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Author: teky

♥Lee Hyori Comeback With New Album Monochrome 5♥

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Post time 23-5-2010 12:45 AM | Show all posts
DC 2010..............


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 Author| Post time 23-5-2010 10:37 AM | Show all posts
hyori plagiat lagu saper??

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 Author| Post time 5-6-2010 11:03 PM | Show all posts
da kene digest...........

tq mod....

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Post time 24-6-2010 11:38 AM | Show all posts
up !!! de news ak nk tepeq.... shian lahhh kt hyori ni

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Post time 24-6-2010 11:42 AM | Show all posts
teky hazabbun ~!! ak nk tepeq news pasal hyori plagiat tuuu ak simpati kt hyori ni.... shian nyer kt diva shanteqq ni

dh ler ak skrg tgh moyan FO lamer tgk die ketawa rse cm x sangka skrg die tgh prob mcm ni siannnn sgt kt die

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Post time 24-6-2010 11:44 AM | Show all posts
Hyori's message on her Fan Cafe about Plagiarism Issue

Everyone, Hello... From Hyori 100620 01:21

It looks like it's been a while since I wrote an entry here.
After the release of my 4th album, many interrogations rose,
it was frustrating for me and you must have been curious about these issues at some point .
I've been asking myself whether I should tell you all of it or not, there were things to take into consideration,
and after I figured it out, time has passed... and it took me some time to talk to you.
It must have been frustrating for you as well, I'm truly sorry about that...

When I was making the album, in the beginning, I received songs
from Bahnus. When we released it, plagiarism issues were raised,
there was something wrong.

I, too, believed everything he told me, there was no way we could know.
The company first received the songs from him, under his name, and
we didn't suspect anything. But we kept moving forward, and words risen again, suspicion,
artists saying that he wasn't the original composer of the songs, that he stole them and
claimed these were his. Finding the original producers of the songs was hard and it took some
time to make sure everything we heard was the truth. We investigated
about him and we found out that the songs were not his.
We know for sure that 2 songs out of the 6 songs that we recorded
are not his, we already contacted the original composers.
About the remaining songs, we couldn't find the original creators but the
company is still looking into it and will take care of this matter.
We will do what we have to and put that behind us, we will take moral
responsibility. I wanted to release the album soon, it took me a long time to make it
as I wanted to, and I also wanted to promote it
for a long period, until these issues are solved, I can't do that anymore.
The truth is that, for these problems to be solved, a long time is needed.
These matters take time to be put behind.
It's unfortunate but it appears that it will be impossible for me
to lead successful album activities for now.
I'm truly sorry for you who expected more from me and waited for
something else...
I've always been passionate when recording songs for my albums, although
I went through a lot and experienced headaches.
My heart aches, because I couldn't promise you something perfect, I've
been constantly blaming myself. But instead of being helpless, I feel that it is my responsibility to step up
and to take care of this. It's my responsibilty to handle anything I do well.
For putting you all through this with me, I apologize, once again to all of you.
I want to always show you the best of me.
I'll be working even harder to show you the best of me.
I will show you more, the best.

Source: Hyolee Together
Translations: Yoojin@Hyoleesubs

naper lah ader org wat cmtu kt die   siannn lh

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Post time 24-6-2010 11:46 AM | Show all posts
Mnet Media to file lawsuit against Bahnus Vacuum for Lee Hyori

There’s no doubt in the fact that Lee Hyori’s title of a singer has been severely defamed, after admitting the fact that the plagiarism accusations surrounding many of her tracks in album H-Logic are true indeed.

By posting a self-written entry on her website explaining the situation, Lee Hyori has made her personal apologies to the victims of plagiarism, and announced to quit all her activities as a singer for now. Although it seems like a right thing to do, especially after bringing much harm and damage to others, fans and netizens were disappointed nonetheless to hear such news.

