hoho...klu spending defisit tu maknanya something wrong dgn country management....maknanya country b ...
koken_7 Post at 21-10-2010 22:18 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
bab2 cukai dikenakan pada rakyat nie aku sensitip sket..income tax aku jer dulu kena deduct 32K dr bonus...![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif)
tak tau lah pelaksanaan GST nnti dpt menyeimbangkan budget spending ke tak... |
penangguhan GST adalah kebodohan terlampau.
GST consumption oriented, makanya GSt akan mencakupi berpoloh ribu marhaein malaysia yg selama nih lari cukai. Golongan ini terdiri dari:
-along / pengedar dadah + sewaktu dgnnya,
-tukang makan rasuah
-tukang lari cukai. |
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national debt vs gdp... dimana letaknya Malaysia..
mana arahtuju kita..
shud we be conservative.. slow down, tunggu dan lihat
patut kah kita leverage habis2 macam most negara2 maju..
sampai terbabas terjunam tergolek dog.....
atau kita duk tengah2.. laju tak.. pelan pun tak...
bersedia untuk sebarang kemungkinan......
i believe that is where we are rite now...
kat gear 2 laa kira..
slow sangat nanti enjin stalled puas nak jump start.. lagi susah..
lagi satu.. we have to build confident in the international market
kena tunjukkan kepercayaan kpd keupayaan ekonomi negara kita sendiri
tak takut walaupun bajet defisit..... we know we are gud for it......
baru lah foreign investor pun akan datang untuk participate sama...
cuba bayangkan kalau satu negara tu announce dorang takut tak cukup duit
semua projek put on hold.. kurangkan perbelanjaan.. tanak beli apa2..
suruh rakyat jimat cermat.. jangan belanja.. ada duit suruh simpan jer..
apa agaknya akan jadi kat negara tu?.....
pastinya sumer jenis bisness akan tutup...
takde development project... sumer kilang pun tutup..
no foreign investment.. (orang negeri sendiri pun tak confident apalagi orang luar)..
akhirnya yg tinggal kerja kerajaan jer laa...
ataupun tanam sayur makan sendiri..
macam company jugak.. kalau pakai duit sendiri rate of growth tu slower..
dengan leveraging, u can used OPM to finance your growth at a faster rate..
so far strategy Malaysia banyak yg menjadi
diharap dimasa2 akan datang pun serupa.....
ramai orang cerdik kat Malaysia ni sebenarnya........ ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
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actually its easy, deficit= spend more that what u earn..how? dengan berhutang la..
dengan duit lebihan tu maybe gomen can create more jobs, amenities, subsidizes... |
Apakah langkah-langkah yang bagus untuk mengatasi masalah defisit? Buat pinjaman lagi ker? Gali lobang, tutup lobang? Aiyaa... ini peringkat negara nih, jangan buat main2.... sebab melibatkan ramai rakyat jelata. |
Reply 7# kasibiman
Good comment....sama cam aku pikir...we need GST...aku rasa benda ni maybe ada kena mengena dgn politik...jaga periuk nasi...sbb commentators/critics ni ramai....good move by current government even some of the actions (pada pendapat aku org kelas bawahan ni) is not really good...tp OK...ada something compare to previous PM punya management...FYI: I have no political ideologi, I'm going for the nation.. |
Reply 8# aarie
Betul...too carefull is not good...negara dlm map tu have something to offer...they are the leaders in economy...many inventions come from those countries...they're investors in other countries...market share mostly from these countries..dlm Malaysia sendiri berapa % company dr negara2 dlm map tu...I believe more than 50%...the money goes back their own country (and some to Malaysia)...except zimbabwe and argentina...at least argentina ada good football team and nice ladies...
