yeah power glove memang best
ChildrenOfBodom Post at 24-10-2009 01:22
aku ni kdg2 guna program Audacity and "increase" speed lagu Mario minor gak...leh kata semua lagu yg aku dngr macam slow semacam je atau boring, aku up-kan speed dia ngan audacity nih..baru best hahaha
ni Time of the oath 2006 Expanded Edition punya track kan. patut gua taknah dgr, gua ada yg  ori punya gak..
katanya Jean Michel Jarre cover. sapa dia tuh, gua pon x kenal
assalam semua, lama aku x update thread ni
to everyone who posted,THANKS...ada lagu yg aku x penah dengar so thanks for recommending...*salutes to fellow rockers*
ni aku x tau la kira instrumental ke x but more to cover i think....aku listen guitar dia je..i love the tone..layan~
Bark at the moon
ni baru instrumental..
Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes Theme - Blue-Red United Front (Awesome song...buat aku semangat...LOL)
Crazy Train(Instrumental version) my nostalgic