However, there is a something we should all understand before starting to point fingers – Lee Hyori, nor any artists signed under Mnet Media is responsible for writing the plagiarized tracks, but a mysterious songwriter well-known as Bahnus Vacuum.

After further investigations, its been revealed that Bahnus Vacuum is actually a group of songwriters consisted of seven domestic & overseas songwriters and composers. The team centers around its leader Lee Jae Young aka Bahnus, who’s received his music degrees at Cologne University of Music in Germany and Guildhall School of Music and Drama in England. Bahnus Vacuum was first introduced to Mnet Media through the company’s employee’s close relations with one of the members of the team.

Now we know more about Bahnus Vacuum, it’s time to hear more about their unfortunate fate. Intentional or not, the group has blatantly stole others’ intellectual property as if they were their own. Not only that, Bahnus Vacuum even made up lies saying how it was those others who stole off of him, with a false story explaining how the tracks were “leaked” while they were in development. Because the group has committed plagiarism and fraud, Mnet Media has announced that they will be filing a lawsuit against Bahnus Vacuum, and will be compensating for the damages to each and every victim of this issue. The company’s in the process of seeking these original songwriters all over the world, including England, Canada, and even Norway.

The fact that Mnet Media is being responsible for Lee Hyori’s issue is very noteworthy, since the company no longer holds Lee Hyori as one of their signed artists. The company explains how it’s morally correct to protect Lee Hyori, since Mnet was held in charge for the production of the album.

There really seems to be no bright side in this issue – the damage is permanent, and the reputation of K-pop has been downgraded even further by foreign audience. Do you think there is really no end to this?

source: allkpop

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Post time 24-6-2010 11:50 AM | Show all posts
Nk calour rambot mcm hyo ri..

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Post time 24-6-2010 11:54 AM | Show all posts
"Demo" Artists Speak Out About Lee Hyori's Plagiarism Case

Though M.Net Media has responded to Lee Hyori’s plagiarism case, it seems as though this issue has not been resolved yet.

Several artists and/or their representatives have spoken out and claimed that they own the original songs. They have not sold the rights to their song and probably have never heard about Bahnus before this case.

Georgia Murray - We'll Never Know

Mikis Theodorakis - The Train Leaves at 8

Lee Hyori - Swing

According to M.Net Media, Hyori’s “Swing” is a sample from a folk song that had an unknown artist. The song was said to be passed down orally.

This case itself is still a new development. “Swing” was said to be a cover of “The Train Leaves at 8″ by Mikis Theodorakis. But the arrangement for Hyori’s “Swing” is similar to that of Georgia Murray’s “We’ll Never Know.”

Georgia Murray, a Canadian artist, revealed through Twitter that Hyori’s lawyers have contacted her this week. She has just discovered that her song “We’ll Never Know” has been plagiarized.

“I think the lawyers have discovered the producer is a fraud and they’re trying to find the real writers,” she said.


Cookie Couture – Bring it Back

Lee Hyori - Bring it Back

Cookie Couture has stated that they have never worked with Bahnus.
“Bring it Back” is produced by Chuck&Joe and composed by Fonz of “Dramatic Trax Productions”
One of the members, Jay, have posted two statements on her myspace.

May 5, 2010

I know everyone’s been talking about this so I’m just going to give my point of view so its off my chest.

POINT BLANK- We, Cookie Couture, write all our music. We did not negotiate ANYTHING with Hyori or anyone in her camp, let alone anyone else in the world.

I don’t appreciate the fact that some of her fans are so blinded that they can’t see the truth even if it slapped them in the face. (which it is in the video above!) And STILL I’m getting hate mail. We did not ASK FOR THIS…. although its flattering that she loves our song this much! LOL!

Just put yourself in my shoes! Say if you worked really hard on your year end project thats worth %100 of your mark and someone you’ve never heard of before, copies it and submits it and gets a perfect score and YOU get NOTHING.

