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Author: kirawang


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 Author| Post time 9-9-2009 02:26 PM | Show all posts
93# kirawang
bos, 2nd  gath tunggu Edy balik dari UK lah...boleh tak kali ni dgn agent sahaja tanpa family...ari kerja biasa pon tak aper...apa kata survey
tam99 Post at 9-9-2009 07:08

saya tak kisah, mana mana tam...tanya jel, organizer...

kenapa tam, taknak bawa family..
kan mana tahu imran (anak sulung mu kan) dah biasa berkawan dengan agent2
so besar nanti, mu suruh dia jadi doctor yg asyik oncall 24 jam..
dia berminat nak jadi agent full time..

banyak masa dia kat rumah, melayan ayoh dia..(mu lah.. )
income lagi banyok dr kerja doctor..

tak gitu abg tam..?

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Post time 10-9-2009 12:20 AM | Show all posts
biler la aku nak dapat establish group mcm ni huhu
goal_hunter Post at 9-9-2009 00:45

lain mcm bunyik bang..hehehe

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Post time 10-9-2009 09:03 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by tam99 at 10-9-2009 13:07 ... mp;ptid=431972]101# kirawang
bukan tak suka bawak family bos...ari tu kan dah ajak depa mereka semua...kali ni mahu bersembang pasal biznez sket dgn UTC lah pulok...kalu ada family, kena layan mereka...tak layan, kata kita abaikan mereka...hehehe

anak kawe 11 tahun lagi bulih ambik exam...Insya Allah boleh jadik UTC gak...

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Post time 10-9-2009 01:09 PM | Show all posts
kat tempat buka puasa tu, makanan aper ye Boss? Sama mcm ari tu ka?
Surau ada tak? Aku tanya bagi pihak Amran

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2009 01:09 PM | Show all posts
ala..correction lah pulak...

borang kwsp 9N dah  ...
kirawang Post at 9-9-2009 14:29

market hang seng dah start naik balik....

legaaaaa.............tauke...lagi lega....
bukan setakat kasut,...keta  baru lagi.....
whomyd pon tak sabar, nak tunggu pcif dia cecah 0.22 sen...agaknya..
iye le.yg baru masuk 1 juta...
bersanding dengan penuh ketenangan dan kedamaian....

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2009 01:14 PM | Show all posts
kat tempat buka puasa tu, makanan aper ye Boss? Sama mcm ari tu ka?
Surau ada tak? Aku tanya bagi pihak Amran
tam99 Post at 10-9-2009 13:09, tanya jel..tapi buffet..
jel, sibuk berface face book dalm bahsa jawa dan korea....

surau tak de kot tak sure lah tam..

tapi masjid besaq ada baru khaid ibrahim rasmikan,
jaraknya kurang 300m je..

lagi jauh siket je, dengan kuil hindu yang akan dialihkan dekat  penduduk shah alam..sek 23,,

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2009 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by tam99 at 10-9-2009 13:07

=]101# kirawang
bukan tak suka bawak family bos...ari tu kan dah ajak depa  ...
tam99 Post at 10-9-2009 09:03

suci dan murni objective mu tam..
kami tahu, mu seorang bapa, suami upline dan coolegue ut yang bertanggungjwab dan penuh dedikasi...

tak sabar nak tunggu anak mu,  imran take over business mu 11 tahun akan datang....

lagi sorang, anak sedara mu yang berisi yang suka lompat2 kat umah aku dulu.
katanaya nak buat UT psl nak pi oversea sokmo...
mu ingat ke..

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2009 01:19 PM | Show all posts
lain mcm bunyik bang..hehehe
pojikun85 Post at 10-9-2009 00:20

goal hunter hanya memburu dan mempuanyai  goal dia untuk establish group yang besar...
itu saja..

semua org kena ada goal...

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2009 04:19 PM | Show all posts
Cari Malam Lailatul Qadar..
Surah al Qadar..
“Malam Lailatul Qadar lebih baik dr seribu bulan..”

1000 bulan bermakna 83 tahun dan 3 bulan..
Kita ambil contoh Humaidi, yg bekerja keras dapat sales 1m something last month..umur Humaidi aka whomyd 25 tahun, (tukar contoh lak..asyik amran aka tauke je kena..kih..kih.). Beliau rajin beribadat 10 malam terakhir dan berterusan amalan ini hingga akhir hayat..katalah umur dia sampai 75 tahun (humaidi, hang jangan susah hati, Dr Mahathir dah 80 tahun, sihat je..), dan andaian dia dpt malam lailatul qadar tiap2 tahun. Dengan ibadat sembahyang isyak selama  50 tahun, maka jumlahnya..
83 tahun x 50 = 4150 tahun..
Tak kira lagi jika Humaidi isyak berjamaah, 27 kali ganda..
4150 x 27 = 112050 tahun telah mengerjakan ibadah solat isyak..
Itu belom masuk lagi jika beliau ibadat separuh malam dengan qiamulail, tahajjud, dll
Or baca al quaran..berzikir, berdoa, dan banyak lagi..

So, kita kejar 10 malam terakhir ni..

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Post time 11-9-2009 01:05 AM | Show all posts
Cari Malam Lailatul Qadar..
Surah al Qadar..
“Malam Lailatul Qadar lebih baik dr seribu bulan..”

1000 bulan bermakna 83 tahun dan 3 bulan..
Kita ambil contoh Humaidi, yg bekerja keras dapat sa ...
kirawang Post at 10-9-2009 16:19


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 Author| Post time 11-9-2009 06:44 AM | Show all posts
FBM KLCI hits a new high for the year

KUALA LUMPUR: The FBM KLCI rose to its highest in 14 months, keeping up with rising stock prices across Asia amid signs of recovering appetite for risk.

