Graduates U Tak Fasih B Inggeris dan Faktor2nya
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perhaps kite kena ubah cara pendekatan utk pelajar minat bahasa inggeris?
mcm CRK kate, lagu omputih bleh jer hafal...
lagu ada irama, lebih catchy berbanding pengajaran orthodox di bilik darjah.
bosan? sudah tentu tapi kalo cikgu yg bijak mesti ada variety.
dulu, cikgu aku masa seklah ajar kitaorg english dgn lagu + tgk movie + puzzles so takde la sangap sgt all the time nak telan grammar english jer.... aku rasa time tu cikgu2 english aku rajin ar.
alhamdulilah aku punyer english ok sejak darjah 4. |
Write in English - essays, reports, fictions, etc.
Merely reading and speaking is not enough. You must take care "what" you read, and to whom you speak to. You must read quality works and talk to people who are not only fluent but have excellent vocab (i.e. omputeh). Moreover, avoid Manglish like a plague. |
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winter_bride This user has been deleted
aku ajar BI kat budak tingkatan 3.. kene go words by words.. aku pun tak tahulah.. dorang ni tak minat bi ke.. atau rasa bi ni terlalu susah ke.. malas ke.. entah.. masih lagi carik formula.. tapi yang pastinya aku kene ngajar 2 bahasa.. cakap bi pastu buat translation.. aku rasa patutnya tak boleh buat camtuh kan.. psl bila dorang nak belajar bi kalau aku cakap malay?? tapi masalahnya kalau aku cakap bi jer, dorang boleh tido dlm kelas aku.. huwaaaaa.. dan sebnarnya aku cakap malay pun dorang tak faham.. sbb dorang bleh ckp cine jer.. tp bahasa cina tak dapat A pun..
tapi aku ada baca dalam satu buku dulu, hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa mereka yang tak master bahasa ibunda mereka akan menghadapi masalah belajar 2nd language.. tapi kalau memang terer bahasa ibunda, belajar 2nd language or 3rd lanmguage takde masalah.. dan aku percaya kajian tuh memang betul, psl budak yang tak pandai bi, aku tengok bahasa ibunda diorang (BM or BC or BT) pun kelam kabut dan lulus cukup makan jer.. |
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Reply #23 winter_bride's post
cuba buatkan kelas tu lebih menarik dengan aktiviti2/kuiz/permainan, bukan hanya cekgu sorang sahaja yg bercakap
kenalpasti apa minat pelajar contohnya ask yr students to write an essay abt their pop idol, favourite sport, etc. |
Reply #11 CRK's post
aku dak UM..course science gikk, but during my first year kitaorg memang takder diwajibkan belajar BI
siap muet saper tak lepas band 3 bleh grad tue
patutnyer setiap U kene jaga hal nie
dieorang kene reseat balik MUET kalau tak pass band 3
bukan aku nak menyusahkan tapi memang itu hakikatnya
we have to face the truth
nak kuasai bi perlulah bersungguh-sungguh kan? |
goodness! -
i found this thread --
i remember i opened it few days before
i was promoted as a moderator (not in this board tho)
end of august 2006 -
perhaps i should bump this up
and see if i can merge it with other new thread
under the same category -
whatever that is, some of the posting here were
quite good -- |
bahasa inggeris saya biasa2 jeks
kira bahasa inggeris malaysia
so bila ada mamat omputih penjajah masuk pejabat
mengelabah gaks
tp lama2 okei jeks
tp takler soseh2
yg penting paham.. |
IPT lancar program tingkatkan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris
Oleh Syuhada Choo Abdullah
INSTITUT Perguruan Teknik (IPT) akan melancarkan program English Speaking Day sebagai inisiatif membantu warganya memantapkan penguasaan kemahiran berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggeris, pada 21 Mac depan.
Pengarahnya, Ismail Saari, berkata menerusi program julung kali itu, pelajar dan kakitangan institut itu digalak menggunakan bahasa Inggeris sepenuhnya ketika berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain pada setiap Rabu.
Beliau berkata, usaha itu penting bagi meningkatkan keyakinan mereka berbahasa Inggeris, selain memberi peluang pelajar mempraktikkan prinsip pertuturan bahasa antarabangsa yang dipelajari ketika mengikuti kursus.