SO PLEASE, stop with the hate mail and the negative comments. Open up your eyes and take in the truth. ANd if your having a hard time dealing with it, don’t hate or send hateful messages because we are not psychiatrist. I can’t help you, you need an anger management therapist! And regards to Hyori/mnet/ her camp- DON’T FORGET, We’re HUMAN! Everyone makes mistakes, but your the bigger person if you OWN UP to your errors and learn from them!!!! (HINT HINT!!!!!)

May 11, 2010

This blog is posted without bias or discrimination. I would just like to inform you that our lawyers have tried contacting MNET/Lee Hyori’s Camp and they have chosen to ignore the emails and letters. Instead, they released a false statement to the press regarding Bahnus using Cookie Couture as “guide singers” when in fact they were the original creators. Therefore, we will begin the process of flagging down any and all content illegally used due to universal copyright infringement laws regarding Cookie Couture’s song “Bring it Back” by Lee Hyori/MNET. If MNET/Lee Hyori decides to maturely respond to this matter involving Cookie Couture’s song, “Bring it Back”, please have them contact [email protected] .. and we’ll verify then forward any or all information to our lawyers.

Again, this letter is not a threat, this is sent without bias or discrimination. It is just a tip to the public that we are not a joke and we are following through with the needed steps to protect our intellectual property.

Lee Hyori’s “Bring it Back” is no longer sold on iTunes.

The girls have flagged several YouTube mp3 videos of Lee Hyori’s “Bring it Back” for a copyright claim.

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Post time 24-6-2010 11:57 AM | Show all posts
sambungan =/.....


Jason Derulo (Ft. Auburn) – How Did We Get

Lee Hyori (ft. Daesung) – How Did We Get

Though Bahnus claims to have own the demo for “How Did We Get,” the composition and lyrics are similar to that of Jason Derulo and Auburn’s version of “How Do We Get” and not that of the composers for “No More I Love You’s” that are credited for in the album.

“No More I Love You’s” was originally by The Lover Speaks, which was covered by Annie Lennox.

Jason Derulo and Auburn’s version of “How Do We Get” was leaked and not intended to be released.

In a YouTube comment, Auburn revealed that she and Jason Derulo co-wrote “How Do We Get” and sung it the same night. The song was made for fun.

Though, they do not legally own the instrumental, the lyrics and composition are their own and they plan to take action, according to Auburn’s Twitter response.


Melanie Durrant - Feel The Same

Lee Hyori - Feel The Same

“‘Feel the Same’ has never been for sale as a demo. I’ve never been asked if someone else could sing my song,” Melanie stated in a YouTube comment.

She also claims to have wrote the song and it does belong to her.

The singer has flagged several videos of Hyori’s version for a copyright claim.


Second Person - The Alphabet Song

Lee Hyori - Memory

Second Person released an official statement on their MySpace regarding their song, “The Alphabet Song.”

On 11th April 2010 we were emailed by a fan asking if we’d sold the rights to our song “The Alphabet Song” to the biggest South Korean artist: Lee Hyori for her song “Memory”.

We have been advised by our legal team not to comment on this matter until it is fully settled but what we can say is that Second Person did write “The Alphabet Song” and no permission was sort by either the artist, her writer(s) or her record company.

We are very much looking forward to the release of our third studio album and hope this matter can be resolved quickly so we can get on with setting release dates.


Lil Precious – So Insane

Lee Hyori – I’m Back

On Lil Precious’ Facebook, she updated her status with “You [know you're] good at what you do, when you start getting copied but to what extent?”

A representative of Lil Precious’ management team said she had no idea her song had been stolen. Lil Precious wrote the song, “So Insane” herself.

Another possible representative of Lil Precious posted a comment on YouTube saying, “I can assure everyone we never sold the right to any of Lil Precious’ song to anyone. We will be taking the appropriate steps to make this right.”


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Post time 24-6-2010 11:59 AM | Show all posts
sambung lagik =/..........

From our poll, 32% of the visitors believed that Bahnus was at fault for plagiarizing and from the overwhelming responses from these artists, there are definitely some things that needs explaining.

