understand an ...

Hi bro,

I've never claimed that I am a scholar. I told Truth8 about the copies of the Bibles I have just to tell him, that I've read the Bible with an open heart. I have walked on the path of a Christian. Back in my younger days I used to search for religion, and I have 'kept Islam as an option'. I was born in to a Muslim family, though. It's just that I did not obtained the answers to my questions. None of my Muslim friends were able to answer it.

I choose Christianty, studied it (not as extensively as the scholars, but you get the idea) and still, I feel that there's something that's missing. My questions back in those days remains unanswered.

I went back to Islam, this time I did not repeat the same mistake; the Christians have taught me that in order to understand Christianity, I must ask those who studied and understand Christianity. I apply the same concept unto Islam; I gather my guts and asked the nearest ustaz. Alhamdulillah, my questions was answered in due time.

We did not refuse everything; we accept that Jesus Christ exists. We accept his birth's miracle, his missions, his 12 companions, his prayers, his miracles, and of course, his ascension to the Heavens. The only big thing that we do not accept, is that he is divine, and he died on the cross. Discussing about this doesn't hurt us; we merely convey the message. I believe that a good Christian like you also have the attitude of conveying the message of Christianity without actually hurting the ones receiving the message.

I believe that Christianity doesn't allow it's followers to slander and to attack other religion, correct?

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Post time 26-4-2013 03:41 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 26-4-2013 12:46 PM
Ha ha , you are sprouting gibberish. Ha ha , why are you so angry and frustrated? You cannot refut ...

Hey my lecherous toothless doggy ustazy, don't pull out that charlatanic Bible Scholar wannabe trick anymore lah, it doesn't work on me or any other Chrristians, ok ?

Again, i have no problem you continuosly quoting the Bible verses to your fellow gullible brethrens .....because they are your only audiences, whom are f course as equally retarded as you.


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