揑ni secara langsung dapat mengukuhkan lagi persediaan pelajar menghadapi keperluan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggeris apabila bertugas sebagai guru kelak.
揚enganjuran program ini hasil usaha pensyarah Jabatan Bahasa dan ia akan dilaksanakan secara berterusan sebagai salah satu budaya warga IPT, |
Aku pula tak ada masalah nak berbahasa Inggeris.
Tapi aku bermasalah dengan bahasa German.
Aku dah masuk Sem 2,tapi oleh sebab Bahasa German aku masih di tahap tadika,aku gagal semua subjek Engineering.Kan bagus kalau dibuat dalam Bahasa Inggeris.Aku bakal jadi graduan tak siap la gamaknya.. |
Reply #109 prototaip's post
sabar2 .. i've met an indian here. He speaks German well but not english.
u can do it prototaip... dont give up kay.. go to coffee shop, meet people and speak to them |
Reply #110 nuha's post
Terima kasih atas dorongan anda.
But,I don't have enough time anymore.
My examination is just around the corner.
One more failure,I will say "Auf Wiedersehen" to Germany.
Lagipun,aku seorang saja Melayu dalam kelas dan rakan-rakan German aku ni agak unfriendly(unfreundlich).
Aku punya Bahasa German pun untuk ayat-ayat asas je.
Tapi,bila nak cakap pasal scientific explanations,hancur.... |
Reply #111 prototaip's post
u need to be friendly try to communicate with ur unfriendly friends
jgn risau abt penerimaan derang yg penting ko cakap
lagipun kan ke x best blajar jauh2 tapi grad awal |
Reply #18 macademia's post
btul ckp mac sian kat bdk2 kg
tp aku pun org kg gak
mak aku pun tak pandai ckp omputih gak
tapi dr kecika ku yg improvr diri sendiri
so dak2 kg jgn putus harapan
bli paper, magazines and all in english
try to speak inglish language as much as u can babe |
Reply #111 prototaip's post
dont give kay.. speak to them
buat2 tak faham
some of them mmg cam tuh
betul kata CRK.. jgn fikir depa friendly or not
yg penting cakap... gie library... saja2 bebuat tanya kat librarian
pasal scientific explanation tuh.. cepat cari bahan yg seakan2 sama
nko hafal jer.. nie kira terdesak kan... mesti lebih kurang jer jawapan tuh kan
kay.. dont give up kay |
this is because of our education system especially kat U- books in english but lecture in Malay..exam in Malay....hancur... |
Reply #115 ponet's post
i neva knew that the lecture wud be in Malay -
and the paper is in malay -
not in UIA though --
the paper - syariah paper hafta write the assignment
and examination --all in English -- |
Reply #116 dexa's post
yes it is. except for UIA..most of IPTA last time , the lecture and exam in Malay. I think its quite difficult when most of the books in English and you have to translate to Malay to understand it in malay ..especially books for science and maths. Direct translation - very funny...I agree now Maths and science in english.So next generation will not face the same problem like me... |
Reply #117 ponet's post
so, other universities - their examinations
and assignment are all in Malay but the books
provided to students all in english
is that what u meant?
wud be difficult i reckon -- yeah - |
mac ada come across one UM graduate ajar English kat one tuition centre for form 6.
This teacher punya English mmgla bengap. students yg lagi terror dari dia. Dia akan baca passage ikut style percakapan melayu.
eg There are five boys in the office.
Dia akan sebut ikut sebutan melayu
- De-re a-re fi-ve boys in the o-fi-se
(i hope u understand what I meant here)
Students dia tanya kenapa baca macam tu?
Dia kata supaya senang nak tau apa dia cakap. (???)
Tapi budak2 lagi confius especially bila dia sebut words macam there - jadi de-re
and words macam office dah jadi o-fi-se.
Tapi sebenarnya dia punya english lemah gile. dia sebut readers digest as reders digis.
Bukan nak kutuk la tapi what they hell is she doing teaching english for form 6? |
Reply #118 dexa's post
yes.Govt of Malaysia should do something abt this problem.Not to say we did not respect our "bahasa ibunda/bahasa rasmi". Teaching science and maths in english is good but they must have a different approach from previous methods to make these two subjects more interesting. Im still learning English too. Just imagine if the student is weak in science and maths subject and the class conducted in English which is also his weak subject ...i can guarantee science , maths and english are night mares for him |
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