Lee Hyori will not be releasing a repackaged album. The artist is currently participating in World Cup events.

Tip: Bert


Source: OMGKPOP, June 19, 2010

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Post time 24-6-2010 12:00 PM | Show all posts
kesian nyer lah ngn diva sorg ni..... ak ingat kn satu dua jer lagu yg plagiat, ruper nya satu album mmg berat arrr kes die ni, kalu dorg original hak tu saman lh mmg parah lah

siannn lah hyori pastu skrg lak die dh tuka mgmt company dah dh x duk bwh Mnet :@ agaknye die frust kot

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Post time 24-6-2010 12:11 PM | Show all posts
naper perlu copy ?? mmg pelik lah

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Post time 24-6-2010 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Reply 112# muun
setau kite..kontrak die ngan mnet mmg dah abis lame dah..be4 album die kuar lagik..
tp disebbkan kontrak ngan mnet kene wat gak album ni..tu yg mnet hold die dulu
and tak silap kite die ngan manger wat company sendiri..

sean die..sape ntah mamat bahnus tusedp je cilok lagu org..pastu kasi kat hyori..dah la name hyori kire mcm besar gak kat kpop
naseb baik la mnet ade  rase tanggungjwb nak saman balik mamat tu

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Post time 24-6-2010 12:26 PM | Show all posts
Reply  muun
setau kite..kontrak die ngan mnet mmg dah abis lame dah..be4 album die kuar lagik..
t ...
sukebintang Post at 24-6-2010 12:13

mmg dh lmer kn hyori der hasrat nk tuka mgmt tp x lepas2 laik.... ni bru official die kuar dr mnet tuu

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Post time 24-6-2010 12:27 PM | Show all posts
naper perlu copy ?? mmg pelik lah
limau Post at 24-6-2010 12:11

mamat bahnus tu lahhh.... yg claim kekonon lgu asal die :@ shiannn wei, dh ler hyori lak tuu, sbb g pun ak rse mesti die bajet leh laku tuuu, hyori lh katekn....

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Post time 24-6-2010 12:29 PM | Show all posts
Reply  muun
setau kite..kontrak die ngan mnet mmg dah abis lame dah..be4 album die kuar lagik..
t ...
sukebintang Post at 24-6-2010 12:13

segala titiq peluh die buat promosi, g wat photoshoot, sengkang2 mata abeh kn rakam album.. sumer nye mesti akn buat die sedih bile die ingat balik nanti kesiannn lah *bape kali kate kesian dh ni*

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Post time 24-6-2010 12:32 PM | Show all posts
mmg dh lmer kn hyori der hasrat nk tuka mgmt tp x lepas2 laik....  ni bru official die kuar  ...
muun Post at 24-6-2010 12:26

sbb album die yg tetangguh tu..tu yg die takleh nak kuar dr mnet lagi..

nnt die nak kuar repackaged album..bulan julai kot..hope takde plagiat2 lagi
sbb dgr cite org yg wat lagu U GO GIRL tu nnt wat lagu  utk die

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Post time 24-6-2010 12:38 PM | Show all posts
sbb album die yg tetangguh tu..tu yg die takleh nak kuar dr mnet lagi..

nnt die nak kuar re ...
sukebintang Post at 24-6-2010 12:32

repackaged makne nya sumer lgu baru lah nantikn really hope gud news akn ader tuk lgu2 repackaged

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Post time 24-6-2010 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by muun at 5-7-2010 12:48

Lee Hyori rocks Cosmopolitan in hot swimsuits

Photographed by Hong Jang Hyun, diva Lee Hyori (이효리) takes it off for July's Cosmopolitan! Posing in swimsuits, showing off her excellent S-line body shape. Entitled and god created woman..., the shoot took place in Bali's black sand beach. Staffs on set were left absolutely speechless over her well-toned body. Check out the absolutely hot photoshoot :


source: eiffelinseoul

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