I was in US and asked kt mana asal aku....I said Malaysia...x tau...aku ckp...do you know Thailand?..yes...Do you know singapore...yes...we're in between those countries...Maybe KLCC make us famous...good job...and current PM want to build 100 storey building which maybe the intention to make people aware of Malaysia...and this would be like a good tourism attraction...We should do more than tourism focus country if we still want to spend defisit... |
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aku pun risau gak gan defisit nie..btw utang negara skang lebih dr 300bil..takut plak jd mcm france & uk..us pon masih terkangkang2 kene penangan kejatuhan ekonomi dunia.. |
Post Last Edit by wirazam at 28-10-2010 17:18
tu lar...kalau berhutang pandai bayar takpe...kalau stail gali lubang pertama then korek lubang lain utk kambus lubang pertama..susahlar..
takut nanti apa yg diwariskan utk next generation is hutang yg berlambak2 tak terbayar.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif) |
isu2 ttg ekonomi negara spt budget defisit, quantitative easing, stimulus plan, spending cut mmg jadi tumpuan kepada speculative trader ..ketika itulah mereka mencari peluang membuat keuntungan through short selling atau buying activities...cuma yg sengsara ialah org lainlah...
Greece pernah almost bankrupt...tp trader make money dgn selling currency euro sehingga jatuh ke paras terendah before rebunce balik... |
isu2 ttg ekonomi negara spt budget defisit, quantitative easing, stimulus plan, spending cut mmg jad ...
amirul_nazri Post at 28-10-2010 20:13 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
amirul b/ground econs ke...best tak ada b/g econs nih..rasa mcm best je boleh tgk apa yg terjadi dan relate kan dgn reasons dia.. |
amirul b/ground econs ke...best tak ada b/g econs nih..rasa mcm best je boleh tgk apa yg t ...
wirazam Post at 28-10-2010 21:29 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
saya background engineering...minat bab2 ekonomi sbb lebih cepat kaya ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
kamu juga boleh relatekan data2 ekonomi dgn environment...bab seruan malaikat jibril kepada baginda rasul--->Iqraq---> practise |
Latest Update ttg global Ekonomi semasa..
Post Last Edit by amirul_nazri at 1-11-2010 12:55
Saya terpanggil utk buka thread nie sbb saya harap dpt berkongsi maklumat yg saya dapat, baca, fahami serta analyze further utk kegunaan trading job saya ... cuma pada masa yg sama...saya harap otai2 lain dpt menambahkan maklumat yg sedia ada utk di kongsi di samping menambahkan pengetahuan bersama...mana tau apa yg saya baca nie masih ada kekurangan, boleh menutup lubang yg saya tak aware atau terlepas pandang...
segala info yg saya put in di sini is open for discussion and not final..sebarg penambahan maklumat atau correction on my inputs adalah amat di hargai dan moga tuhan memurahkan rezeki atas sumbangan anda di sini...
segala input yg saya bg di sini..akan mmeberi kesan secara lansung kepada bursa saham malaysia, rate exchange MYR as they are the leading indicator of the overall market performance..boleh imbas kembali isu subprime di US kepada FBM KLCI in year 2009
Sumber2 yg saya dpt are officially dpd bloomberg business news, oanda news, fxstreet, palmoilhq.com yg sering saya rujuk utk mendalami market sentiment semasa utk panduan trading saya sepanjang masa...
WEEKLY OUTLOOK 01/11 - 05/11
1. US data for this week is highly anticipated for all traders (stock, forex and etc) due to US ekonomi outlook yg masih sluggish throughout 2010 up todate. susulan itu, FOMC (cam bank negara) has decided last 2 weeks to announte further quantitative easing2 (QE2) plan (pump more money on its asset purchase program) on 3rd November (hari rabu) yg mana this effort is mainly to bring down the stubbornly high jobless rates.
But, kalau this plan tak berkesan, it could produce the same kind of bubbles in the housing and stock markets that cause the slowdown. Also, kalau this effort fail to energize the economy, akan leaving the clear impression that US is out of bullets, thus adding even more anxiety to an already dire situation.
2. di UK, last week showed better GDP data on third quarter..in view of this, BOE will likely hold their hands to proceed with further stimulus plan as the same like QE2 in US above. Now, focus turns to product manufacturing index today wether kenaikan GDP last week have the same consistency dgn data2 ekonomi UK yg lain.