At 12.30pm, the local stock benchmark index climbed 12.54 points, or 1% to 1,209 points. Market sentiment was positive with rising stocks leading decliners 360 to 163, while 241 counters were unchanged.

Total volume was 352 million shares worth RM614mil.

The Statistics Department today said Malaysia’s industrial production index fell 8.4% in July from a revised 9.5% contraction in June. The July figure was better than what the economist had expected.

Meanwhile, the Malaysian Palm Oil Board released its latest monthly industry data for August.

Palm oil stockpile in the country rose 6.2% to 1.415 million tonnes in August as exports slumped 9.5% to 1.3 million tonnes, while production stayed flat at 1.49 million tonnes.

Crude palm oil futures on Bursa Derivatives advanced RM44 to RM2,223 per tonne.

In the stock market, shares in Genting Bhd bounced back after a two-day decline after CIMB reiterated its outperform call on the stock despite a “slightly negative” arising from its 54% unit Genting Singapore surprise plan to raise cash by selling rights shares.

Genting Bhd’s commitment amounted to RM2.1bil, which will take away a sizeable chunk of its cash hoard.

“This cash call stirs concerns of a similar fundraising exercise by Genting Bhd. However, we believe this is unlikely given the group’s strategy of M&A being largely undertaken at the subsidiary levels,’’ CIMB said.

Shares in Genting rose 17 sen, or 2.5% to RM7.04 at midday.

Elsewhere, investors snapped up quality names like IJM Corp , PPB Group and Top Glove on improved appetite for risk.

Shares in banking stocks were the biggest driver from the benchmark index today. CIMB advanced 22 sen to RM10.70, Public Bank rose 12 sen to RM10.16 and Maybank added 10 sen to RM6.65.

In overseas markets, Japan’s Nikkei 225 jumped 1.9% to 10,508, while South Korea’s main Kospi Index advanced 2% to 1,640 points and Taiwan’s main stock index gained 1.1% to 7,332 points.

In Hong Kong, the Hang Seng index soared 2% to 21,294 points, but the mood was cautious in mainland China bourses with stocks keepingcloe to the flat lines in Shanghai and Shenzhen.

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 Author| Post time 11-9-2009 06:45 AM | Show all posts
Public Mutual unveils new fund

PETALING JAYA: Public Mutual Bhd’s new Public Australia Equity Fund (PAUEF) will give investors the opportunity to capitalise on the Australian market, given the country’s strong position in natural resources and diversified services sector, said chief executive officer Yeoh Kim Hong.

Launched on Tuesday, PAUEF is an equity fund that seeks to achieve capital growth over the medium to long-term period and mainly focuses on the commodity, banking, real estate and consumer sectors.

Yeoh said in a statement PAUEFF was suitable for investors with an aggressive risk-reward profile and those seeking to hedge their children’s future educational expenses in Australia.

Its equity exposure will generally range from 75% to 90% of its net asset value.

The initial issue price of PAUEF is 25 sen per unit up to Sept 28.

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 Author| Post time 14-9-2009 12:25 PM | Show all posts
  1. 11/9/2009 Public China Ittikal Fund PCIF [color=Red]0.2034.... [/color]0.0001 0.05%
Copy the Code

PCIF price antara tertinggi tahun ni....

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 Author| Post time 14-9-2009 12:27 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 14-9-2009 07:04 PM | Show all posts
en kirawang, i dah tengok yr website..
i nak tanya u, macamana u boleh success dengan cepat..

and how u maintain yr business to make it consistent..?

i try multi level marketing, u trust i melabur je..tapi i tak pernah sucess lor..
hancus tengah jalan je..
I tengok kebanyakan yr success multilevel pon, kebanyakan bungkus juga half of the road...

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Post time 15-9-2009 05:20 PM | Show all posts
ari ni ader gathering kat Bdr Permaisuri...dengar citer, bos nak openg table, tak gitu Jel

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 Author| Post time 16-9-2009 01:38 PM | Show all posts
115# cikwawa1

saya tak le success sangat, org lain ramai lagi success..

simple tip u nak success ..
1. follow yr mentor dengan formula2 mereka..
2kalau cara anda tak boleh pakai yr mentor formula... cari formula sendiri
3. terai until berjaya.buat booth ke, buat cold calling ke..

nak consisitent
1. walopon awak dah berjaya, nak consistent..follow jugak formula mula2 dulu.
jangan eksyen, dah berjaya, dah lupa cara basic yg diajar..dan nak cari short cut..
kalu dulu, buat cold calling, sekarang jgn lupa., buat benda yang sama..

2, kawan dengan org yang berjaya...jangan stay around org sama level dengan kita je..

insyaAllah boleh..

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 Author| Post time 16-9-2009 01:40 PM | Show all posts

nak raya, market makin menaik ni..

hang seng pon sama...


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 Author| Post time 16-9-2009 02:00 PM | Show all posts
tam, mu nak gambar malam tadi, mu buka acc face book lah senang..semua ada kat save je..dan dlm FB tu ada narodi, ungku zaki, bahar dll..tapi mu jangan active sangat takut addicted..

geng jantan...

amran buat apa tu..

siapakah gadis bertudung merah ini..menghayati makanan..


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Post time 16-9-2009 02:18 PM | Show all posts
mcm penah nmpk muka bakal isteri whomyd dlm majalah nur..

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