3. di Japan, BOJ has push ahead its board meeting just after FOMC meeting (item 1)..nie di lihat sbg langkah susulan dpd hasil meeting FOMC tersebut dgn main target is to keep currency yen at most competitive price. More intervention is absolutely in case rate yen against usd is higher high than now...another yen appreciation against usd is not preferred.. will hurt japan economy
4. Australia, CPI (inflation rate) drop teruk than expected...
5. This week also, board of banks-->Canda, Austr, Nz, UK akan bersidang utk menentukan monetory policy masing2 yg conclusion menjurus kepada kenaikan interest atau tidak...
kenaikan interest rate melambangkan higher inflation,the higher the inflation, ekonomi smakin berkembang maju...vice versa kalau interest turun with reason to stimulate the economi..
sekian buat masa nie...![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif) |
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Good thread, saya suggest buku Randy Charles Epping - A Beginner's Guide to the World Economy: 77 Basic Economy Concepts That Will Change the Way You See the World sebagai bahan rujukan asas dalam memudahkan perbincangan selanjutnya bagi mereka yang baru nak berjinak2 dengan dunia ekonomi.
Download kat internet ada buku ni orang scan. |
Post Last Edit by amirul_nazri at 2-11-2010 14:00
11.30am this morning, RBA (royal bank of australia) menaikkan cash rate decision sbyk 0.25% (25 mata asas) kepada 4.75% dpd 4.50%...Nilai matawang Australian dollar naik against US dollar...slightly RBNZ (Royal Bank New Zealand) akan follow later...
My previous quote---> kenaikan interest rate is to control higher inflation becoz the higher the inflation, the better the economy, the more expensive cost of living...ekonomi jd more heat yg akhirnya boleh jd bubble
vice versa kalau ekonomy poor, interest rate akan diturunkan with reason to stimulate ekonomi (ransangkan dgn cara galakkan org meminjam duit dr bank, belanja utk spur the economy) |
thank you to bro amirul sebab rajin posting, siap ada explanation, senang utk forumer2 yg lain, terus ada explanation, takyah baco buku ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Post Last Edit by amirul_nazri at 2-11-2010 14:12
thank you to bro amirul sebab rajin posting, siap ada explanation, senang utk forumer2 yg lain, teru ...
hafizuka Post at 2-11-2010 13:47 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
ekceli..tak lengkap nie bro
i need more input from rakan2 forumer yg lain ..maklumat dan apa yg i baca dan faham is more to utilize in trading futures market..tp, target saya nak berkongsi info secara general dlm konteks yg lebih luas, oleh yg demikian, tak semestinya talking abaout data ekonomi shj..dah nama thread pun global |
3rd November 2011
Concerns over Ireland on its budget and funding-->jump in debt costs + political concerns....give concerns of another international bailout like that of Greece |
"Washington -- President Barack Obama on Wednesday blamed the anemic economy for the
"shellacking" his fellow Democrats experienced in this week's midterm elections but acknowledged
his policies hadn't done enough to boost jobs.
Obama said his administration has "stabilized" the economy and spurred private-sector hiring,
"But people all across America aren't feeling that progress." That led to the "shellacking" Democrats
received at the polls on Tuesday, he said.
"I think I've got to take direct responsibility for the fact that we have not made as much progress
as we need to make," Obama said.
He added, "If right now we had 5 percent unemployment instead of 9.6 percent unemployment, then
people would have more confidence in those policy choices."
The president faced reporters a day after voters replaced at least 60 Democrats in the House of
Representatives, handing control of the chamber to the Republicans for the first time since 2006,
according to CNN projections. In the Senate, Democrats lost at least six seats but are expected to
retain control of the chamber."
--- CNN
any expectation that USD will weaken becoz of these in the next few days??...![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
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Post Last Edit by warversa at 4-11-2010 16:54
As I see it, the USD is depricating rapidly , too rapid I might say against major trading partner especially emerging economic power such as china and Japan. In April 100 usd is at rm 339 at the money changer, In july jadik 322 , hari ni pulak 310 ... dah rugi i rm 29.. vietnam pegi ujung bulan...sesilap turun lagik.......grrrrrrrrrrrr ... why is this happening ... kalau hangpa rajin baca chedet punye komen pasal nih...THE CURRENCY WAR.....kalau ada yang tanye nanti i kasi link. |
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